

单词 最迟

See also:

surname Chi

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,延长总部个人计算 机现行更换周期可能影最迟于 2 014 年 7 月转换为 Windows 7 操作系统的计划, 因为现有个人计算机一半以上不具备支持 Windows 7 的最低条件,必须在 2014 年 7 月之前更换。
Furthermore, a lengthening of the current cycle for the replacement of personal computers at Headquarters could have an impact on the planned migration to the Windows 7 operating system by July 2014, in view of the fact over half of the existing personal computers did not have the minimum requirements to support Windows 7 and would have to be replaced before July 2014.
鉴于正在对信通技术基础设施、系统和服务作出相当大 的投资,并且,实施信通技术战略和企业资源规划项目等正在开展的举措具有战 略重要性,应要求秘书长严格审查目前的安排,并根据需要作出任何调整,以确
[...] 保其实效和效率,并充分响应大会关于提交深入评估报告 最迟 在 第 六十八届会 议审议的要求。
In the light of the considerable investments being made in ICT infrastructure, systems and services, as well as the strategic importance of ongoing initiatives such as the implementation of the ICT strategy and the enterprise resource planning project (Umoja), the Secretary-General should be requested to rigorously examine current arrangements and to make any adjustments, as required, to ensure their effectiveness and efficiency and to fully respond
to the General Assembly’s request for an in-depth assessment for
[...] consideration no later than at its sixty-eighth [...]
执行秘书还补充说,不幸的是,目前许多社区 在努力争最迟于 2015 年之前实现千年发展目标方面仍然偏离了既定轨道, 为此需要亚太区域为各政府加油助力。
The Executive Secretary added that many communities were still, unfortunately, off-track in their efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by the 2015 deadline, and that governments needed a final Asia-Pacific impetus.
尽管安理会今天未能通过这项决议,但我们想各 成员所表达的见解将会促使当事方进行认真反思,并 认识到,解决问题的唯一办法是重启有关所有未决问 题的谈判,以期建立持久的和平,而且如同今天许多 人在安理会这里提到的那样最迟能 够 在 2011 年 9 月份接纳一个以东耶路撒冷为首都、在安全和公认边 界内与以色列和平毗邻共存的独立、有生存能力和统 一的巴勒斯坦国加入国际社会大家庭。
Even though the Council today could not adopt the resolution, we expect that the sentiments expressed by its members will impel the parties to serious introspection and to the realization that the only way to resolve the problem is to restart talks on all pending issues so that a lasting peace is established and that — as mentioned by many in the Council today — by September 2011 we can welcome to the international community an independent, viable and united State of Palestine, living within secure and recognized borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, side by side and at peace with Israel.
因此, 它们应遵从这一规则最迟应在下一年底前拿出与其执行有关的报告。
They were consequently subject to this rule, and the reports relating to their execution should have been produced no later than the end of the following year.
根据《大会议事规则》第 7 条、《关于联合国教科文组织与非政府组织之关系的指 示》第
II.4.1(b)条,以及《关于联合国教科文组织与基金会及其它类似机构之关系的指示》 第 IV 条第 2 款的规定,总干事将把作为观察员出席大会的有关规定通知与本组织保持业务
[...] 关系的非政府组织以及与本组织保持正式关系的基金会及其他类似机构,并请它 最迟 于届 会开幕前一个月将其代表希望参加审议的议程项目通知他。
In accordance with Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure, Section II, paragraph 4.1(b), of the Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with non-governmental organizations and Article IV, paragraph 2, of the Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions, the Director-General will notify the non-governmental organizations maintaining operational relations with UNESCO and the foundations and similar institutions maintaining official relations with the Organization of the provisions concerning their participation as observers at the
General Conference, and will request them
[...] to inform him at least one month before [...]
the opening of the session of the agenda
items under which their representatives wish to participate in the debate.
大会在其第 64/289 号决议第 49 段中决定建立一最迟在 2 011 年 1 月 1 日 开始运作的混合实体,即联合国促进两性平等和妇女赋权实体(又称妇女署),把 秘书处的两性平等问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问办公室及提高妇女地位司、 联合国妇女发展基金和提高妇女地位国际研究训练所的现有任务和职能合并起 来并移交给这一实体;该实体将履行秘书处的职能,同时在国家一级开展业务活 动。
In paragraph 49 of its resolution 64/289 the General Assembly decided to establish, as a composite entity, to be operational by 1 January 2011, a United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, to be known as UN Women, by consolidating and transferring to the Entity the existing mandates and functions of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, and the Division for the Advancement of Women of the Secretariat, as well as those of the United Nations Development Fund for Women and the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women, to function both as a secretariat and to carry out operational activities at the country level.
由于预计育龄人口将增加,用于避孕商品的专项援助资 金必最迟在 2015 年翻一番,才能满足预计的需求。
