

单词 有好处

See also:

好处 pl

advantages pl
merits pl

好处 n

merit n
profit n
mileage n
sense n

External sources (not reviewed)

版权侵权降低了作者从作品中挣取收入的可能性,伤害了作者为我们 创作新作品的动力,对我们都 有好处。
Copyright infringement reduces the possibilities that authors have of earning
income from their works, and harms us all by lowering the incentive for authors to create new
[...] works that we can all enjoy.
南非与这些国家之间的经验交流和技术援助证明其对所有有关各方有 好处。
The exchange of experience and
technical assistance between South Africa and these countries is
[...] proving mutually beneficial to all the parties [...]
这 也增加了为设保资产获得更多资金的希望,这样对 设保人、有担保债权人和设保人的其他债权人有 好处。
That also enhanced the prospect
of getting more money for the encumbered
[...] asset, which was good for the grantor, [...]
the secured creditor and other creditors of the grantor.
联合国各组织之间关于房屋问题的对话采取更加正式的方式有 好处的, 就跟处理安全问题的模式一样。
The discussion on property among United Nations organizations would gain from being more formalized, along the lines of the arrangements for dealing with security matters.
会议认识到,加强备灾、救灾方面的能力建设 有好处 , 特 别是在地方及社 区层面,并应该在灾害风险管理中以社区为基础。
The Conference
[...] recognized the benefits of strengthening capacities to prepare for and respond to natural disasters, particularly at the local and community levels, and with a special [...]
focus on community-based disaster risk management.
免提并且在您拨打或者接听基于网络的电话时享受无线通信带来的 有好处。
Be hands free
[...] and enjoy all the benefits of wireless [...]
communication when you make and take internetbased calls.
妇 女的意见对任何对话都会有好处, 因 为她们往往被排挤在主要的宗教间和宗教 [...]
内部对话活动之外,而且妇女是受宗教不容忍之害最严重的群体之一(A/HRC/13/ 40,第 61 段)。
Any dialogue would also benefit from [...]
the views of women, who tend to be marginalized in major interreligious and intra-religious
dialogue events and are among those who suffer most from religious intolerance (A/HRC/13/40, para. 61).
这对 任何人都有好处,更 不说对全体以色列人民了。 定居点活动破坏了双方之间的信任,似乎预先断定 [...]
了未来永久地位谈判的结果,也危及到“两国解决 方案”的基础。
Settlement construction violated international law and
contravened the road map, under which Israel was
[...] obliged to freeze all settlement activity, [...]
including so-called “natural growth”;
that was in no one’s interest, least of all Israel’s. Settlement activity undermined trust between the two parties, seemed to prejudge the outcome of the future permanent status negotiations, and imperilled the basis for the two-State solution.
现在申请即可享受一流合作伙伴服务的 有好处 , 让 您的耳机销售变得更加轻松。
Apply today and get all the benefits of a first-class partner service that makes selling headsets so much easier.
[...] 各个区域渔业管理组织提供科学咨 有好处 , 但是还需进一步努力加强数据采集 [...]
In general, provision of scientific advice
[...] was thought to be good across regional [...]
fisheries management organizations, but further
efforts were needed to improve data collection and sharing.
除了传播凭证所用的 J2EE 安全性模型之外,在 SOAP 消息本身(例如作为 SOAP 头)中传送标识信息可能也有好处。
In addition to J2EE security model for credential propagation, it may be beneficial to carry identity information within SOAP message itself (e.g., as a SOAP header).
话虽这么说,但他还是认为,设立这类中心对历史学家、研究人员、学者和 法律系学有好处;一 旦紧张局势有所减少,他们会提醒公民注意该地区不久前 所发生的一切。
That being said, he considered that such Centres would benefit historians, researchers, academics, and law students; and, once tensions have decreased, they would remind the citizens of the recent past of the Region.
按照《条约》提供具有法律约束力的安全保证将对缔约国和条 约制度的信誉有好处。
Legally binding security assurances within the context of the Treaty would provide an essential benefit to the States parties and to the credibility of the Treaty regime.
有人提出另一种观点,即确定生态系统及其资源的价值不是为了促进它们的 进一步开发,而是要让人类知道破坏自然的全部代价和为今世后代保护自然资源 基础的有好处。
An alternative view was proposed, in which valuing ecosystems and their resources was seen not as facilitating their further exploitation, but rather as impressing upon human beings the full
costs of destroying
[...] nature and the full benefits of protecting the natural resource base for present and [...]
future generations.
Isha 的流动和固定保健诊所覆盖了 1 000 多个村庄。作为其补充,Isha 的体 育活动和专门改编的农村瑜珈课程对于身心健康 有好处 , 同 时使防病治病、恢 复活力和减轻精神压力的土办法得以复兴。
As a complement to its mobile and fixed health-clinic coverage of over 1,000 villages, Isha’s sporting activities and specially adapted rural yoga classes address wellness at the physical and mental levels, reviving an indigenous method to prevent infirmity, restore vigour and alleviate mental stress.
我还要同其他发言者一道,对贵国代表团召集本次恰 当有好处的辩 论会表示赞赏,这次辩论会是为了讨 论对于今后开展维和行动而言极其重要的问题,我们 还感谢为便利本次讨论而散发的内容翔实的概念文 件(S/2010/67)。
I should also like to join others in commending your delegation for having convened this apt and propitious debate on an issue of critical importance to the future conduct of peacekeeping operations and for the instructive concept paper (S/2010/67) circulated to facilitate this discussion.
现在,我用优卡小型/中型犬犬粮来喂养我刚满 10
[...] 岁的巴仙吉犬,而且我很高兴地说它非常喜欢,并且优卡犬粮对它的健康 有好处。
I've been feeding my Basenji, who is just over 10 years old, the
Eukanuba small/medium diet of yours for some time now and I'm pleased to say he loves it and it is
