

单词 有幸



(courteous language) it's my good fortune...
the blessing of three lifetimes [idiom.]

See also:

(of the emperor) visit
surname Xing

External sources (not reviewed)

有幸㆖樓,入住公屋的低㆘階層市民,他們唯有接受㆒年復㆒年的等待,另㆒方 [...]
For those grassroot people [...]
who do not have the chance to live in public housing in the meantime, they have to wait year
after year or try to resolve the housing problem themselves.
那時候,有幸有機會 為英基學校設計學校,所以我非常理解它整個課程的 理念。
At that time, I was lucky enough to have [...]
the opportunity to design schools for the ESF, which enabled me to gain a thorough
understanding of the vision of its entire curriculum.
在为地雷受害者提供适当服务方面,塞尔维亚报告说, 塞尔维亚共和国已将该国有幸存者 纳入了国家各级医疗系统,为他们提供的服 [...]
With respect to the availability of and accessibility to appropriate
services for landmine victims, Serbia
[...] reported that all survivors in the Republic [...]
of Serbia are integrated within the country’s
health care system at all levels including in emergency medical care, treatment, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and supplying prosthetic and orthotic aids.
马尔代有幸同美 利坚合众国一道,共同提出了 一项决议草案。该草案力求通过设立新的联合国特别 报告员协助进一步保护表达政治意见、从事文学艺术 研究、成立工会和选举代表自己利益、负责任的领导 人的权利,增进享有公民和政治权利。
The Maldives had the honour of jointly introducing, together with the United States of America, a draft resolution that endeavours to strengthen the enjoyment of civil and political rights by establishing a new United Nations Special Rapporteur to aid in further protecting the right of expression of political opinions, engage in literary and artistic pursuits, form trade unions and elect accountable leaders that represent those interests.
有幸参与 了为编写这份十分重 要的报告而召开的一些会议,我认为这份报告将第一 次以正视当今现实所需要的综合的方式处理所有这 些问题。
I had the
[...] privilege of participating in some sessions in the preparation of that very important [...]
report, which I believe
for the first time will address all these issues in the comprehensive way needed to face today’s reality.
在大力发展基础设施和 追求出色的专业管理的同时,西班牙还花大力气培养年轻的专业歌唱家,他们有幸成为 在过去半个世纪中统领抒情诗世界的一代人的继承者。
This development in infrastructure, and in the quest for excellence in professional management, has been accompanied by the rise of an excellent young core of professional singers, worthy heirs of the generation that reigned in the opera world in the mid-twentieth century.
有幸助您 实现这由来已久的梦想,令奔驰金融深感荣耀。
To help you achieve this age-old dream, make Mercedes-Benz Financial deeply glory.
东 欧国际集团成有幸支持 了题为“奴隶制和跨大西洋 贩卖奴隶行为受害者永久纪念碑和对受害者的纪念” 的大会第 64/15 号决议,并且欢迎任命一位亲善大使 [...]
The members of the Group of Eastern European States were honoured to support General [...]
Assembly resolution 64/15, “Permanent
memorial to and remembrance of the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade”, and welcome the appointment of a Goodwill Ambassador to help raise awareness of the legacy of slavery.
有幸拥有广泛 且独一无二的各类热心参与其工作的成员、合作伙伴 和网络:因有教科文组织的参与和保障,政府和非政府的、公共的和私营的合作伙伴,将它 [...]
It is fortunate to have a vast and [...]
unparalleled range of constituencies, partners and networks that are eager to be involved
in its work: governmental and non-governmental, public and private partners, which combine their competences and resources around a single goal owing to the presence and approval of UNESCO.
我已经看到联合国在世界各地所取得的成就,有幸见到 许多无私奉献的男女工作人员在远离他们 的家园的动荡领土上辛勤劳作,这些领土包括:利比 里亚——在那里联合国部队提供了该战乱国家所需 要的空间和安全,以便开始其重建工作;巴基斯坦— —在那里联合国援助人员正在协助其家园和生计被 洪水冲走的人民;当然还有海地——在那里巴西领导 的联合国维和人员在地震发生后立即走上街头,尽管 他们自己也蒙受了严重损失。
