

单词 月光隐遁

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如同春夏秋冬,既有生产和生长的季节,也 隐遁 和 复 苏的季节。
As there is spring, summer, autumn, and winter, there is time for productivity and growth, but also a time for reclusion and restoration.
2009年3月6 日,申诉隐姓埋 名在塔吉克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦生活了一段时 间后抵达了哈萨克斯坦。
On 6 March 2009, the complainant arrived in Kazakhstan after living in hiding in Tajikistan [...]
and Kyrgyzstan.
專員從調查工 作中知悉,個人資遁電子途徑洩露(例如透過互聯網)是難以遏止的。
The Commissioner has also learnt through his investigative works that electronic leakage of personal data, e.g. through the Internet, is difficult to contain.
[...] 会把所有物体看成灰色的阴影,又因为柱状体对光非常敏感,而且比锥状体敏感得多,它 使我们能看到非常低照度下的物体,例如 光 或 月光 照 射 下的夜景。
Because the rods are also very sensitive to light—much more sensitive to light
than cones—they enable us to see in very low light levels, such as a
[...] night scene illuminated only by the stars or the moon.
相反, 委員會認為釐清土地權限更有助推動塘魚養殖的可持續發展,因此建議政 府應遁多方 面尋求釐清土地權限的方法,以達致塘魚和蠔養殖的可持續 發展。
On the other hand, the Committee is of the view that clarifying the issue on land status will be more effective in promoting the sustainable development of pond fish and oyster culture, and therefore recommends the Government explore different ways to clarify land status, so as to achieve sustainable development of the pond fish and oyster culture industries.
为了执行保护贩运人口活动受害者的身份 隐 私 的权利,2004 年 10 月 通过的《刑事诉讼法》修正案 和补编引入了对证 人、司法系统的合作者和受 [...]
害 者 的保护。
For the purpose of implementing the right to
[...] protection of identity and privacy of the victims of trafficking [...]
in human beings, the amendments
and supplements to the Law on Criminal Procedure adopted in October 2004 introduced protection of witnesses, collaborators of justice and victims.
這相 對地亦能夠就着抽樣調查的合理懷疑,令酒後駕駛者無 遁 形。
Comparatively speaking, this can also ensure that those who drive after drinking will be detected through the random testing conducted on the grounds of reasonable doubt.
當然亮度會明顯遞減,原因為產品的特性無法真正去除刮痕修補油漆,而不良的化學混合技術及成份,會造成更多的二次刮痕傷害(如更多更深的螺旋印與不規則的拋光痕),而這些刮痕會因為腊與矽的填補在一般的日光燈下是不易察覺,只有在特殊燈及陽光,或500W以上的 光 下 才無 法 遁 形 , 並且這些填補油漆表面及毛孔內的腊與矽,更是會影響最終保護劑密封的功能,因為保護劑油漆密封膠是不含腊或矽,而當保護劑與腊或矽混合時,原有的特性即遭到破壞,因腊經不起高溫、紫外線的照射而容易分解、變質加速破壞油漆表面而使漆面污染氧化。
Bad quality chemical techniques and ingredients that cause more secondary scratch injury (such as deeper swirl marks and more irregular polishing marks), and these scratches will be filled because of wax and silicon which are not easy to detect under fluorescent lights, and only in special light and the sun, or more than 500W of light.
It hides the cursor.
[...] 5性狀的傳說中的生物,有角的龍藍鳳qyl in 在 月光 下 , 和寶貴的蛇和龜的結合臥虎藏龍玄武,分別喚起木,火,土,金屬和水。
These wonders of watchmaking represent the 5 elements of the universe according to the ancient philosophy of Chinese natural science, or the universe itself for one of the dials. 5 traits of
legendary creatures, horned dragon blue phoenix
[...] qylin in the moonlight, and crouching [...]
tiger Genbu, the combination of precious
snake and tortoise respectively evoke wood, fire, earth, metal and water.
若想尝试纯正的印度购物体验月光 集 市(Chandni Chowk)是不二之选。
To experience a truly authentic Indian shopping district, look no further than Chandni Chowk.
承运人在任何情况下不对任何上列项目、或易腐烂物品、假牙光学设备(包隐形眼 镜)、药物、相机、康乐及/或运动设备、现金、证券或其他流通票据的任何损失或损 [...]
