

单词 月入息

See also:


monthly interest

入息 pl

earnings pl


full-term gestation
(of women) beginning of menstrual cycle

External sources (not reviewed)

在評估有關家庭的月入息時,部分工作入息和培訓/ 再培訓津貼會按指定限額獲豁免計算,以鼓勵受助人積極工作和接受 [...]
When assessing a family’s monthly income, earnings from employment [...]
and training/retraining allowance can be disregarded
up to a prescribed level so as to provide an incentive to work and training/retraining.
至於 其他申請人,則只須自行以書面聲明其家庭 月入 息低於指定入息限額。
For other applicants, they would only be required to declare in
[...] writing that their monthly household income was less [...]
than the specified income limit.
如果在 兩 年合約 屆 滿 時,受助人的月入息或資 產 為當時輪候冊入息限額及資產限額的 [...]
兩 倍 , 便無資格續領津貼。
A recipient with monthly income or assets doubling [...]
the prevailing WLILs and WLALs at the termination of the two-year contract is not eligible for renewal.
[...] 資料配對工作,以找出同時持有多個帳戶的人士,並將其 月入息合 併 計算,以確定他們是否符合入息資格。
It will also need to conduct a central matching
exercise to identify multiple account holders and
[...] aggregate their monthly income to ascertain [...]
their income eligibility.
低收入 住戶"指月入息少於或相等於相關住戶人數的住戶 月入息 中位數一半的家庭住戶。
Low-income households refers to those domestic households with monthly household income which is less than or equal to half of the median monthly domestic household income of the corresponding [...]
household size.
政府當局在2002年條例草案中建議把最低有關 息 水 平 由每 月 4,000元提高至5,000元 ( 即採納以月入息中位數的50%作為調整基 礎 ),目的是在避免加重低收入人士的負擔和保障其退休需要兩者之間 求取平衡。
In proposing to raise the minimum level of
[...] relevant income from $4,000 to $5,000 per month in the 2002 Bill (i.e. adopting the threshold of 50% of the monthly median income), the Administration [...]
sought to
strike a balance between avoiding to burden lower income workers and protecting their retirement needs.
為此,鄭家富議員以其名義就條例草案動議委 員會審議階段修正案(下稱"修正案"),訂明強積金供款的最低有關入息 水平應訂於月入息中位 數不少於60%之數。
For this purpose, Hon Andrew CHENG moved Committee Stage amendments (CSAs) to the Bill in his name
stipulating that not less
[...] than 60% of the monthly median income should be adopted as the minimum relevant income level for MPF [...]
以實際金額而言, 一個4 人家庭的月入息水平 若在8,055元或以下,將會獲得全數減免 額;月入息水平介乎8,056元至11,710元,將會獲得75%減免額;而月入息水平 介乎11,711元至21,512元,則會獲得50%減免額。
In actual money term, a
[...] four-person family with a monthly income level of $8,055 or below would receive full remission; those with a monthly income level between $8,056 and $11,710 would receive 75% remission; and those with a monthly income level between [...]
$11,711 and $21,512 would receive 50% remission.
為使核實入息資格的準則更具彈性,部分委員曾與政府當局 討論其他建議的可行性,例如可否使用2007年 3月 1日至2008年 2月 29日 期間12個月的平均月入息作為評核基礎,或僱員如在該12個月期間 任何一個月份入息不超 過10,000元,便屬符合注款資格。
To allow more flexibility in ascertaining the income eligibility, some members have discussed with the Administration the feasibility of other
suggestions, such as using the
[...] average monthly income of the 12 months from 1 March 2007 to 29 February 2008, or a person being eligible if for any one month during the 12-month period, his monthly income did not exceed [...]
4 積存紅利的年利率,與積存月入息 及 /或 保證獎賞於保單的年利率均為非保證,並由本公司不時公布。
4 The interest rate applied to the
[...] accumulations of dividends, as well as the interest rate applied to monthly income and/or guaranteed [...]
bonus are non-guaranteed
and to be declared by the Company from time to time.
如 FCRI(2011-12)18 號參考文件所述,由 2012 年 3
