

单词 3-substituted








See also:

如有必要再次替换法官, 案件则须从头开始重新听讯。
The need for a second substitute would require the case to be reheard from the beginning.
在 “本会 促请政府”之後删除“ 审慎评估落实小班教学所需”,并以 “ 善 用中小学学生人口 下 降 所 节 省”代替 ;在“ 资 源 , ”之前 删除 “ 额 外”及在其後 删除“ 衡 量 政府及家长双 方的承担, 并 在 确保”, 并以“进 行 小班教学的”代替;在“师资 培 训 ”之後删除“得以配 合 下”,并以“,并以分 区 分 级 的过渡 模式”代替;及 在 “ 逐 步 在小学” 之後加上“和初 中开始”。
To delete "prudently assess" after "the Government to" and substitute with "make optimal use of"; to delete "additional" before "resources"; to delete "required for implementing" after "resources" and substitute with "saved due to the drop in the primary and secondary school student population to provide training for teachers on"; to delete ", weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available" before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after "progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with ", starting with"; and to add "and junior secondary forms," after "primary schools".
在 “来临,”之後加上“加上政府政策不利青年人,”;及在紧接句号 之前删除“及 (四 ) 从教育和社会文化入手,投放资源,提升网络公 民素质,以及推广理性、互信、互相尊重的沟通模式,从而有效 凝聚社会智慧”,并以“(四 ) 推广社会对青年议政采开放态度,包 括其表达意见的形式,以维护其表达的权利;(五 ) 完善选民登记 制度,使年满十八岁的青年人可以尽快参与投票;及(六 ) 修订《电 讯条例》及广播政策,提供大气电波及电视广播平台,令青年人 可以充分行使言论及发表自由”代替。
To add "coupled with the fact that the Government's policies are not beneficial to young people," after "network era,"; and to delete "and (d) starting from education and social culture, to allocate resources to enhance the quality of the network citizens, and to promote a way of communication based on reasons, mutual trust and mutual respect, thereby bringing together social wisdom effectively" immediately before the full stop and substitute with "(d) to promote an open attitude in society towards young people's political commentaries, including the ways they express their opinions, so as to uphold their right of expression; (e) to improve the voter registration system, so that young people reaching the age of 18 can participate in voting as early as possible; and (f) to amend the Telecommunications Ordinance and broadcasting policies to provide the airwaves and the television broadcasting platform for young people to fully exercise their freedom of speech and expression.
但是在任何情况下,社区集体同意或社区领导或其它主管部门的同意都不能取代 个人的知情同意。
In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.
(ii) 授予本公司任何董事、主管人员或职员於任何特定业务或交易中之任何 权益,或参与上述业务或交易之利润分配或本公司之一般利润分配,而该权益可独立 於薪金或其他薪酬之外,亦可取代薪金或其他薪酬。
(ii) to give to any Directors, officers or servants of the Company an interest in any particular business or transaction or participation in the profits thereof or in the general profits of the Company either in addition to or in substitution for a salary or other remuneration.
而且,他们认为教科文组织不应该力图代 替已经存在的地区政府间组织(如:欧盟),而是要加强同这些机构的合作。
Also, in their view, UNESCO should not try to substitute existing regional intergovernmental organizations (e.g. the European Commission), but rather strengthen its cooperation with these bodies.
他们进一步认识到,南南合作不能取代南北合作,但可以补充南北合作; 并在这方面,重申其决心开展更为有效的南南合作和三角合作,并考虑到为执 行与健康有关的发展方案调配其他必要资源。
They further recognized that South-South cooperation does not substitute, but compliments North-South cooperation; and, in this regard, reaffirmed their determination to exploring more effective South-South cooperation, as well as triangular cooperation, allowing for the mobilization of additional resources necessary for the implementation of health-related development programmes, including.
