单词 | 有好奇心 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 有好奇心—curiousSee also:好奇心—inquisitive interest in sth. 好奇心n—curiositiespl 好奇—curiosity curious inquisitive 好心—good intentions
对于抱有好奇心又羞于开口的读者,希望这篇文章能够解答您的问题。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | It was a worthwhile endeavor, and I hope this answers some of the questions you pretend you don’t have. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
鉴于我们谈论的是一直在到处奔忙的具有好奇心的女 子,发 行将主要通过户外广告提供支持。 bootb.com | Since we [...] are talking about curiouswomen whoare constantly [...]on the move, the launch will be supported mainly by outdoor advertisements. bootb.com |
她们处世积极 ,具有好奇心和很强的价值观,拥有最新款的摩托罗拉手机,可能是 粉红色的,手机上还可能挂着色彩欢快的泰迪熊呢!她们没有财力购 [...] 买汽车,但是乘出租车则绰绰有余。 bootb.com | They are positive, curious, and have strong [...] values, the latest generation Motorola, perhaps pink, and a teddy bear, also [...]happily colored, hanging from it. bootb.com |
作为一个孩子,你只是来在世界各地,年轻的投资者必须有一个 很大的好奇心。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | As a baby, you just come across the world, the [...] young investor must have alot ofcuriosity. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
无论船队中是否有 乘客被怀疑犯有刑事罪行,所有乘客都应受到保护,免遭公众好奇心烦扰。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regardless of whether any passengers on board the [...] flotilla were suspected of having committed of [...] criminal acts, all passengers should have been protected frompubliccuriosity. daccess-ods.un.org |
精神是一个勇敢的领导者,但有一个严重的调皮条纹和极大的好奇心。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Spirit is a [...] courageous leader, but has a serious mischievous streak and greatcuriosity. seekcartoon.com |
这个年级的学生通常开始有了环境意識,课程的重心是激发学生对该 領域的智識好奇心。 sfusd.edu | Students often become environmentally [...] aware at this grade level, and this focus is meant to stimulate intellectual curiosity inthat area. sfusd.edu |
此外,大类人猿(会 使用狩猎工具的黑猩猩)的存在激发了对该保护区特有的科学好奇心,为该分地 区提供了一个促进生态旅游、以环境问题巩固和平的绝佳机遇。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, the presence of great apes (chimpanzees using hunting tools), which constitute a unique science attraction, affords the subregion a splendid opportunity to promote ecotourism and to incorporate environmental issues for the purposes of consolidating peace. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一位好奇的章节给出了丢失的摩洛序幕,或马拉的,主教阿弥陀(1叙利亚作家的作品似乎已经),而他的版本四福音中的希腊,以该作家的好奇心作为追加的pericope通奸的女子采取(约翰8),其中有佳能摩洛插在第89,“这不是建立在其他手稿”书第八,三,赋予- Arsham也门烈士的信拜特哈西缅,或许是杜撰的文件。 mb-soft.com | A curious chapter gives the Prologue of Moro, or Mara, Bishop of Amida (a Syriac writer whose works appear to have been lost), to his [...] edition of the four [...] Gospels in Greek, to which the writers appends as a curiosity the pericope of the woman taken in adultery (John [...]8) which Moro had [...]inserted in the 89th canon; "it is not founded in other manuscripts" Book VIII, iii, gives the letter of Simeon of Beit-Arsham on the martyrs of Yemen, perhaps an apocryphal document. mb-soft.com |
Hans 认为拥有个人风格的住家,更能吸引亲友来访、做到宾主尽欢,因为有个性的家不仅能引发访客的好奇心,同 时还能展现屋主的个人品味。 bang-olufsen.com | Hans believes that a personal home is [...] more inviting and [...] pleasant to visit, because it ignites curiosityamongvisitors, while at the same [...]time showcasing the personal [...]taste of the individuals dwelling there. bang-olufsen.com |