I have seen the good that the United Nations has accomplished all over the world, and I have been privileged to meet many of the dedicated men and women who work under the blue flag in troubled lands very far from their homes: places like Liberia, where United Nations forces have provided the space and security that that war-torn country needed to begin putting itself back together; Pakistan, where United Nations aid workers are assisting people whose homes and livelihoods have been washed away by the floods; and, of course, Haiti, where United Nations peacekeepers, led by Brazil, were immediately back on the streets after the earthquake, despite having suffered grievous losses themselves.
这项和解包括向有幸存者 支付一整笔款项,是处理虐待行为严重索赔事件 的新办法。
This settlement included a lump-sum
[...] payment for all survivors, which is a new [...]
process for dealing with serious claims of abuse.
天空在我们头顶上关闭,好脾气的邪恶精灵就在躺在我们眼前;做一份受人尊重的工作,活多钱少是常事;强盗的生活反倒是精彩绵长、快 有幸 、 自 由又强大。
The sky closes above our heads and the evil spirits of good manners lies ahead of us; in a respectful job it is common to work much
and earn less; the life of the pirate, instead, is blossom and endlessness,
[...] pleasure and fortune, freedom and [...]
also power.
有人指出,缔约有幸邀请 到了主要在《公约》群体以外 工作的专家,他们介绍了《残疾人权利公约》第三十二条中规定的关于国际合作 [...]
It was noted that the
[...] States Parties are fortunate to have experts who [...]
work largely outside of the Convention community
sharing how Article 32 of the CRPD spells out measures concerning international cooperation and assistance.
首屆研討有幸邀得美國愛荷華大學放射科核醫學部主任Michael M. Graham教授親臨主講正電子掃描於當代醫學的應用。
For the first Li Shu Pui Lecture, the Hospital was honoured to have Prof. [...]
Michael M. Graham, Director of Nuclear Medicine,
Department of Radiology, The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics as the speaker, sharing his invaluable insights on PET in Contemporary Medical Practice.
筆者除了堅持引入民主社會中司空見慣的電視辯論即時民意調查外, 有幸 能 夠與主辦3.15論壇的八大傳媒合作,從香港巿民中隨機抽取100至120人作為現場觀眾,向候選人提問。
Besides insisting to conduct instant surveys for
[...] the TV debate that are well familiar to democratic societies, the author is also honoured, in cooperation [...]
with the eight media,
to randomly select 100 to 120 people from the Hong Kong population to become public audience to ask questions to the candidates.
我还 要强调,我们愿意与其它国家合作努力,建立必要信 心,以确保有关建立中东无所有其他大规模杀伤性武 器区的区域会议取得成功,今年的不扩散条约审议大 会要求举行该次区域会议,有幸与 在 座的许多人一 起参加了审议大会。
I would also like to highlight our readiness to work with others to build the confidence necessary to ensure the success of a regional conference in 2012 on the establishment of a Middle East zone free of all other weapons
of mass destruction, as
[...] called for by this year’s NPT Review Conference, in which I had the privilege of taking part, together with, [...]
I believe, many in this room.
電視節目欣賞指數調查在香港的發展已有十多年,筆 有幸 在 19 97年參與策劃新一代電視欣賞指數調查的工作,並於1998年起負責執行有關調查。
The author was honoured to participate in the planning of the new generation of AI studies in 1997, and then took up the responsibility of conducting such surveys since 1998.
我們並非意圖改善城市,而是瞭解這裡發生的事物,感受底特律精神,因此採取接近基層的策略, 有幸 遇 見 許多傑出的人士,這裡每個人都令我們印象深刻,我們曾前往各國,但底特律與眾不同,無論是針對非裔居民的都市農園計畫D-Town,或是瘋狂又好玩的單車俱樂部「成人騎單車」(GMOB),都是以符合永續的革命性新構想建立社群。
It was so different from anything we’d ever experienced before (and we’ve literally lived around the world!) From D-Town farm – an urban farming initiative dedicated to the Black community – to the GMOB - the Grown Men On Bikes, one of the best and craziest bike clubs we’ve ever seen – we saw Detroiters who were building community around new, sustainable, and often very revolutionary ideas.
2007年10月21日至11月2日,匈牙有幸 在 索 尔诺克和 Táborfalva 为缔 [...]
Hungary is proud to have hosted a Comprehensive [...]
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) onsite inspection advanced
training course for experts from States signatories, which was held in Szolnok and Táborfalva from 21 October to 2 November 2007.
