

单词 有增无已

See also:


have or have not
corporeal and incorporeal
tangible and intangible
surplus and shortfall


have no choice

External sources (not reviewed)

我们面对国家之间和各国内部长期存在的 悬殊现象,贫穷、饥锇、病痛和文 有增无已 , 我 们福祉所赖的生态系统持 续恶化。
We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities between and within nations, a worsening of poverty,
hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of the
[...] ecosystems on which we depend for our well-being….
(b) 在没有国际公认保障措施的情况下,死刑处决率居高不下 有增无已, 包括公开处决和处决少年犯
(b) The continuing
[...] high incidence and increase in the rate of executions carried out in the absence of internationally recognized safeguards, including [...]
public executions and executions of juveniles
20 年中,世界各国实施了日益严厉的移民拘留政策, 但是非正常移民的数有增无已。
Despite increasingly tough detention policies
being introduced over the past 20 years in countries around the world, the number of
[...] irregular arrivals has not decreased.
[...] 感到遗憾的是,尽管采取了这些措施,流浪街头的儿童数 有增无已 , 在 缔约国 仍是一个紧迫问题。
However, the Committee regrets that despite these measures, the number of children in
[...] street situations has increased and remains an urgent [...]
issue in the State party.
我们认为,阿 富汗许多省份的局势继续恶化,极端分子的活动在扩 张,杀害和绑架阿富汗政府工作人员和平民百姓的事 件仍有增无已,秘书长的报告(S/2011/590)所提供 的数据就是有力说明。
The number of killings and abductions of Afghan Government workers and simple citizens continues to grow, as eloquently expressed in the data provided in the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/590).
[...] 举,认清这正是因为成见助纣为虐,鼓吹闭嘴缄默,推行漠视无睹和羞于启齿的 风俗,坐视侵犯人权行为继 有增无已 地 施 虐危害,并且逍遥法外。
To start, speaking openly about what seems ―unmentionable‖ can act as an eye-opener, precisely because stigma is instrumental in propagating silence
and imposing a culture of invisibility and shame, allowing human rights
[...] violations to continue unabated and with impunity.
[...] 范的问题,考虑到私营部门空间活动以及小卫星商业性和科学性飞行任 有增 无减,德国已经决 定着手开展国家空间立法的筹备工作。
Regarding the regulation of governmental and non-governmental space activities relevant to the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, Germany has decided to start
preparations for national space
[...] legislation in view of the increasing number of private sector [...]
space activities and commercial
and scientific small satellite missions.
一些代表团重申了他们对和平利用和探索外层空间的承诺,并强调了以下 原则:所有国家无论其 科学、技术和经济发展水平如何,均可平等而不受歧 视地进入外层空间,对所有国家条件均等;不通过主权要求、使用、占领或任 何其他手段,将外层空间包括月球和其他天体据 已有 ; 不将外层空间军事 化,仅为在地球上改善生活条件增 进 和 平利用外层空间;开展区域合作以促 进大会和其他国际论坛所确定的空间活动。
Some delegations reiterated the commitment of their countries to the peaceful use and exploration of outer space and emphasized the following principles: equal and non-discriminatory access to outer space and equal conditions for all States, irrespective of their level of scientific, technical and economic development; non-appropriation of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, by claim of sovereignty, use, occupation or any other means; non-militarization of outer space, and its exploitation strictly for the improvement of living conditions and peace on the planet; and regional cooperation to promote space activities as established by the General Assembly and other international forums.
发达国家和发展中国家已意识 到,实行有效竞争政策 的另外一个强有力的原因是,在过去的二十年里,国有工业私有化成为普遍现象,许多市 场的集中现有增无减。
The widespread privatisation of state
[...] industries and increased concentration in many markets in the last two decades is another powerful reason for having an effective competition policy, as both developed and developing countries have learnt.
虽然终身学习模已无新意 ,7 但是最近科学技术发展不断加快,就业市 场动荡加剧,教育迅猛发展,教育规模 增 , 其 性质快速变化,老师、教授、专 家等知识传统来源的独霸权威逐步受到侵蚀,新的职业及其所需技术需求的预测 难度日益加大,有这些 使终身教育重新 有 重 要 意义。
Although the lifelong
[...] learning paradigm is not new,7 recent developments in terms of the continuously quickening pace of technological and scientific development, an increasingly volatile job market, the exponential growth and changing nature of education, the gradual erosion of the monopoly of authority by traditional sources of knowledge, such as teachers, professors, specialists and the increasingly challenging task of forecasting the emergence of new professions and associated skills needs are all reinvigorating [...]
the relevance of lifelong education.
由于持续的和日增加的 工作量,仅靠一般临时人员来维持该小 已无法 持续下去。
Given the continuing and growing workload it is no longer sustainable to maintain the team with general temporary assistance.
