

单词 最后一名

See also:


in conclusion

后一 n

this latter n

一名 n

one n

External sources (not reviewed)

最后,一名成员指出了文件英文版的一个问题:文件第 9 段中写道 [...]
45 个国家回答了问 卷,而不是决定第 3 段中写的 55 个国家。
Lastly, a Committee member noted [...]
a problem in the English version insofar as paragraph 9 of the document mentioned 45 replies
to the questionnaire from Member States and not 55, as indicated in paragraph 3 of the decision.
他不反 对合并最后两句,因最后一名在起 草时只是涉及 倒数第二句。
He did not object to combining the last two sentences, since the last sentence, as it had been drafted, meant to refer only to the penultimate sentence.
从 那时起,移送一直是重点:另一个 6
[...] 名被指控逃犯的案件已移送卢旺达,法庭拘 押最后一名被告 的案件也已移送卢旺达,目前正等待上诉。
Since then, the focus on referrals has been significant — a further six cases of fugitives
accused have been referred to Rwanda,
[...] and the case of the final accused in Tribunal [...]
custody was referred to Rwanda and is currently pending appeal.
主席(以法语发言):我们听取 最后一名 发 言者 在表决前解释投票的发言。
The President( spoke in French ): We have heard the last speaker in explanation of vote before the voting.
Finally, speaking on behalf of the Group, one Member expressed [...]
his gratitude to the Kingdom of Bahrain for the establishment of this Prize.
我们赞扬塞尔维亚政府抓捕姆拉 迪奇先生,我们欢迎塔迪奇总统所说的话,即该国致 力于抓获前南问题国际法庭 最后一名 逃 犯 戈兰·哈 迪奇。
We commend the Government of Serbia for apprehending Mr. Mladić, and we
welcome President Tadić’s
[...] statement about his country’s commitment to apprehending the final ICTY fugitive, [...]
Goran Hadžić.
第四条 委员会主席 如果调解委员会最后一名成员 获得任命后的两个月内未选定主席,联合国教科文组织总干事 可在一方要求下,在随后的两个月内指定一位主席。
If a President of the Conciliation Commission has not been chosen within two months of the last of the members of the Commission being appointed, the Director-General of UNESCO shall, if asked to do so by a Party, designate a President within a further two-month period.
部分由于检方提出的证据数量大于预期, 最后一名 证 人 于 2012 年 5 月作 证,因而,审判分庭同意给卡拉季奇多出预期的时间为自己的辩护作准备。
Partly in
[...] view of the larger than expected volume of evidence presented by the prosecution, whose last witness testified [...]
in May 2012,
the Chamber granted Karadžić more time than expected to prepare for his defence case.
专家组指出,2011 年 4 月 28 日安全理事会根据其第 1980(2011)号决议第 3 段的规定延长了专家组任期,但是 2011 年 7 月 7 日仅任命了专家组五名成员中 的四人最后一名成员 (武器专家)仍待作出任命。
The Group notes that although its mandate was extended by the Security Council on 28 April 2011 pursuant to paragraph 13 of Council resolution 1980 (2011), four of its five experts were appointed on 7 July 2011, and the remaining (arms) expert has yet to be appointed.
此外,就在 昨天,审判分庭批准了将起诉Bernard Munyagishari的案件移交卢旺达的申请,这是法庭审前羁押 中最后一名被告
Additionally, just yesterday the Trial Chambers granted the application
for referral to Rwanda of the case
[...] against Bernard Munyagishari, the final accused in pre-trial custody at the Tribunal.
分庭在 2010 年 8 月 23 日至 2011 年 2 月 18 日听取了最后一名被告 Matthieu Ngirumpatse 的案情陈述。
The Chamber heard the presentation of Matthieu Ngirumpatse’s case, the last of the accused, from 23 August 2010 to 18 February 2011.
最后一名所剩 逃犯戈兰·哈季 奇将继续是塞尔维亚今后时期的优先事项。
The arrest of the last remaining fugitive, Goran Hadžić, will continue to be a priority for Serbia in the coming period.
因此建议添加一条规定,内容如下:“在仲裁庭或 最后一名 成员认可后 15 天内,仲裁庭应组织与各方当事人进行一次或多次诉讼审理,以确定 [...]
哪些问题可以及早解决,以及应通过哪些手段解决这些问题,为合理迅速地完 成仲裁制定时间表(包括任何一方当事人提出的审理所确定的各个问题的申
An additional provision is therefore suggested as follows: “Within 15 days from the
