

单词 月台

月台 ()

railway platform



platform ticket


the pavilion closest the water enjoys moonlight first [idiom.]
benefit from intimacy with an influential person

External sources (not reviewed)

(3) 任何人在吊車系統上陪同其未滿 3 歲的兒童,須在該兒童月台時或登上吊車或從吊車下車時,以安全的方式抱著或緊攜該兒童。
(3) A person accompanying a child under 3 years of age on the Cable Car System
shall hold or secure the child in a safe manner whilst
[...] the child is on a platform or boarding or alighting [...]
from a cable car.
陪同在索道上未滿3 歲的兒童的人,須在該兒童月台時 或 登上 纜車或從纜車下車時,抱着該兒童。
(3) A person accompanying a child under 3 years
of age on the Ropeway shall hold the child whilst
[...] the child is on a platform or boarding or alighting [...]
from a cable car.
嵌入你的模板,没月台幕门 (太)打扰你,那就是如果你有一个最低限度的行李的Prestashop,这是不言而喻的。
Embed your
[...] templates without PSDs (too) bother you, [...]
that is if you have a minimum of baggage with Prestashop, that goes without saying.
(2) 除港鐵公司的職員或人員之外,任何人不得登上 或離開或企圖登上或離開任何行駛中或(意外或其他緊急情
[...] 況時除外)在兩站之間的列車,亦不得在列車並非與指定供 乘客登上或離開月台鄰接 的一邊登上或離開或企圖登上或 離開列車。
(2) No person except a member of the staff of the Corporation or an official shall enter or leave or attempt to enter or leave any train whilst it is in motion or (except in case of accident or other emergency) between stations
or otherwise than at the side of the
[...] train adjoining the platform appointed for passengers [...]
to enter or leave the train.
委員提出關注的主要範 疇,包括兩鐵合併後可能出現壟斷情況、將公共資
[...] 建議的財務安排、物業方案的定價及估值、鐵路系 統的監管、鐵路沿線提供公共洗手間、自 月台閘 門 及電台廣播接收服務、向殘疾人士提供票價優 [...]
惠、改善車站的殘疾人士設施,以及增加殘疾人士 就業機會的措施等。
The main areas of concern raised by members included possible monopolisation after the merger, transfer of public assets to a listed corporation, fare regulation after the merger, the financial arrangements for the proposed merger, the pricing and valuation of the property package, the monitoring of the
railway systems, the provision of
[...] public toilets, automatic platform gates and radio [...]
reception along the railways, the provision
of concessionary fares to and improvements to the station facilities for people with disabilities, and measures to enhance their employment opportunities.
[...] Wi-Fi热点”,包括港铁多个车站大堂 月台 丶 全港的星巴克及太平洋咖啡店丶7-Eleven及OK便利店,以及指定的PCCW的电话亭。
PCCW free Wi-Fi hotspots can be
[...] found on most MTR platforms and concourses, [...]
all Starbucks Coffee, Pacific Coffee, 7-Eleven
and Circle K outlets and at over selected PCCW phone booths.
至於在東鐵綫沿綫車站加裝自月台 閘 門 ,港鐵公司曾向立法會交 通事務委員會轄下鐵路事宜小組委員會提交資料文件( 立法會 CB(1)1072/10-11(02)號文件),並於 2011 年 1 月 21 日舉行的會議上介紹相 關技術研究的結果和結論。
Regarding the retrofitting of APGs along the East Rail Line, MTRCL submitted an information paper (LC Paper no. CB(1)1072/10-11(02)) to the Subcommittee on Matters Relating to Railways (the Subcommittee) under the Legislative Council Panel on Transport and presented the results and conclusions of the technical studies at the meeting of 21 January 2011.
(e) 在月台空隙較闊月台下裝 有照明燈光,以及在東鐵綫空隙較 闊的車月台邊裝 設閃燈,提示乘客注 月台 空 隙 ;及 (f) 港鐵公司於2010年推出新措施,在個別車 月台 安 排 車站助理 在列車車門即將關上時,舉起「停」字牌及按動電哨子,勸喻 乘客切勿試圖在列車車門正在關上時走進列車,以確保乘客安 全。
(e) installation of
[...] illumination under the platforms and flashing lights at the edge of East Rail Line platforms at locations where the gap between the platform and the train is relatively wide so that passengers would pay attention to the gap; and (f) introduction of a new measure in 2010 whereby Station Assistants are deployed on platforms of selected stations [...]
to help ensure passenger
safety by raising a “Stop” sign and activating an electronic whistle to urge passengers not to rush onto train while the train doors are closing.
於二零零七年月,台積 電 向北京市高級人民法院提出司法管轄權的異議,質疑北京市高級人民法院對中國訴訟的司 [...]
In February 2007, TSMC filed with the [...]
Beijing High Court a jurisdictional objection, challenging the competency of the Beijing