在 90 年代中期,泰勒先有幸资助了中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)和中国 建设局的第一批房地产专业人员到美国进修。
In the mid-1990’s, Taylor had the honor of sponsoring the first group of real estate professionals from the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, CCPIT and the Ministry of Construction, PRC to the United States.
开幕典有幸邀请 新加坡外交部特使Tommy Koh教授担任主礼贵宾,Koh教授和江诗丹顿首席执行官陶睿思先生(Juan-Carlos [...]
Graced by Guest of Honor (GOH), [...]
Professor Tommy Koh, Ambassador-At-Large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Singapore,
distinguished guests were addressed by the GOH and Mr. Juan-Carlos Torres, Chief Executive Officer of Vacheron Constantin.
本会议应借助国际环境在裁军问题 有幸 一 贯存在的积极性,如刚才所指 出,充分发挥自身作用,甚至或许扮演促进世界和平与安全带头人的角色。
The Conference must take advantage of
this positive momentum — which, as
[...] mentioned earlier, fortunately still characterizes [...]
the international area — to fully
resume its role, which might even be a leadership role in the advancement of world peace and security.
儘管我對你們成功組織的幾次大會早有耳聞,但還 是第一有幸參加這一種重要的會議。
Thank you for inviting me to be with you today. while I have heard about the successful conventions of your organization, this is the first time that I have the pleasure of attending this important meeting.
在我们向前迈步之际,我认为我们需要共同应对两项主要挑战:一是寻求多种途径,以继续扩大交流,排除仍然阻碍我们进步与合作的障碍;二是确保刘女士和 有幸 领 导 的这项工作所取得的进展成为能够自我延续的永久性事业。
As we move forward, I see two main challenges for us to take on together: first, to look for ways we can continue to expand our exchanges and bring down the barriers that still can impede our progress and cooperation; and second, to make sure the progress that Madam Liu and I have been privileged to lead becomes permanent and self-sustaining.
有幸采访到了美智子本人,让她 来谈谈她的时尚。
We have been able to talk [...]
with Michiko directly about her thoughts regarding her fashion.
個 人 方 面,本有 幸 榮 獲 「安 永 企 業 家 獎(中 國)」的 國 際 商 業 殊 榮,不 但 是 社 會 及 商 界 對 本 人 作 出 認 同 及 鼓 勵,更 是 對 維 達 全 體 員 工 過 去廿 五年 努 力成 果 之表 彰。
This award not only represents the business community’s recognition and encouragement for me, but also a symbol of commendation for the past 25 years of dedication from Vinda International’s whole staff.
這個部落格或有幸協助 改變某些人對底特律的看法,但我們只是傳達實際發生的情況,「底特律我愛你」背後目標是為與各地人們分享對這裡的愛,我們更想證明,底特律足以做為其他城市的典範,在我們眼中,互動式紀錄片最適合啟發觀眾,藉由自身投入打造社區。
And for us, an interactive documentary is the best kind of platform to inspire audience to build community through DIY projects.
草案指出,尽管对遗骸的辨认目前往往是依据 DNA 的测试, 但是如果对于失踪的人没有已知的 DNA 测试报告,或有幸存的亲人提供 DNA 来作比较,那么医疗和牙科记录在辨认失踪者遗骸方面也会有帮助。
The draft notes that, while the identification of remains currently tends to be based on DNA testing, medical and dental records are nevertheless helpful in the identification of remains of missing persons if there is no known DNA from the missing person or there is no living survivor to provide DNA for comparison.
在即将过去的双年度内,有幸领导 了负责审查教科文组织三大机关关系的特设工作组。该工 作组参加到长期以来为改善教科文组织的管理而持续开展的工作之中,目的是使本组织象我们所有 人都希望的那样,富有成效,目标明确,并具有影响力。
The ad hoc working group on the relations between the three organs of UNESCO, which I have had the honour to chair during this past biennium, thus inscribes itself in the long history of ongoing efforts to improve UNESCO’s governance with a view to rendering our Organization as effective, relevant and visible that we would all wish.
福伊有幸参与 到这一增长中,主要是得益于一系列创新科技,如环保和成本效益兼得的 ATMOS 技术。
This is predominantly due to technologies such as ATMOS, which enable cost-efficient and environmentally compatible production, but also results from product developments like the NipcoFlex T shoe press.




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