一些具体意见如下:营销母乳代用品方面的法典参考很重要;法典应该通用,着重 保护一些尚无适当食品质量控制措施国家的消费者;法典应集中在第 3 条的核心规则方 面,不应当用来解决与遵守有关的问题,遵守问题应由食品进出口检验和认证系统委员会 来处理;一些发展中国家的文盲问题对向消费者提供信息和提高他们对食品安全问题的认 识来说可能是个挑战;该法典不应重申法典文本或世界贸易组织协议里现有的规定。
A number of specific comments were made as follows: the reference of the Code on the Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes is important; the Code should be generic and focus on the protection of consumers in countries which do not have adequate control measures for food quality; the Code should concentrate on the core provisions in Article 3 and should not be used to resolve issues dealing with compliance, which should be addressed by the CCFICS; the problem of illiteracy in some developing countries may be a challenge in order to provide consumer information and raise their awareness on food safety issues; and the Code should not reiterate existing provisions in Codex texts or the WTO agreements.
该综合性计划的重点是 分享无铅釉和燃料替代物的新工艺技能和生产技术, 促进以传统生产线为依据的新设计,并根据全球卫生 要求和国际标准经销这些产品。
The comprehensive programme focused upon the sharing of new technological skills and production techniques for leadfree glazes and fuel substitution, the promotion of new designs inspired by tradition and product line elements and the marketing of these products in the light of global health concerns and international norms.
倘任何董事为本公司或应本公司要求执行任何特别或额外的职务,则董 事会可向该董事支付特别酬金(可以薪金、佣金或分享利润或其他方式支付),作为 一般董事酬金以外的额外报酬或代替该一般酬金。
Such special remuneration may be made payable to such Director in addition to or in substitution for his ordinary remuneration as a Director, and may be made payable by way of salary, commission or participation in profits or otherwise as may be arranged.
特别是,他重 申轨道 4 在促进对于氟氯烃替代品、尤其是最大程度地减少对于环境(包括气候)的影响 的替代品的认识和分享相关知识的重要性,并强调需要开展活动给予支持。
In particular, he reiterated the importance of track 4 for promoting awareness and sharing knowledge on substitutes for HCFCs, especially those that minimized impact on the environment, including the climate, and stressed the need for activities to support them.
当然它们不应该被用作正常专利(对此我们建议提高标准) 的替代品。
They certainly should not be used as a substitute for normal patents (where we are recommending a raising of standards).
现时,美国、 澳洲、日本等国家并没有禁止双酚A用作食物罐和饮料罐的内层,但鼓励业界采用其他 合适的代替品。
At present, countries like United States of America, Australia, Japan, etc. did not prohibit the use of BPA as linings in food and beverage cans yet they did encourage the use of suitable substitutes.
这种自愿机制应切实有 效,并应着眼于调动稳定而可预测的资源,这些资源应补充而不是取代传统的资 金来源,应根据最不发达国家的优先事项发放,而且不会给这些国家带来过重负 担。
Such voluntary mechanisms should be effective and should aim to mobilize resources that are stable and predictable, which should supplement and not be a substitute for traditional sources of finance and be disbursed in accordance with the priorities of least developed countries and not unduly burden them.
世界银行指出,选用碳氢化合物技术的依据如下:替代技术应该成熟,并为业界普 遍接受;当地市场上的发泡剂供应数量充足,价格也合理;以及根据中国政府减轻气候影 响的核心政策目标,优先采用低碳解决方案(这也符合缔约方的第 XIX/6 号决定)。
The World Bank indicated that the selection of hydrocarbon technology was based on the following: the substitute technology should be mature and generally accepted by the industry; the blowing agent should be available in sufficient quantities and at a reasonable price on the local market; and, in line with the central policy objective of the Government of China to mitigate climate impacts, a low carbon solution takes priority (which is also in line with decision XIX/6 of the Parties).