High Court’s jurisdiction over the PRC action.
2.5.1 機場鐵路在可行性研究及設計階段時,已認定須在香港
站以東提供掉頭隧道(必須拆卸天星碼頭),以確保停車 位置失準的列車不會撞向隧道的末端(即安全方面的要 求),並讓列車可在車站東面掉頭,避免阻礙由西面駛
[...] 來的列車,從而確保機場鐵路列車能以預定的最高載客 量運作,同時分別為到站和離站的機場快線列車提供不 同月台(即最高載客量要求)。
2.5.1 During the feasibility study and design stages of the Airport Railway (AR), it was identified that an overrun tunnel was required east of Hong Kong Station (requiring demolition of the Star Ferry piers) to ensure trains failing to stop at the design position do not collide with the tunnel end (the safety requirement) and to allow trains to be turned back on the east side of the station without hindering trains approaching from the west, thereby enabling the AR to
operate to its design capacity and allow
[...] the use of separate platforms for Airport Express [...]
Line (AEL) arrivals and departures
(the full design capacity requirement).
此外,掉頭隧道的作用是在列車超越車月台位置時提供額外的剎車距離,因此適宜鋪設較為 [...]
The purpose of overrun tunnel is to provide additional braking distance
[...] beyond the station platform in case trains [...]
我們樂於見到已有數間專業團體及專上學院,正研究利用無線網絡、無線射頻辨識系統、藍芽及紅外線等資訊傳輸技術,發展供視障人士在室內及室外走動之導航儀器;日後,視障人士將無須限於使用手杖走在引導徑上進出各大廈及商場、到巴士站、鐵路站 月台 列 車 出入口等。
We are pleased to see that a number of professional institutions are doing research on applying new data transmission technology such as WIFI, RFID, Blue Tooth, Infra-Red and etc, in the development of new mobility aids to assist the visually impaired in indoor and outdoor navigation, other than using a walking cane on tactile guide paths to go in
and out of buildings, shopping malls, locating bus stops, entrance and exit gate
[...] inside rail stations and on platforms.
不得在登月台以外 的地方登上纜車,亦不得在纜車鄰月台的一邊以外的地方登上纜車
(b) board a cable car other
[...] than at a boarding platform or other than from the side of the cable car adjacent to the platform
年7月,台湾辜 振家族旗下和信企业集团的昆仲投资基金(Crimson [...]
Asia Capital) 向天时投入近一亿港元的直接投资,天时遂成为获得海外著名投资集团投入巨资的首间本地软件公司。
July 1997, Crimson Asia Capital, [...]
the investment arm under the Koo Chen-fu family, directly injected close to HK$100million
into Timeless, making Timeless the first local software company to receive renowned investment from overseas.
最新临时数字显示,2013年首2个月, 台 湾 赴 澳门的过夜旅客人数呈现继续成长的趋势,相较去年同期增加了百分之5,再次说明了台湾是一个值得持续深耕的市场,仍然有相当大的开发空间。
The remarkable percentage once
[...] again proves that Taiwan is a market worth [...]
unremitting dedication and still demonstrating
great potential for development.
月台認領 處,有一位年輕的失物偵探,最愛不依常規,以妙想天開的方法,每日替人尋找失物,然後又以刁鑽古怪的邏輯,來確認失主身份。
In the midst of one noisy platform stands a lost and [...]
found bureau where a young manager-cum-detective helps absent-minded
travellers retrieve their missing items.
此外,集團逐步提升車站設施的工作亦進展理想,如增設連接車站大堂和地面的升降機 月台 座 椅及公共洗手間,讓乘客享受更舒適便利的旅程。
Good progress has also been made to progressively enhance station
facilities with the installation of new
[...] external lifts, platform seats and public [...]
toilets for the additional comfort and
convenience of the group’s passengers.
除了摸讀地圖外,部門亦為九廣東鐵馬鞍山支線設計及安裝了點字指示牌,讓視障人士在車站大堂內 月台 上 , 能夠更容易及有效地尋找到方向及目的地。
CSU also designed and supplied braille plates to the KCRC train stations along the Ma On Shan railway line to enable the visually
impaired persons to navigate and find their directions and destinations with
[...] greater ease in the platforms and concourses.
2013年3月 / 台北訊】 持續創新的微星科技,隆重推出全新21.5吋All-in-One [...]
PC,Wind Top AE2212以及AE2212G,採用LED背光技術的21.5吋1920 x 1080 Full HD面板,搭配十點觸控(選配)以及優雅的無邊框一體成型設計,讓使用者不只享受科技,在生活中更顯出眾品味。
March 2013/Taipei] MSI honorably [...]
presents its all-new 21.5-inch Wind Top AE2212 and AE2212G All-in-One PCs. The 1920 x 1080
full HD panel with LED background technology features 10-point touch(optional) control and an elegant frameless AIO design to add a touch of elegance as you enjoy your digital life.