与会者 认为与空间有关的 活动是实现下列方面的一种手段:培育国家自豪感、反映国 家综合实力、满足人类好奇心、为人类长距离空间旅行和空间生活做准备、开 展科学研究、促进优秀的工程、开发新技术、利用空间产生新的生产进程以及 利用空间技术实现可持续发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | The participants [...] regarded space-relatedactivities as a means of fostering national pride, reflecting national comprehensive strength, satisfying humancuriosity,preparing humans [...]for longdistance [...]space travel and living in space, conducting scientific research, promoting excellence in engineering, developing new technologies, utilizing space to generate new industrial processes and utilizing space technology for sustainable development. daccess-ods.un.org |
众人都明白,因为影片精心设计与拍摄,让这首歌曲更加热门,看来有些突兀的骑马舞亦举世闻名,各位若曾基於好奇心,查询歌词翻译内容,就明白这部影片里,除了只穿内裤的男子大跳淫亵舞蹈外,饶舌歌词其实是描述想要与喝咖啡的女孩约会。 thisbigcity.net | And those curious enough to look up the translation find thatdespite the explicit nature of the [...] video, which among other things featuresalewd dance in anelevator by a guy stripped down to his [...]briefs, rapper Psy’s lyrics are actually about how he wants to date a woman who drinks coffee. thisbigcity.net |
天主教末世的优势在于一个事实,即没有自称回答每个问题,闲置的好奇心可能表明,它给一个明确的,一贯的,所有需要,目前已知,或能在赢利的理解,对于满足声明的永恒生死问题对于我们每个个人,以及宇宙的一部分,我们是最后的圆满。 mb-soft.com | The superiority of Catholic eschatology consists in the fact [...] that, without professing [...] to answer every question that idle curiosity may suggest, it gives a clear, consistent, [...]satisfying statement [...]of all that need at present be known, or can profitably be understood, regarding the eternal issues of life and death for each of us personally, and the final consummation of the cosmos of which we are a part. mb-soft.com |
学生应能: y 培养对科学探究的好奇心和兴趣; y 坚持客观观察和诚实记錄实验结果,从而培养正直的品格; y 樂意就与化学有关的问题进行交流和作出判断,并能以开放的态度对待 他人的意見; y 体会化学是一门不断发展的科学,并了解其局限性; y 欣赏化学与其他学科的相互关系,及其背後的社会和文化价值; y 遵从实验室的安全工作守则; y 关注化学对社会、经济、工业、环境和科技所带來的影响; y 在瞬息万变、以知識为基础的社会,体会终身学习的重要性。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students are expected [...] to: y developcuriosity and interest in making scientific investigation; y develop personal integrity through objective observation and honest recording of experimental data; y be willing to communicate and make decisions on issues related [...]to chemistry and [...]demonstrate an open-minded attitude towards the views of others; y be aware that chemistry is a developing science and that it has its limitations; y appreciate the interrelationship of chemistry with other disciplines in providing social and cultural values; y be committed to working safely in a laboratory; y be aware of the impact of chemistry in social, economic, industrial, environmental and 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
可是我仍对家用能源监测领域感到忧心, 好奇「这是否象徵另一项绿色希望破灭? thisbigcity.net | However, I do stillfear for the home energy monitoring field and ask myself ‘does this signal the death of another such great-green-hope? thisbigcity.net |
按照这种方法,以往 的知识和经验构成新的学习的基础,而学生自己的好奇心则为学习提供最有效的激发,使 其具有趣味性、相关性、挑战性和重要性。 olive.mea-international.com | In this approach, prior knowledge and experience [...] establish the basis for new [...] learning, and students’own curiosityprovides the most effective [...]provocation for learning that [...]is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant. olive.mea-international.com |
