

单词 有兴趣的人士

See also:



有兴趣 adj

interesting adj

有趣的人 n

fun n

有趣的 adj

interesting adj
funny adj
enjoyable adj

External sources (not reviewed)

论坛欢有兴趣的人士出席 ,详情将于稍后公布。
Interested persons are welcome to attend the [...]
forums, and the details will be announced in due course.
预计 《顾问名册》可在 2008 年初投入使用,届时内部监督办公室欢有兴趣的人士 报 名 加入该 名册。
The Consultant Roster is expected to be operational by early 2008, at which point IOS will call
[...] for expressions of interest to join the roster.
向会员国(常驻代表团和 全国委员会)、非政府组织以及所有以不同方式对国际年 有 极 大 兴趣的人士 提 供 了以下材 料
The following material was made available to Member States (Permanent Delegations
and National Commissions), non-governmental
[...] organizations and all those who, in various ways, showed interest in the Year
我们希望通过粉丝页面更直接快捷地通知客户,合作伙伴 有兴 趣的相关人士。
Through the fan page we wish to inform
[...] customers, partners and interested parties even quicker and more directly.
特别报告员感谢各委员对他的报告作出的非 有 用 、 令 人 感 兴趣的 批 评性 评论,并指出这些发言体现了各种不同的思想流派。
The Special Rapporteur thanked members
[...] for the very useful, interesting and critical comments [...]
on his reports, noting that the
interventions revealed a variety of schools of thought.
分析目标受众,对相关媒体予以特别关注,比如说,宽页报纸的读者是那些主导机构的 控制者,动物题材刊物的读者是那些对动物问 有 特 殊 兴趣的人 , 而 专业 士 则 阅 读专 业杂志等等。
Analyse target audiences and give special attention to relevant media, for example
broadsheet newspapers are read by those who control dominant institutions, animal publications are
[...] read by those with an existing interest in animal issues, professionals [...]
read specialist magazines etc.
此外,各分庭法律干事起草了一本题为《黎 巴嫩问题特别法庭程序快照》的法庭简明指南,简要总结了黎巴嫩问题特别法庭 程序的主要特点,并为国家法官、律师、执 人士 、 学 生以及 有 对 法庭 感 兴趣 者提供了一个简单方便的解释工具。
In addition, a compendious guidebook on the Tribunal, entitled “A snapshot of the STL procedure”, was drafted by the legal officers of the Chambers; it concisely summarizes the main features of the procedure before the Tribunal, and serves as a clear and
easily accessible
[...] explanatory tool for national judges, lawyers, practitioners, students and all those interested in the Tribunal.
詳細的申請撥款指引會上載到基金和環保運動委員會的網頁,供有意 申請者有興趣的人士查閱
A detailed Guide to Application will
be uploaded onto the Homepages of the Fund
[...] and ECC, and made available to prospective applicants and interested parties.
在这个项目的框架内,开展了一项调查,以摸清雇主对两性平等的认识, 对两性平等问题和对私营部门执行两性平等法规的态度;以了解欧盟成员国的私 营部门为了落实男女待遇平等原则,为了促进两性平等所用的准则、方法和措施 的概况;拟订爱沙尼亚私营部门人 的 准 则,特别是拟订工资计算和工作评价标 准的准则,以消除男女之间的工资差距;以加深私营部门对有关法规的认识,增 进私营部门利用有关方式方法促进两性平等的知识和技能,以创建一个私营部门 雇主和兴趣团体的网络,传有关 促 进两性平等的信息、经验和最佳做法。
Within the framework of the project, a survey is carried out to find out the awareness of employers about gender equality, attitudes to the issue and implementation of gender equality legislation in the private sector; to receive an overview of the guidelines, methods and measures used in the private sector of the EU member states to implement the principle of equal treatment of women and men and to promote gender equality; to draw up guidelines for the private sector workers in Estonia, inter alia for drafting the basic principles of wage calculation and criteria of work
evaluation to eliminate the wage gap
[...] between women and men; to increase the private sector awareness of the relevant legislation and to improve their knowledge and skills in using the means and methods for promoting gender equality, and to create a network of private sector employers and interest groups to mediate information, experience and best practices on promoting gender equality.
如果您对历史景区更兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔 有 风 景绮 丽 的 老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 菲尔火山上的士城堡 也是不错的选择。
Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district, the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is within easy reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel.
人特别 强调,闭 会期间工作方案必须保持其包容性,以便 有 感 兴趣的 行 为 者都有机会参与实现 《公约》核心目标的讨论,同时闭会期间工作方案还必须保持其独有的合作性和 合议性,对该工作方案的任何调整都不应减损这种合作精神。
It was highlighted in particular that the Intersessional Work
[...] Programme must remain an inclusive process with all interested actors permitted to have the opportunity to take part [...]
in discussions on the pursuit of the Convention’s core aims and that the Intersessional Work Programme must remain a uniquely cooperative and collegial process with any adjustments to the work programme not diminishing this cooperative spirit.
