单词 | 替代品 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 替代品noun—substitutenalternativesplsubstitutespl替代品—alternativeSee also:替代n—alternativen substitutionn replacementn alternaten 替代v—substitutev replacev supplyv 替代—substitute for supersede 代替n—substituten displacementn proxyn
日内瓦婴儿喂养协会说,阿联酋尚未通过一项关于母乳替代品销售问题 的国家法律。 daccess-ods.un.org | Geneva Infant Feeding Association (GIFA) said that the UAE has not yet adopted a [...] national lawon the marketing of breast-milk substitutes. daccess-ods.un.org |
该项决议敦促成员国政府确保不 许在母乳替代品上加帖营养和健康说明,除非国家立法中有明确规定。 codexalimentarius.org | The Resolution urged Member Governments to ensure that [...] nutrition and health claims were not permitted [...] on breast milksubstitutes except where specifically [...]provided for in national legislation. codexalimentarius.org |
当然它们不应该被用作正常专利(对此我们建议提高标准)的替代品。 iprcommission.org | They certainly should [...] not beused as asubstitute fornormalpatents [...](where we are recommending a raising of standards). iprcommission.org |
无论我们 是考虑直接购买有一系列治疗替代品的专利药品,还是以强制许可方式购买。 iprcommission.org | This applies whether we are considering the direct [...] procurement of patented drugs where there are a range [...] of therapeutic substitutes, or aboutprocurement [...]under compulsory licensing. iprcommission.org |
但是,还可以采取其他的行动加强所实现的淘汰,例如采取有 利环境的生产做法、降低进口替代品价格的新奖励措施和正确地查明影响作物的具体害虫 或疾病。 multilateralfund.org | However, other actions could also be taken to strengthen the phase-out achieved, such [...] as the adoption of environment-friendly production practices, new incentives to [...] reduce theprice of importedalternatives andthe correct [...]identification of the [...]specific pests or diseases affecting crops. multilateralfund.org |
影响逐步淘汰的可持续性的关键因素和需要进一步分析的问题,都已经查明,包括 所选替代品的技术可行性及其经济可行性;可能影响已实现逐步淘汰的可持续性和维持 [...] 逐步淘汰的现代机构能力的市场问题,还有政治管理问题。 multilateralfund.org | Key factors affecting sustainability of the phase-out and issues needing further analysis were [...] identified, including technical [...] feasibility of selected alternatives and their economic [...]feasibility; market issues that may [...]impact the sustainability of the phase-out achieved and the existing institutional capacity to sustain the phase-out; and political regulatory issues. multilateralfund.org |
同国家标准化机构和认证机构一起开展国际培训,交 流关于熟料替代品、混凝土标准、新型水泥制备混凝土的长 [...] 期性能和环境经济影响方面的经验。 wbcsdcement.org | Promoting international training events with national standardisation bodies [...] and accreditation institutes to exchange [...] experiences on substitution, concrete standards, [...]long-term concrete performance of [...]new cements, and environmental and economic impacts. wbcsdcement.org |
尽管最初受到一些批评,但人们认识到,碳税 [...] 不仅没有对增长和就业带来损害,而且事实证明这 是鼓励对可再生能源和绿色替代品进行投入的一种 有效方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite some initial scepticism, people realized that the carbon taxes had not jeopardized growth and [...] employment, and had proved to be an effective means of encouraging investment in [...] renewable energyand greenalternatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
一位代表指出,该决定草案是一个适时的举措。另一位代表则称,她的国家愿 意提供其本国在从臭氧消耗物质向替代品过渡方面的经验和所采取的措施的相 [...] 关资料。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | One said that it was a timely initiative while another said that her country would be happy to provide [...] information on its own experiences and measures undertaken in the transition from [...] ozone-depleting substancesto alternatives. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
在对环境进行强制性改变之前, 提供各种安全的替代品非常关键。任何可能影响患者 使用 HFC 型 MDIs 的进一步环境政策措施都需要仔细 地考虑,并应与医生、患者、国家卫生权威机构以及 其他卫生保健专家磋商。 ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch | Any future environmental policy measures that could impact on patient use of HFC MDIs would require careful consideration and consultation with physicians, patients, national health authorities and other health care experts. ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch |
他们的穹顶产品是引人注目的 温室替代品。 sapagroup.com | Their domes [...] are a striking alternative to a greenhouse. sapagroup.com |
关键问题是,剩余的多数关键用途提名并未按照第 IX/6 号决定的要求使 [...] 用防渗薄膜来控制排放,并且在全球(除日本外)撤销甲基碘为寻找新的化学替代品带来较大压力,尤其给处理苗圃问题带来了压力。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Key issues were the fact that most remaining critical-use nominations did not use emission control with barrier films as required by decision IX/6 and the withdrawal of methyl iodide [...] worldwide (except in Japan) had put pressure of [...] finding newchemical alternatives, inparticular [...]with regard to nursery issues. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
继续研究鱼油替代品将是优先事项。 fao.org | Continued [...] research onfish-oil substituteswill be apriority. fao.org |
因此,要求进行密集研究,以便找到鱼油替代品。 fao.org | Therefore, intensive research is required in [...] orderto find alternatives tofish oil. fao.org |
在发展中国家,小型水电站是柴油发电机的合适替代品;在发达国家也仍然需求强劲,因其能量供应效率高、分布广、总量大。 voith.com | Even in industrialized nations, small hydro power plants are in demand, as they provide a useful contribution on the whole and effectively support energy change. voith.com |