[...] 月起,交津計 劃的入息限額在參考 2011 年第四季的住戶月入息中位 數後作出更 新,而資產限額則上調至綜合社會保障援助計劃(下稱「綜援計劃」) [...]
相應限額的 3 倍。
As set out in FCRI(2011-12)18, with effect from March 2012, the income limits of the
WITS have been updated with
[...] reference to the median monthly household income in the fourth [...]
quarter of 2011, and the asset
limits have been raised to three times the corresponding limits under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme.
不過如公司公布派發紅利,而您選擇將紅利累積於保單內生息#5,則「非保證 月入息 」 #6 將由保單內的累積紅利支付。
However, if dividends are declared
and you choose to
[...] accumulate the dividends in your Policy to earn interest#5, such Dividend Accumulations will be used to pay the Non-Guaranteed Monthly Income#6.
據政府當局表示,4,000元是按當時每月就業收入中位數 ( 每 月入息 中位數)的 50%計算出來,而20,000元則是以涵蓋90%就業人口的整體就 業收入這個目標釐定出來。
According to the Administration, the $4,000
was derived from 50%
[...] of the then monthly median employment earnings (monthly median income); and the [...]
$20,000 was based on
the target to cover the entire earnings of 90% of the working population.
(七 ) 根據政府統計處2010年綜合住戶統計調查的結果,各區議 會分區家庭住戶入息少於其相應住戶人數的住戶 月入息 中位數的家庭數目,以及當中最少有1名 3歲以下人士的家 庭數目載於附件六。
(g) According to the results of the General Household Survey conducted by the Census and Statistics Department in 2010,
the number of domestic
[...] households with monthly household income less than the median monthly household income [...]
of the corresponding household
size, and of which, households with at least one member aged below three categorized by District Council district are at Annex 6.
不需要。申請人須就過去 3 個月平均月入息不超過指定入息 限額作出聲明。
No. Applicants have to declare that
[...] the average monthly household income in the past 3 months does not exceed the specified income limit.
對於因感染 SARS 以致永久地完全喪
[...] 失工作能力的人士,根據該條例的規定,視乎該名人士的 月入 息和年齡而定,可獲由 344,000 元至 2,016,000 [...]
For those who have suffered permanent total incapacity as a result of SARS infection, the amount of
compensation as provided under the ECO ranges from $344,000 to $2,016,000,
[...] depending on the staff's monthly earnings and age.
申請人的住戶總月入息和總 資產淨值不得超過現行的限額。
Your household monthly income and total net asset [...]
must not exceed the prevailing limits.
(一 ) 就質詢第(一 )部分的回覆,政府統計處(“統計處”)表示,鑒於 綜合住戶統計調查的樣本規模所限, 月入息 平 均 數很容易 受到樣本內少數極端數值的影響,計算出來的“住戶 月入息 平均 數”的統計誤差較大,就統計學而言,有關平均數的數據 在此並不適用。
(a) For the reply to part (a), according to the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD), owing to the limited sample size of the
General Household Survey
[...] (GHS), the average monthly income is easily affected by a few extreme values in the sample and the sampling error of the "average monthly household income" compiled from [...]
the GHS may be quite large.
按照以上條件,病人的每月家入息 , 若 不超過適用 於其家庭人數的家庭住戶月入息中 位 數的 75%,會獲部分減免;而 若不超過該中位數的 50%,則會獲全數減免。
Based on the above, partial waiver of medical fees
[...] is provided for eligible patients with household income not exceeding 75% of the MMDHI that is applicable [...]
to the appropriate
household size, and full waiver will be given to those whose income only constitutes 50% of the MMDHI.
凡超逾指定水平的(現行的限額相當寬鬆,以4人家庭為例, 月入息 超 逾 53100元及資產淨值超逾170萬元的,才須繳交市值租金),月租會首先調整至資助租額的一倍半,然後是兩倍,最後才是市值租金。
Once these are assessed to have exceeded certain
(reasonably generous)
[...] levels, (the current income and net asset limits for 4p-households paying market rent are $53,100 and $1.7 million) monthly rents are raised [...]
automatically first