我們 會推行一些優化措施,包括設立奬學金,以吸引有才華 有 興趣 的人士加入 教師行列;提供專業培訓機會及相關的代課教師,鼓 [...]
勵在職小學英語教師豐富本科的知識和掌握有效的教學法;及考 慮其他適切措施,以改善學校的英語學習環境和豐富學習資源。
We will also introduce various enhancement measures, including
establishment of a scholarship to
[...] attract talented and interested people to join the [...]
teaching profession, provision of supply
teachers for primary schools to relieve their regular English Language teachers in pursuit of subject knowledge as well as various teaching pedagogies, and other relevant measures to improve the English learning environment and enrich the learning resources of schools.
医疗器械生产经营厂家法规相关事务人员、质量主管及设计研发人员、测试工程师、QC、QA以及对其他对医疗器械法 有兴趣人士。
The relevant people from Medical devices
manufactures, quality supervisor, R&D, Testing engineers, QC, QA and other
[...] people who show interests in Medical devices [...]
事實上,在哥本哈根逗留期間,他曾於一個介紹 會暨招待會上,與來自香港和丹 的有 興 趣人士會 晤
In fact, he met with interested parties from both Hong Kong and Denmark at a
[...] briefing-cum-reception held during his stay in Copenhagen.
为了 减少这一风险,WIPO 鼓励对主办国家技术和对创新支持中心 兴趣的 机 构 ,利用 有 可 利用 的人 力资 源(比如:以兼职为基础),并考虑有必要培训更多有潜力的技术和创新支持中心工作人员, [...]
To mitigate this
[...] risk, WIPO encourages institutions interested in hosting TISCs to use existing [...]
human resources as available
(e.g., on a part-time basis) and takes into account the need to train a greater number of potential TISC staff in order to ensure that a sufficient number of trained individuals are available to staff TISCs.
圣文森特和格林纳丁斯希望增强负责执行制裁措施的服 的 能 力 ,在这方 面有兴趣接受下列援助:对执人 员 、移民官、海关官员和银行人员进行反恐 培训;提供查明身份、侦测、监测设备以及监测边境点的人员流动的适当技术和 [...]
St. Vincent and the Grenadines would like to strengthen the capacities of the services responsible for the
implementation of the
[...] sanctions measures and in that regard would be interested in receiving technical assistance for the following: [...]
for law enforcement personnel, immigration officers, customs officers and banking personnel in counter-terrorism; provisions of equipment for identification, detection, surveillance and appropriate technological and data-processing tools to monitor the movement of persons at border points; technological and dataprocessing tools to monitor transfers of funds and foreign exchange information.
外部基础设施条件方面出现人鼓舞 的迹象,其中包括一些有现有C-波段卫星能 的 运 营 者 有兴趣 与 太 平洋小岛屿发 展中国家合作,以较低的费率向这些国家出租能力。
Encouraging signs in terms of external
infrastructure conditions include the fact that some
[...] operators with existing C-band satellite capacity are interested in working with Pacific small island developing States, [...]
leasing capacity to them at low rates.
西九管理局告知委 員,該局因應舉辦戲曲中心設計比賽的經驗,計劃採納"單一階
[...] 段公開比賽"模式進行M+設計比賽,並計劃於2012年第三季就比 賽邀請業的有興趣人士提交意向書以進行資格預審。
Members were advised that in the light of the experience of the design competition for the Xiqu Centre, WKCDA intended to adopt the "One-stage Open Project Competition" mode for the M+ design
competition and planned to launch a request
[...] for Expression of Interest ("EOI") for pre-qualification [...]
for the competition in the third quarter of 2012.
[...] 道的其他第三方都可能希望由登记中被指明为有担保债权人的人进行独立核 实,以确信其实际上是否对其根据与被指明设 人的 既 有 担 保 协议而可能兴 趣的资产主张担保权。
Consequently, prospective buyers and secured creditors and other third parties with whom the grantor is dealing may wish to have independent verification directly from the person identified in the registration as the secured creditor as to whether it is in fact currently
claiming a security right
[...] in an asset in which they are interested under an existing security agreement [...]
with the named grantor.
论坛吸引了来自世界各地的私营部门代表、学术界代表、决策者和艺术家 参加,旨在成为有对“ 文化和发展” 兴趣的人 们 不容错过的活动。
was attended by representatives from the private sector, academia, policy
decision-makers and artists from all over the world, and its purpose was to
[...] become a key meeting for everyone interested in the theme of “culture and [...]
欧洲委员会的一位代表对加强区域合作表现出强 的兴趣 , 指 出特别程序和 欧洲委员会人权机 制之间、特别是与人权事务专员的协调和信息共享, 有利 于 规划和进行欧洲国别访问及规范性专题工作,例如经营权与人权及老年人权利 方面的专题工作。
A representative of the Council of Europe expressed keen interest in strengthening regional collaboration, indicating that coordination and information-sharing between [...]
special procedures and the human rights
