

单词 有创造力

See also:

创造力 n

inventiveness n

创造 adj

creative adj

创造 n

creativity n
creation n

External sources (not reviewed)

知识产权保护所产生的直接影响是使那些有知识 有创造力 的 人 从中获取财政方面的收益, 同时增加了没有知识和造力的人 的使用成本。
The immediate impact of intellectual property protection
[...] is to benefit financially those who have knowledge and inventive power, and to increase the costs of access to those without.
These works
[...] demonstrate the creative ways in which artists [...]
working in Mumbai breathe new life into existing or overlooked
ideas, materials, forms and spaces.
这些有创造力的创 新人才将会是美国研究生教育体系下 结出的累累硕果。
These creative innovators will be the [...]
product of the U.S. graduate education system.
他们开展工作的着眼点与《世界宣言》相同,即强调尊重基本权利、民主 和有创造力的多 样性这三者之间的联系,文化多样性、对话和发展之间的联系,文化与经 [...]
济方面的问题在发展中都占有同样重要的地位,承认文化内容和艺术表现形式具有特殊性, 即文化财产和文化服务业具有文化和经济的双重性,最后是促进创作活动和文化财产及文化 服务业,因为它们是传播文化多样性的极好手段。
The overall thrust of their work has remained that of the Universal Declaration: the link between respect for fundamental
[...] rights, democracy and creative diversity, the [...]
link between cultural
diversity, dialogue and development, the equal importance of the cultural and economic aspects of development, recognition of the specific character of cultural contents and artistic expressions, meaning the dual – cultural and economic – nature of cultural goods and services, and lastly, promotion of creative activity and of the cultural goods and services that are the main channels thereof.
调查:专利审查人对先有技术的调查,目的是引起专利申请人的注意,使后者了解前者是以某些文 件来决定专利申请中的发明是否是新颖 有创造力 的。
Search: A search of the prior art by a patent examiner, which brings to the patent applicant’s attention documents which
are thought by the patent examiner to establish whether the invention in the patent
[...] application is novel and inventive.
为我们的国家所面临的挑战寻求解决办法,确保我 国在未来的持续繁荣,保持我们在全球经济中的地位,这一切都 要求我们具备一个有高度技能的 有创造力 和 创新精神的劳动力 队伍。
Finding solutions for the challenges that face our nation, ensuring continued future
prosperity, and maintaining our position in the global
[...] economy will require a highly skilled, creative, and innovative workforce.
通过为员工提供全面的健康方案, Glen Raven 不仅减少了医疗福利的成本,而且还培育了一批有活力和更富创造力的员工。
Through a comprehensive approach to employee health, Glen Raven is not
only reducing the cost of providing a medical benefit, but also
[...] nurturing a workforce that is more energetic and creative.
一些代表团认识到绿色经济模式是以对环境敏感的方式促进经济增长 的手段,并说这种手段有创造新的 就业机会和解决失业问题的 力。
Some delegations recognized the green economy approach as a means for
economic growth in an environmentally sensitive
[...] manner, which had the potential to create new jobs and address unemployment.
应认真做出力,为 所有来自最不发达国家的产 创造有 利 的市场准入条 件,方法包括减少或取消任意或不合理的非关税壁垒和其他贸易扭曲措施。
It is essential to seriously work towards creating favourable market access conditions [...]
for all products originating in least
developed countries, including through the reduction or elimination of arbitrary or unjustified non-tariff barriers and other trade-distorting measures.
[...] 辩论,人们就越自由地了解世界正在发生什么,以及中国人民在想什么,美国人民在想什么,非洲人民在想什么,他们关注什么,他们想要什么,我认为 有 助 于 解开 创造力 的 束缚,回应世界人民的梦想和渴望。
That’s why I think the more openness there is, the more discussion, debate that occurs, more freely people understand what’s happening around the world and what’s on the minds of the Chinese people, what’s on the minds of the American people, what’s on the minds of people in Africa, what they’re
concerned about, what
[...] they want, I think that helps unleash the creative forces to respond to [...]
those dreams and aspirations of people around the world.
第二部名 为《拒绝在沉默中死亡》,影片描绘了为反对建造隔 离墙而进行的有创造性的非暴力斗 争 ,并表现了 以色列国防军对示威活动的反应。
The second, “Refuse to Die in Silence”, had
[...] portrayed the creative and non-violent struggle against the construction of the wall and had shown reactions to the demonstrations by the Israel Defense Forces.
莫桑比克表示,由于政府重视人民参与有 关人权的讨论,因此作出力,创造 条 件向 所 有 无 法 来到日内瓦的人转达工作组 的互动对话。
Mozambique stated that, because of the importance that the Government accords to the involvement of the people in the
discussion on human
[...] rights, an effort was made to create the conditions to retransmit [...]
the interactive dialogue in the Working Group to all of those who were unable to come to Geneva.
根据《教育法》的规定,校外教育活动是对各类学校(其中包括培养学生在 科学、技术、艺术、体育、旅游等方面 创造 能 力 的 学园)教育程序 有 益补 充,也是对空闲时间的有效利用,同时校外教育机构开展活动可得到政府预算的 [...]
According to the Law on Education, these implement complementary activities to the educational process at all types of
schools, including lyceums
[...] with the purpose to develop the creative skills of pupils in the field [...]
of science, technology, arts,