[...] doing him the world of good.
[...] 生成绩评估计划(PISA)工作扩大到非经合发组织国家,扩大了教科文组织质量工作的范 围,这有好处的。
However, it has been good to expand the scope of UNESCO’s work on quality by teaming up with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) to expand the work of the
[...] Programme for International Student [...]
Assessment (PISA) beyond the OECD countries.
另一位成员表示,他将同工发组织代表讨论其他正在上市的低全球升温潜能 值的替代品,那些替代品可能在克罗地亚使用并对克罗地 有好处 , 现在不宜在还没有穷 尽那些替代品之前就匆忙地核准 POLY-MIX 公司的项目。
Another Member said that he would be holding discussions with the representative of UNIDO concerning other low-GWP alternatives that were becoming available and which might be of use in Croatia, and it would be inappropriately hasty 36 to approve the Poly-Mix project without exhausting those alternatives.
在使用BlazeDS连接JMS时,您的Flex应用程序可以获得使用JMS的 有好处 , 而 过去这些 处 往 往 只有完全在J2EE平台上实现的Web应用才能享受。
When using BlazeDS to connect to JMS, your
[...] Flex application gains all of the benefits of using JMS, which [...]
is something that in the past
was usually reserved for web applications implemented completely in platforms such as Java EE.
产权 组织在发言中提到该组织新任总干事准备将人权的内容纳入该组织的工作计划, 主席兼报告员对此表示,如果在工作计划中的这些调整不仅涉及社会问题,而且 还涉及其人权层面,那么从发展的角度而言这 有好处 的。
In reaction to a statement by WIPO referring to the intention of its new Director-General to incorporate human rights components into the Organization’s workplan, the Chairperson-Rapporteur noted the advantage, from the right to development perspective, if these adjustments in the workplan not only referred to social issues but also to their human rights dimensions.
考虑到必须解决一些共同问题才能有效应对本区域在各个专题领域的挑 战(例如能力建设、技术转让、金融资源和信息差距),加强区域论坛,通过论坛 分享成功做法并讨论效仿和推广这些做法的机制, 有好处 的。
Given the fact that a number of common issues must be addressed in order to respond effectively to the region’s challenges in various thematic areas (for example, capacity-building, technology transfer, financial resources and information gaps), it would be useful to strengthen regional forums so that they included the
sharing of successful practices in
[...] such areas and the discussion of mechanisms for replicating and scaling up those practices.
世界知识产权组织应当更为明确地承认知识产权保护 有好处 , 也 要付出代价;并更加强 调需要按发展中国家的个别情况为其度身订做适当的知识产权体制。
A more balanced approach to the analysis [...]
of IPRs, and, in consequence WIPO programmes, would be beneficial to both the organisation
and the developing world, which forms the majority of its membership.
另外,食用鱼类对患阿兹海默症和 2 型糖尿病的病人有好处,可降低心脏病发作的危险,促进婴儿眼睛和脑的发育,减轻风湿性关节炎 [...]
的症状,可能还会减缓乳腺癌及其他形式癌症的恶化(Pombo & Gibbons 2005)。
In addition, fish
[...] consumption has beneficial impacts on [...]
people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and type 2-diabetes and
can reduce the risk of heart attack, contribute to infant eye and brain development, lessen the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and may slow the progression of breast and other forms of cancer (Pombo & Gibbons 2005).
虽 然同其他许多会员国一样,马来西亚愿意听取关于制
[...] 订全球行动计划的想法,但不希望在确定与议定书有 关的有好处之前 ,就这个问题表明立场。
While remaining open to the idea of a global action plan, Malaysia, like many
other Member States, did not wish to take a decision on the matter before it had
[...] assessed the full benefits of the Protocol.
大家日益认识到安全理事会与建设和平委员 会加强联系,改善沟通有好处,现在有可能在 更善于交流的安全理事会与运作更好的建设和 平委员会之间建立新的互动关系”(S/2010/393, 附件,第 107 段)。
the benefits of an enhanced and more organic relationship between the Security Council and the Commission are increasingly being recognized, and the potential now exists to create a new dynamic between a more forthcoming Security Council and a better performing Peacebuilding Commission”.
为实现上述目的,我们认为,世界知识产权组织会若能吸引更广泛的对知识产权制度感兴 趣的支持与赞助者(比如消费者)组织参与其决策过程,则会对它 有好处。
As a means to this end, we also believe that WIPO would benefit from drawing a wider group of constituencies with an interest in the IP system into its policy-making process, such as consumer organisations.
虽然特别报告员拟 议的准则草案 3.4.2 并未解决这种反对可能产生的后 果,但强调一个国家不应能够利用它在提出保留的 许可时限之外提出的对保留的反对来修改与保留所 适用的规定几乎没有关系的其他条约规定 有好处 的。
Although the Special Rapporteur’s proposed draft guideline 3.4.2 did not resolve the question of the effects that such objections might produce, it would be useful to emphasize that a State should not be able to take advantage of an objection to a reservation which it had formulated outside the allowable time period for formulating reservations to modify other provisions of the treaty which bore little or no relation to the provisions to which the reservation applied.
这在许多情况下有好处的, 但是也正是由于这个原因,我们的转换器可能不适合转换复杂 html 页面,因为它可能不能生成与 IE 中显示相同的图片。
Not having Internet Explorer Engine involved in the conversion is desirable in many situations, however because of this reason, our converter may not be suitable for converting complex html pages, since it may not generate the images that appear exactly the same as in Internet Explorer.




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