

单词 月径

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

英聯合聯絡小組英方首席代表隨後發表㆒份聲明,指出英方歡迎這個做法,並且 強調早於去年月,倫 敦已等待北京對這類建議作出回應。
The Senior British representative of the JLG then issued a statement saying that the British side welcomed
this move and stressing that London had been waiting for Beijing's response to such
[...] proposals as early as July last year.
(a) 該等貸款的年息率介乎3.4391%至6.9720%;及介乎六 月 倫 敦 銀行同業拆息率+2.2000%至六月倫敦銀行同業拆息率+3.5000%。
Some of these
[...] balances normally have a term of one month while some have no specific payment term.
最 顯 著 的 例 子 是 新加坡 , 該 國 採 用 電 子道路收 費 計 劃 已 有多年,而去年 2 月 , 倫敦也開始收 取擠塞費( congestion charges)。
A case in point is Singapore, where the electronic road pricing system has been adopted for years.
Gieves 已於二 零零二年月自倫敦證券交易所除牌。
Gieves was de-listed from the
[...] London Stock Exchange in July 2002.
按平均價格計,二零一一年十月倫 敦 金屬交易所之平均價格較二零一零年十 月 之 平 均價格下跌,銅之平 均價格下跌了 17%,而鉛及鋅之平均價格則分別下跌了 16%。
On an average price basis, compared to their average prices for December 2010, average LME December 2011 prices were down by 17% for copper and 16% each for lead and zinc.
於 2012 年 12 月 31 日,未到期的利率 掉期合約為合約名義本金總值 200,000,000 美元 (2011 年 12 月 31 日:200,000,000 美元),本集團 同意支付按照六月倫敦 銀行同業拆息加介乎 105 基點至 116 基點 (2011 年 12 月 31 日:105 基點 至 116 基點) 的浮動利率予銀行從而收取銀行年息 5.875% (2011 年 12 月 31 日:5.875%) 的固定利 率。
As at 31st December 2012, outstanding interest rate swap contracts comprised nominal principal amounting to US$200,000,000 (31st December 2011: US$200,000,000) in total whereby the Group agreed to pay the banks interest at floating rates ranging from 105 basis points to 116 basis points (31st December 2011: 105 basis points to 116 basis points) above 6-month LIBOR in return for receiving interests from the banks at a fixed interest rate of 5.875% per annum (31st December 2011: 5.875%).
直至今日國際展覽的邀約仍不間斷,尤其過去一年來,她忙碌於籌備展覽,例如去年 月 份 巴黎龐畢度中心的回顧展,今年 月 倫 敦 泰德現代美術館大型回顧展,緊接著 月 移 師 紐約惠特尼美術館(Whitney Museum of American Art)繼續展出。
She is still frequently invited to show her work at international galleries and exhibitions, and the past year has been a particularly busy one, seeing Kusama prepare for a slew of current and upcoming events, including a retrospective of her
work at the Centre
[...] Georges Pompidou in Paris in October last year, which has now moved to the Tate Modern in London (February 9 through June 5), and will head to the [...]
Whitney Museum of
American Art in New York in July.
2012年5月,肯 亞反貪污人士仿效印度經驗,也發起相同計畫;同 年 7 月 , 哥倫比亞推出「貪污監控」計畫,據IJNet指出,採用「雙層通報系統,供記者及大眾通報社區、地方、區域與全國貪腐消息。
And in July 2012, Monitor de Corrupción [es] (”Corruption Monitor”) was launched in Colombia; according [...]
to IJNet, it uses a
“two-tiered reporting system that allows both journalists and citizens to submit reports about corruption in their communities, municipalities and on a broader scale, regionally and nationally […].
我們於二零一一年月在倫 敦證券交易所及香港聯交所上市,為有史以來在倫敦證券交易所高級上市分部進行的最 大規模普通股首次公開發售,以及首次同時在倫敦第一上市及在香港第二上市。
Our listing on the London and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges in May 2011 was the largest ever IPO of ordinary shares on the premium listing segment of the London Stock Exchange and the first simultaneous London primary and Hong Kong secondary IPO.
