单词 | 月事 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 月事—menstruationless common: menses a woman's periods
根据几内亚 2009 年9月事件国际调查委员会的 建议,本办事处已在几内亚开办部署启动机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the recommendations of the international Commission of [...] Inquiry intotheSeptember 2009eventsin Guinea, [...]a start-up presence from my Office [...]has been deployed to the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011年2月事件的独立调查委员会,并鼓励巴林政府继续与所 有利益攸关方进行对话。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pakistan welcomed the establishment of the BICI to [...] investigate theevents of February2011 and encouraged [...]the Government of Bahrain to continue [...]its dialogue with all stakeholders. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 每 位 执 行 董 事 均 与 本 公 司 订 立 服 务 [...] 合 约,订 约 双 方 均 可 以 不 少 於 三个月 事先通知 终 止 合 约。 cre8ir.com | (a) Each of the executive Directors has entered [...] into a service contract with the Company terminable by either party with [...] not less than threemonths’notice inadvance. cre8ir.com |
2009 年2月事件发生后有关把马拉卡勒的联 合整编部队调离该地的协议尚未得到执行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Agreement to rotate the Malakal Joint Integrated Unit out of the area after the February 2009 incident has not yet been implemented. daccess-ods.un.org |
各执行董事及非执行董事已与本公司订立服务合约,任期 分别为一年及三年,根据服务合约条文,其中一方仅可透 过向另一方发出不少於三个月事先书面通知终止。 westchinacement.com | Each of the executive Directors and non-executive Directors has entered into a service contract with the Company for terms of one year and three years which may only be terminated in accordance with the [...] provisions of the service contract by either party giving to the other [...] not lessthanthreemonths’priornotice inwriting. westchinacement.com |
观察团在 10 月、11 月和 12 月对科多里河谷上游进行了 3 次巡逻,以评估安 全和人道主义状况,包括因8月事件流离失所的人的返回情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Mission conducted three patrols to the upper [...] Kodori Valley in October, [...] November and Decemberto assess the security and humanitarian conditions, including the situation regarding the return of population displaced as a result oftheAugust events. daccess-ods.un.org |
任何一方均可发出六个月事先书面通知终止遥控产品销售协议。 cre8ir.com | Either party may terminate the Remote Control Sale [...] Agreement bygivingsix months’prior notice in writing. cre8ir.com |
为能有更多支持者开始接受我们的每月事工代祷信,并且认真地定期而深入地为AM-CCSM的各项事工祷告。 amccsm.org | Pray that more of our supporters will [...] begin receiving ourmonthly ministryprayer update [...]and commit to pray regularly and [...]in more depth for the various aspects of the work of AM-CCSM. amccsm.org |
Peter Cassidy博士的委任协议始於二零一零年十二月三十一 日,可由本公司发出一个月事先书面通知终止。 mmg.com | Dr Peter Cassidy’s appointment agreement [...] commenced on 31 December2010 and can be terminated by the Company with one month priornotice. mmg.com |
不幸的是,苏丹政府与苏丹解放军米纳维派之间 的暴力最近于 1 月 24 日在位于法希尔与尚吉尔托巴 [...] 伊之间公路旁的 Thabit 村再次爆发,这似乎是去年12月事件的延续。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, in what seems to be a continuation of the events of December, violence between the [...] Government of the Sudan and SLA-MM re-erupted as [...] recentlyas 24 January in thevillage [...]of Thabit, located along the road between El Fasher and Shangil Tobaya. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010年6月事件之后 对时间的把握具有重要意义;区域办事处及时采取行动的能力使该办事处发挥了 [...] 预防作用,采取的保护行动对将人权问题纳入更广泛的人道主义应急行动至关重 要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Timing was of critical importance in the [...] aftermath oftheJune 2010events; its capacity [...]to take action allowed the Office to [...]play a preventive role and to undertake protection activities which are essential to integrating human rights into the broader humanitarian response. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别记念那些经历过1989年六月事件创伤的人。 amccsm.org | Remember particularly those who experienced [...] the trauma oftheJune 1989 events. amccsm.org |
