

单词 最小公倍数

See also:

最小 adj

smallest adj
minimal adj



倍数 n

multiple n

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 第三个步骤是确定哪些会员国的市面汇率估价指数与所有会员国同期 整体平均市面汇率估价数之比大于 1.2 倍或小于 0.8 倍。
(c) The third step is to identify Member States with an MER
valuation index (MVI)
[...] greater than 1.2 or less than 0.8 times the average MVI across [...]
all Member States during the same period.
但是,一刀切的做法并不适用于当今世界,如今有 8 万家跨国公司,其下公司达 10 倍之多,还有数的各国国公司,其中许多都是 小 型 企 业。
But one size does not fit all in a world of
80,000 transnational
[...] corporations, 10 times as many subsidiaries and countless national firms, many of which are small- and mediumsized [...]
为了最大限度地发挥天赋资源具有的发 展潜力,谨慎投资和能力建设战略至关重要;(e) 大数最不发达国家的市场规 模小,从 而使经济一体化成为确保竞争力和增加私营部门投资的关键,在这方 面公营和 私营部门的伙伴关系又成为制定国家一体化战略的关键工具;(f) 私 营部门现在已成为商业发展战略的重要组成部分,在确保最不发达国家充分纳入 全球价值链方面具有日益重要的利益关系。
In order to maximize the development potential that
accompany those
[...] endowments, careful investment and capacity-building strategies are critical; (e) the small size of most least developed country markets makes economic integration critical to ensuring [...]
competitiveness and
increased private sector investment and, in that regard, publicprivate partnerships are a key tool in informing country integration strategies; (f) the private sector, which now represents important components of business development strategies, has an increasingly important stake in ensuring that least developed countries are fully integrated into global value chains.
(a) TCL 公司: 建议选择溶剂的易燃性和与昂贵的防爆电学有关的必要条件,以及 基于易燃物质的安装必要条件;申请用于生产 小数 量 的某种化学品的反应器, 这种反应器是一个非常费力且非常昂贵的工序;建议替代设备的生产能力,它可 能是目前生产水平的倍;以 及为某种化学品申请防爆设备,这些化学品通常不 被看作是易燃或易爆的。
(a) TCL company: The flammability of alternative solvents proposed and the associated requirements for expensive explosion-proof electrics and installation requirements on the basis of combustible substances; the request for reaction vessels to make certain chemicals in fairly small quantities which represent very laborious and expensive processes; the capacity of the proposed replacement 8 equipment that may be about four times the current production [...]
level; and the request
for explosion-proof equipment for certain chemicals that are not normally considered as flammable or combustible
公司之 細則偏離守則條文A.4.2條,該細則規定於股東週年大會上,當時在任之三分一(或若董事總數並非 三或三倍數,則為最接近三分一之數)之董事(主席及董事總經理除外)應退任,並可符合資格於會上膺選連 任,而任何於年內獲董事會委任之董事須於接受委任後之下屆股東週年大會上退任,並可符合資格於會上膺 選連任。
The Company’s bye-laws deviate from Code Provision A.4.2 as it provides that one-third of the directors for the time being (save for the Chairman or Managing Director), or if their number [...]
is not three nor
three nor a multiple of three, then the number nearest to one-third, shall retire from office and being eligible, offer themselves for re-election at the annual general meetings and that any new director appointed by the Board during the year shall hold office until the next following annual general meeting after appointment, and he/ she shall be eligible for re-election.
测量用大型日池窑填充的 CFC 容量,尽管并一定都是过磅称重,但实际 最 后的 100 公斤是不准确的,因而大数公司就将 CFC 转装入小的气 罐,这种气罐通常是安 放在某种形式的称重装置上,比如应变仪测压盒。
While measurements of CFC volumes in large day tanks, which are not always mounted on weigh scales are
indeed not precise
[...] to the last 100 kg, the CFCs are in most companies transferred into smaller tanks which are usually mounted on some [...]
form of weighing mechanism,
such as strain gauge load cells.
在各种职业中,据诊断,拖拉机手、实 地工人、牧场工人、司机公共汽车司机患职业病的 数最 多。