Carrier shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to any of the above
listed items, or perishable
[...] items, dentures, optical devices (including contact lenses), medications, [...]
cameras, recreational
and/or sporting equipment, cash, securities or other negotiable instruments under any circumstances whatsoever, whether carried within the Guest’s baggage or otherwise.
个人资料 (私隐) 条例》在1996年12 月实施,保障个人( 包括残疾人士) 在个人资料方面的 私隐。
It protects the privacy of individuals (including persons [...]
with disabilities) with respect to personal data.
他带来了两个月亮的树眨了眨眼,睡 月光 下 很 长一段时间,owlets,其中之一是索伦的妹妹,白玫瑰,一个紧张性精神分裂症的状态引起的entrancement的。
He had brought to the tree two moon-blinked, a catatonic state of entrancement caused by sleeping under the moonlight for a prolonged period of time, owlets, one of which is Soren’s sister, Eglantine.
他50岁时,染上超级大国狂热的罗纳德·里根政府在日益蔓延的腐朽的阴影中浮现,一方面致使日 遁 入 从 属于美国的深渊,而另一方面是以色列发动空中闪电战,试图摧毁了伊拉克的核反应堆。
At 50, emergence of super- power-maniac Ronald Reagan Government under the creeping shadow of decay, ensuing Japan’s diving into an abyss of subordination to US on one hand, and Israeli air blitz to destroy Iraqi nuclear reactor on the other.
希腊医生所描述的火、土、 气和水等四个元素在显微镜下是看不见的,在过去几个世纪中吸引了希腊哲学家 和基督教神学家注意的人类灵魂也同 遁 形 于 世。
The four elements of fire, earth, air and water described by Greek doctors were nowhere to be found under the microscope, nor was the human soul that had engaged the attention of both Greek philosophers and Christian theologians over the centuries.
此外,為防止奸商以假貨魚目混珠,政府應考慮修訂現時的《商品說明 條例》,建立商品的檢驗制度,詳細列明不同牌子產品的細則及規格,讓消 費者有一個清晰的標準,以判斷所買的是真貨,還是假貨,讓假貨無 遁 形。
To prevent unscrupulous operators from passing off the sham as the genuine, the Government should consider amending the existing Trade Descriptions Ordinance, establishing an examination system for commodities and setting out in detail the details and specifications of products of different brands so as to provide consumers with a clear standard whereby they can judge the authenticity of the goods they have bought so that fakes will not go undetected.
我相信這些資料對於瞭解公共小巴司機的危險駕駛情況,能提供 很好的資料庫,使不良司機無遁形。
I believe these data can provide a good database for understanding dangerous driving by PLB drivers and hence, the unscrupulous drivers will have nowhere to hide.
我們知 道這只不過遁辭, 藉此混淆實質問題。
This, we know, is a quibble of language to confuse the substance.
个 人 资 料隐 专 员 吴 斌 于 7 月 21 日 根 据 《 个 人 资 料 (隐 ) 条 例 》 第 38 ( b ) 条 主 动 向 八 达 通 控 股 有 限 公 司 及 处 理 [...]
日 日 赏 的 八 达 通 奖 赏 有 限 公 司
展 开 正 式 调 查 , 以 确 定 「 八 达 通 日 日 赏 」 计 划 收 集 及 披 露 客 户 的 个 人 资 料 作 直 销 用 途 , 是 否 有 违 条 例 的 规 定 , 包 括 但 不 限 于 条 例 附 表 1 的 保 障 资 料 第 1 及 第 3 原 则 , 以 及 条 例 第 34 条 。
The investigation is carried out
[...] pursuant to section 38(b) of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ascertain whether the collection [...]
and disclosure
of the members' personal data for direct marketing purpose is a contravention of a requirement under the Ordinance, including but not limited to Data Protection Principle 1 and 3 in Schedule 1 to the Ordinance and section 34 of the Ordinance.
忆及 1948 年 12 月 10 日的《世界人权宣言》、联合国 1966 年 12 月 16 日关于经济、社会和 文化权利以及关于公民权利和政治权利的两个国际公约、联合国 1965 年 12 月 21 日的《消 除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》、联合国 1979
年 12 月 18
[...] 日的《消除对妇女一切形式歧视 公约》、联合国 1989 年 11 月 20 日《儿童权利公约》、联合国经济及社会理事会 2001 年 7 月 26 日有关基隐私与非歧视问题的第 2001/39 号决议 11 、国际劳工组织 1958 年 6 月 25 日 的《就业和职业歧视公约》(第 [...]