sports, tourism, etc., as well as beneficial and pleasant leisure management, whilst the activity of the extra-school institutions is financed from the state budget, the services of these institutions being usually free of charge, this making them available for all applicants irrespective of their origin, social adherence, religion, etc.
此 外,应当加大力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、开放、平等、非胁迫性、基于规则、可 预测和非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence [...]
between the international
trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, non-coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
近东救济工程处向工作组介绍了它在筹集资金方面面临的挑战,其中包括需 要:(a) 大幅增加从现有捐助方收到的资金数额,并且扩大向工程处普通基金、 项目和紧急呼吁提供捐款的捐助方范围,途径包括与私营部门和基金会建立伙伴 关系;(b) 通过确保以可预测和可持续方式提供适当数额的资金,恢复工程处的 财务健康;(c) 重新建立充足的流动资本储备;(d) 通过树立一个更力的单一 的整体形象,并利用创新性技术,以更具有战略性的方式进行交流;(e) 改组其 调集资源和战略交流构架,以便能更有系统地抓住机会,并以更积极主动、更有创造性的方式宣传介绍工程处。
The Agency informed the Working Group of the fund-raising challenges that it faces, which include the need to: (a) increase substantially the level of funds received from existing donors and expand the donor base that contributes to the Agency’s General Fund, as well as to projects and emergency appeals, including through partnerships with the private sector and foundations; (b) restore the financial health of the Agency by ensuring predictable and sustainable funding at appropriate levels; (c) re-establish an adequate working capital reserve; (d) communicate in a more strategic manner through
the development of a stronger single
[...] corporate identity and the use of innovative technology; and (e) reorganize its resource mobilization and strategic communications structures, so as to be able to seize opportunities more systematically and market the Agency in a more proactive and creative way.
为了促进区域合作,亚太技转中心建立了一个由 15 个成员 国组成的体制合作机制,以便在亚太区域促进可再生能源技术,并着 手建立了网络解决方法中心,以促进交流最佳做法;在
11 个成员国
[...] 中建立了一个网络,以便在为推动农村应用而建立的可再生能源技术 微型系统领域促进研发机构之间的合作;并在 8 个成员国中创立了一 个网络,以促进研发机构在应用纳米技术方面开展合作,从 创造有 附加值的产品,加强中小企业的竞 力。
In order to promote regional cooperation, APCTT established an institutional cooperation mechanism consisting of 15 member Countries to promote RET in the Asia-Pacific region and initiating a web-based Solution Centre to promote sharing of best practices; created a network among 11 member Countries to promote cooperation among research and development institutes in the field of renewable energy technology micro-systems for rural applications; and created a network among 8 member countries to promote cooperation among research and development
institutes in the application of
[...] nanotechnology for creating value-added products to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs.
在该会议的基础上,它制定了机构间综合路线图力图动 员最不发达国家的所有发展伙伴积极 有创 造性地 参与,以目标明确且有时限的方式说明它们 的具体作用。
On the basis of that meeting, it had developed a comprehensive inter-agency road map that sought to mobilize active and constructive engagement of all the development partners of LDCs, illustrating their specific roles in a focused and time-bound manner.
旨在促 进无风险移民的策略对于有确凿证据证明的被认 为是危险的移民渠道,不应予以限制,但是要谨慎 对待特别是年轻女性的通行自由,为合法劳 力创 造移民机会,使其不受到剥削。
Strategies to promote safe migration should, however, not be based on
restricting migration channels that might be
[...] deemed dangerous without concrete evidence; rather, they should protect freedom of movement, including of young women, and create more opportunities for legal and non-exploitative labour migration.
我很重视安全理事会对这些力的进 一步推动, 它于 2008 年 5 月通过了关于冲突后建设和平的主席 声明(S/PRST/2008/16),而且第 1830(2008)号决议也 提到需创造有利于伊拉克难民和境内流离失所者 自愿、安全、有尊严和可持续返回的条件。
I value the impetus provided to such efforts by the Security Council in its presidential statement of May 2008 on post-conflict
[...] peacebuilding (S/PRST/2008/16), as well as by the reference in resolution 1830 (2008) to the need to create conditions conducive to the voluntary, safe, dignified and sustainable return of refugees and internally [...]
displaced persons in Iraq.
上述文件中提出了一些贸易政策干预措施,包括在依赖初级商品的发展中 经济体和最不发达国创造有利环 境,而这是所有其他投入和服务起作用的必要 条件,是为了让这些国家能够避免市场失灵,吸引外国和本地投资,提高供方力及竞争力,并进入国际市场。
Several trade-related policy interventions were identified in
the paper cited
[...] above, which include creating an enabling environment in CDDCs and LDCs as the sine qua non for all the other inputs and services to work so that these countries are able to avoid market failure, attract foreign and local investment, improve supply-side capacity and competitiveness, [...]
and access international markets.
