

单词 最重


最重要 adj

most important adj

最重要 adv

most importantly adv

最严重 adv

most heavily adv

External sources (not reviewed)

为遏制这种金融市场压力而应采取 最重 要的 政策便是为金融市场建立信心。
The most important policy to be implemented [...]
to contain such financial market pressure was to provide confidence to the financial markets.
该凭单记录了矿工姓名、买方姓名、日期和钻石据称的开 采区域最重要的 是,还记录了钻石的克拉重量和描述(见附件十六,图片 A)。
The voucher records the name of the miner, the name of the buyer, the date, the area
which the diamonds were claimed
[...] to be from and, most importantly, the carat weight and description [...]
of the stones (see pictures in annex XVI).
最重要的 是,ZANU-PF 仍保持对安全机构的 全面控制,这让人们更有理由担心选举可能导致 [...]
2008 年暴力事件的重演,人民的民主意愿会遭到拒 绝。
Most significantly, ZANU-PF retains [...]
full control of the security apparatus, raising legitimate fears elections could lead
to a repeat of the 2008 violence and refusal to accept the democratic will of the people.
最重要的 是加强司法机构尤其是最高法院的工作,保障其有能力独立、安 [...]
It is essential to strengthen the [...]
work of the judiciary, especially the Supreme Court, guaranteeing its ability to exercise
its responsibilities with independence, security, freedom and professionalism, without restrictions or pressure.
最重要的 是,出任擬設助理署長職位的人員,必須是具備相 關領導經驗的專業人員,以便處理部門的運作事宜,我們認為這些工 [...]
Most importantly, the post holder of [...]
the proposed AD post needs to be a professional officer with relevant leadership experience
to look after departmental operations and we consider it inappropriate for such work to be taken up by incumbents of the aforesaid non-departmental posts.
自 2008 年以来,我一直谈论国际和国内法治之间的重要衔接,建议联合国
[...] 注重寻找更好的方法,支持会员国及其民众在国内落实国际规范和标准,致力于 遵守国际义务,并最重要的 是,加强确保有效实行和享有公正的国内和国际秩 [...]
Since 2008, I have remarked on the critical interface between international and national rule of law, recommending that the United Nations focus on finding better ways to support Member States and their populations in the domestic implementation of international norms and standards, working to
achieve compliance with
[...] international obligations and, most critically, strengthening [...]
the institutions, policies, processes
and conditions that ensure effective enforcement and enjoyment of a just national and international order.
上市規則准許以聯交所作為主要上市市場之公司於聯交所購回其繳足股份,惟須受若 干限制最重要之內容概述於下文。
The Listing Rules permit companies with a primary listing on the Stock Exchange to repurchase their fully
paid up shares on the Stock Exchange subject to certain
[...] restrictions, the most important of which are summarised below.
多数与会者认为,鉴于跨学科是教科文组 最重 要 的相对优势之一,因此它应当被视 为规律,而不是例外。
A majority of participants expressed the view that
[...] interdisciplinarity is one of the most important comparative advantages [...]
of UNESCO and, as such, must
be the rule and not the exception.
最重要的 是,我們必須得到社會㆟士的支持和積 極參與,合力「消滅毒禍」。
We shall do more of these
[...] things but above all, we need [...]
the support and the active participation of the community to "beat drugs" together.
据指出, 虽然有关公共秩序和国家安全的理由无疑 最重 要 的 ,却不是唯一的理由,制定 一个关于驱逐的理由的所谓详尽清单会不适当地限制了必须允许该驱逐国有确定 [...]
It was pointed out that, while the grounds relating to
public order and national security
[...] were certainly the most important, they were not the [...]
sole grounds, and that drawing up
a supposedly exhaustive list of grounds for expulsion would unduly restrict the discretion that the expelling State must be allowed in order to determine those grounds.
[...] 只是鼓励因素之一,我们应当始终确保,其他主要的鼓励因素能够完全纳入我们 的努力,并能够得到所有必要的控制,其 最重 要 的 控制措施是诚实和透明度。
But we have to agree that financing is only one of many human incentives and we should always ensure that other key incentives are fully integrated into our
efforts and regulated by all the
[...] necessary controls, the most important of these being [...]
integrity and transparency guarantees.
一成员指出,没有说明执行拖延的理由,并要求今后的报告应载有关于拖延 最重 要理由的分析,以便能够就进一步减少此种拖延的可能办法向执行委员会提出建议。
