

单词 有勇无谋

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External sources (not reviewed)

我们勇无畏的 年轻男子及他们的家人 所做出的牺牲实际确保了我们今天生活在一个有 法西斯主义的世界上。
The sacrifices of our valorous young men and their families have indeed ensured that we live in a world free of fascism.
专业潜水世界对一般人而言,总像是蒙了一层神秘面纱, 有 极 少 数人知道这 勇 敢 无 畏 的 潜水团队。
The world of professional diving is shrouded in mystery, very few people know about these intrepid divers.
不过这是一个非凡的天才的兴趣和远高于其他 有 的 价 值,工作,以及对能源 勇 气 是 无 与 伦 比的。
Nevertheless it is a work of extraordinary genius, in interest
[...] and value far above all the rest, and for energy and boldness it is incomparable.
但是,普京先生一定清楚地知道: 有 这 些 图 谋 都 将 无 疾 而 终,无论是格鲁 吉亚还是国际社会都不会接受建立在对国际法准则和原则的粗暴侵犯基础上的 [...]
Mr. Putin must, however, be well aware that all
[...] these attempts will lead nowhere, and that neither Georgia [...]
nor the international community
will ever accept any “new reality” based upon the gross violation of the norms and principles of international law and the outcomes of ethnic cleansing.
我们必须确认,塞拉利昂若无其至高无上的部落 首领和其他传统领导人、其穆斯林和基督教领袖、其 多样而活跃的民间社会、其妇女组织、其往往 勇无 畏的记者以及该国的艺术家尤其是其音乐家的贡献, 便不有今天的面貌。
We must recognize that Sierra Leone would not be where it is today without the contributions of its paramount chiefs and other traditional leaders, of its Muslim and Christian religious leaders, of its diverse and
active civil society, of
[...] its women’s organizations, of its often courageous journalists and of the country’s artists, above all its musicians.
时间 和实地经验使农发基金了解和更深入地理解土著人民的问题,使该机构认识到土 著人在农村贫穷人口中所占比例过大,他们 有 被 低 估的自然和文化资产,他们 可利用这些资产来改善谋生方式, 无 害 环 境的可持续发展作出贡献。
Time and experience on the ground provided IFAD with the knowledge and deeper understanding of indigenous peoples’ issues
and made the institution
[...] recognize that while indigenous peoples are disproportionately represented among rural poor people, they have undervalued natural and cultural assets upon which they can build to improve their livelihoods and contribute to environmentally sustainable [...]
根据我们的提案,安理会 之所以更具代表性,是因为通过增加长期席位和新的 非常任理事国,更多会员国将有机会出任安理会理事
国;此外,更具代表性是因为在区域代表性方面采用 创新的做法,在《里斯本条约》生效及非洲联盟取得
[...] 进展后,此种做法尤为重要;更加负责是因为长期席 位都须由大会选举产生并受其监督;更为灵活是因为 我们的提有益于安理无需再花费 17 年谋求改革 以适应新的现实。
And it would be more flexible because our proposal has the merit
of making the Council
[...] adaptable without the need to spend another 17 years looking for a reform [...]
to adapt it to new realities.
许多阿塞拜疆军官和士兵以及在后方服务的人 员因其英雄气概勇敢无畏和坚定决心而被授予政府 最高勋章和奖章。
For their heroism, courage and determination, many Azerbaijani officers and soldiers, as well as those who served on the home front, were decorated with the highest Government orders and medals.
所以,就那些不幸因公殉職的醫管局同事,或其他因公殉職的香 港市民,其死亡並包含勇行為的因素者,我們現 有 景 仰 園的安排。
Thus, for those HA colleagues who unfortunately died on duty, or other Hong Kong citizens who died on
duty and whose death involves elements of
[...] exceptional acts of bravery, we now have the Tribute Garden available for them.
最后,德国代表团要与其他国家代表团一道感谢 消除危地马拉国有罪不 罚现象国际委员会前任专 员卡洛斯·卡斯特雷萨纳及其协作者在极其危险的环 境中所表现出无畏勇气和 锲而不舍的精神。
In conclusion, Germany would like to join other
[...] delegations in thanking former Commissioner Carlos Castresana and his collaborators for their courage and uncompromising engagement in an extremely dangerous environment.
因此,他 是卫队危害人类罪的谋,无资格 接受难民保护。
He therefore was complicit in the crimes [...]
against humanity committed by the Guards and excluded from refugee protection.
2009/10 年度拟议预算中有战略 军事单元的所需资源,其中包括根据大会 第 62/265 号决议第 23 和 24 段设立的 2 名文职人员(1 个 D-2 和 1 个一般事务(其 他职等))和 15 名军事谋,这些资源尚待大会第六十四届会议审议关于加强军 事厅的执行情况及其对该厅组织的影响的全面报告后定夺。
The proposed 2009/10 budget includes resource requirements for the Strategic Military Cell, comprising 2 civilian staff (1 D-2 and 1 General Service (Other level)) and 15 military staff officers, pursuant to paragraphs 23 and 24 of General Assembly resolution 62/265, and pending the consideration by the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of the comprehensive report on the implementation of the strengthening of the Office of Military Affairs and its impact on the organization of the Office.
