

单词 最后通牒

See also:

最后 adv

eventually adv
lastly adv
at last adv
latest adj


in conclusion


diplomatic note

External sources (not reviewed)

实际上,这些方案预先裁定了叙利 亚政治进程的结果,仅给一方设定 最后通牒 , 并 把政权更迭视为解决叙利亚国 内问题的绝对先决条件。
In fact, these scenarios prejudge the outcome of the political process
[...] in Syria, set ultimatums for one side alone, [...]
and see political regime change as
an absolute prerequisite for resolving the issues in Syria.
一位霍加利妇女在 1992 年 4 月 28
[...] 日接受《赫尔辛基观察》报的采访时说: “亚美尼亚人发出最后通牒…… 即霍加利居民最好手持白旗离开村镇。
A Khojaly woman said, in an interview with
Helsinki Watch on 28 April 1992, “The
[...] Armenians delivered an ultimatum … that it was [...]
better for the Khojaly inhabitants to leave the town with a white flag.
说我们面最后 通牒或者 在和平解决与使用武力之间左右为难是错 误的。
It is spurious to say that we
[...] are faced with an ultimatum or a dilemma between [...]
a peaceful solution and the use of force.
以往研究发最后通牒博弈 中对不公平提议的反应与负性情绪相关,但 最后通牒 和 独裁者博弈中提议者决策的神经机制还缺乏了解。
Previous studies have demonstrated that reactions to unfair offers in the ultimatum game are correlated with negative emotion.
在这些情况下,墨西哥重申,呼吁向这一论坛发 最后通牒 , 规 定开展工作 的时限,开展工作是其真正的存在理由。
In these circumstances, Mexico reiterates
[...] its call for an ultimatum to be delivered [...]
to this forum that will set a time limit
for the performance of the work that is its true raison d’être.
针对这一入侵行为,安理会于 1990 年 11 月 29 日通过第
[...] 678(1990)号决议,向伊拉克发出了撤出科威特 最后通牒。
In response to the invasion, the Security Council adopted resolution 678 (1990) on 29 November 1990, which delivered an ultimatum for Iraq to withdraw from
Kuwait.s The failure of Iraq to comply with this direction led
[...] to Security Council-authorized [...]
armed action against Iraq.
我们认为,最后通牒和制裁来威胁 叙利亚当局是不可接受的。
We deem unacceptable
[...] the threat of an ultimatum and sanctions against [...]
the Syrian authorities.
我们的报告的确发现,Khojaly 镇的许多平民可能已预先得到关于即
[...] 将发生军事行动的警告,因为亚美尼亚军队已向当时的 Khojaly 镇民兵首领 Alif Gajiyev 发最后通牒,他也接着警告了平民。
Our report indeed found that many residents of Khojaly may have had advance warning of the impending military
operation, since Armenian forces
[...] had given an ultimatum to Alif Gajiyev, then head of the [...]
Khojaly militia, who in turn warned civilians.
这些驱逐是在赤道几内亚外交、合作和法语国家事务 部 2009 年 5 月 12 日最后通牒到期后发生的最后通牒 命 令 所有非正常情况外国 人于 5 月 26 日之前离境。
They fended for themselves or were deported to the border between Equatorial
Guinea and Cameroon in
[...] inhumane conditions. These expulsions occurred after the expiration of the ultimatum issued by [...]
the Equatorial Guinean
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and la Francophonie on 12 May 2009, which urged all aliens in an unlawful situation to leave the country before 26 May.
陸恭蕙議員問(譯文):總督先生,㆗國政府有否正式向英國政府發出關於改革建議最後通牒及具 體說明將會採取甚麼報復行動?
MISS CHRISTINE LOH: Mr Governor, has the Chinese Government
[...] delivered a formal ultimatum to the British [...]
Government on the reform proposals, accompanied
by a specific declaration of intended retributive action?
美 國 總統布 殊 在香港時 間 星 期 二早上 , 向 伊 拉 克
[...] 總統侯 賽 因 發出 48 小最 後 通 牒 , 令 形 勢 急 轉 直 下 。
In the morning of Tuesday, Hong Kong
time, United States President George BUSH
[...] issued a 48-hour ultimatum to Iraqi President [...]
Saddam HUSSEIN and the situation took a sudden turn for worse.
站在工商界和市民的立場,我不樂於聽到有㆟發出 最 後 通牒 」 、 「㆗止談判」、「㆒切交 立法局裁決」之類的噪音。
Speaking for the business community and the general
public, I do not like to hear people making
[...] noises about "an ultimatum," "a breakdown [...]
of talks" or "letting the Legislative Council be the referee.
[...] 府间协定草案似乎并未达到可很快予以通过的程度,而且 最后通 过 之 前仍 需要在区域层面开展进一步的协商。
One delegation, however, noted that the draft intergovernmental agreement might not be
