单词 | 有帮助 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 有助v—helpv helpsv 有助—helpful conducive to 有助adj—beneficialadj
这 对 於 纾缓短期 至中期的 交通问题并没有 帮 助。 forum.gov.hk | This would not help alleviate the [...] traffic problem in the short to medium term. forum.gov.hk |
日常使用的技术产品,特别是技术附件的目录是很有帮助的。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The everyday use of technical products particularly the Technical [...] Annex of the catalogis helpful. en.developmentscout.com |
如果EEG没有显示癫痫 的成因﹐电脑断层或磁力共振扫描在某些病人当中或会有帮助﹐可寻找赘生物﹑伤痕﹑或其他可能引致 癫痫的身体状况。 bcepilepsy.com | When the EEG does not show the cause for the [...] epilepsy, CT or MRI [...] scans may be helpful insome patients to look for growths, scars, or other physical conditions thatmay be causing [...]the seizures. bcepilepsy.com |
会员们认为这 些讲座很有帮助及有教育性。 chinese.mccda.co.uk | The members found the talks exceptionally helpful andeducational. mccda.co.uk |
本集团并无定期举办内部培训计划,惟本集团会因应新发展或新设施提供特定的培训,以及赞助雇员 参加由外间机构提供与彼等履行职务有关及对事业发展有帮助的职业训练课程。 asiasat.com | However, the Group does provide ad hoc training on new developments or facilities and sponsors employees to attend external vocational training that is relevant to the discharge of their duties and their career progression. asiasat.com |
29. 作出可能须附加或有帮助的所有其他事宜以达成本公司目的及行使本公司权力。 taunggold.com | 29. todo all such other things as are [...] incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects and the exercise of the powers of the company. taunggold.com |
但如果您依旧气愤、沮丧、 悲观、焦虑或抑郁,跟某个人谈谈或许对您有帮助。 australiansuper.com | But if you stay angry, frustrated, pessimistic, anxious or [...] depressedyou may findit helpful to talk to [...]someone. australiansuper.com |
关 於 制 定 一 份 核 对 表,以 便 提 供 一 些 指 引,有 三 位 裁 判 司 认 为 一 些 书 面 指 引,会 或 可 能会有 帮 助;五位 认 为 如 以 书 面 提 供 有 关 被 告 背 景 的 资 料 , 对 他 们 会较有 帮 助;其余 的 裁 判 司 则 反 对 此 议 。 hkreform.gov.hk | As for guidelines in the form of a check list, three thought that [...] some written guidelines [...] would or mighthelp;fivethought they wouldbe betterassisted by the provision of relevant information about the defendant's background in written form; the remainder were opposed to such an idea. hkreform.gov.hk |
采用与年龄相配的录影带﹑书本及活动指南﹐来教导孩子的同学认识癫痫以及把这个问题正常化﹐可能有帮助。 bcepilepsy.com | Classroom discussions of the causes of epilepsy, presenting age-appropriate videos, books, and activity guides, teaching students to [...] respond to seizures, and "normalizing" the [...] issue generally may all helpthe student with [...]epilepsy feel less stigmatized. bcepilepsy.com |
为了促进积极和理性的讨论,本平台不会刊登任何带有粗言秽语、人身攻击、与主题无关、对探讨问题没有帮助、或篇幅实在太长的来论。 hkupop.hku.hk | To facilitate rational and positive discussions, any submission which contains foul language or personal attack, or is judged to be irrelevant or useless to the discussion, or goes beyond reasonable length, will not be carried. hkupop.hku.hk |
提示:如果关闭过滤,设置表格[3.15 ] 中的品质标准到值“目标安全等级偏差“中可能是有帮助的。 mitcalc.com | Hint: If the filter is disabled, it may be advantageous to set the standard of quality in row [3.15] to the value "Deviation from the desired level of safety". mitcalc.com |
认为 「一次性」的资助拨款模式对社会福利机构的运作及发展较有帮助的原因包 括「金额较大,选择可以较多(包括一些较高档的系统╱装置)」(57%)及「不 需要每年添置╱更新资讯科技系统╱装置」(57%);而选「持续性」的资助拨 款模式的受访机构则认为「可以持续发展╱定期更新资讯科技系统╱装置」 (65%)较佳。 hkupop.hku.hk | Respondents opted for “a lump sum” fund mainly because the subsidy could provide them with “more choices of facilities” (57%) and there was “no need to purchase / upgrade IT system / facilities every year” (57%), while those preferred “a continuous subsidy” was because they “could have continuous development / regular upgrade of IT system / facilities” (65%). hkupop.hku.hk |
在您考虑未來的时候,寻求一些关於财务规 划及管理的建议可能对您有帮助。 australiansuper.com | As you consider your future, you may find it useful to get some advice about planning and managing your finances. australiansuper.com |
生产速度必需考虑离型剂之反应温度时间以避免反应不良;故烘箱愈长对生产效率愈有帮助。 npc.com.tw | The printing speed shall be adjusted based onthe response temperature of the release agent to avoid poor response. npc.com.tw |
(6) 将 职 务 孚 则 付 诸 实 施 的 命 令 应 包 括 过 渡 性 条 文 或 保 留 条 文,这 些 条 文 必 须 是 国 务 大 臣 认 为 对 推 行 有 关 职 务 孚 则 所 必 需 或是有 帮 助者。 hkreform.gov.hk | (6) An order bringing a code of practice into operation may contain such transitional provisions or savings as appear to the Secretary of State to be necessary or expedient in connection with the code of practice thereby brought into operation. hkreform.gov.hk |