他指 出,最高法院没有努力委任可以审查其上诉许可申诉的第五名法官,并且在他提 出申诉的同一天,最高法院决定没有代理法官能凑足法定人数,这表明法庭并没 有努力寻找一名替代法官,其行政安排未能够掌控这样的局势。
He points out that the Supreme Court made no efforts to appoint a fifth judge that could examine his application for leave to appeal and, the same day his application was lodged, it decided that no acting judge were available to complete the quorum, which shows that the Court did not try to find a substitute judge or that its administrative arrangements failed to prevail this kind of situations.
(B) 本公司须不时在百慕达由其不时厘定的地点(但并非於香 港)存置及保留一份完备及完整的可换股优先股及可换股 优先股股东名册,有关名册须不时载有任何可换股优先股 兑换及/或注销及销毁详情以及就取代任何损坏、涂污、 遗失、被窃或损毁股票而发行的任何替代股票的发行详 情,以及所有可换股优先股股东的翔实身份资料。
(B) The Company shall maintain and keep a full and complete register at such location in Bermuda (but not in Hong Kong) as it shall from time to time determine of the Convertible Preference Shares and the CP Shareholders from time to time, such register shall contain details of conversion and/or cancellation and the destruction of any Convertible Preference Shares and the issue of any replacement Certificates issued in substitution for any mutilated, defaced, lost, stolen or destroyed Certificates and of sufficient identification details of all CP Shareholders from time to time.
日内瓦婴儿喂养协会说,阿联酋尚未通过一项关于母乳替代品销售问题 的国家法律。
Geneva Infant Feeding Association (GIFA) said that the UAE has not yet adopted a national law on the marketing of breast-milk substitutes.
(b) 给予任何董事、本公司高级人员或受雇人在任何特定业务或交易中的权 益,或分享当中的利润或本公司的一般利润,作为额外加於或代替薪金或 其他报酬。
(b) To give to any Directors, officers or servants of the Company an interest in any particular business or transaction or participation in the profits thereof or in the general profits of the Company either in addition to or in substitution for a salary or other remuneration.
回归法》 同时规范了须要适用其他法律或法律其中部份条文时须遵守的替换原则。
The Reunification Law also determines the principles of substitution to which the necessary adaptation of other laws or parts thereof should obey.
及动议批准及采纳已提呈本大会并由大会主席签署以资识别、注有「A」字样之 已重新编印之本公司新组织章程大纲及细则(包括截至本大会结束为止前所通过 有关修订组织章程细则之全部特别决议案(包括本决议案)),以作为本公司之新 组织章程大纲及细则,以代替本公司之现有组织章程大纲及细则并将之摒除,并 授权董事可以进行其认为就上述事项所有必须、可取或权宜之事宜及行动及签署 所有文件。
and THAT the reprinted new memorandum and articles of association of the Company, incorporating all the special resolutions passed in connection with amendment to the articles of association of the Company up to the conclusion of this Meeting (including this resolution), marked “A” produced to this Meeting and for the purposes of identification signed by the chairman, be and is hereby approved and adopted as the new memorandum and articles of association of the Company in substitution for and to the exclusion of the existing memorandum and articles of association of the Company and that the Directors be and are hereby authorized to do all things and act and sign all documents which they consider necessary, desirable or expedient in connection with the foregoing.
就本公司任何目的而言,应要求出国或居住在国外的任何董事或根据董事会意见 其履行的服务超越董事的一般责任者,可获支付由董事会厘定的该等额外酬金(不论以薪金、 酬金、分享利润或其他方式),而该等额外酬金须为按照或根据任何其他细则规定的任何一般 酬金的额外或替代酬金。
Any Director who, by request, goes or resides abroad for any purpose of the Company or who performs services which in the opinion of the Board go beyond the ordinary duties of a Director may be paid such extra remuneration (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise) as the Board may determine and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to or in substitution for any ordinary remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Article.