目前,太原城域网出口为16×10Gbps,需要再扩容6个10Gbps电路,而太原城域网2台Cisco12816核心路由器 有 槽 位 已无 法 满 足扩容需求,因此本次工程太原城域网需 增 2 台 城域网核心高端路由器思科的CRS-1多机(2+2)系统,分别设置在一枢纽和二枢纽,现有2台Cisco12816核心路由器作为汇聚路由器使用,与核心路由器中继带宽分别为4×10Gbps。
Therefore, the project for Taiyuan MAN needs to add 2 MAN core high-end router Cisco CRS-1 multi-computer (2+2) system, respectively set on hinge 1 and hinge 2, and now there are two Cisco12816 core routers for convergence routers for use, with core router relay bandwidth respectively of 4×10Gbps.
委员会的决定草案表示,2 经济及社会理事会因关切委员会现行的会议安已无法保证委员会高效率、及时地全面履行《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》 和理事会第 1985/17 号决议下的责任,并注意到审议缔约国报告方面目前存在的 积压状况可通增加届会得有效解决,故将批准委员会 2011 年和 2012 年每年 在日内瓦增加举行一届会议,会前工作组举行为时一个星期的会议。
Under the terms of the draft decision of the Committee,2 the Economic and Social Council,
concerned that
[...] existing arrangements for the meetings of the Committee no longer permit it to fully discharge its responsibilities under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Council resolution 1985/17 in an efficient and timely manner, and noting that the present backlog in its consideration of the reports of State parties could be effectively dealt with through additional sessions, [...]
would approve the convening
of an additional session of the Committee, followed by meetings of the pre-sessional working groups of one week’s duration, in Geneva, in both 2011 and 2012.
随 着教科文组织会员国的不增加, 而且都希望积极参与教科文组织活动计划的制定和监督,显然我已无法用足够的时间对我们面临的 有 问 题进行研究和辩论。
With the increasing number of Member States in UNESCO, all wishing to be actively involved in the programming and monitoring of UNESCO’s activities, it is obvious that we are no longer able to devote the necessary time to the preparation and debate of all the issues in [...]
front of us.
虽然以往的申请人 数量较少,但是目已有增加的迹象。
While the number of
[...] applicants has been small in the past, there is a tendency to increase.
咨询委员会认为,考虑已有的编制 增 长 ,该部应按 当前业务需要和优先事项严格审查和评估现有资源,如有必要,应向其认为需要 [...]
The Committee is of the view that, in
[...] the context of the growth that has taken place, [...]
the Department should critically review
and assess its available resources against its current operational needs and priorities and, if deemed necessary, redeploy resources to activities or duty stations considered to be in need of strengthening.
会员国向毒品和犯罪问题办公室发送的请 已 经 证 明,在支持建立监督毒 品情况的制度、就毒品使用和相关伤害展开全国性评估和调查以及就完成年度 报告调查表提供指导等方面的需求 有增无 减。
As evidenced by the requests sent by Member States to UNODC, there is an increasing demand for support in setting-up systems to monitor the drug situation, conduct national assessments and surveys on drug use and related harm, and guidance in completing the annual report questionnaire.
过去几年中出现的会员国越来越多地 要求开展未列入计划的活动这种趋 有增无 减 , 反映在参与计划的统计数字上(尽管文化部门的经费只占正常 计划预算的 17%,但是批准的参与计划申请中有三分之一涉及文化计划),也反映在预算外资金与上一个双年 度相比增长了 86%这一点上。
The trend of increased demands by Member States for unplanned activities that had been observed over past years continued and is reflected in the statistics of the Participation Programme (although the Culture Sector disposes of only 17% of the regular programme budget, a third of all requests approved concern its programme) and in the increase by 86% of extrabudgetary resources compared to the previous biennium.
9 不論當時所有法定股本是否已發行,亦不論當時 有已 發 行 股份是否已悉數 繳足股本,本公司可不時在股東大會以普通決 增 設 新 股份 增 加 股 本,新 股本數額及其分拆的有關股份面額,將由有關決議訂明。
9 The Company in general meeting may, from time to time, whether or not all the shares for the time being authorised
shall have been issued
[...] and whether or not all the shares for the time being issued shall have been fully paid up, by ordinary resolution, increase its share capital by the [...]
creation of new shares,
such new capital to be of such amount and to be divided into shares of such respective amounts as the resolution shall prescribe.
此外,在二零一一年九月及十月社署分別與多間非政府 機構的管理層及員工會面後,顧 已增 加 其 諮詢渠道以 優化研究方法,包括提前舉辦為不同持份者而設的聚焦 小組增加有關小組的數目,藉以收集他們的意見及蒐 集非政府機構的良好管理方法範例;邀請持份者以書面 方式提出對優良管理的意見;以及增加公開諮詢會的數 目。
Also, subsequent to SWD’s meetings with various NGOs’ management and staff in September and October
2011 respectively,
[...] the consultant has enhanced its study methodology by broadening the consultation channels, which include advancing the organisation and increasing the number of [...]
focus groups with different
stakeholders to collect their views and examples of good management practices among NGOs, inviting stakeholders to send in written suggestions on best practices, as well as increasing the number of open consultation sessions.