mechanisms of the Council, notably the Commissioner for Human Rights, would be beneficial for the planning and conduct of country visits in Europe, as well as normative thematic work, for example with regard to business and human rights and the rights of elderly.
以下方 面有令人感兴趣的研究 结果:风险忍受程度,认为发展情况引起的程度不同要 比性别因素引起的差异大的多;从事社会媒体的工作,在这个领域,妇女似乎普 遍比男性活跃,与发展情况没有关系;贸易促进活动的参与,男女在这个领域的 [...]
Interesting findings also related to risk tolerance, which was seen to vary much more by the development [...]
context than by
gender; engagement in social media, where women seemed to be generally more active than men, independently from the development context; and participation in trade promotion activities, where the gap between women and men was present in both developed and developing countries.
有一个董事会,由人数相等的海 人 和 对 海地重建兴 趣的外国人组成
It has a Board comprising equal numbers of Haitians and foreigners interested in the reconstruction [...]
of Haiti.
委员会认为,申诉人未能提出充分的证据,证明他所作的任何政治行为足以引起 埃塞俄比亚当的兴趣,他 也未提出任何其他具体证据,表明埃塞俄比亚当局正 在找他,或如果返回埃塞俄比亚,他 人 会 有 遭 受 酷刑的风险。
In the Committee’s view, the complainant has failed to adduce sufficient evidence about the conduct of any political activity of
such significance that
[...] would attract the interest of the Ethiopian authorities, nor has he submitted any other tangible evidence to demonstrate that the authorities in his home country are looking for him or that he is at a [...]
personal risk of being
tortured if returned to Ethiopia.
在 此 背景下,工作组一直有 兴趣地 注视着 《士 倡 议》的活动 。这是 瑞士政府和红十字国际委员会 2006 年发起的一个联合倡议,以回应关于澄清私营 军事和保安公司问题上 国人道 主人权法的法律义 务的要求。
Against this background, the Working Group has been following with interest the activity of the Swiss Initiative, a joint initiative launched in 2006 by the Government of Switzerland and the International Committee of the Red Cross to address the demand for [...]
a clarification of legal obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law as regards private
military and security companies.
倘該等 公司細則中關於股東大會的所有規定作出必要修訂,亦適用於各個另行召開的股東大 會,惟所的法定人數為不少於兩 人士 或 由 受委代表(或倘股東為法團,則作為有 關法團的正式授權代表)持有該類別已發行股份面值至少三分之一,及於續會上,不 少於兩人士或由受委代表(或倘股東為法團,則作為有關法團的正式授權代表)持 有該類別股份及該類別股的任何持 有人 親 身 或由受委代表出席者(或倘股東為法 團,則作為有關法團的正式授權代表)均有權要求投票表決。
To every such separate general meeting the provisions of these Bye-laws relating to general meetings shall mutatis mutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) at least one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of that class, and at an adjourned meeting not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) shares of that class, and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) may demand a poll.
最後要提的,可能會令各的同業 人士 特 別 感到 趣 , 就 是一個高效能的房屋泵會為私人地產、物業管理、維修保養 有 關 的專業,帶來更大量和對質素要求更高的服務需求。
And, finally, which may be of particular interest to members of your own profession, it will create a demand for more and better quality private real estate, [...]
management, maintenance and related specialist services.
董事會可全權酌情且毋須給予任何理由拒絕登記任何股份(為一股未繳 足股份)轉讓予其不認的人士,及董事會亦可拒絕登記將任何股份轉讓予多於四位 聯名有人或本公司有留置權的股份(為一股未繳足股份)的轉讓。
The Board may, in its absolute discretion and without assigning any reason, refuse to register a transfer of any share (not being a fully paid up share) to a person of whom it does not approve, and it may also refuse to register any transfer of any share to more than four joint holders or any transfer of any share (not being a fully paid up share) on which the Company has a lien.
如果美国、日本和欧洲联盟对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国不是怀着不可告的 目的而是真正有兴趣开展人权领 域的对话与合作,那么它们何必寻求一项对抗性 的“决议”呢?
Would there be any need for the United States, Japan and the European Union to pursue a confrontational “resolution” if they had no ulterior motive for the
Democratic People’s
[...] Republic of Korea and were truly interested in dialogue and cooperation [...]
in the area of human rights?
再说因为我们不只是对知识产权制度在促进革新方面的动态作用 兴趣 , 而 且还要考虑知 识产权保护制度给社会增加的成本,特别是给 人 增 加 的 成 本,我们在确定 有 知 识 产权 制度的证据和价值时必须考虑到这些成本。
Moreover, since
[...] we are not just interested in the dynamic effect of IPRs in promoting innovation, but also the costs that IP protection imposes on society, particularly on poor people, we need to take account of these costs in considering the evidence and the value of any given IP system.




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