Among occupations, the largest number of occupational diseases are diagnosed among tractor drivers, field workers, cattle farmers, drivers, and bus drivers.
从谦逊开始协和先锋志愿工作者和他们家人, 最 初 核 心 小 组 ,卫 理 公 会 爱 加 倍 堂 , 现在每周出席有大约三百成人,青年和儿童都定期出席每个星期天。
From its humble
[...] beginnings comprising an initial core group of pioneer volunteer workers and [...]
their families, Agape Methodist
Church now has a regular weekly attendance of about three hundred adults, youth and children each Sunday.
為達致有效的阻嚇作用,本條例草案將個㆟違法 最 高 罰 款提高倍,公司違法的最高罰款提高兩倍。
To provide effective
[...] deterrent, the Bill seeks to increase the maximum fine for individual offenders by [...]
100% and those for corporate offenders by 200%.
侵入个人资料:任何人未经授权,便为自己或第三方的利益,获取、编 制、提取、提供、销售、交流、发送、购买、拦截、披露、修改或使用 个人秘码、载于文件、档案数据库或类似媒介中的个人资料,应处以 四十八(48)至九十六(96)个月监禁和 100 至 1 000 倍目前法定最低月工 资的罚款。
Violation of personal data: Anyone who, without being authorized to do so, for their own benefit or that of a third party, obtains, compiles, extracts, offers, sells, exchanges, sends, buys, intercepts, discloses,
modifies or uses personal
[...] codes, personal data contained in files, archives, databases or similar mediums, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of between forty-eight (48) and ninety-six (96) months and a fine of between 100 and 1,000 times the current minimum statutory monthly wage.
(B) 儘公司細則有任何其他推定,於每屆股東週年大會上,當時三分之一 (或倘董事人數並非三或三倍數 ,則 為 最 接 近但不少於三分之一的人 數)的董事須輪值退任,惟每名董事須最少每三年(或於指定證券交易 所可能不時指定的有關其他期間)輪值退任一次。
(B) Notwithstanding any other provisions in the Bye-laws, at each annual general meeting one-third of the Directors for the time being, or if the number is not three or a multiple of three, [...]
then the
number nearest to but not less than one-third shall retire from office by rotation provided that every Director shall be subject to retirement at least once every three years or within such other period as the rules of the designed Stock Exchange may from time to time prescribe.
現時的英國政最近已 在其本國犯了嚴重錯誤,因此更應 倍小 心 , 避免在 本港重蹈覆轍。
The present British
[...] Government has recently made some drastic mistakes in its own country and should therefore be doubly careful not [...]
to make such errors here.
下面是各部门与 非政府组织主要合作内容的一个不完全总结以及对三个合作方面的分析,这三个方面是:为 了确定计划和战略而进行的合作,也称作上游合作,它似乎变为与非政府组织合作的主要方 式;集体合作,为了促进协调一致的行动,《指示》对该方式作了明确的规定 最 后 是 当 地、国家和地区合作,由于民间社会的蓬勃发展和本组织所实施的非集中化政策,这种合作 方式呈数倍级发展。
Without claiming to be exhaustive, a synopsis is provided below of the main aspects of the sectors’ cooperation with NGOs, together with an analysis of the three main forms of cooperation: cooperation to define programmes and strategies – also known as upstream cooperation – which seems to be becoming the main form of cooperation with NGOs; collective cooperation, a form explicitly provided for by the Directives in order to promote coordinated action;
and local, national
[...] and regional cooperation, which is developing exponentially owing to the increasingly dynamic nature of civil society at this level and the Organization’s decentralization policy.
是2004年雅典奥运会的三倍,1996年亚特兰大奥运会 的 2 0 倍 : 国 家广 公 司 有 关北京奥运会的3600多 小 时 的 报道总时长是上一届2004年雅典奥运会 1 2 1 0 小 时 总 时长记录的三倍,超出1996年亚特兰大奥运会 1 7 1 小 时 总 时长二十倍,比1960年美国驻罗马CBS电视台首次奥运报道以来的20小时总时长多出180倍。
[...] 2004... 20-TIMES ATLANTA 1996: The more than 3,600 total hours of coverage from Beijing triples the previous record of 1,210 total hours of coverage on NBC from Athens in 2004, is 20 times more than the 171 total hours on NBC from [...]
Atlanta in 1996 and