(b) 公共运输交汇处及总站,包括:专利巴士的总站、公共小巴站、的士 站、铁路站、电月台、渡 轮码头及机场
(b) Public transport interchange and terminus, and
particularly franchised bus terminus, PLB stands, taxi stands,
[...] railway stations, tram platforms, ferry piers and airport
在云云眾多NEWGATE產品中,Retro Clocks系列最為用家歡迎,就像這枚型號為「50’s
[...] [...] Clock」之仿古掛牆鐘,便由Metal Case / Metal Hands / Aged Paper Dial / Glass Lens組合而成;Size方面,是直徑29cm × 7.5cm厚度的巨大形態,會否令你想起倫敦公園或車 月台 的 某 個古老大鐘?
Its ‘50’s Clock’ model is made with metal case, metal hands, aged paper dial and glass lens with a size 29cm × 7.5cm.
机器在施力器和技术方面提供一个 upgradable 月台,因 此它对脸可选择或身体施力器孤独、两者的施力器,只有 [...]
(议员) 2种技术,或广大的结构。
The machine
[...] offers an upgradable platform in terms of applicators [...]
as well as technologies hence optional is face or body
applicators alone, both applicators, only (MP)² technology or extended configuration.
目前,所有铁路站( 东铁线马场站除外) 已备有相关设施,如:升降机、轮
[...] 椅升降台、斜道或轮椅辅助车等,以提供最少一条无障碍通道,方便有需要人士 进出车站,往月台。
9.29 All railway stations (except Racecourse Station) are provided with at least one barrier-free access with facilities like lifts, stairlifts,
ramps and wheelchair aids to facilitate those in need in travelling in and out of the station
[...] and to and from the platform.
目前我们已经批准了一项计划,旨在使Scanfil 杭州生产厂的变流器产量提高到月 50 台 变 流 柜。
An approved plan is in place to ramp up the Scanfil Hangzhou converter
[...] production to 50 cabinets a month.
[...] 画面中他鼻子以下的部分全被裁掉;天空泛白时鸟瞰树丛;阳光透过铁路天桥;花边似的影子落在画满涂鸦的行人道;空荡的铁 月台 期 盼着到达或离开。
There are nine photographs all up: two lacquered Chinese chairs in a leaf-littered front garden; the local shopping strip with its Nu Style dry cleaners and Peking Health Supplies; a sky swollen with clouds and power lines above an old Wolseley car that is hugging the curb; a Spanish mission-style house overhung with a frangipani tree; a shopkeeper cropped from the nose down surveying a counter stacked with plastic containers; a bird’s-eye view over trees as the sky brightens; the sun breaking through a railway overpass; the
lacy shadows along a graffiti-strewn
[...] walkway; a railway platform empty but for the [...]
pregnant promise of arrival or departure.
去了堆场之后,有一个处理,这个车辆应该怎么停,堆场调度出来之后,会有一 月台 的 管 理,包括入库、上下,会有一个诸如QC的工作,这并不一定每个行业都做。
After we went to the yard, there is a process, what should
the vehicle stopped, yard after
[...] scheduling, there will be a month of management, including [...]
storage, from top to bottom, there
will be a work such as QC, this does not necessarily each industry are doing.
不过在 2010 年 10 月,台风“鲶 鱼”影响到菲律宾近 200 万人的生活,有 3 万 多 间 [...]
房屋被毁,而热带气旋“吉里” 则吹袭缅甸 26 万民众,造成 10 万人失去家园。
The reporting period witnessed a relative lull
in terms of meteorological
[...] hazards.3 Regardless, in October 2010 Typhoon Megi impacted [...]
the lives of nearly 2 million people
and destroyed 30,000 houses in the Philippines, while Cyclone Giri in Myanmar affected 260,000 people and caused 100,000 to lose their homes.
除檢討企業策略外,集團於2012 年3
[...] 月在香港推出「用心聽‧用心做」計劃,著意提升乘客關心的服務範疇,如縮短乘客候車時間、紓 月台 及 列車擠迫情況等。
Alongside the group’s strategy review, the group launched the Listening•Responding programme in Hong Kong in March 2012 to raise service levels in areas that the group’s
passengers focus on, including those to reduce waiting time for passengers
[...] and ease crowding on platforms and in trains.
整个物流中心可以划分为14个流程:从车辆进大门之前有一个预收货的处理,到大门的闸口管理,闸口管理更多的是对于车辆的调度,体现在车辆来了之后,是不是应该让它先去堆场,还是先 月台 卸 货
Logistics Center as a whole can be divided into 14 process : from the vehicle through the gate of a domestic advance before treatment, to the entrance gate management, gate management was more a vehicle for
scheduling, reflected in the vehicle after the coming, do you let it go to the
[...] yard, or first to the platform of discharge?




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