单词 | 最典型的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 最典型的 adjective—prime adjSee also:典型的 adj—typical adj • representative adj 典型的 adv—quintessentially adv 典型 adj—typical adj • classic • canonical adj • quintessential adj 典型 n—characteristic n • model n
我手邊這一宗涉及奶品公司的個案便 是 最典型的 例 子。 legco.gov.hk | I have a case in hand concerning a dairy product company, [...] which is indeed the most typical example. legco.gov.hk |
最典型的例子是Adobe的PDF格式说明书,压缩后的尺寸为8.276兆,如果不采用压缩交叉引用表和文档结构,则尺寸为17兆多。 oapdf.com | The most typical example is Adobe's [...] PDF format specification, the compressed size of 8.276 trillion, if we do not use compression [...]and document cross-reference table structure, the size of more than 17 trillion. oapdf.com |
他說得不 [...] 對。除了扶貧委員會提出的53項建議外,我們還開展了一些新工作, 最典型的例子便是食物銀行。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from implementing the 53 [...] recommendations made by the CoP, we have also launched some new projects, among [...] which food bank is the most typical example. legco.gov.hk |
這真的很明顯是政府在回答議員或市民的問題 時 最典型的回 應 ,便是即使作了回答,其實亦跟沒有回答無異。 legco.gov.hk | This is indeed a typical response of the Government in answering to questions raised by Members or the masses. legco.gov.hk |
在你的各个教会里,最典型的带领 风格是什么? sallee.info | What is the most typical style of leadership [...] within your churches? sallee.info |
这是法国所有度假村里最典型的,因 为它不是刻意开发的,而常年气氛活泼,具有大量的设施。 leapfrog-properties.com | It is the most typically French of all the [...] resorts and because it was not purpose built has a lively atmosphere all year [...]round and plenty of facilities. leapfrog-properties.com |
最典型的例子 是環境保護運動委員會。 legco.gov.hk | A typical example is the Environmental Campaign Committee, which raises funds from private donations and the Jockey Club. legco.gov.hk |
最典型的例子,如利用虛假身份發放欺騙的電子郵件或用釣魚網站去欺騙用戸,從而獲得他們的信任;又或者會利用有趣的話題或流行的新聞做主題,使收件者放下戒心打開受惡意程式感染的附件,或者點擊有問題的網絡連結。 hkcert.org | Typical examples of social engineering are spoofing the identity email sender or web sites (phishing) to gain trust, and using interesting subject or popular news so that people are more likely to open an infected attachment or clicking a deceptive URL link. hkcert.org |
最近某个政权(即阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政权) 对其人民实行的暴力镇压或许是一个 最典型的案 例。 daccess-ods.un.org | Perhaps the most [...] emblematic case of recent violent oppression [...]of a regime against its own people was that of the Syrian Arab Republic. daccess-ods.un.org |
最典型的测试样品可以很容易地安装在Q-RACK直接曝露系统上。 q-lab.com | Most typical test specimens [...] can be easily mounted on a Q-RACK direct exposure system. q-lab.com |
天水圍一再發生家庭悲劇, 進一步說明推動社區互助、鄰里關顧的重要性,然而,在重視互委會、發揮 互委會功能和作用方面,政府做得不足夠,甚至可以說,是讓互委會自生自 滅,反映這情況最典型的例子 ,是政府在經費上的支援不足,每季只有 1,000 元,平均每月 333.33 元,燈油火蠟、電話費及一切支出也包括在內。 legco.gov.hk | The fact that family tragedies happen time and again in Tin Shui Wai shows the importance of promoting mutual help in the communities and care and concern in the neighbourhoods. legco.gov.hk |
最後這也許是最典型的,因 為他是最陰陽怪氣,數字伊朗天使。 mb-soft.com | This last is perhaps the most characteristic, as he is the most enigmatical, figure of the Iranian angelology. mb-soft.com |
1.淋巴瘤最典型的症状 表现是,浅表部位的淋巴结无疼痛感、逐渐肿大,表面光滑,摸上去像乒乓球,或像鼻尖的硬度。 asiancancer.com | 1、 The most typical symptoms of lymphoma [...] are painless superficial lymph nodes, which grow gradually with smooth surface [...]and in the hardness like nasal tip. asiancancer.com |
現時,政府對本地旅遊業的硬件方面,其實真的提供了相當多的協助及 投資,例如撥出土地及投入巨額資金,而迪士尼樂園便是其中一 個 最典型的 例子。 legco.gov.hk | The Government has really provided a lot of assistance and investments in the hardware of the local tourism industry, such as allocating land and huge amounts of capital. legco.gov.hk |
最典型的例子 就是以住戶開支而非綜合社 會保障援助金額作為計算個人豁免額的基準。 legco.gov.hk | A typical example is the adoption of household expenditure as the benchmark for calculating the amount of personal allowances in lieu of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance rate. legco.gov.hk |
三)开平碉楼最典型的代表 了中国华侨文化的特质 华侨是文化的传播者,中外多种文化的交融和碰撞是其发展的必然产物,它所带来的文化冲突势必广泛触及中国传统社会的方方面面和各个阶层,这也是世界移民文化的共同规律。 chinadiaolou.com | (C) of the Kaiping [...] towers represent the most typical characteristics [...]of Chinese culture, Chinese culture disseminators of [...]Chinese-foreign cultural exchanges and a variety of collision is inevitable product of its development, it brings cultural conflict is bound to a broad range of traditional Chinese society all aspects and all walks of life, which is the common law world immigrant culture. chinadiaolou.com |