透过本课题的学习,学生可建立以下的价值观和 态度: y 重视化学品的安全处理和弃置 y 意識到人類所需的多种物料均源自地球 y 关注天然资源蕴藏量有限的问题 y 显示对化学的兴趣和好奇心y欣赏化学家在分離和监定化学物种方面的贡献 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students are expected to develop, in particular, the following values and attitudes: y to value the need for the safe handling and disposal of chemicals. y to appreciate that the earth is the source of a variety of materials useful to [...] human beings. y to show [...] concern overthe limited reserve of natural resources. y to show an interest in chemistry andcuriosity aboutit. y to [...]appreciate the contribution [...]of chemists to the separation and identification of chemical species. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
Hans 觉得,参观私人家居是令人愉悦且美好的,因为不但可以激发参观者的各种好奇心,还可以了解屋主的个人品味。 bang-olufsen.com | Hans believes that a personal home is more inviting and [...] pleasant to visit, because it ignites curiosity among visitors, [...]while at the same time showcasing [...]the personal taste of the individuals dwelling there. bang-olufsen.com |
(b) 支持全世界范围的协作 并确保世界各国 的科学家能够持续不断地从空间对宇宙奥秘进行研 究 这不仅可以保持好奇心驱使下的发现精神—— 这是可持续发展的一个组成部分 而且还会使空间 是全人类的共同领域这一具有远见卓识的原则在科 学界成为现实 neutrino.aquaphoenix.com | This will then not only [...] maintainthe curiosity-driven spirit of discovery that is an integral part of sustainable development, but also make a reality in the scientific world of the visionary principle that space is the provinceof all mankind. neutrino.aquaphoenix.com |
科学是对这种天生好奇心的一种延伸。 sfusd.edu | Science is an [...] extension of this naturalcuriosity. sfusd.edu |
如果你思想开明,天性好奇,有一颗 创业的心并且 能够很好地与团队合作,那么也许你就是我们在找的人!我们的团队由一批孜孜不倦的问题解决能手们组成,并一直在寻找全新非传统的方式在新媒体领域不断前进。 spli-t.com | If you are [...] open-minded, curious, an entrepreneurat heart, and play well [...]with others, then we want to hear from you! spli-t.com |
活动相当成功,满足人们想一探谷仓的愿望,因为缺乏指标,观众得依循自己的好奇心,现场也很少有栅栏阻隔空间,好似进入秘密世界,结合装置艺术、展演与音乐後,为谷仓带来新生命与新意义。 thisbigcity.net | The event worked well because it played into people’s desire to explore the elevators, with the lack of signs meaning people had to rely on their curiosity. thisbigcity.net |
最後下车的是一头失去全条右手(及肩)的雄性黑熊,他对新事物 好奇、有着慈祥的脸孔、棕色而热情的眼睛,这种种都让我不其然想起多年前在成都遇见的Andrew。 animalsasia.org | And last but definitely not least – a male - missing [...] his entire front right limb at the [...] shoulder and, with his curious stance, kind face, [...]and sultry brown eyes, straight away [...]reminding me of Andrew so many years ago in Chengdu. animalsasia.org |
话虽这么说,但他还是认为,设立这类中心对历史学家、研究人员、学者和 法律系学生有好处;一旦紧张局势有所减少,他们会提醒公民注意该地区不久前 所发生的一切。 daccess-ods.un.org | That being said, he consideredthatsuch Centreswouldbenefit historians, researchers, academics, [...] and law students; and, once tensions [...]have decreased, they would remind the citizens of the recent past of the Region. daccess-ods.un.org |
Isha 的流动和固定保健诊所覆盖了 1 000 多个村庄。作为其补充,Isha [...] 的体 育活动和专门改编的农村瑜珈课程对于身心健康都 有好处,同时使防病治病、恢 复活力和减轻精神压力的土办法得以复兴。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a complement to its mobile and fixed health-clinic coverage of over 1,000 villages, Isha’s sporting activities and specially adapted rural [...] yoga classes address wellness at the [...] physical and mentallevels, reviving anindigenous [...]method to prevent infirmity, restore [...]vigour and alleviate mental stress. daccess-ods.un.org |