(c) 努力促进在国际一级更大程度地接受、运用和落实发展权,同时敦促所 有国家在国家一级制订必要政策,采取必要措施,将发展权作为基本人权的一个 组成部分予以落实,并敦促所有国家扩大和深化互利合作,在促进有效国际合作 实现发展权的范围内确保实现发展,消除发展障碍,同时应考虑到要在落实发展 权方面取得持续进展,就必须在国家一级制订有效的发展政策,在国际一 创造 有利的经济环境
(c) To strive for greater acceptance, operationalization and realization of the right to development at the international level, while urging all States to undertake at the national level the necessary policy formulation and to institute the measures required for the implementation of the right to development as an integral part of fundamental human rights, and also urging all States to expand and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in ensuring development and eliminating obstacles to development in the context of promoting effective international cooperation for the realization of the right to development, bearing in mind that lasting progress towards the implementation of the right to development requires effective development policies at the national level and a favourable economic [...]
environment at the international level
根据经济发展趋势有关劳动力市场的国家政策将 力创造 法 律 、经济和体 制条件,以确保发展灵活、有效运作的劳动力市场,消除劳动力供求的结构性失 衡,减少非法就业比重,增强劳动积极性和劳动力流动。
Based on economic development trends, State labour market development policy will focus on putting in place the legal, economic [...]
and institutional
conditions underpinning the development of a flexible, efficient labour market able to bridge the structural gap between labour supply and demand, to reduce illegal employment as a share of the labour market and to increase worker motivation and labour mobility.
国家教育体系是多层面的,其发展基于 有 文 明 国家共同的目标和原则:形 成自由、智力发达创造力丰富 的个性,在相互尊重、和平且公正的基础上建立 人、公民和国家之间的关系。
The national education system is multilevel and its development is based on
purposes and
[...] principles common to all civilized countries: the shaping of free, intellectually and creatively oriented personal development [...]
capable of structuring relations between
people, nations and States on the basis of respect, peace and justice.
另外一些基本条件是,为可持续森林管理的 长期投创造有利环境、评价森林资源的价值、进入森林产品市场、 力 建 设、 转让无害环境的技术和金融合作。
The others would be the creation of an enabling environment for long-term investment in sustainable
forest management, valuation of forest
[...] resources, access to markets for forest products, and capacity-building, transfer of environmentally sound technologies [...]
and financial cooperation.
[...] 安理会无法履行其职责。安理会内部的分歧应当本 出于这一原因,阿拉伯联盟已敦促安全理事会 采取严格措施,使安理会能够在《宪章》第七章范 围内作出努力,以便制止叙利亚境内日益增长的力,确保所有成员肩负起责任,以 创造有 利 于对 话的气氛。
For that reason, the Arab League has urged the Security Council to take strict measures that would enable the Council to work within the framework of Chapter VII of the Charter in
order to put an end to
[...] the growing violence in Syria, ensure that all members shoulder their responsibilities, and create a climate conducive [...]
to dialogue.
为此,《人权计划》建立了与人权相关 的、专门的关怀框架力图象处理性别问题那样,推动权利方面的特别行动(这 样的特别行动可能会在产生期待的同时,引发评论和批评,甚至使辩论更为激 烈);为信息和意见的交创造有利条 件,并由议会和民间社会对政府的行动进 行监督。
For this reason, the plan creates a framework for the specific care of human rights; tries to promote, as has been done with regard to gender, a special attitude towards rights, creating expectations, generating criticism and stimulating debate; and encourages the exchange of information and opinions as well as the monitoring of Government action taken by Parliament and the monitoring of civil society action.
三年前,法国总统在关于核裁军和不扩散问题的 安理会首脑会议上,与其他国家和政府元首们一道, 重申我们致力于根据《不扩散核武器条约》(不扩散 条约)的目标,为有人谋 求一个更加安全的世界, 也致力于与各国共同力,创造无核武器世界的必要 条件。
Three years ago, along with the other heads of State and Government at the Council summit on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, the President of France reiterated our commitment to seeking a safer world for all and to working with all States to establish the conditions necessary for a nuclear-weapon-free world, in accordance with the aims of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
与此 同时,] ( 欧盟、JZ 主张删除) 其重要的是(欧盟) ,通有效的 发展合作协助发展 中国家,尤其是最不发达国家包括协助各国(77 国集团和中国) 培养调动本国资源 用于可持续(欧盟) 发展的力,创造新的生产能力(77 国集团和中国) 以及使其经 济结构多样化,(JZ 、欧盟主张删除直至末尾) [ 同时确保自然资源受到保护,并 确保其能可持续地使用。
At the same time,] (EU, JZ delete) its It (EU) is important through effective development cooperation to assist developing countries, in particular LDCs including assisting countries
(G77&CHINA) in moving
[...] to a position where they can mobilize their own resources for sustainable (EU) development, create new productive capacities (G77&CHINA) and diversifying (G77&CHINA) their economic structure (JZ, EU delete to end) [while [...]
securing the protection
of natural resources and its sustainable use.




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