One member remarked that the reason for implementation delays was not provided, and
asked that future reports contain
[...] some analysis of the most important reasons for delays [...]
in order to be able to provide recommendations
for the Executive Committee, if relevant, on possible ways of further reducing such delays.
有,同样,许多元素tannaitic传统,特别是圣经midrashic注释,以及众多halakic解释,辞书和材料,这是在较受限制的米示拿的意思解释为进入犹太法典纳入准备一,当米示拿犹大成为标准halakic工作,作为对宗教法律问题的决定都源,而且,更特别是,作为一个在院校研究的课题,对犹太法典的mishnaic文本的解释,无论在理论上并在实践中,自然就成 最重 要 的 研究分支,包括传统科学的其他分支,被来自的halakah和midrash(halakic训诂学)派生,也包括haggadic材料,但向未成年人的程度。
There were, likewise, many elements of tannaitic tradition, especially the midrashic exegesis of the Bible, as well as numerous halakic interpretations, lexicographical and material, which were ready for incorporation into the Talmud in its more restricted meaning of the interpretation of the Mishnah of Judah I. When this Mishnah became the standard halakic work, both as a source for decisions of questions of religious law, and, even more especially, as a subject of study in the academies, the Talmud interpretation of the mishnaic
text, both in theory and in practise,
[...] naturally became the most important branch of study, [...]
and included the other branches of
traditional science, being derived from the Halakah and the Midrash (halakic exegesis), and also including haggadic material, though to a minor degree.
这要归功于多种原因最 重要的 是在2009年,波兰仍致力于GDP的 增长,预期在未来几年还会有一个乐观的前 景。
There are multiple
[...] reasons for this, the most important of which is that [...]
Poland is still targeting a GDP growth for 2009
with a positive outlook for the upcoming years.
[...] 届专家组都在其报告中指出,北部没有设置海关,南部海关管制薄弱,这是导致 科特迪瓦自然资源无节制开采最重 要 因 素之一(见 S/2008/598,第 28-32 段; [...]
S/2009/521,第 447-450 段;以及 S/2010/179,第 114 段及第 118-119 段)。
Previous Groups of Experts have indicated in their reports that the absence of customs in the north
and weak customs controls in the south
[...] are one of the most important contributing factors [...]
to the uncontrolled exploitation
of natural resources in Côte d’Ivoire (see S/2008/598, paras. 28-32; S/2009/521, paras. 447-450; and S/2010/179, paras. 114 and 118-119).
他在答复代表们提出的问题时澄清了以下问题: 关于海关官员培训和许可证制度的
[...] 且在数量是否满足需要;案头研究是实地考察的必要先头工作,使他能够向执行委员会证 实,他确实是在研究各位成员认 最重 要 的 问题;正如执行委员会所希望的那样,评价课 [...]
In response to questions from representatives, he clarified that the final report on the evaluation of customs officers training and licensing system projects would cover the question of whether the equipment supplied to customs officers for identification of ODS was of the required type and number; that a desk study was a necessary precursor to a field study, enabling him to verify with the Executive Committee that he
was indeed studying the issues that the
[...] members considered most relevant; and that [...]
the determination of subjects for evaluation
was made independently by him, as desired by the Executive Committee, and then discussed collaboratively within the Secretariat.
有關原則及指引要求進行定期、公開、公平和互相 尊重的溝通,絕不容忍任何違反人權的行為,提供公平薪酬, 最重 要 的是營造安全的工作 環 境。
This priority is reflected in the principles of its corporate practice and its related guidance, which
require regular,
[...] open, fair and respectful communication, zero tolerance for human rights violations, [...]
fair remuneration
and, above all, a safe working environment.
2030 年远景”希望看到纳米比亚:(a) 加强民主,以促进公众对政府事务 的参与;(b) 建立一个多元化、稳健和富有活力的经济以减少贫穷;(c) 减少失
业,从而增加经济生产;(d) 解决土地问题(这是维持国家稳定的关键),增加自 然资源的公平开发;(e) 改善公民的营养状况;(f)
[...] 积极寻求创新的解决方案, 以解决健康问题、特别是艾滋病毒/艾滋病的流行; ( g) 最重要的是使妇女参与 政府对所有事务的决策。
Vision 2030 wishes to see Namibia: (a) strengthen democracy in order to facilitate public participation in the affairs of government; (b) build a diversified, robust and dynamic economy necessary to reduce poverty; (c) reduce unemployment and thereby enhance economic production; (d) resolve the land question which holds the key for maintaining national stability, and increase equitable exploitation of natural resources; (e) improve nutritional status of the citizens; (f) proactively seek innovative solutions to address the issues of