2012/13 年的挑战将是,向发展中国家和最不发达国家提供额外资源,作为一种免费的支助来源, 但并不因其取代发展活动的常规预算资助,而是作为一种额外的、补充性质的支助来源,帮助满足 对这项工作的需求,在 WIPO 各项计划和优先事项的背景下加快利用知识产权促进发展的步伐。
The challenge in 2012/13 will be to deliver additional resources to developing countries and LDCs as a complimentary source of support, not as a substitute for regular budget funding of development activities, but as an additional and complementary source of support to help meet the demand for this work, to accelerate the use of IP for development within the context of WIPO’s programs and priorities.
国际社会已注意到《新裁武条约》,但因为该条 约仅规定实行核武器退役,但缺乏任何国际核查机 制,而且缔约国不承诺销毁它们所拥有的核武器,因 此永远不能代替明文规定的核武器国家彻底销毁其 所拥有的所有核武器的法律义务。
The international community has noted the New START, but as this Treaty does not go beyond mere decommissioning of nuclear weapons and lacks any international verification mechanism, and as its parties did not commit themselves to destroying their nuclear weapons, it can never be a substitute for the explicit legal obligations of nuclear-weapon States to completely eliminate all their nuclear weapons.
虽然专家们认为甲酸 甲酯作为潜在替代品应得到充分考虑,但他们不选择甲酸甲酯的原因是:事实上,它尚未 经过检验,也未经证实;需要采取安全措施处理易燃性;公共领域缺乏关于甲酸甲酯预混 多元醇的信息;对泡沫塑料稳定性和绝缘性能的担心;以及泡沫塑料的广泛应用,并非所 有这些应用都适合用甲酸甲酯作为发泡剂。
While the experts recognized that methyl formate deserved full consideration as a potential substitute, their reasons for not choosing methyl formate were: the fact that it is as yet untested and unproven; the need for safety measures to deal with flammability; the lack of information in the public domain on methyl formate preblended polyols; concerns about foam stability and insulation performance; and the wide range of foam applications, not all of which would be suitable for methyl formate as the blowing agent.
约旦认为,联合国承认巴勒斯坦国既不能代替直 接谈判,也不是为了剥夺以色列的合法性,因为对巴 勒斯坦国的这种承认不会使最终地位谈判所涉的五 点内容得到解决,而这意味着冲突将继续下去,无法 得到全面解决。
Jordan believes that recognition of the Palestinian State within the United Nations is neither a substitute for direct negotiations nor is it aimed at delegitimizing Israel, for such recognition of the Palestinian State would leave five points of the final status negotiations pending, which means that the conflict would continue without being fully addressed.
该园区用于促进对人权的尊 重,以及告诉当代人和后代人国家当权者以非法的暴力行为取代法制造成的无法挽回的后 果。
The “Espacio” serves to promoting respect for human rights, as well as to teaching current and future generations the irreparable consequences of the substitution of the rule of law by illegal violence of those who exercise the power of the State.
法院提出咨询意见的适当性——对法院司法职能完整性的尊重——寻求咨询 意见的轻率请求——以法院取代安全理事会行使其政治责任——向法院所提问题 的范围和含义——联合国管理下的领土通过独立宣言是否符合国际法——单方面 宣布独立者的身份——安全理事会僵局的后果——对国际法中“沉默”的解释 ——特别法和 一般国际法——科索沃特派团订立的《宪法框架》。
Propriety of the Court giving an advisory opinion ⎯ Respect for the integrity of the Court’s judicial function ⎯ Frivolous requests for advisory opinions ⎯ Substitution of the Court for the Security Council in exercising its political responsibilities ⎯ Scope and meaning of the question put to the Court ⎯ Accordance with international law of the declaration of independence adopted in the context of a territory under United Nations administration ⎯ Identity of the authors of the unilateral declaration of independence ⎯ Consequences of the stalemate in the Security Council ⎯ Interpretation of “silence” in international law ⎯ Lex specialis and general international law ⎯ Constitutional Framework established by UNMIK.




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