奧運將考驗兩者能否結合,也能預測城市發展前途,未來幾 月 內 , 倫敦究竟會向世人展現何種風貌,訪客又是否會相信,這座城市正力圖創造永續、包容的社區,準備好面對未來數十載的挑戰,繼續在日益全球化的世界裡,保有真正的王冠,這些都仍有待觀察。
Thus, it still remains to be seen which
face London will decide to show the
[...] world in the coming months and whether it can [...]
convince visitors that it is working
towards creating sustainable and inclusive communities, prepared to face the challenges of the coming decades, and thus retaining its title as a true Queen City in an increasingly globalised world.
這問題已經膠著了整整㆒年,然而到今㆝仍未有跡象可以 解決,即使是十月在倫敦舉行的聯合聯絡小組會議,各方面仍然是十分悲觀,問題極 有可能會再拖㆘去。
This stalemate has been lasting for one whole year but so far there is no sign of a resolution.
F.C.於二○○七年月搬到 倫敦,自二○○八 年月開始在法國巴黎服事。
F.C., moved to
[...] London in August 2007 and has served in Paris, France since January 2008.
J.K.與他的家人於二○○七年月搬到 倫敦, 目前在倫敦附近一所大學服事。
J. K., moved with his
[...] family to London in August 2007 and is serving [...]
near a university in London.
J.C.和他的太太於二○○八年月搬到 倫敦, 二○○八年月開始 到西班牙馬德里服事。
J.C. moved with his wife to London in February 2008 and has served in Madrid, [...]
Spain, since May 2008.
因此,法案委員會於2001年 4月前往倫敦、 華盛頓市及紐約進行海 [...]
外職務 訪問。
The Bills Committee hence conducted an overseas duty visit to London, Washington
[...] DC, and New York in April 2001.
R.J.和他的太太於二○○七年月搬到 倫敦, 二○○八年月開始到希臘雅典服事。
R.J., moved with his wife to London in August 2007 and has served in Athens, [...]
Greece since May 2008.
主席,政務司司長於月 31 日 在倫敦出席了貿易發展局的周年晚餐, 他也是以此為議題發表演說。
President, the Chief Secretary for Administration spoke on the same topic during the Hong Kong Trade Development Council Annual Dinner in London on 31 October.
新巴士的原型將於 2011 年 12 月運抵倫敦,而這些新 巴士預期會在 2012 年年初開始提供載客服務。
The prototype of the new bus is due to
[...] arrive in London in December 2011, and these new [...]
buses are expected to be deployed for
passenger service in early 2012.
J.C.與他的家人於二○○八年月移民 ,目前 在倫敦召會的一個區服事。
J.C., moved
[...] with his family in February 2008 and is serving [...]
in a district in the church in London.
該特許權已於二零零九年月到期,但哥倫比 亞政府透過年度租賃協議繼續授予Prodeco使用該港口的權利。
This concession expired in March 2009, however the [...]
Colombian government has continued to grant Prodeco the right to use
the port under annual lease agreements.
為了裝備自己做好這份工作,我在過去四五 月 先 後 到倫敦、悉 尼、墨爾本和紐約市,參觀和認識當地如何做海港或海濱建設的工作。
To make sure that I can be well-equipped for the task, I went to London,
Sydney, Melbourne and New York in the
[...] past four to five months, so as to observe [...]
and get to know their work on harbour or promenade building.
[...] 阿拉伯联盟不断发挥领导作用和努力促进过渡,并从 中调解,试图为阿萨德政权 10 多月的残暴行径找 到政治解决办法。
We welcome the Arab League’s continued leadership and efforts to
facilitate a transition and broker a political solution
[...] to the more than 10 months of brutality by the [...]
Al-Assad regime.
(g) 主席將 於 下 午稍後 時 間舉行的內務委員會會議席上 提出要 求,容 許 法案委員會委員參
[...] 加 財經事務委員會將 於 2001年 4月 舉 行 前 往倫敦及 紐 約 等主要金融中心的職務訪 問。
(g) the Chairman would make a request at the House Committee meeting to be held later in the afternoon for members of the Bills Committee to join the
duty visit to be conducted by the Financial
[...] Affairs Panel in April 2001 to major financial [...]
centres including London and New York.
在通过执行路线图等径准备 2012 年 8 月结束 当 前过渡期的过程中和复杂的过渡后阶段,这项工作特别重要。
This is particularly important during the
preparations for the end of the
[...] current transition period in August 2012, including through [...]
the implementation of the road map
and the complex post-transition phase.