最典型的可扣 减税项包括折旧、税务开支、 利息开支、管理和服务费/特许权使用费,其中后两种税项要符 [...] 合正常交易原则才能获得扣减。 gza.ch | The last two are deductible [...] to the extent that they are in accordance with the arm’s-length principle. gza.ch |
最典型的例子 就是营火会,地方社区可从猎物狩猎中获得 很高收入(Frost [...] 和 Bond,2008 年)。 teebweb.org | The most famous example is [...] Campfire, where local communities obtain significant income from fees for trophy hunting (Frost and Bond, 2008). teebweb.org |
最典型的一個 例子,是食物 環境衞生署百多位前線清潔員工連續做了超過 8 年,其間簽了超過 23 次合 約,合約期最短的是 1 個月、3 個月、6 個月,最長的是 1 年。 legco.gov.hk | A case in point is that more than 100 front-line cleansing workers in the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have worked for more than eight years in a row and during this period, they have signed more than 23 contracts. legco.gov.hk |
人類最初是在自己母親的餐桌上發現味 道的 —— 最典型的 方式 是通過本地的品味、文化和種族等因素。 mypages.iggesund.com | People first discover flavours at their mother’s table – typically through the tastes of their region, culture and ethnicity. mypages.iggesund.com |
最典型的例子 ,相 信局長可能亦有所聞,有不少區議員本身是公屋住戶,由於這項津貼被 計入他們的入息之內,令他們因此而“升呢”, “升呢”是指他們搖身變成 公屋富戶,要繳交富戶租金。 legco.gov.hk | This would mean a heavier burden for DC members as the allowance will have to be spent entirely on the communities but, at the same time, they are required to pay tax for the allowance. A most typical example is, as the Secretary is believed to have heard about it, many DC members are public housing tenants. legco.gov.hk |
在你的国家中,最典型的世俗 带领风格是什么? sallee.info | What is the most typical style of secular [...] leadership in your country? sallee.info |
众多UC-win/Road的魅力中最典型的就是 使用方便,是构筑多种驾驶场景重要的要素。 forum8.co.jp | One of the many attractive features of UC-win/Road was its ease of use and also its flexibility which was an important factor as we wish to develop a wide range of driving scenarios. forum8.co.jp |
家庭的實際生活水準往往不能靠收入多少來衡量,更何況是區區家庭總收入的 賬面數目!最典型的情況 就是,㆒個把子女收入全數算在家庭總收入內,因而當了富 戶的家庭,但可能每月只能從子女處收到微薄的家用,有些子女甚至不給家用。 legco.gov.hk | The living standard of a family, very often, cannot be reflected by the level of its household income, let alone mere figures entered in the book. legco.gov.hk |
国家是最典型的社会机制, 2010年的上海世界博览会是国家水平的世界性艺术互动来推动文化边界(一种国内与国外边界的重省)。 art-spring.org | Nations are the most iconic kind of social [...] institutions, and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo is a great example of a national-level [...]art experience coordinated to stimulate more dynamic perceiving at the boundary (i.e. the boundary between who or what is foreign and domestic). art-spring.org |
最典型的例子 就是拥有数家厂房的电器制造商,把所有电路板的制造结合于一个厂房内生产,由于生产元件及焊接电路板的机器十分昂贵,若进行此项结合,电器公司就不用分别在每个工厂装置相同的机器,只要将完成的电路板送至各个工厂组装成品即可。 ul.com | The machinery to apply components and solder the boards is very expensive, and by consolidating the printed wiring board operation, a company can avoid having to duplicate the production equipment setup at each factory. ul.com |
根據理事會的年報,倘 若 案件 無 須 諮 詢 [...] 法官的意見或 作進一步調查便結 束處理,最 典型的 情況,就 是投訴人是謀 求 直 接或非直 [...]接的渠道以 更改或 推翻法官所作 的 決 定。 legco.gov.hk | According to the Council's annual reports, when a file is closed without [...] seeking comments from the judge or further [...] investigation, typically the complainant [...]is seeking direct or indirect channels [...]to have the judge's decision altered or reversed.26 Table 2 - Complaint Files Closed in 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 legco.gov.hk |
同樣㆞,在發展基礎建設方面,很多升 斗市民因得不到保障而被犧牲, 最典型的 就 是 以養魚、捕魚為生的漁民,他們因公共 [...] 工程或工程所帶來的污染,備受經濟損失,甚至有部分漁民更要放棄本身的行業,但 所得到的補償卻是極之微薄。 legco.gov.hk | These fishermen suffer not only economic losses from pollution [...] generated from public works and public [...] projects, some of them even have to give up their [...]trade, only to be meagrely compensated. legco.gov.hk |
過去數十 年 來 的 都市規劃,成本 控 制 往 往 凌駕於 “ 以 人 為本” 之上, 最 典 型 的例子 莫 過於第 二、三代 的 新 市 鎮 , 如 屯 門 、 天 水 圍 、 馬 鞍 山 及 將 軍 澳 等。 legco.gov.hk | Over the past few decades, costs control in town planning has always superceded "people-oriented" considerations. Typical examples of this are the second and third generations of new towns in places such as Tuen Mun, Tin Shui Wai, Ma On Shan and Tseung Kwan O. Their common features are: first, standardized design. legco.gov.hk |
我接着便說,這正正是特區政府 最典型的 做 法 ,便只是照顧中央而已。 legco.gov.hk | However, in the end, thanks to the special favour given to them by the SAR Government, it was possible to arrange the meeting on that day smoothly. I then said that it was exactly the usual practice of the SAR Government, that is, it only cared about the Central Authorities. legco.gov.hk |