confirmation of the arbitral
[...] tribunal or its last member, the Tribunal shall organize one or more procedural [...]
hearings with the parties
in order to identify any issues capable of early disposition and the means by which such issues should be resolved, establish the timetable for the reasonably prompt conclusion of the arbitration (including the application by either party for a hearing on identified discrete issues), and raise and address any other matters conducive to the efficient conduct of the proceedings.
主席(以英语发言):我现在请瑞士代表发言,他 是今天上午最后一名发言者。
I now give the floor to the representative of Switzerland, who is the last speaker this morning.
然而,拉特科·姆 拉迪奇的被逮捕带来新的希望,即遭前南问题国际法 庭指控犯有滔天罪行最后一名剩余 逃犯戈兰·哈季 奇不久也将被提交前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭接受审 判。
The arrest of Ratko Mladić, however, raises the hope that Goran Hadžić, the last remaining fugitive indicted by the ICTY for grave atrocities in Croatia, will also soon be rendered accountable before the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.
主席(以法语发言):我们已听取了高级别会议开 幕最后一名发言者的发言。
The President( spoke in French ): We have heard the last speaker in the opening segment of the Highlevel Meeting.
[...] 案采取行动做出决定前,我们已听取了唯一解释立场最后一名发言 者对立场所做的解释性发言。
We have heard the only speaker in explanation [...]
of position before action is taken on the draft resolution.
关于前南刑庭,我们呼吁塞尔维亚为逮捕剩下最后一名逃犯 即戈兰·哈季奇而加强努力。
With regard to the ICTY, we call on Serbia to intensify its efforts to arrest the last remaining fugitive, Goran Hadžić.
9 月 17 日,西班牙军事特遣最后一名士兵 离开驻科部队行动区。
The last soldier from the Spanish military contingent left the KFOR area of operations on 17 September.
而我国最大的汽车零部件企业万向集团2010年汽车业务的销售收入仅为33亿美元,距离榜 最后一名 的 瑞 典企业SKF汽车部尚有较大差距。
And China's largest automobile parts enterprise universal group 2010 car
business sales income of just $3.3 billion a
[...] year, the list last one from Sweden enterprise [...]
SKF still a big gap between the cars.
最后,一名成员提出今后对各项目活动的监测问题,以便使会员国能够及时了解项目 [...]
Finally, a member raised the [...]
question of the future monitoring of the activities of the projects in order for Member States
to be able to follow its evolution.
该材料应保存为会议记录或存于协会相关档案。除非书 面赞成材料另行指定日期,该类免会议行动 最后一名 董 事签字后开始生效。
Action taken under this section is effective when the last director signs the consent, unless the consent specifies a different effective date.
预计 6 月初将就关于移交被审前 拘留最后一名被告 的请求作出决定,如果决定移交该案件,除了因藐视法庭/ 做伪证而被逮捕的情况,所有审判工作预计将于 [...]
2012 年底完成。
A decision on the application for referral of the final accused in [...]
pretrial custody is expected early in June, and, if that
case is referred, barring any contempt of court/false testimony arrests, all trial work is expected to be completed by the end of 2012.
最后,非洲集团感到高兴的是,已 一名 高 级审 校派任至非洲经济委员会,交换一名 P-3 翻译,并希 望将来还将采取类似的措施。
Lastly, the African Group was pleased that a senior reviser had been [...]
assigned to the Commission in exchange for a P-3 translator
and hoped that similar measures would be taken in the future.
继执行委员会核最终淘汰管理计 后 , 一名 国 家顾问对消耗臭氧层物质条例以及 许可证与管制制度进行了评价和分析,并组织了研讨会收集关于消耗臭氧层物质条例适用 [...]
Following the approval of the TPMP by the Executive Committee, the [...]
ODS regulations and licensing and control system have
been evaluated and analyzed by a national consultant and workshops to collect information regarding the application of the ODS regulations have been conducted.