Given the expected increase in the number of people of reproductive age, donor funding earmarked for commodities would have to double by 2015 to meet projected demand.
[...] 年3月和6 月举行的议会会议上进行审议, 最迟 在 2010年9 月的会议上审 议,将以下列内容为重点:关于执行《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的法律,有关根 [...]
With regard to the implementation of the recommendations already accepted, the delegation noted that most of the needed legislative reforms would be considered during the parliamentary
session to be held between March and June
[...] 2010, or at the latest, the September 2010 [...]
session, with particular attention paid
to the law implementing the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the law on the creation, organization and functioning of the national human rights institution, in accordance with the Paris Principles, the law on parity between men and women, the ongoing reform of the criminal and family codes and the laws allowing ratification of international human rights treaties.
(2) (a) 凡欲行使此权利的局应在所适用的法律规定的期限内 最迟 于 国 际局通知 其第(1)款规定的延伸之日起一年期限届满前,将其驳回通知国际局,并说明全部理 由,第(b)和(c)段另有规定的除外。
(2) (a) Any Office wishing to exercise such right shall notify its refusal to
the International
[...] Bureau, together with a statement of all grounds, within the period prescribed by the law applicable to that Office and at the latest, subject [...]
to subparagraphs
(b) and (c), before the expiry of one year from the date on which the notification of the extension referred to in paragraph (1) has been sent to that Office by the International Bureau.
文件中还讨论了那些 具有特殊需要的国家最迟于 2 015 年实现各项千年发展目标方面所遇到 的各种障碍、以及如何增强亚洲及太平洋次级作物开发促进减贫中心问 题,同时亦考虑到许多发展中国家对农业部门的高度重视。
The document also deals with the obstacles facing countries with special needs in meeting the targets of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 and the strengthening of the Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Secondary Crops Development in Asia and the Pacific (CAPSA) in the light of the importance that many developing countries attach to agriculture.
环境规划署代表同时也以开发计划署的名义发言,他表示,他们采取了独特的顺序 做法,以帮助尼泊最迟于 2010 年履约,并建立机制以便 2010 年之后继续履约。
The representative of UNEP, speaking also on behalf of UNDP, said that a unique sequential approach had been adopted to help Nepal reach compliance by 2010 and to establish mechanisms to sustain compliance beyond that date.
最迟将在 2011 年 2 月任命两个助理 秘书长,在 4 月任命 D-2 级别的管理班子成员。
The two Assistant Secretaries-General (ASGs) will be in place by February 2011 and the D-2 members of the management team by April 2011.
安全理事会请秘书最迟在 2 013 年初提 交联合国为安全部门改革,包括为非洲安全部门 改革所提供支助的评估报告,并考虑到联合国援 助与防止冲突和建设和平之间的联系以及有关 联合国机关和行为体的意见,就如何以最佳方式 加强综合的联合国安全部门改革方法提出建 议。
The Security Council requests the Secretary-General to submit, by early 2013, an assessment of the United Nations support for SSR, including those efforts in Africa, and make recommendations on how best to strengthen the United Nations comprehensive approach to SSR, taking into account the linkages between United Nations assistance and conflict prevention and peacebuilding, and also taking into consideration the views of relevant United Nations organs and actors.
秘书处的代表还提请执委会成员注意,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那未 能遵守关最迟在 2004 年建立进口许可证制度和在 2003 年实现甲基氯仿冻结的第 XV/30 号决定。
The representative also drew the members’ attention to the country’s non-compliance with decision XV/30 on establishing the import licensing system by 2004 and with the TCA freeze in 2003.
详细的时间安最 迟将在会议开始前一周印发。
Detailed programmes will be
[...] available at the latest one week before the [...]
start of the meeting.
审议大会必须通 过一个明确的行动计划,以执行《条约》的所有规 定,并制订一个有明确规定的时间表 最迟到 2 025 年,以不可逆转、可核查和有约束力的方式消除所 有核武器。
The Conference must adopt a clear plan of action to implement all of the provisions of the Treaty, and establish a well-defined schedule for the irreversible, verifiable and binding elimination of all nuclear weapons by 2025 at the latest.
其总体目标是在实最 迟在 2015 年将赤贫和饥饿人口比例减半方面取得重大进展,并促进最不发达国 家的可持续发展。
Its overarching goal was to make substantial progress towards halving the proportion of people living in extreme poverty and suffering from hunger by 2015 and promote sustainable development in least developed countries.
最迟将 提 前一天确认所涉会议的会晤间分配情况。
Confirmation of all booth assignments will be made the day before the meeting at the latest.
法院指 出,如果原告没有认定或没有资质或能力认定“3%的 Bara-Ton fein”与“40 千 克 Baraclay”一致,则原告应在交货当日向被告发出相关通知,从原告当时在交
[...] 货凭证上的签字来看,其已经发现或至少应当已经发现所交付的货物不符合要 求,而最迟几日 后也应发出相关通知。
The Court stated that if the appellant did not think and was not entitled to think that “3 per cent Bara-Ton fein” corresponds to “40 kg Baraclay”, then the appellant should have given notice to the defendant on the day of delivery, when