180 times greater than the 20 total hours for the inaugural U.S. Olympic broadcast on CBS from Rome in 1960.
比如:代码行数的时间线;针对每个开发者的代码行数;开发者的活跃程度;开发者最近所提交的;文件数量;平均文件 小 ; 最 大 文 件;哪个文件是修 最 多 次 数 的 ; 目录大小;带有文件数量和代码行数的Repository tree。
For example: the number of lines of code timeline ; for each developer's code lines ; developer's level of activity ; developers recently
submitted ; file number ; the
[...] average file size ; maximum file ; which is to modify the maximum number of files [...]
; size of the directory
; the number of files and lines of code with the number of Repository tree.
Most public
[...] schools in Africa, especially primary schools, are also situated [...]
in similar locations.
基金的原意是协助土著社区和组织的代表参加当时的 防止歧视和保护数小组委 员会土著居民问题工作组的审议工作,因而为他们提 供了财政援助,所需经费来自各国政府、非政府组织和其他私人 公 共 实 体的自 愿捐款。
The original purpose of the Fund was to assist representatives of indigenous communities and organizations to participate in
the deliberations of
[...] the Working Group on Indigenous Populations of the then Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities by providing them with financial assistance, funded by means of voluntary contributions from Governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other private or public entities.
在处理这个问题时,我们的主要关切应当是,国 际社会如何能够确保那些在数情况 下对冲突应负 的责最小的人民不受冲突的伤害。
Our main concern in dealing with this question should be how the
international community can ensure
[...] that the people who, in most cases, contribute the least to a conflict [...]
are not harmed by it.
目前,该标准 查明会员国是否具有以下情况:(a)
[...] 名义增长率为世界平均增长率 1.5 倍以上或 世界平均增长率三分之二以下;(b) 市面汇率估价数大于世界平均值 1.2 倍或 小于世界平均值 0.8 倍。
Currently, the criteria identify Member States with (a) a nominal growth rate more than 1.5 times the world average growth or less than two thirds of the
world average growth; and (b) an MVI
[...] greater than 1.2 times the world average or less than 0.8 times the world average.
造成伤亡数最多的 原 因得归咎于伊拉克基地组织和伊拉克伊斯兰国组织,它们不分青红皂白地袭击, 包括利用人体炸弹、汽车炸弹和路边炸弹进行袭击,目的是在人群中制造恐怖, 在包括儿童在内的平民经常聚集公 共 场 所引发恐惧。
The largest number of casualties is attributed to Al-Qaida in Iraq and Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), which carry out indiscriminate attacks, including suicide bombers, car bombs, and roadside bombs, with the intention of creating terror among the population and engendering a climate of fear in public places [...]
where civilians,
including children, tend to gather.
可以看出国内残疾数最多的 是以西班牙语为 母语的人口,因为国内 10 人中便有 7 人小学习西班牙语。
Disability by ethnic origin: The majority of persons with disabilities in Peru have Spanish as their mother tongue, since [...]
7 out of 10 people
learn Spanish during childhood.
最近的评估证 实,谷物缺口与 2011 年相比将倍,达到 470 000 公吨,2012 年可能会有近 300 万人需要紧急粮食援助。
Recent assessments confirm that the cereal deficit will double from 2011, to 470,000 tons, while close [...]
to 3 million people
are likely to require emergency food assistance during 2012.
虽然妇女最高基 本机构中的人 数保持稳定,但是三名行政要员中没有一名妇女,而且基层民主机构和大 数公 共部门不满足妇女至少占 30%的定额,使人看到政策和方案中还没有解决两性平 等问题。
Although women’s representation in the highest institutions of Government has remained steady, the absence of women among the three top positions of the executive branch [...]
and the failure to meet the agreed quota of 30 per cent in women’s representation in public service shows that gender
has not been fully taken into account in public policies and programmes.
这样做会导最小公分母的局面,在信 息分享的“圈子”里,由最不开放的国家制定标准。
It can also lead to a lowest common denominator situation, whereby the least open [...]
country within the information sharing