ready to be adopted and that further consultation at the regional level needed to be
[...] conducted before the final adoption.
可是,他們最近接獲地政處最後 通牒 , 指這 一類樓上商鋪並不符合地契原訂的工業用途,屬於違法,必須在今年 4 月底 [...]
前成功取得改變土地及建築物用途豁免書,否則便要全部結業,因而令一眾 小商戶感到很彷徨。
But recently, they have received an ultimatum from the Lands [...]
Department, saying that this type of shops operating on the
upper floors of a building are not covered by the original industrial use in the land lease and are therefore breaching the law, and that they must obtain the waiver for changing the use of land and building before the end of April, or else they would have to terminate their operation.
在解决方案设计出后,通常还 要进行评估和测试,确保它能在整个供应 链中产最大的协同效应。
Solutions are normally evaluated and tested to confirm proper synergy throughout the supply chain.
根据贸易统计数据,专家组在 2011 年最后报告中估计,2010 年,通 过乌 干达就可能有近 3 吨以违规方式交易的刚果民主共和国产黄金进入阿拉伯联 合酋长国的合法供应链(见 S/2011/738,第 [...]
553 段)。
On the basis of trade statistics, the
[...] Group in its final report of 2011 estimated that in 2010 almost 3 tons of fraudulently traded gold [...]
from the Democratic
Republic of the Congo may have entered the legal supply chain of the United Arab Emirates through Uganda alone (see S/2011/738, para. 553).
1914年 塞 拉 耶 佛 行 刺 後 ﹐奧
[...] 地 利 向 塞 爾 維 亞 送最 後 通 牒 ﹐要 求 塞 國 鎮 壓 所 有 [...]
反 奧 社 團 ﹑ 撤 轉 所 有 奧 地 利 不 喜 歡 的 官 員 ﹐ 以 及 容 許 派 駐 奧 國
官 員 以 檢 查 塞 國 執 行 上 述 兩 個 要 求 。
12 After the Sarajevo Assassination 1914,
[...] Austria sent an ultimatum to Serbia, demanding [...]
Serbia to suppress all anti-Austrian
societies, to dismiss all officials to whom Austria objected and allowed Austrian officials to enter Serbia to ensure that the first two demands were implemented.
(10) 委员最后通过的 另一种看法认为,必须从一开始就将有条件解释性声明 视为一项保留。
(10) According to the other
[...] view, which was ultimately adopted by the Commission, [...]
conditional interpretative declarations
must be considered from the very outset to be reservations.
奧 地 利 向 塞 國 發最 後 通 牒 ﹐ 作 出 了 三 項 要 求 ﹕ 第 [...]
一 ﹐ 塞 國 需 撤 銷 所 有 反 奧 會 社 ﹔ 第 二 ﹐ 塞 國 要 撤 換 所 有 奧 地 利 反 對 的 官 員 ﹔ 最 後 ﹐ 奧 地
利 官 員 可 進 入 塞 國 以 確 保 前 兩 項 要 求 已 經 落 實 。
Austria gave an ultimatum to Serbia, demanding [...]
that first, Serbia was to suppress all anti-Austrian societies, second, Serbia
was to dismiss all officials to whom Austria objected; and finally, Austrian officials were to enter Serbia to ensure that the first two demands were carried out.
可是,政府當局卻完全漠視了這個慣常 程序及 1968 年的協議的規定,單方面繞過在官職雙方共同申明無法就爭議
[...] 事項達成協議的情況下才能啟動的仲裁機制,強行發 最 後 通牒 , 表 明將會 以立法形式削減公務員薪酬。
That is why representatives of the staff side expressed their disagreement with the decision of a pay cut and proposed a pay freeze. But the Administration disregards this normal procedure
and the stipulations in the agreement
[...] made in 1968 and bypasses the arbitration [...]
mechanism which should be triggered off
only when both sides fail to reach any agreement on the matter under dispute.
核实的目的:采用的方法是:首先核实报告的活动是否开展过,然后确定这些活动是否取得了“成效”及/或 “成果”最后通过审查核实相关的经验证据,评估 30 [...]
C/5 中工作重点部分所陈述的预期结果是否已达到。
Purpose of the validation: The approach taken was: first to validate whether the actions reported had taken place, then to confirm
whether they gave rise to “outputs” and/or
[...] “results”, and finally, to gauge whether [...]
the expected results, as stated in document
30 C/5 at the main line of action level, had been attained, by requesting and reviewing any relevant empirical evidence.
即 所 謂 大 戰 的 近 因 。 奧 地 利 譴 責 塞 爾 維 亞 策
[...] 劃 了 這 起 事 件 ﹐ 向 塞 國 發最 後 通 牒 。
Blaming Serbia for engineering this incident, Austria sent
[...] Serbia an unacceptable ultimatum.
此外,《巴黎公约》举措还通过利用自动协调机制(http://www.parispact.net)协调禁毒技术援助工作 最后 , 通过 2007 年初建立的国家战略分析员 [...]