我不想比较不存在可比性的东西,但地中海以南 和中东地区目前发生的情况标志着使青年获得解放, [...] 成为独立的政治和社会利益攸关者方面的一个步骤, 我认为其意义与 1968 年5月事件对于欧洲青年一样 重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | I do not want to compare what cannot be compared, but what is happening today south of the Mediterranean and in the Middle East marks a step in the emancipation of youth as political and social [...] stakeholders in their own right that is as important, in my [...] opinion,as theevents of May 1968 were[...]for the youth of Europe. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 该国政府最近决定,按照 2009 年 4 月联合公报的建议成立一个独立的 [...] 警务投诉委员会,并就希尔斯-摩西调查委员会关于 2009 年3月事件的独立调查 报告发表一份白皮书; (c) 最近该国通过各种措施努力促进政治对话和宽容,如 [...]2012 年 2 月 28 [...]日 向 Gendema 派出联合核查团,以解决与居住在相邻各国的塞拉利昂人的登记有关 的问题 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Recent national efforts to promote political dialogue and tolerance through measures such as the [...] joint verification mission to [...] Gendema of28 February 2012 to resolve matters related to [...]the registration of Sierra Leoneans [...]residing in neighbouring countries daccess-ods.un.org |
患者自有月事以来,长期经期不调并患有经痛。 gnetrading.com | Patient suffered [...] irregular menstruation eversince themenses came. gnetrading.com |
对英国「单车超级高速公路」而言,过去六个月事件频传,二号道於去年夏天在伦敦东区启用,由於纽汉自治市(Newham)拒绝参与,再加上部落客与单车骑士批评声浪不断,这条路线长度比原先规划大幅缩短;启用後几个月内,在众人批判最强烈的圆环路段,就造成两人丧命,迫使伦敦运输局委托其他单位,评估现有四条单车道的每个十字路口。 thisbigcity.net | Within months, two people had died [...] at Bow roundabout – the very section of the route that received most criticism – resulting [...]in Transport for London commissioning a review of every junction on all four Superhighways. thisbigcity.net |
但提前支付催缴股款不应 使股东有权就催缴前已提前付款的股份或其有关部分收取股息或行使任何其他股 东权利或特权。董事会亦可随时经向该等股东发出不少於一个月事先书面通知 後,付还该提前支付的股款,除非在该通知到期前,有关该提前付款的股份已被 催缴股款。 gbinternational.com.hk | The Board may at any time repay the amount so advanced upon giving to such Shareholder not less than one Month’s notice in writing of its intention on that behalf, unless before the expiration of such notice the amount so advanced shall have been called up on the Shares in respect of which it was advanced. gbinternational.com.hk |
(a) 塞拉利昂各大政党在联塞建和办支持下,努力落实 2009 年 4 月联合公 报所载的协议;结束对 2009 年3月事件的独立调查;以及塞拉利昂政府致力改 组政党登记委员会,使之能在推动调解各党间关系并节制其行为方面发挥更大作 [...] 用;(b) 任命新的反腐败专员,反腐败委员会继续努力反腐败,执行国家反腐败 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Efforts by the major political parties of Sierra Leone, as supported by UNIPSIL, to implement the agreements [...] contained in the joint [...] communiquéof April 2009, the conclusion of the independent inquiry into the events of March 2009 and the [...]commitment of the Government [...]of Sierra Leone to restructure the Political Parties Registration Commission in order to enable in order it to play a greater role in promoting mediation among the parties and in regulating their conduct daccess-ods.un.org |
在 选 举 新 的董事前一 个月,提名 委 员 会 向董事会提出 董 事 候 选 人 的 建 议 和 相 关 材 料;在 聘 任 新 的 高 级 管 理 人 员 前,提 名 委 员 会 向 董 事 会 提 出 新 聘 高 级 管 理 人 员 人 选 的 建 议 和 相 关 材 料。 zte.com.cn | Prior to the appointmentof any new senior management staff, the Nomination Committee will also propose to the Board of Directors candidates to be appointed as senior management staff and furnish the Board with relevant information. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
除 上 文 披 露 者 外 , 於 二 零 一一年九月三十日 ,董事概无於 本 公 司及╱ 或 其 任 何 相 联 [...] 法 团 ( 定 义 见 证 券 及 期 货 条 例 第 XV 部 )之 股 份 、 相 关 股 份 及 [...]债 券 中 , 拥 有 根 据 证 券 及 期 货 条 例 第 XV 部 第 7 及 8 分 部 须 知 会本公 司及联 交 所( 包 括 根 据 证 券 及 期 货 条 例 相 关 条 文 彼 等 被 当 作 或 视 为 拥 有 之 权 益 及 淡 仓 ), 或 根 据 证 券 及 期 货 条 例 第 352 条 须 列 入 该 条 所 指 本 公 司 之 登 记 册 或 根 据 证 券 及 期 货 条 例 第 XV 部 须 知 会本公 司及联 交 所 之任何 权 益 或 淡 仓 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Save as disclosed above, as at 30September 2011,noneofthe Directors hadany interest [...] or short position in the Shares, [...]underlying shares and debentures of the Company and/or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which were required to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests and short positions which they were taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO) or were required, pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, to be entered in the register of the Company referred to therein or were required, pursuant to Part XV of the SFO, to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange. cigyangtzeports.com |
2006 年签署的基本协议有效期五 年,2011 年 2 月到期,在新协议出台之前,文化助理总干事3月2日发函延长了协议有效期。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This basic convention, signed in 2006 for a period of five years, expired inFebruary 2011 and was extended by a letter from the Assistant Director-General for Culture dated 2 March2011, pending the signing of a new agreement. unesdoc.unesco.org |