to one-and-one half times the subsidised rent level, then double and ultimately to market rent level.
保 單 紅 利 及 用 以 計 算 積 存 保 單 紅 利 、 積 存 「月 入 息 」 (4) 之 年 利 率 均 為 非 保 證 。
Policy Dividends and interest rates used for Policy Dividends and Monthly Income(4) accumulations [...]
are not guaranteed.
鑑於目前失業率持續上升及工資下調,議員已通過一項議案,促請政 府就“經常工作”的定義作重新評估,將“ 月入息 不 少 於3,200元而工作 不少於120小時” 的豁免計算入息規定向下調整。
In view of the present situation where the unemployment rate was on the rise and the level of wages was going down, members passed a motion urging the Government to re-assess the
definition of “regular
[...] employment” which was currently defined as “earning no less than $3,200 [...]
and working no less than 120
hours per month” with a view to effecting downward adjustments of the requirements of disregarded earnings.
適用標準保費」是指刊載於保單契約的標準保費表內,按受保人之繕發年齡及保證 月入息 而 適用的保費金額。
Applicable Standard Premium is the premium amount
shown in the Table of Standard Premium in the Policy contract for the Insured's
[...] Issue Age and Guaranteed Monthly Income.
3 保單的保證現金價值將於月入息開 始派發後逐漸減少。
3 The Guaranteed Cash Value in the Policy will start
[...] to decrease when Monthly Income payment commences.
證明的受薪或自僱 人士
[...] (1) 「收入自述書」詳細列明全年 月入息 的 計 算方法及沒法提供收入 證明文件的原因
A salaried employed or self-employed person who cannot produce any income proof (1)
Self-prepared Income
[...] Breakdown detailing the monthly income throughout [...]
the year and explaining why income proof cannot be produced.
(ii) 基本保單的「已付保費總和」#7,減去受保人身故前所公布的保證 月入息 ( 不 包括利息),再減去所公布的保證獎賞(不包括利息),以較高者為準;再加上任何累積的紅利、任何累積保證獎賞及任何累積 月入息 , 再減去保單欠款。
(ii) Total Premiums Paid#7 of the Basic Policy
[...] minus Guaranteed Monthly Income declared up to the date of death of the Insured without interest minus Guaranteed Bonus declared without interest, whichever is higher; plus any Dividend Accumulations, any accumulated Guaranteed Bonus and any accumulated Monthly Income, less any Policy Debt.
但由於管理局並 沒有關於工人工資的統計記錄,故此我們參考了政府統計處的綜合住戶統計 調查,建造業工人在
[...] 2011 年 9 月至 11 月的月入息中位數約為 11,000 元。
However, as CWRA does not have statistical records of the
workers’ wages, we have made reference
[...] to the General Household Survey conducted [...]
by the Census and Statistics Department.
13 若是「豁免保費附加契約」,如受保人在60歲前或在保費繳付期屆滿前(以較先者為準)被診斷為完全及永久殘廢,基本保單可獲豁免的保費金額是根據保證 月入息 及 附加契約保額的比率按比例計算,而「豁免保費附加契約」的保費亦會獲全數豁免。
13 For Waiver of Premium Rider, if the Insured becomes Totally and Permanently Disabled before the age of 60 or before the end of the premium payment period, whichever is earlier, the premium for the Basic Policy will be waived proportionally based on the ratio of the supplementary contract sum assured to the Guaranteed Monthly Income.
月 入 息 」 將 包 括 「 每 月 保入 息 」 及 「 每 月 非 保入 息 」 ,月 非 保息 」 乃 非 保 證 , 實 際 獲 發 之 金 額 可 較 預 期 為 高 或 低 。
The Monthly Non-guaranteed Income is not guaranteed and the actual amount paid can be higher or lower than the projected amount.
如果現有客戶於優惠期 內成功投保任何由 AIA
[...] 外),同一受保人可免費獲享十二個月「每日住院償金(意外)計劃」;換言之,合資格客戶可 享額外九月的意外住入息保障 (總計十二 月 的 保 障),每日住院償金(意外)$300 港元/澳 門幣。
Existing customers who successfully apply for any new individual insurance policy issued by AIA Hong Kong (other than a Premium Refund – Accidental HI plan) within the promotion period will be
entitled to receive a free
[...] Daily Hospital Income Benefit (for Accidental Injuries) Scheme (12 months) covering the [...]
same Insured.




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