health, in particular the HIV/AIDS
[...] pandemic; and (g) most importantly, involve women in [...]
decision-making in all affairs of Government.
对西方社会而最重要的一点是要尽快取消 制裁,用具体方式向缅甸展示国际关系正常化能为 [...]
The most important step is for the [...]
West to quickly lift sanctions and demonstrate in a concrete way that Myanmar stands
to benefit through a normalisation of its international relations.
报告《IDC 预测 2013 年:第
[...] 3 平台上的竞争》(来源:IDC)指出“2013 年最重要的趋势和事件将围绕在 IDC 所称的 IT 业增长和创新的‘第 [...]
3 平台’- 它由以下因素构建而成:移动设备、云服务、社交技术和海量数据,及建于它们之上的新兴高价值行业解决方案和将在下一个八年的大部分增长中扮演非常重要角色的不断浮现的供应商(例如服务提供商和行业
PaaS 提供商)与客户(例如消费者、中小企业、企业高管及新兴市场客户)。
The report "IDC Predictions 2013: Competing
on the 3rd Platform" (source:
[...] IDC) identifies “the most important trends and events in [...]
2013 will cluster around what IDC
calls the "3rd Platform" for IT industry growth and innovation — built on mobile devices, cloud services, social technologies, and Big Data, as well as the emerging high-value industry solutions built on top of them, and the rising vendors (e.g., service providers and industry PaaS providers) and customers (e.g., consumers, SMBs, line-of-business executives, and emerging market customers) that will play leading roles in much of the next eight years' growth.
对于各种类型的教育而言,空间的有效利用、网络的优化,以及全民对优质 教育服务的享有等,是当最重要的 问题。
For all the types of education the
problem of efficient use
[...] of spaces, rationalisation of the network, and ensuring access to high-quality educational services is of current importance.
人才是我最重要的 资源之一,作为一个国家,我 们必须加大投入,为我国培养更多的研究生人才以保障我们的创新能力和未来在知识方面的领 [...]
One of our greatest resources is our [...]
human talent, and as a nation we must invest in educating more of our population at
the graduate level to ensure our capacity to innovate and to secure our intellectual leadership into the future.
为了扭转这一局面,医疗保险基金处理报销单的管理信息软件应考虑以下因素:(i) 东 道国和世界的医业变得日益复杂,(ii) 一个管理为数有限受保者(仅约 8000 人)的保险基金 很难适应许多改革和在这方面的预期变化,尤其是行政和医学信息的交流借助因特网而变得 越来越虚拟化,(iii) 在东道国社会保险制度中,医疗保险基金的报销额约占 80%,东道国的 社会保险制度已进行深入改革,一 最重 要 的 改动主要涉及处方的医学术语,最终这些术语 将会有数千个“处方编码”,而不是现在的二十几个。
To redress the situation, the Medical Benefits Fund’s reimbursement management software must take account of the following factors: (i) medical treatment in the host country and worldwide is becoming more and more complex; (ii) a Fund managing a small number of insured persons (about 8,000 persons only) will have great difficulty in adapting to the many foreseeable changes and developments in this field, especially as exchanges of administrative and medical information will increasingly take a non-tangible form owing to the use of the Internet; and (iii) the social security system of the host country, in which about 80% of the expenditure reimbursed by the Medical Benefits Fund is incurred, is undergoing in-depth reform entailing, in particular, a major change in the nomenclature of medical treatment, which will eventually consist of several thousand codes for medical services instead of the score at present used.
有關選擇候選人的具體考慮因素方面,50%登記選民認為候選人的往 最重 要 , 36%認為候選人的政綱及政治傾 最重 要 ,3%則認為個人背景及競選表 最重 要。
Regarding the main factor for choosing the candidate, 50%
considered a candidate's past
[...] performance to be most important. 36% opted for a candidate's platform and political alignment, while 3% considered a candidate's personal background and performance during election to be most important.
下列人员可在迁出后得到其他居住空间的情况下迁居:(一) 无正当理由自 行与企业、事业单位、国民经最重 要 的行业组织(原单位给他们提供有住所)终 止雇用关系,或因违反工作记录或因犯罪而被上述雇用单位开除的工人和公务人 [...]
在集体农场有住房但自己主动从集体农场退出 的公民;(三) 剥夺父母亲权但仍与其被剥夺的父母亲权相关的子女住在一起的 公民;(四) 被剥夺子女教育权的父母-养父母;(五) 其他情况的人员。