小组所开展的工作,该举措进一步加强了阿富汗及其邻国的数据收集和分析能 力,从而为战略规划和行动提供了基本信息。
In addition, the Paris Pact initiative has promoted
the coordination of counter-narcotics
[...] technical assistance through the use of ADAM [...]
(http://www.paris-pact.net). The initiative
has further strengthened data collection and analytical capacities in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries, thus providing essential information for strategic planning and action, through the work of a team of national strategic analysts established in early 2007.
[...] 构的效力和公平:首先,它们在国家一级得到利用,经过深入评估 最后通过 了 必要的预防犯罪战略和行动计划,并对刑事司法系统进行了改革;第二,它 [...]
Despite their “soft-law” nature,3 the United Nations standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice have helped to promote more effective crime prevention policies and strategies and more effective and fair criminal justice structures in three ways: first, they have been utilized at the
national level by fostering
[...] in-depth assessments leading to the adoption of necessary [...]
crime prevention strategies and action
plans, and criminal justice system reforms; secondly, they have helped countries to develop subregional and regional strategies; thirdly, at the international level, the standards and norms represent best practices that have been adapted by States to meet national needs.
此外,爱沙尼亚计划规定:每一项法 律从提出初稿直最后通过所涉的所有文件均须在互联网论坛上公布,从而使得 互联网论坛成为政府制定任何政策的一个必不可少的部分。
Moreover, Estonia plans to make the use of the internet forum a compulsory part of the development of any Government proposal, by making public every piece of legislation from the initial draft until its adoption.
会议主席介绍了 34 C/64 号文件,并提请大家注意联席会议的目的是审议 2008--2009
[...] 年的拨款决议,并 将其连同联席会议对此的建议一起提交大 最后通 过。
The Chairperson introduced document 34 C/64 and recalled that the purpose of the joint meeting was to examine the Appropriation Resolution
for 2008-2009 and to transmit it, together with its recommendations thereon, to the General
[...] Conference for final adoption.
缔约国进一步指出,普遍加入《公约》 最通常 的 障碍仍然是,许多非缔约国始终认为,使用杀伤人员地雷造成的严重的人道主后果并 不足以抵销杀伤人员地雷所产生的一点点军事作用,可能需要做出广泛 的努力,采用新的办法,以克服有关杀伤人员地雷用途的落伍思想。
It was further noted that the most prevalent barrier to universalisation remains a persistent view on the part of many States not parties that a perceived marginal military utility derived from anti-personnel mines is not outweighed by the grave humanitarian consequences of their use and [...]
that intensive efforts
likely are needed, with new tools, to overcome outdated thinking about the utility of antipersonnel mines.
因 此,在 布 殊 總統發最 後 通 牒 後,全 球 原 油 價格普遍急 跌 , 市場似乎預期 [...]
英 美控制 伊 拉 克 之後,會大 幅 增 產 , 以 滿足英 美 的 需求。
Therefore, the crude oil prices worldwide
dropped rapidly after President George
[...] BUSH had issued the ultimatum and the market seemed [...]
to anticipate substantial increases
in production by Britain and the United States after they have assumed control over Iraq to meet the demands in Britain and the United States.
美 國 總統布 殊前日向伊拉克總統侯賽因發最後 通牒, 演 說 中 布 殊 提出 攻打伊拉克的 三 大 原 因,其中之一是 因為伊拉克總統侯賽因一向對美國及其 盟友極為 仇視。
In his speech, George BUSH stated the three major reasons for the attacks on Iraq, one of which being Saddam HUSSEIN's long-standing hostility towards the United States and its allies.
難道對行政長官說, “我們向你發出最後通牒,如 果你仍不回覆以解決分歧,我們便根據第 37(2)條 作 出 披 露 , 如 你 再 不 回 覆 , 我 們 便 認 為 這 項 披 露 是 必 需 [...]
的 了 。
Are they
[...] supposed to inform the Chief Executive saying, "Given that we have issued an ultimatum to you, if you [...]
still do not give a
reply so as to resolve the differences, we will make a disclosure in accordance with clause 37(2).




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