111 号)、教科文组织 2001 年
11 月 2 日的《世界文化多样 性宣言》以及联合国和联合国系统各专门机构通过的其它有关人权的国际文书
Recalling the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948, the two International United Nations Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and on Civil and Political Rights of 16 December 1966, the International United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 21 December 1965, the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women of 18 December 1979, the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of
[...] the Child of 20 November 1989, the United Nations Economic and Social Council Resolution 2001/39 on Genetic Privacy and Non-Discrimination [...]
of 26 July 2001,2
the ILO Convention (No. 111) concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation of 25 June 1958, the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity of 2 November 2001, the other international human rights instruments adopted by the United Nations and the specialized agencies of the United Nations system
如果 採 用 應計會 計 制 的 話 ,則無 論採用 甚麼現 金 流 轉管理 方式把支出收 藏 起 來 , 最 終 支出也 會 顯 現 , 無遁 形 的
If this system is adopted, then even if the expenditures are covered up under any form of cash flow management, they will eventually crop up and appear.
邊境禁區的發 展潛力是不容忽視的,可惜當局至今只是釋放了很少部分的禁區用 地,很多地方仍然在“月光”。
Unfortunately, the authorities have only released a small part of the land in the FCA, while a vast span is still left to lay idle.
以我为爱彼所设计的作品为例,当我 月光 下 拍 摄时,我利用长时曝光的技巧呈现丰富的讯息,将取景的视野所见真实地捕捉撷取在底片上。
To give an example from my work for Audemars Piguet, when I photograph under moonlight I use a long exposure to give enough information so the field of view is visibly recorded onto the film.
除這項教育活動外,我們更會加強對付黑煙 車輛的執法行動,引入更佳的測試儀器,以使維修欠佳的車輛無遁 形。
This education programme is being backed up by stronger enforcement action against smoky vehicles and by the introduction of better testing equipment that will expose failure to maintain vehicles properly.
公共小巴安裝“黑盒”或限速器後,既能提高公共小巴司機的安全 意識,而且一旦發生意外,涉事司機超速和危險超車的行為則無遁 形, 可以為保險公司在處理意外方面提供新的佐證來源。
The installation of "blackboxes" or speed limiters on PLBs can enhance the awareness of safety of PLB drivers. Besides, in the event of an accident, the driver's behaviour of speeding and dangerous overtaking will be fully exposed.
(二 ) 消委會公布 有關店鋪 的 名字的 做 法 是 收到一 定程度 的 阻嚇作 用 , 此 舉既可 提 高市民和遊客的 警覺性 , 亦對該等店鋪起警惕作 用 , 使 他們無遁形。
It puts the public and tourists on their guard, as well as serving as a warning to the shops concerned by exposing their unscrupulous practices.
他 在 1998 年 開 始 擔任立法會帳 目 委 員會的主席,我 相信在 他 擔任主席後,政府聽 到 帳 目 委 員會便 “ 聞 ‘ 會 ’喪膽 ”,因為政府 的 糊塗帳 經李家祥議員帶 領 的 帳 目 委 員會看過後,所 有的糊塗帳 也 是 無遁 形 的,也 一一被 剔 出 來 狠 批 。
This is because no messy accounts of the Government can escape the PAC under the leadership of Dr Eric LI; they would definitely be singled out one by one for fierce criticism.
Suhonen 的设计,旨在唤起人们对月光照大 地,海盗,黑暗的森林,破旧的汽车旅馆,喝醉了香槟,脆弱的蝴蝶,热情的关系,牛仔和守护天使” [...]
Suhonen aims to evoke “moonlit fields, pirates, [...]
dark forests, crummy motels, champagne states of drunkenness, fragile butterflies,
passionate relationships, cowboys and guardian angels.
这一点在非洲(联合国内罗毕办事处,2002 年 8 月 26-29 日) 和拉丁美洲及加勒比地区(哥斯达黎加圣胡斯 2002 年 9 月光-11 日)参与磋商过程中得到充 分证明。
26-29 August 2002) and Latin America and the Caribbean (San José, Costa Rica, 9-11 September 2002).




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