巴基斯坦支持为中东有居民谋求持 久和平无 论他们的宗教、族裔或国籍为何。
Pakistan is supportive of lasting peace for all the inhabitants of the Middle East, irrespective of their religion, ethnicity or nationality.
2011 年,裁军谈判会议必须利用为实现以下两个目标所作的新努力产生的 势头:按照《不扩散条约》的目标,为 有 人 谋 求 一 个更加安全的世界,并实无核武器世界所带来的和平与安全。
In 2011, the Conference on Disarmament must build on the momentum generated by renewed efforts to seek a safer world for all and to achieve the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons in accordance with the objectives of the NPT.
尽管也许有数以 万计的海地人死去,有许多海地人被掩埋,但是对于未来的前景,活着的 人仍以不屈不挠的精勇敢面对、无 所 畏 惧。
Haitians may have died in their thousands, and so many Haitians may have been consigned to the grave, yet the indomitable spirit of the living remains undaunted and undeterred as to what the future holds.
在对我们区域至关重要的 这一关头,需勇气和 领导力,以最终制止这一旷日持久的惨剧,为巴勒斯坦人 民和以色列人民带来和平与安全,并在 1967 年边界的基础上建立一个独立、有主权和有生存能力的巴勒斯坦国,与以色列和平、安全地毗邻共存,从而实现 基于两国解决办法的持久的全面和平,根据 1948 年第 194(III)号决议实现巴勒 斯坦难民的公正解决。
Courage and leadership is needed at this critical juncture in our region to ultimately end this prolonged tragedy and bring peace and security to the Palestinian and Israeli peoples with the achievement of a lasting, comprehensive [...]
peace based on the two-State solution of
an independent, sovereign and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security with Israel on the basis of the 1967 borders, and the achievement of a just solution to the problem of the Palestine refugees in accordance with resolution 194 (III) of 1948.
照这么看来,这个项目要征召的并非那些 勇无 畏 的敢死队类型,而 有 着 强大驱动力去完成任务的飞行员。
Accordingly, the program doesn’t look for bold daredevil types, but rather for men with a strong drive to fulfill their mission.
我最后要对叙利亚人民说几句话,过去 10 个月 来,他们无比的勇气,为争取未来的自由而抗争。
I save my final word for the Syrian
[...] people, who with untold courage have kept their [...]
eyes on the prize of future freedom for the past 10 months.
[...] ㆖㆒代,而各大政黨亦不應因為『洗濕頭』曾誇㆘海口支持 20 年後才見效的㆗央公積 金,而放棄即時見效、公平、公道 有 良 心 、 有 道 德 勇 氣 的『養老金』計劃。
The major political parties should, just for the reason that they have made such a promise, lend their support to the establishment of a central provident fund which can only produce the desired result after 20 years, and subsequently abandon the "old age
assistance scheme" which not only bring immediate benefits, but is also
[...] equitable, fair, conscientious, moral and courageous.
中国将怀无比的信心勇气, 开拓创新,锐意 进取,进一步推进载人航天计划,为人类航天事业贡 献力量。
With the
[...] utmost confidence and courage, China will explore [...]
the unknown and make determined advances, thereby promoting,
and making our contribution to, the cause of human space flight.
会议认识到有缔约 国都可以发挥作用,强调那 谋 求 建 设自己能力的国 家应该确定本国的具体需求和要求,并设法与其他国家建立伙伴关系,而有能力 这样做的国家应提供援助和支持。
Recognizing that all States Parties have a role to play, the Conference stresses [...]
that those States Parties seeking to build
their capacity should identify their specific needs and requirements and seek partnerships with others, and that those States Parties, in a position to do so, should provide assistance and support.
文件 E/ESCAP/66/2 在其第八章中从次区域视角扼要阐述了涉及在亚 太区谋求实现具有包容性的和可持续的经济和社会发展方面的相关议 题与挑战。
Document E/ESCAP/66/2, Section VIII, provides a brief overview of the issues and challenges related to inclusive and sustainable economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific from a subregional perspective.
如果汽車維 修 沒 有問題, 我相信 便不會 有一些負責任有 勇 氣 承 擔 的 汽車維 修業代 表 肯 花 時 間、費 唇舌,在過去數年 向 政 府進行多番 游 說,促 使 政 府 協 助提升 行 業 質 素, 甚 至 透 過 發 牌 監 管行業 。
If there is no problem with the automobile repairs industry, I believe responsible representatives of the automobile repairs industry who boldly bear responsibilities would not have to spend time lobbying the Government time and again in the past few years, urging the Government to assist in enhancing the quality of the industry and to regulate the industry through licensing.




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