单词 | 有志 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 有志 verb —aspire v有志 —be ambitiousExamples:有志者事竟成—a really determined person will find a solution (idiom); where there's a will, there's a way 有志竟成—persevere and you will succeed (idiom); where there's a will, there's a way 有志气—ambitious 有意志—conscious • having a will See also:志 n—ambition n • aspiration n • record n
該 辦事處並 [...] 無足夠地方和設施供醫療輔助隊進行培訓或其他活動,而在緊 急事故 期間,所有志願人員均須在 該 辦事處報到, 擠迫情況更為嚴 重。 legco.gov.hk | There is insufficient space and facilities for the AMS to conduct [...] its training and activities and the situation will be even worse during [...] emergencies when all volunteers report for duty. legco.gov.hk |
他们都是 ROHIS 和学校布教团的积极成员, [...] 前者是几乎每所公立学校都有的穆斯林学生俱乐 部,后者是为培养有志成为 传教士的学生的组 织。 crisisgroup.org | All of the recruits were students or recent graduates of a Klaten vocational high school, where they had been active in ROHIS, a club for Muslim students that [...] is present in almost every state school in the country, and Corps Dakwah [...] Sekolah (CDS), for aspiring student preachers. crisisgroup.org |
北京美華為有志於 將 旗下產品打進中國市場的西方醫藥企業提供「一站式」服務。 equitynet.com.hk | Beijing Med-Pharm offers end-to-end solutions to western pharmaceutical companies wishing to sell their products in the PRC. equitynet.com.hk |
儿童基金会有志于成为 那些希望改变世界者工作的地方。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNICEF aspires to becomethe place to work for those who want to make a difference in the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
我要指出,那些声称有志确保 原子能机构能 够履行其职能的人本应在以色列侵略叙利亚之前而 不是在事情过去许多月之后才表明这一点。 daccess-ods.un.org | I note that those who claim to be interested in ensuring that the IAEA [...] can discharge its functions should have made that [...]clear before the Israeli aggression against Syria and not many months thereafter. daccess-ods.un.org |
建造業議會正與香港機電工程商聯會、電梯業協會及職業訓練局(職訓局)積極 商討,為建造業機電工種(包括升降機及自動梯行業)提供更多培訓,各方已原 則上同意為機電工種推行「承建商合作培訓計劃」,並 為 有志 於 完 成職訓局的機 電基本工藝課程後,投身成為機電學徒的學員提供資助,以提升機電工種的人力 資源。 legco.gov.hk | To increase the manpower for the trade, they have agreed in principle to introduce the Contractor Cooperative Training Scheme for the electrical and mechanical trade and provide subsidy to those trainees who intend to join as electrical and mechanical apprentices after completing VTC's basic craft courses in electrical and mechanical engineering. legco.gov.hk |
向有志于深 造的学生提供了一些奖学金。 daccess-ods.un.org | A number of scholarships are provided to students to enable them to further their education. daccess-ods.un.org |
圆桌会议包括有志于教 育问题的所有伙 伴,这个伙伴可以借助圆桌会议会面、相互认识、明确各自的作用和责任、确定 [...] 业务方式及监测和伙伴关系评价机制,建立确保可持续性的机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | They include all the partners with [...] an interest in school issues and enable them to meet each other, become acquainted, delineate [...]their roles and responsibilities, define their operating modalities and monitoring and partnership assessment mechanisms, and set up mechanisms for ensuring sustainability. daccess-ods.un.org |
甘古利先生说,“所以,我总是告诉孩子们 , 有志 者 事 竟成。 unicef.org | S]o I always tell [the children] that, if you have the will, there will be way. unicef.org |
FIREBIRD拥有一批有志向、有活力的专家,他们拥有跨行业经验,尤其擅长网上银行系统;互联网安全系统与反病毒软件;NFC及导航与位置技术;电信;WiMax;IP;广播与卫星通信系统;数字内容提供、聚合与发布系统;VoIP;能源;纳米与生物技术;消费电子;设计与出版软件;社交网络平台;iOS与安卓应用;本地化品牌拓展、市场营销与公关服务;政府关系建设;以及人力资源与企业培训。 tipschina.gov.cn | Firebird employs a host of ambitious, [...] energetic specialists, with experience [...] across fields and most notable for their expertise [...]in on-line banking systems, Internet [...]security systems and anti-virus software, NFC and navigation and location-based technologies, telecommunications, WiMax, IP, broadcast and satellite communications systems, digital content provisioning, aggregation, and distribution systems, VoIP, energy, nano and bio technologies, consumer electronics, design and publishing software, social networking platforms, iOS and Android applications, localized brand development, marketing, and PR services, governmental relationship building, and HR and corporate training. tipschina.gov.cn |