May be evacuated with a subsequent offer of another living space: (i) workers and servants (along with the persons that live with them) that have discontinued their employment relations with
the enterprises, institutions,
[...] organisations of the most important branches of the national [...]
economy, which offered them
the living space, as a result of own initiative discontinuation of the employment relations without justified reasons, or which have been dismissed for breaching the employment discipline or as a result of an offence; (ii) citizens that have received living spaces in the houses of collective farms, if they have been excluded from the collective farm as a result of their own initiative; (iii) citizens that have been deprived of their parental rights, if they live together with their children in relation to whom they were deprived of their parental rights; (iv) parents-adopters, if they have been deprived of the education of the children; (v) other cases.
[...] 力将是需求的积极趋势、收入和人口增长、肉价上涨、总体疲软的美元和捕捞渔 业产量有限的增长以最重要的 一些投入品成本上涨,例如能源,包括原油和饲 料。
The main drivers will be the underlying positive trend in demand, income and population growth, increasing meat prices, a generally weak US dollar and limited growth of capture
fisheries production, as well as rising
[...] costs for some of the most important input factors such [...]
as energy, including crude oil and feed.
[...] 项法律时应将全国和区域的利益考虑在内;第二,提升政党和民间社会机构对通 过国最重要决 议的作用和影响,提高非政府组织对国家机构进行公众监督的威 [...]
刑从刑法中去除,加强司法机构的独立性和有效性;第四,在人权教育领域开展 广泛的教育工作。
The following were the characteristic features of this period: first, the increasing role and influence of the legislature, stemming from the establishment and functioning of a bicameral parliament that takes the general interests of the State and the regions into account when adopting legislation; secondly, the increasing role and influence of political
parties and civil society institutions in
[...] the adoption of critical government decisions [...]
and the rising authority and significance
of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the public scrutiny of government activities; thirdly, cardinal reforms to liberalize and humanize the judicial system, abolish the death penalty and strengthen the independence and effectiveness of the judiciary; and fourthly, extensive human rights information and educational efforts.
[...] 查,并提出了政治、社会、经济和人权领域的许多改革要求 最重 要 的 是通过了 一些宪法修正案,并修订了一些法案。
The dialogue enabled a complete review of a series of important local issues, and resulted in a number of demands for reform in
political, social, economic and human
[...] rights areas, the most important being the adoption [...]
of a number of constitutional amendments
and modifications of a number of bills.
和政府其他政策一样,竞争主管机构必须通过政策拟订协调、执 行及其他政策行动来表现出行动上的负责任,可通过在网站和媒体上公布政策建
[...] 议、执行指南和法律草案等供所有相关的利害关系方获取来实现, 最重 要的 是,竞争政策执行者与政府其他政策倡导者之间要分享信息。
As with other government policies, competition authorities must show accountability in their actions, through coordination of policy development, and through enforcement and other policy actions. This can be done by making policy proposals, enforcement guidelines and legal drafts etc. available to all
relevant stakeholders through websites
[...] and the press, but most importantly, by sharing information [...]
between competition policy
enforcers and other government policy proponents.
为了最佳履行其任务授权,应提高 其知名度,广泛加强对 WIPO 在促进创新和创造力方面所发挥作用的认识;提高对 WIPO 在促进 知识产权事宜多边对话方面所发挥作用的认识;以及 最重 要 的是要认识到 WIPO 是国际知识产权 专业技能、信息和服务的值得信任的供应商。
To optimize delivery of its mandate, there is a need for greater visibility, coupled with wider recognition of WIPO’s role in encouraging innovation and creativity; in facilitating multilateral dialogue on IP issues; and, as the primary, trusted provider of international IP expertise, information and services.




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