

单词 有偏见的

See also:


(there are) some (who are...)
some (exist)

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 专家小组同意维护其工作的独立性,反对任何削弱其公正的行为和任何 试图造成有偏见的印象的企图。
(d) The Panel agreed to safeguard the
independence of its work against any efforts to undermine its impartiality and any
[...] attempts to create a perception of bias.
[...] 约国指出,移送前危险评估干事不予重视是正确的,因为这些证词来 有偏见的 人或含有不准确的信息。
The State party also argues that the PRRA officer was right not to attach
weight to the affidavits submitted in support of the complainant, since they either came from
[...] persons who were biased or contained inaccuracies.
[...] 实现其自身在非洲之角地区的认定利益,并仅仅因为厄立特里亚没有接受其有 偏见的政策而惩罚厄立特里亚。
The resolution was drafted and pushed by the United States to serve its own
perceived interests in the Horn of Africa region and to punish Eritrea simply
[...] because it has not accepted its biased policies.
企图操纵民意,包括传播误导性、不完整或 有偏见的 信 息
Attempts to manipulate public perception, including by disseminating
[...] misleading, incomplete or biased information.
五.54 经询问,咨询委员会得到了关于亚洲及太平洋区域妇女所处地位和面临 的挑战的资料。这些资料表明 有偏见的 宏 观经济和体制结构、歧视性法律和习 [...]
V.54 Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was provided with information on the status of and challenges facing women
in the Asian and Pacific region indicating that
[...] factors such as biased macroeconomic and [...]
institutional structures, discriminatory
laws and customs, and societal attitudes have contributed to the majority of the absolute poor being women.
津巴布韦并不否认单方面经济制裁使其在经济 上所遭遇的困难,以及目前在政治上所遇到的与大 多数第三委员会成员国相同的问题,但它强烈抗议
[...] 秘书处为达到某些政治目的而在 A/63/321 号报告中 所指出的半真相和有偏见的内容
While she did not deny the economic difficulties that Zimbabwe was experiencing as a result of the unilateral economic sanctions, nor the country’s current political problems, of which most members of the Third Committee
were aware, she strongly objected to the
[...] half-truths and biased information that the [...]
Secretariat had presented in its report
(A/63/321) for political purposes.
[...] 如果“实况”是通过不可靠的方法,或由经验不足 有偏见的 实 况调查人员收集, 则很容易受到抨击。
The reporting and advocacy that follow human rights investigations are open to challenge and can readily be impugned
where the “facts” themselves were gathered through unreliable methodologies, or
[...] by inexperienced, or biased fact-finders.
在治安领域,引起严重关切的问题,包括指称将种族貌相作为系统做法、在 一些少数族群社区开有偏见的严厉警务值勤,以及过 度使用武力致人死 [...]
In the field of policing, serious concerns
include the use of racial profiling as a
[...] systemic practice, biased and heavy-handed [...]
policing of some minority communities and
allegations of excessive use of force leading to deaths, particularly of young black males.
为了避免陷入一有偏见的选举 进程(这种情况正如科特迪瓦近期所经历的一样,太容易变得暴力),所以技术和资金援助应该视情况而定,要对竞选自由、对政治多元化的尊重、政治暴力、国家媒体的获得、与刚果当局的对话、国家分配给全国独立选举委员会的资金情况以及民间社会团体对竞选进程自行监控的机会进行持续和认真的监控。
In order not to
[...] become trapped in a biased process that could [...]
all too easily become as violent as that which Côte d’Ivoire
recently experienced, technical and financial assistance should be contingent on constant and precise monitoring of the freedom to campaign, respect for political pluralism, political violence, access to state media, dialogue with the Congolese authorities and state funding for the NIEC, as well as the opportunity for civil society groups to do their own monitoring of the process.
各位部长表示反对散发有关发展中国家所发生事 的有偏见 和 扭 曲的信 息。
The Ministers expressed their opposition to the dissemination of discriminatory and distorted information of events taking place in developing countries.
[...] 界各族人民需要获得平衡、公正的信息,而不是鼓 动以各种借口干涉别国内政的有误 导性 和 偏见的 信息
Consequently, the world’s peoples needed balanced,
[...] information, not misleading and biased information advocating [...]
intervention in the internal affairs of States on various pretexts.
由于银行体的所有这些偏 见,一 些最为脆弱的群体仍得不到充分的服务。
As a result of all these biases in the banking system, [...]
some of the most vulnerable people remain underserved.
手册还提请注意与尊重的工作场所行为有 的 举 止以及主管和监督 者营造有偏见、个人喜好和报的 工 作氛围的特殊义务。
The booklet also draws attention to behaviours associated with respectful workplace conduct and the
special obligation of managers and
[...] supervisors to create work environments that are free of intimidation, personal favouritism and retaliation.
以色列代表团仍然关切巴勒斯坦问题特别新闻 方案,因为该方案是根据一项反对以色列的决议制
[...] 定的,此项决议忽略了以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突的复杂 本质并助长了传播只会加深双方敌 的有偏见 和误 导性的信息。
Her delegation remained concerned about the special information programme on the question of Palestine, which had been established pursuant to an anti-Israeli resolution that ignored the complicated nature of the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict and promoted the
[...] dissemination of biased and misleading information [...]
that served only to deepen animosity between the parties.
这就是为什么应该用一种完全 有偏见 和 均 衡的 方式 来拟定全球、区域和国家目标之间的相互联系, 而不给单边主义或分极办法留下任何余地。
That is why the interlinkage between global, regional and national objectives should be drawn in a completely unbiased and well-balanced [...]