他赞扬为各联合申诉委员会和法律顾问 小组工作的所有志愿人 员付出了远远超出正常职责 所需的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | He commended all the volunteers working for [...] the joint appeals boards and the Panel of Counsel for making efforts far beyond [...]the call of their regular duties. daccess-ods.un.org |
约旦在联合国志愿人员组织的支持下成 [...] 立了国家指导委员会,由来自政府各机构、联合国各组织、非政府组织、私营部 门、媒体和有志愿人 员参加的组织派出的 25 名成员组成,举办了一些得到广泛 [...]参与的活动、论坛和讲习班。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Jordan, a national steering committee was established with UNV support, consisting of 25 members from government agencies, United Nations organizations, [...] non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the private [...] sector, media, and volunteer-involving organizations, [...]resulting in a number of well [...]attended events, forums, and workshops. daccess-ods.un.org |
这不仅是当前参与和有志于参 与空间活动的行动方感兴趣的重要问 题,也是整个国际社会关心的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is a matter of interest and importance not only for [...] current and aspiring participants [...]in space activities but also for the international community as a whole. daccess-ods.un.org |
並於2010年廣邀國內有志一同 於海外援助之組織,形成聯盟形式的合作平台,藉由各組織的專業交流、資訊互通、建立合作默契,以創造有利的政策與環境,希望能提昇國內NGO在國際援助上的能量與能見度。 taiwanaid.org | In 2010, [...] TOAID invited all organizations sharing the [...]same vision in overseas aid to form an alliance platform for cooperation, [...]building up a common understanding through professional exchange and information sharing among organizations to create enabling policies and environments, in hope of enhancing the power and visibility of domestic NGOs in the field of international aid. taiwanaid.org |
刚果政府有 志于此,并且知道我们可以仰赖我们的国家伙伴和国 际伙伴的协助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Congolese Government is committed to that and knows it can rely on assistance from both its national and international partners. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們能否連結有志一同的民眾與計畫? thisbigcity.net | What if we could better connect residents who want certain things with like-minded people and initiatives? thisbigcity.net |
作为一家经验丰富的教育咨询公司,Elite College Link致力于帮助上海及周边地区的有志 中 国 学生和外籍学生在取得优异成绩的同时,实现进入美国和加拿大名校的梦想。 tipschina.gov.cn | Headquartered in Shanghai and with resources also located in the United States, ECL is a highly-experienced education consultancy that helps motivated Chinese students and expatriate students from Shanghai and surrounding areas attain exceptional results and achieve their dreams of gaining admission to the top-ranked universities throughout the United States and Canada. tipschina.gov.cn |
令人欣慰的是,几乎没有志愿者 放弃TNR,对他们 来说,社区中的猫咪绝育状况要比猫粮重要的多。 animalsasia.org | For them, the neutering of cats is far more important than the cat food. animalsasia.org |
在人力供應方面,議會會透過提供培訓及技能測 試,致力吸引更多有志人士 ,特別是年青人加入建造業。 devb.gov.hk | In regard to manpower supply, the CIC strives to attract more people, especially young people, to join the construction industry through training and trade testing. devb.gov.hk |
该计划为志愿参与,只 有志愿参 与机构和厂商的产品才能被纳入能效测 试。 undpcc.org | The tests are repeated periodically to update the scale. undpcc.org |