再加上缺乏文件或正式的土地证,导致了无穷尽的理赔索求,其结果是 个人、社区、私营公司和政府间发生的案件负 有增无 减。
Coupled with an indefinite number of claims arising from a lack of
documentation or official land title, the
[...] result has been an unabated case load of [...]
land disputes among individuals, communities,
private companies and the Government.
欧洲从事捕捞业的人数出现了无前 例 的减少,在2000年至2010年间年均减少2%,而从事水产养殖的人数则几乎有 增长。
Europe experienced the largest decrease in the number of
people engaged in capture
[...] fishing, with a 2 percent average annual decline between 2000 and 2010, and almost no increase in people employed in fish farming.
大会第 64/261 号决议认可咨询委员会的结论和建议(见 A/64/7/Add.20),并 决定卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭审案法官与常 任法官之间的养恤金权利差别一事,应作为大会第六十五届会议主要会期的优 先事项加以解决;在这方面所作的所有决定应适用于 有已无 间 断 地服务三年 或三年以上的审案法官。
In its resolution 64/261, the General Assembly endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Advisory Committee (see A/64/7/Add.20) and decided that the matter of the difference in pension rights between ad litem judges and permanent judges of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia should be resolved as a priority of the General Assembly at the main part of its sixty-fifth session, and that all decisions to be taken in that respect should apply to all ad litem judges who had served for an uninterrupted period of service of three years or more.
2011 年所需资源与 2010 年批款之间出现差异,其主要原因是,2010 年用来 支付专家小组搬迁到一个新办公空间的费用的一笔非经常经费,在 2011 年已停 发 ,但部分抵消这一节省额的是:工作人员费用增加,这是由于增设了一个 P-3 职位;而且咨询人项下的费用有增 加 ,这是由于专家的每月收费标准提高,并 增加了为工作人员派出作业和返回的旅行经费。
The variance between the 2011 requirements and the 2010 appropriation is due mainly to the discontinuation in 2011 of the
non-recurrent provision
[...] in 2010 to cover the cost of the move of the Panel to a new office space, partly offset by increased requirements under staff costs due to the creation of one additional P-3 position and under consultants due to an increase in the monthly [...]
rates of the experts
and the inclusion of a provision for travel of staff on assignment and for repatriation.
大会第十四届会议设立了和平利用外层空间委员会(第 1472A(XIV)号决议), 该委员会最有 24 个 成员,后来若干次扩大,到第六十二届会议 已增至 69 个 (第 62/217 号决议)。
At its fourteenth session, the General Assembly set up the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (resolution 1472 A (XIV)), whose original membership of 24 was expanded on several occasions, reaching 69 at the sixtysecond session (resolution 62/217).
反对将委员会改为政府间机构的那些国家共同阐述了以下两个理由:(a) 有 可能重复活跃在国际税务合作领域的其他国际组织的工作,以及因此有可能在国 际税务领域制订多重和不一致的国际标准;(b) 所需资增加,可能使各国政府 目前为国际税务问题分配的已有限 的 资源分散。
Countries that objected to the conversion of the Committee to an intergovernmental body commonly cited the following two reasons: (a) the danger of duplication of work of other international organizations active in the area of international tax cooperation and the resulting danger of establishment of multiple and inconsistent international standards in the area of international
taxation; and
[...] (b) additional resource requirements with the risk of fragmenting the already limited resources currently [...]
allocated by Governments to international tax issues.
以色列建造定 居点、建设隔离墙,没收巴勒斯坦人的土地,摧毁住 房,对圣地进行挑衅,定居者常常在官员和宗教领袖 的煽动下,对巴勒斯坦平民和财产实施恐怖和无法无
[...] 天的行为,包括亵渎清真寺和公墓,以及对自由行动 进行阻碍——所有这一切都继 有增无 减。
Israeli settlement and wall construction, confiscation of Palestinian land, home demolitions, provocations against holy sites, settler terror and lawlessness against Palestinian civilians and property, often upon the incitement of officials and religious leaders and including
the desecration of mosques and cemeteries, and the imposition of obstructions to freedom
[...] of movement continue unabated.
在这方面,联海稳定无疑可 以发挥重要作用, 而在该特派团内服役的部队与警官人数 有增 加的 空间,以便达到第 1908(2010)号和第 1927(2010)号 决议核准的水平。
In this context, MINUSTAH certainly has an important role to play, and there is still room to increase the number of troops and police [...]
officers serving within
the Mission to reach the levels authorized by resolutions 1908 (2010) and 1927 (2010).
委员会请缔约国注意,这些运 动根本有增进或赋予残疾人权利,而是保持和加剧了侮辱,进而导 无 法 培养 一种承认残疾人属于人类多样化和社会一部分的氛围。
The Committee draws the attention of the State party to the fact that far from promoting rights and empowering persons with disabilities, these campaigns perpetuate and reproduce stigma and, thus hinder the possibility of constructing a culture in which persons with disabilities are recognized as part of human diversity and society.




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