这些和其他暴力径近 月来不 幸并未减少,再次强调了对凶手采取坚定、共 同的政治行动的必要性,不论他们的支持者可能是 谁。
These and other acts of violence, which unfortunately have
[...] not subsided in recent months, emphasize once more [...]
the need for determined, jointly shared
political action against the perpetrators, wherever they may derive their support from.
劉慧卿議員問:副主席先生,鑑於總督政制改革建議在㆗英兩國之間引起的外 交紛爭日趨激烈,而有關爭議更隨 ㆗國副總理朱鎔基先生於月十六 日在倫敦公開 質問究竟㆗國政府還要不要遵守聯合聲明而呈白熱化,政府會否要求英國政府全面及 坦誠㆞披露自從總督於月七日 發表施政報告以來㆗英兩國互相就有關事宜所交換的 訊息,使香港㆟不致覺得在這個討論他們前途的談判㆗被蒙在鼓裏?
MISS EMILY LAU asked (in Cantonese): In view of the escalating diplomatic row between Britain and China over the Governor's proposed political reforms, culminating in
the Chinese Vice
[...] Premier's query on 16 November 1992 on the need to adhere to the Joint Declaration, will the Administration request the British Government to give a full and frank disclosure of the relevant exchanges between the British and Chinese Governments since the Governor's policy address on 7 October 1992 so that Hong [...]
Kong people will no
longer be kept in the dark on negotiations which affect their future?
对叙利亚政权在过去11 个月里的野蛮径表示遗憾,包括对城镇居民 区使用重型火炮和坦克轰炸,导致数以千计的无辜平民死亡,造成大规模破坏, [...]
迫使成千上万的叙利亚人逃离家园,使叙利亚人民饱受荼毒,造成了人道主义危 机
Deplores the brutal actions of the Syrian
[...] regime over the past 11 months, such as its use of heavy [...]
artillery and tanks to attack
residential areas of cities and towns, which have led to the death of thousands of innocents civilians, caused widespread destruction, forced tens of thousands of Syrians to flee their homes and created widespread suffering among the Syrian people, resulting in a humanitarian crisis
此外,英國外交 及聯邦事務部次官顧立德先生曾於㆒九九㆔年 月 向 菲 律賓駐倫敦大使提出區先生的 案件,又曾於㆒九九㆔年月向在 馬尼拉的菲律賓律政司提出。
In addition, the British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr
GOODLAD, has raised Mr AU's case with the
[...] Philippines Ambassador in London in June 1993, and with the Philippines Solicitor General in Manila in August 1993.
2004 年 5 月,出了一张关于文化多样性与土著居民的只读光盘,介绍了土著文化找到
[...] 表达方式的途径和通过艺术传达土著人新声音的力量的 径 。 20 04 年 6 月,出 版了名为《教 科文组织为土著居民开展的活动》的小册子,并于 [...]
2004 年 5 月 12 日,任命了为教科文组织 为建议通过和/
或修改各国的土著居民政策的努力做出贡献的美国作家 Navarre Scott Momaday 为教科文组织争取和平艺术家。
The publication in May 2004 of a CD-ROM on Cultural Diversity and Indigenous People showing the ways in which indigenous cultures find expression and conveying the power of
new indigenous voices through arts
[...] and the publication in June 2004 of the booklet entitled [...]
UNESCO’s Activities in Favour
of Indigenous People, together with the designation of the United States author Navarre Scott Momaday as UNESCO Artist for Peace on 12 May 2004, contributed to UNESCO’s efforts to recommend the adoption and/or revision of national policies for indigenous peoples.
這似乎是最喜歡的學說現代Parsees孟買,可以看出先生Navroji Maneckji阿卡勒的文章在“東方巴比倫和記錄” 5月, 1900年(第八224-28 ) ,它聲稱是嚴格成立於教學的Gathas ;但是,儘管這樣的發展思路真正一神教的拜火教二元論,這些理論不能真正被稱為Avestic所有,但在迄今為止的Zrvana Akarana是一個Avestic任期。
This seems the favourite doctrine of the modern Parsees of Bombay, as may be seen in Mr. Navroji Maneckji Kanga's article in the "Babylonian and Oriental Record" for May, 1900 (VIII, 224-28), and it is claimed to be strictly founded on teaching of the Gathas; but although such a development of thought a real monotheism with the Zoroastrian dualism, these theories cannot really be called Avestic at all, except in so far as Zrvana Akarana is an Avestic term.




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