因而,空间活动的长期可持续性不仅对于当前参与 和 有志 于 参 与空间 活动者而言,而且对于整个国际社会而言,都是一个现在与将来感兴趣的重要 [...] 问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hence, the long-term sustainability of space activities is a [...] matter of interest and importance not only for [...] current and aspiring participants [...]in space activities, but also for the international [...]community as a whole, both at the present time and in the future. daccess-ods.un.org |
有志在2010年底成为全球最大CDMA运营商的中国电信(在IDC看来,这一想法很可能实现)为Rev.B网络生态系统提供了一种关键的规模经济。 zte.com.cn | With aspirations to become the largest CDMA operator in the world by the end of [...] 2010 (which in IDC’s view is likely to happen), [...]China Telecom offers the kind of economies of scale that would bring an important critical mass to the Rev. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
c. 整理收集在本项目执行期间取得的各种经验,并 在 有志 于 通 过打造产品品牌支持当地 发展的利益攸关者会议上分享这些经验,通过这些方法可以实现提高认识的目标。 wipo.int | c. the awareness raising objective will be met through the documentation of the experiences gathered during the project implementation, and through the sharing of experiences at a Conference of stakeholders interested in supporting local development through product branding. wipo.int |
常言道「有志者勇 往直前」,在過去十年,冠 捷從多翻風浪中茁壯成長,必可把握未來龐大的機 遇。 cre8ir.com | TPV has weathered the storms of [...] the past decade, and we have emerged stronger than ever to take advantage of the enormous opportunities ahead. cre8ir.com |
作为专门为大学生打造的竞赛项目,博世创新挑战赛面向全国高校,横跨科技、商业和公益三大领域,提供创新辅导、成长基金、博世德国及中国总部实习机会等多样化的奖励和支持,帮 助 有志 学 子 实现理想。 bosch.com.cn | And the winning teams will have the access to Bosch's innovation tutoring, development funding and various internship opportunities at Bosch Headquarters in China and in Germany, which will strongly support the college elites to realize their dreams. bosch.com.cn |
此計劃旨在透過 一系列精心設計的培訓課程,以及完善充足的資源和支援,幫 助 有志 投 身保險業的年青人,早日 踏上 MDRT 的成功路,為公司培育年輕精英的專業營業團隊。 aia.com.hk | The strategic initiative aims at putting potential talents on the fast track towards MDRT membership. By cultivating talents for the future, it demonstrates the Company’s commitment to developing a professional and energetic sales force. aia.com.hk |
法国向 SESAME 赠送 设备,巴西政府为来自 SESAME 国家有志在 SESAME 创业的年轻科学家提供巴西同步辐射 实验室(LNLS)三个长期奖学金名额。 unesdoc.unesco.org | France is donating equipment to SESAME and the Brazilian Government is providing three long-term fellowships at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) for young scientists from SESAME countries committed to pursuing a career at SESAME. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当然,工作组也对所有有志于参 与其工作的人员开放。委员会为此任命了下列 国家的代表组成其稳定核心成员:阿尔及利亚,澳大利亚,捷克共和国,墨西哥,圣卢西 亚,津巴布韦。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Committee therefore appointed representatives of the following countries to form the stable core: Algeria, Australia, Czech Republic, Mexico, Saint Lucia and Zimbabwe. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国际演讲会藉各地分会,帮助有志人 士 学习说话、 聆听、思考的方式,进而运用这些重要技巧,达到推 动自我实现、增强领导能力、促进人际了解和改善人 类生活的目的。 toastmasters.org | Through its member clubs, Toastmasters International helps men and women learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking—vital skills that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understanding, and contribute to the betterment of mankind. toastmasters.org |
對于各位有志于成 爲CRG教練的個人,本認證項目將是您終生學習新技能,發揮已有技能,學會更好地爲人處事,以及高效率地處理高爾夫運動及業務的開始。 cindyreidgolf.com | For individuals aspiring to become CRG [...] Instructor, the Program will be the start of a life-long process of learning new [...]skills, polishing old ones and becoming even better at dealing with the people, the game and the business of golf. cindyreidgolf.com |