‘circle’ sets the standards.
[...] (Fourastié 1949;亦见黄宗智 2009,2008b 的讨论),并希望把中国表达得比其 实际更高度现代化。兴许是出于如此的意愿,统计局最近采用了一些听来十分现代 化的统计指标,诸如“信息传输”、“文化体育和娱乐业”、“科学研究”、“金 融和保险业”、 “租赁和商务服务业”、“计算机服务和软件业”等等,或有意 或无意地促使人们忽视占服务业 数最 多 的 小 贩 、摊贩、保姆、服务员、街道清洁 员、社区保安等等农民工。
Driven by the ideology of modernizationism, the notion that the tertiary sector represents the most advanced economic development (Fourastié, 1949; cf. the discussion in Huang, 2009, and Huang Zongzhi, 2008b), and the wish to represent China as a more modern economy than it really is, the NSB has been fronting the most modernsounding groups of the service sector, such as “Information Transmissions,” “Computer Service and Software,” “Finance and Insurance,” “Leasing and Business Services,” “Scientific Research,” “Culture, Sports, and Entertainment,” and so
on, downplaying in
[...] effect the much larger numbers of migrant peddlers, domestics, restaurant help, street cleaners, residential community guards, and other such migrant workers (nongmingong) who are also grouped under the service sector.
对于低收入国家小公司而 言,移动电话已经替代计算机成最 为重要的信息和通信技术工具。
For small companies in low-income countries, the mobile phone has overtaken computers as the most important ICT tool.
虽然大数小国可能对世界经济产生的系统影响有限,但是 20 国集团讨论的诸多问题, 例如应最近的 金融和经济危机、金融稳定和银行监管、全球失衡、具有包容性 的创新金融、粮食安全和商品价格稳定以及更广泛的发展议题都将对这些经济体 产生深远影响。
Whereas most of the smaller countries may have limited systemic importance for the world economy, issues under discussion at the G20, such as responses to the recent financial [...]
and economic crises,
financial stability and banking supervision, global imbalances, inclusive and innovative finances, food security and commodity price stabilization, as well as the broader development agenda, will have profound implications for their economies.
030六棱形快装板系统兼具多个优点:云台与快装板之间的接触极为紧密,不会发生意外移动;相机与云台/三脚架之间的角度可设定为60°的任 倍数。
The 030 hexagonal quick release plate system offers several advantages: the contact between the plate and the head is extremely solid, eliminating unwanted movement, and the camera can be oriented at any 60°-multiple angle to the head/tripod.
除非及直至公司於 股東大會上另行決定,否則於每屆股東週年大會上, 當其時為數三分一的董事(或如董事人數並非三或三 倍 數 , 則須 最 接 近 但不少於 三分一的董事人數)均須輪值退任,惟各董事(包括獲委任特定任期的董事或董事會 主席或公司董 事總經理)須至少每三年或指定證券交易所可能不時指定的其他期間 或本公司適用的司法權區的法例所規定的其他期間退任一次。
Unless and until the Company in a general meeting shall otherwise determine, at each annual general meeting one-third of the Directors for the time being, or, if their number is not three or a multiple of three, then the number nearest to but not less than one-third shall retire from office by rotation, provided that every Director (including those appointed for a specific term or holding office as Chairman of the Board or Managing Director of the Company) shall be subject [...]
to retirement by
rotation at least once every three years or within such other period as the Designated Stock Exchange may from time to time prescribe or within such other period as the laws of such jurisdiction as is applicable to the Company may require.
根據吾等所得之資料,吾等注意到湘潭電機、福建海源及Schuler AG錄得之市值及營 業額與天鍛有重大差異,表示該三 公 司 之 倍 數 未必正確反映天鍛 小 規 模 影響。
Based on the information available to us, it is noted that the Xiangtan Electric, Fujian Haiyuan and Schuler AG reported a market cap and turnover which significantly
different from Tianduan. This
[...] suggests the multiples of these three companies might not properly reflect the small size effect of Tianduan.




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