according to its signature on the delivery receipt, it discovered the
[...] discrepancy or at least should have discovered it.
经社会着重强调信通技术在加速实现千年发展目标方面所发挥得作 用,并进一步指出,亚太区域最迟于 2 015 年之前实现信息社会世界首脑 21 会议订立的若干目标方面进展情况良好。
The Commission underlined the role of ICTs in accelerating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and noted that the region was on track in the implementation of a number of the objectives of the World Summit on the Information Society to be achieved by 2015.21 In that regard, it requested the secretariat to continue to track the progress realized.
谨提及安全理事会第 1963(2010)号决议,其中指示反恐怖主义委员会执行最迟于 2011 年 12 月 31 日提交关于会员国执行安全理事会第 1624(2005)号决议 情况的全球调查报告。
I have the honour to refer to Security Council resolution 1963 (2010), which directs the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate to submit, by 31 December 2011, a global survey of the implementation by Member States of Security Council resolution 1624 (2005).
为了让辩方作准备,Zwedru 第 7 司法巡回法院法官 2011 年 12 月 11 日下令检最迟在 2 012 年 2 月 1 日向辩方提供被告人自愿做出的陈 述以及作为对被告提出指控的依据的里弗吉州大陪审团的证词。
To enable preparations by the defence, the judge of the 7th Judicial Circuit Court of Zwedru ordered the prosecution on 11 December 2011 to provide to the defence by 1 February 2012 the voluntary statements made by the defendants, as well as the River Gee Grand Jury testimonies that served as the basis for the charges against the defendants.
该报告表示,下个时期的首要任务是加强妇女署国家一级的能 力,因此,建最迟在 2011 年底加强 8 个区域/次区域办事处和 32 个国家办事 处。
The report indicates that the top priority for the forthcoming period is to strengthen the capacity of UN-Women at the national level and, as such, it is proposed that 8 regional/subregional offices and 32 country offices be strengthened by the end of 2011.
决定将题为“联合国全球反恐战略”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临 时议程,以便最迟在 2012 年 6 月审查上文第 16 段中请秘书长提交的报告以及会 员国实施《战略》的情况,并考虑修订《战略》以应对情况的变化。
Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy” in order to undertake, by June 2012, an examination of the report of the Secretary-General requested in paragraph 16 above, as well as the implementation of the Strategy by Member States, and to consider updating the Strategy to respond to changes.
因此,咨询委员会建议请秘书长进行探索和 深入分析改变现有费用重计方法的其他方案,包括在 两年期间重新计算方案预算 4 次的方法,并在执行情 况报告之外另外提出报告,供大 最迟 在 第 六十七届 会议主要部分审议。
Accordingly, it recommended that he should be requested to explore and thoroughly analyse additional options for addressing the current recosting methodology, including the practise of recosting the programme budget four times in the biennial cycle, and to submit his report separately from the performance report for consideration by the Assembly no later than at the main part of its sixtyseventh session.
背景:缔约方会议第2/CP.12 号决定请履行机构第二十七届会议启动对资金 机制的第四次审评,最迟不晚 于缔约方会议第十六届会议向其报告结果。
Background: The COP, by its decision 2/CP.12, requested the SBI to initiate the fourth review of the financial mechanism at its twenty-seventh session and report on the outcome to the COP no later than at its sixteenth session.
如果缔约方要求有能力从 2013 年取得使用经修订的《气候公约》附件一报告指南 的经验,包括通用报告格式报告软件,那么关于新的报告格式表的工作需要在 2010 年下半年 开始,所以需要缔约方会最迟在第 十六届会议上通过决定,要求秘书处在资金允许的情况 下准备通用报告格式报告软件。
If Parties require the capacity to gain experience in the use of the revised UNFCCC Annex I reporting guidelines, including the CRF Reporter, from 2013, then work on the new reporting format tables needs to commence in the second half of 2010 and a decision requesting the secretariat, subject to the availability of funding, to prepare the CRF Reporter is required no later than at the sixteenth session of the COP.
请附属科学技术咨询机构评估按照以上第1至11 段采取的行动对指导《京 都议定书》第五条、第七条和第八条之下的报告和审评的决定的影响,以期拟出
[...] 若干相关的决定草案,供作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会最迟在第七届会议上通过
Requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice to assess the implications of the action taken in accordance with paragraphs 1–11 above on the decisions that guide the reporting and review under Articles 5, 7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol, with a view to preparing relevant draft decisions for adoption by the
Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol at
[...] its seventh session, at the latest
为了便利评估世界可可库存量,保证市场更具透明度,各成员应按照第30 条第3 款最迟在每年五月将其本国的可可豆以及可可制品库存量通知执行主 任。
In order to facilitate the assessment of world cocoa stocks with a view to ensuring greater market transparency, each Member shall provide, on a yearly basis,
and not later than the end of May, the
[...] Executive Director with information on [...]
stocks of cocoa beans and cocoa products held
in its country, in accordance with Article 30, paragraph 3.




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