工作组建议委员会:(a) 避免在目前阶段建立常设后续行动机
制,而应依照其议事规则第 73
[...] 条,继续临时性地采取后续行动;(b) 暂时把后 续活动付托给工作组;(c) 继续任命两名负责落实意见后续行动报告员,有可 能的最好能 任命案件报告员,此外任命工作 一名 成 员;(d) 一旦它认为有关 缔约国提交的后续行动资料令人满意,即按照《任择议定书》第 7 条第 [...]
5 款的规 定,邀请该缔约国提交有关其后来报告中按照《公约》第
18 条采取的任何措施 的进一步资料,解除后续行动报告员的任务,并在其年度报告中反映此项行动。
The Working Group recommended that the Committee: (a) refrain from setting up a permanent follow-up mechanism for the time being and instead, in conformity with rule 73 of its rules of procedure, continue to undertake follow-up on an ad hoc basis; (b) entrust the Working Group with follow-up activities for
the time being; (c)
[...] continue to appoint two rapporteurs on follow-up to views, preferably the Case Rapporteur, when feasible, and a member of the Working [...]
Group; and (d)
once it has deemed that satisfactory follow-up information has been received from the State party concerned, and in accordance with article 7, paragraph 5, of the Optional Protocol, invite that State party to submit further information about any measures taken in its subsequent reports under article 18 of the Convention, and relieve the follow-up rapporteurs of their duties and reflect such action in its annual report.
执行局审议了文件 165 EX/20 之后,在决定 165 EX/ 5.4 中请总干事“向其一六七届 会议提一份关 于与由教科文组织支持的研究机构和中心之关系的综合战略和这类机构最 后名单, 以及修订的包含新标准的‘有关建立由教科文组织支持的国际及地区中心和支持现 有中心活动的原则和指导方针’供其审议并转呈大会第三十二届会议”。
After having examined document 165 EX/20, the Executive Board in 165 EX/Decision 5.4 invited the
Director-General “to submit to it, at its 167th session, a comprehensive strategy for
[...] relations with institutes and centres under the auspices of UNESCO, together with a finalized list of such entities, as well as revised “Principles and guidelines regarding the [...]
establishment of international and regional centres under UNESCO’s auspices and regarding support for the activities of existing centres’ incorporating the new criteria, for consideration and onward transmission to the General Conference at its 32nd session”.
(h) 呼吁秘书处和联合国各有关组织与主席团协商,在现有资源范围内,安 排召开不限成名额的闭会期间非正式会议,会期总共不超过 6 天,包括在上文 要求提交的综合报告分发后和筹备委员会第二届会议举行前召开一个为期 2 天的 会议,并在筹备委员会第二和第三届会议之间举行两个为期 2 天的会议最后一 次闭会期间会议最晚在筹备委员会第三届会议前提前 8 周举行。
(h) Called upon the secretariat and relevant United Nations organizations, in consultation with the Bureau, to organize within existing resources, open-ended informal intersessional meetings for a total duration of not more than six days,
including one two-day meeting, to be held
[...] between the release of the synthesis requested above and the second session of the Preparatory Committee, and two two-day meetings between the second and third sessions of the Preparatory Committee, the final intersessional meeting taking place no later than eight weeks prior to the third session of the Preparatory Committee.
特别是由最后一点, 在接获制裁委员会要求后,专家小组建议制裁委员 会不授权被名实体 签发信用证,因为签发信用证将为那些会员国无法冻结资产 的实体产生可观的收益,尤其是鉴于被列名实体设在利比亚,而制裁措施在利比 亚境内不适用。
Owing specifically to the latter point, after a request from the sanctions Committee, the Panel suggested that the Committee should not authorize the issue of letters of credit by listed entities, as [...]
this generates considerable
earnings for those entities that Member States are not able to freeze, especially as the listed entities are based in Libya, and the sanctions measures do not apply to Libyan territory.




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