manner that leaves
no room for further unilateralism or polarization.
我们随时准备继续向非洲维和人员提供帮助和 多方面援助,这是在开放、平等和互利伙伴关系基础 上解决非洲问题的一部分努力,这种伙伴关系不涉及 监管心理、定型意识形态或有国家 偏见的 做 法
We stand ready to continue to provide assistance to African peacekeepers and multifaceted aid as part of efforts to resolve African issues on the basis of an open, equitable
and mutually beneficial
[...] partnership that does not involve a supervisory mentality, ideological stereotypes or nationally biased approaches.
还有一些委员 欢迎在报告中加入关于此专题的对立的观点,同时表示关切的是,报告 的 某些 结论有偏见,未考虑到国际的发 展 趋势,主要是国际法规定的严重犯罪行为 问题。
While some other members welcomed the inclusion in the report of competing arguments voiced in relation to
the topic, they also
[...] expressed concern that the report presented certain biased conclusions, failing to [...]
take into consideration
developing trends in international law concerning, in particular, the question of grave crimes under international law.
她还对巴勒斯坦新闻方案表示关切,并说该方案对该区的 叙述是有偏见和误导人的。
She also expressed concern over
the Palestinian information programme, saying that it offered a
[...] narrative of the region that was biased and misleading.
各位部长强调,移徙目的地国须实施各项政策,在 有偏见 或 歧 视 的 情况 下,降低移徙者向发展中国家汇款的成本。
The Ministers emphasized the need for countries of destination of migrants to adopt policies to reduce the cost of transferring migrants’ remittances to developing countries without any bias or discrimination.
国家工作人员和私人个人必须尊 重有人的尊严,避免羞辱偏见, 并 承认和支持生活贫困的人为改善生活所做 的努力。
State agents and private individuals must respect the dignity of
[...] all, avoid stigmatization and prejudices, and recognize and support the [...]
efforts that
those living in poverty are making to improve their lives.
确认与艾滋病毒感染者和艾滋病毒感染风险较高的人群开展紧密合作,将有 助于对艾滋病毒和艾滋病采取较有效的防治行动;强调艾滋病毒感染者和受艾滋 病毒影响者,包括其家人应在 有偏见 和 不 受歧 的 氛 围里平等参与社会、经济 和文化活动,他们应同社区所有成员一样平等获得保健和社区支持
Recognize that close cooperation with people living with HIV and populations at higher risk of HIV infection will facilitate the achievement of a more effective HIV and AIDS response, and emphasize that people living with and affected by HIV, including their families, should enjoy equal participation in social, economic and cultural activities, without prejudice and discrimination, and that they should have equal access to health care and community support as all members of the community
反歧视活动 SPER(“停止对罗姆人有偏见!”)是 一个复杂、全 的项 目 ,该项目聚焦罗姆族的问题,旨在令罗姆族目标人群了解自身权利,与此同 [...]
The anti-discrimination campaign SPER (“Stop the Prejudices against the Roma!”) was a complex [...]
and comprehensive project
focused on Roma issues that aimed at informing the Roma target public of their rights, while raising awareness of the Roma reality for the non-Roma population.
回顾一下我们过去的苦涩 记忆,再仔细看一看安理会今天仍在以何种方式行事, 它们都证明,我们面的仍然是一 有偏见 和 不公 正的 国际 体系,其基础是最强大国家的霸权。
A review of our bitter past memories, together with a close look at how this Council
still acts today, proves
[...] that we are still dealing with a biased and unjust international system [...]
that is based on the hegemony of the most powerful.
有必要 在正规与非正规的价值观与和平教育中利用媒体和信息传播技术,促 进通过对话和教育,解决和纠正性别问题上存在的陈腐观念以及对其它文化或其它国 的偏 见。
The portrayal of gender stereotypes, other cultures or nations will need to be addressed and rectified through dialogue and education, facilitated by the use of media and ICTs for both formal and non-formal values and peace education.
该事务的实际情况制定几乎可以在这些方面,但是,由于分歧组成,在大多数情况下,仅仅在某些句子的变种,还是在实际 有 不 同 的 作 者 ,其中发射机;虽然许多这 偏 差 是由R.约拿和R.圣何塞,谁住在太巴列contemporaneously,教引,这一事实证明几乎假 有 两 种不 同 的 T a l mu dim,一个由约拿和其他由何塞教授,它仍将是显而 见的 , 从上面提到的声明,即犹太法典中存在的一些明确的形式在整个amoraic时期,而且,而且,其最后节录了其他修改之前。
The actual condition of affairs can scarcely be formulated in these terms, however, since the divergencies consist, for the most part, of mere variants in
certain sentences, or in the fact that there were different authors and transmitters of them; and
[...] although many of these deviations are cited by R. Jonah and R. Jose, who lived and taught contemporaneously at Tiberias, this fact scarcely justifies the assumption that there were two different Talmudim, one taught by Jonah and the other by Jose; it will nevertheless be evident, from the statements cited above, that the [...]
Talmud existed in some
definite form throughout the amoraic period, and that, furthermore, its final redaction was preceded by other revisions.
每个国家 均应促进和遵守有下列 目的的教育政策:加紧促进和保护人权,消除与宗教或 信仰自由不相的偏见和观 念,确保尊重和承认宗教或信仰方面的多元性的多样 性以及不接受与本人信仰不合的宗教训示的权利。
Each State should promote and respect educational
policies aimed at
[...] strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights, eradicating prejudices and conceptions incompatible with freedom of religion or belief, [...]
and ensuring respect
for and acceptance of pluralism and diversity in the field of religion or belief, as well as the right not to receive religious instruction inconsistent with one’s conviction.




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