咨询委员会注意到,2010 年拟议资源的增加还反映了以下方面所需 资源的增加:反恐怖主义委员会执行局(963 700 [...] 美元),因为拟议增设 2 个职位(1 个 P-4 和 1 [...] 个 P-2);支持安全理事会第 1540(2004)号决议所 设委员会(886 500 美元),因为拟议增设 1 个 P-5 职位;索马里问题监 察组(311 500 美元),因为依照安全理事会第1853(2008)号决议增加了 第五位专家;苏丹问题专家小组(225 700 美元),因为专家的月费增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee notes that the increase in the resources proposed for 2010 also reflects additional requirements for the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate ($963,700) in view of two additional positions (1 P-4 and 1 P-2) proposed; for support to the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) ($886,500), in view of the proposed addition of one P-5 position; for the Monitoring Group on Somalia ($311,500), owing to the addition of a [...] fifth expert pursuant [...] to Security Councilresolution 1853 (2008); and for the Panel of Experts on the Sudan ($225,700), in view of the increase in the monthly fees of experts. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我们欢迎联合国人权事务高级专员进行的 努力,以及人权理事会在2009 年1月12日通过的一 项决议,决议除其他以外,呼吁立即停止以色列的军 事袭击,并要求以色列占领军从加沙地带撤离;要求 [...] 占领国以色列解除对加沙地带强制实行的围困,并开 [...]放所有过境点、允许人道主义援助进入和自由行动; 敦促各方尊重国际人道主义法和人权法,并避免对平 民采取暴力行动;以及决定紧急派遣一个国际实地调 查团,调查占领国违反国际人权法和人道主义法的所 有行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, we welcome the efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner [...] for Human Rights and the [...] Human Rights Council’s adoption of a resolution on12 January2009, which, inter [...]alia, calls for an [...]immediate cessation of Israeli military attacks and demands the withdrawal of Israeli occupying forces from the Gaza Strip; demands that Israel, the occupying Power, lift the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip and open all border crossings to allow for access and the free movement of humanitarian aid; urges all parties to respect international humanitarian and human rights law and to refrain from violence against the civilian population; and decides to dispatch an urgent international fact-finding mission to investigate all violations of international human rights and humanitarian law by the occupying Power. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34 款经常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以待世界各地联合国人员及房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年6月建议对安全和安保部组织进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 合国系统行政首长协调理事会对独立审查小组的建议作出反应。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of [...] Safety and Security that [...] was recommended in June2008 by theIndependent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for[...]Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel. daccess-ods.un.org |
经济及社会理事会在其 2007 年10月17日第 2007/40 号决议(第 6 段)中, 决定制定、审议并期望在联合国森林论坛第八届会议上通过一个适用于所有类型 [...] 森林的全球自愿金融机制/组合办法/森林筹资框架,目的是在现有和新出现的创 [...]新办法基础上,从各种来源大幅增加新的和更多的资源,同时考虑到对现有金融 机制的评估和审查结果,以支持实行可持续森林管理,实现全球森林目标,执行 关于所有类型森林的无法律约束力文书。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Economic andSocial Council, initsresolution 2007/40 of 17October 2007(para. 6), [...] decided to develop and consider, [...]with a view to its adoption at the eighth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests, a voluntary global financial mechanism/portfolio approach/forest financing framework for all types of forests, aimed at mobilizing significantly increased, new and additional resources from all sources, based on existing and emerging innovative approaches, also taking into account assessments and reviews of current financial mechanisms, to support the implementation of sustainable forest management, the achievement of the global objectives on forests and the implementation of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们高度赞赏总干事9月初发布的关于在朝鲜民 主主义人民共和国实施保障监督措施的报告(GOV/ 2011/53-GC(55)/24),这在原子能机构处理朝鲜核问 [...] 题的历史上还是头一次。 daccess-ods.un.org | We highly appreciate the comprehensive report [...] releasedby theDirector Generalearly in September ontheapplication [...]of safeguards in the Democratic [...]People’s Republic of Korea (GOV/2011/53GC(55)/24), the first of its kind in the history of the IAEA’s dealings with the North Korean nuclear issue. daccess-ods.un.org |