这对香港发展为互聯网中心大有帮助。 digital21.gov.hk | This will contributeto the development [...] of Hong Kong intoan Internet hub. digital21.gov.hk |
现代用法 Capigen®是由三种活性成份而研制成的活发专利成份, 有助减少过量脱发, 刺激头发生长及调控头油分泌, 也对脂溢性脱发有帮助。 vitagreen.com | Traditional Use A new hair care substance from SEDERMA, Capigen® is based on an association of three active ingredients intended to slow hair loss and soothe the scalp while stimulating and regulating excessive sebaceous secretion, a frequent factor in hair loss. vitagreen.com |
这将减少清洁 能源就业, 对我们的经济没有帮助。 easyvoterguide.org | This will lead to fewer clean energy jobs, [...] which will not help our economy. easyvoterguide.org |
事实上,读写障碍是不能治疗的,但及早发现却有帮助。 hsbc.com.hk | There is no cure for dyslexia, but [...] early recognition might help. hsbc.com.hk |
如果您能让我们知道这样付出是有帮助的,我们会蒐集更多资讯,认真经营文章来回馈我们的客户跟读者;因此当您看到不错的文章时,按下赞或是Google +1,对我们就是最好的鼓励及通知。 ipibresume.com | Now, our readers come from many different countries like, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, the US, the UK, France, Australia, Japan, etc. We truly appreciate our readers’ passion and support; if you think our articles are useful and can benefit you, a “Like” on Facebook or Google+1 is the best encouragement to us. ipibresume.com |
使用监测设备,如臭虫粘 贴纸或专用木蝨监测器,可能有帮助。 spcpweb.org | Monitoring devices, like glue boards or special bed bug [...] detectors, may be helpful withlocating [...]bed bugs. spcpweb.org |
您的捐赠不管是多少对我们作为全国领导代言组织﹐维护及提高亚太裔长者在他们晚年的尊严﹐健康和生活质素都有帮助。 napca.org | Your gift in any amount helps us in our mission to serve as the nation’s leading advocacy and service organization committed to the dignity, well-being, and quality of life of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders as they age. napca.org |
彭家杰先生指出:「在这个全球化的年代,接受国际教育对发展个人事业大有帮助。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | In this globalised world, aninternational education experience can definitely give one a head-start in career development. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
就业数字对克里夫兰名次稍有帮助,官方失率为8.3%,几乎比2011年第一季全国平均失业率9.1%低了1%,有些人指出,过去三年流失的就业机会多属地方机构型,换言之,不太可能重新出现,「都会研究所」的佛洛曼(Wayne [...] Froman)调查「失业原因资料」指出,「遭开除」占53%,创下43年新高,产业界似乎还能在不增加劳工员额的情况下,让帐面数字看似与景气良好时期相去不远,令人不免好奇,为何企业获利创新高,失业数字却未见起色? thisbigcity.net | There is a [...] circulating theory that muchof the job [...]loss sustained in the past three years has been distinctly institutional, [...]that is to say that the jobs lost are ones that don’t intend to return—permanent job separation, the bureaucratic term for “fired”, claimed a whopping 53% share of the “reason-for-unemployment data” according to a study conducted by Wayne Froman at the Urban Institute, the highest percentage in 43 years. thisbigcity.net |
此项解析度的讯号交换程序用户是看不到的,且其 对直接连接的萤幕非常有帮助,但它无法自动将讯号传送给KVM多电脑切换器,这是由於传 统KVM多电脑切换器通常没有让萤幕真实EDID资讯切换至已启动电脑的相关机制,所以绘 图卡的输出解析度通常无法做适当的设定。 aten.com.tw | This resolution handshake is invisible to the end user, and it’s very helpful with direct-connector monitors, but it doesn’t automatically benefit a KVM switch solution because legacy KVM switches typically have no mechanism whereby the monitor’s actual EDID information can reach switched computers as they boot up, so their graphics cards are typically set to inappropriate output resolutions. aten.co.kr |
(h) 电 子 : 与 医 疗 保 健 、 生 产 自 动 化 及 绿 色 能 源 相 关 的 创 新 电 子 技 术 及 产 品 , 包 括 但 不 限 於 生 物 传 感 器 、 远 程 医 疗 系 统 、 对 长 者 和 残 疾 人士有 帮 助的仪器 和 设 施 、 人 机 界 面 、 能 源 管 理 、 固 态 照 明 等 。 itf.gov.hk | (h) Electronics: innovative electronics technologies and products for medical and health-care, manufacturing automation and green energy, including but not restricted to biosensors, telemedicine systems, helpful devices and facilities for the aged and the disabled, man-machine interface, energy management, solid-state lighting, etc. itf.gov.hk |
如果小孩子因为自己的外表出现在视窗中而分心或迷惑最小化的视窗会 有很大的帮助或者是使用者因为相机滑鼠程式造成对操作中的应用程式 分心会很有帮助。 cameramouse.com | Minimizing the window [...] can be a big help if a child is mesmerized by his or her appearance in the video window or if the Camera Mouse program is distracting the user from the application program. cameramouse.com |
许多学校都有校训,但合作式学校的价值与原则不只如此」,以曼彻斯特合作学院为例,「这个案例十分辛苦,校方相当茫然,明确传达价值之後,对改制後的学校大有帮助,包括为何采取某项作为、为何不对他人吼叫、为何教师彼此尊重等,影响相当深远,因为我们相信这些价值,也一同合作」。 thisbigcity.net | The one thingthat has really helped the[new]Academy is [...] a clear articulation of values: why you do something, why you [...]don’t shout at people, why teachers treat other teachers with respect. thisbigcity.net |