法院认为,在本案中 拒绝许可并没有违反第 82 条的禁止性规 [...] 定,因为本案所涉及的产品或者服务,并不 是(a)从事该活动所必要的(并没有真正 的或者潜在的替代品);或者(b)一个可 以被阻止上市的、并有着明确、持续和定期 [...]需求的新产品。 cgfwatch.org | The court found that the refusal to license the applicant did not fall within the prohibition of Article 82 because it did not involve a product or service which was (a) essential for the exercise of the activity in question (that [...] is, for which there was no [...] real or potential substitute),or(b) a newproduct whoseintroduction [...]could be prevented and [...]for which there was specific, constant and regular potential demand. cgfwatch.org |
(三 ) 当局有否研究使用替代品,以代替含有PVC质料因而存在 受塑化剂污染风险的辅助医疗器材;若有,详情为何;若 [...] 否,会否考虑研究? legco.gov.hk | (c) whether the authorities [...] have explored using alternativesto auxiliary medical [...]devices containing PVC materials, which may [...]have the risk of being contaminated by plasticizers; if they have, of the details; if not, whether they will consider conducting studies? legco.gov.hk |
请注意,R12充注量将大于原始R134a充注量,而且,在大多数国家,不允许使用 R12,但在某些特殊情况下,它可以用作替代品。 secop.com | Note that the R12 charge will be bigger than the original [...] R134a charge and that in most countries the use of R12 is not permitted, but in some special [...] cases itcan beanalternative. secop.com |
在这方面,我要提及以下各项措施:为前体附加 标识以便让我们能够确定运往阿富汗的前体的具体 生产者和供应者;根据出口前、向第三国的再出口和 [...] 再销售的通知制度,加强对前体流动的国际监督;监 测阿富汗边界的重载运输;以及,对任何同前体及其替代品的供应有关联的活动发放许可证。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, I refer to measures to mark precursors in order to enable us to identify specific producers and suppliers of such substances to Afghanistan; to strengthen international monitoring of the movement of precursors on the basis of a system of notifications on pre-export, re-export and resale to third countries; to monitor heavy-freight [...] transport on the Afghan border; and to license any activities [...] related to the supply of precursorsand their substitutes. daccess-ods.un.org |
可通过现金的 高科技电子替代品和基于手机的汇款服务满足穷人对汇款服务的需要;甚至对 尚未开设银行账户的人都可提供服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | Poor people’s need for remittances can be served through [...] high-tech electronic substitutesfor cash and cellphone-based [...]remittance services; even the unbanked can be served. daccess-ods.un.org |
该代表指出,世界卫生大会还要求世卫组织总干事在每个偶数年份向卫生大会 [...] 报告在审议提交食品法典委员会采取行动的事项方面取得的进展,以及落实母乳替 代品国际销售规范报告的状况。 codexalimentarius.org | The Representative indicated that the WHA had also requested the Director-General of WHO to report to the Health Assembly each even year, along with the status of the implementation of [...] the International Code of Marketing [...] of Breast-milk Substitutesreport,on progress [...]in the consideration of matters referred [...]to the Codex Alimentarius Commission for its action. codexalimentarius.org |
从能 源安全的角度考虑,煤炭作为石油的替代品作为原料进行化工生产,在未来的 一段时间内,将减轻我国对石油的需求压力,同时也能保障能源安全。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In regard of securing the energy [...] resource, coal,as a substitute of petrol, used [...]as a main raw material, will alleviate the stress on petrol. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 2011 年 9 月 7 [...] 日其第514次会议上,委员会讨论了纸智能会议和作为书 面正式记录替代品的数字音频文件这一主题(见 A/66/118,第 [...]71 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its 514th meeting, on 7 September 2011, the Committee discussed the [...] themes of paper-smart meetings and digital [...] audiofiles as alternativestowritten official [...]records (see A/66/118, para. 71). daccess-ods.un.org |
投 资 者 应 注 意 此 产 品 并 不 保 本 及 有 别 於 普 通 定 期 存 款 , 故 不 应 [...] 被 视 为 一 般 定 期 存 款 或其替 代 品。hangseng.com | Investors should note that this product is not [...] capital protected and is not normal time deposit, and thus should not be considered as normal [...] time depositor its alternative. hangseng.com |
以免高调的到来,先进技术车辆的迅速发展掩盖的“传统”汽油车,应当指出有一半的车辆环保名单上运行以汽油为动力,内燃机 - 本身就是一个故事,监於大量的混合动力车和市场上的其他替代品的今天。 hkcarworld.com | Lest the arrival of high-profile, advanced technology vehicles obscure the rapid evolution of the “conventional” gasoline vehicle, it should be noted that half the vehicles on the Greenest List run on gasoline-powered, [...] internal combustion engines — a story in itself, given the large number of [...] hybridsand otheralternatives on the market today. hkcarworld.com |
选择哈龙替代品涉及到对各种因素进行评估,这 些因素包括空间、重量、成本、安全、对“清洁”的 [...] 需求(即例如在唱片储藏或文化遗产建筑物方面不会 产生残留物或损害)、环境性能、对于某种特定火灾 威胁的有效性(固体材料火灾为 A 类,易燃液体火 灾为 [...]B 类,通电的电力设备火灾为 C 类,以及特殊 情景如极端寒冷条件下的火灾)。 ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch | Selecting an alternativetohalon involves [...] evaluating a wide range of factors. These include space and weight, cost, safety, [...]requirements for ‘cleanliness’ (i.e. without residue or damage such as in the storage of records or cultural heritage buildings), environmental performance, effectiveness against a specific fire threat (fires in solid materials (‘Class A’ fires), flammable liquids (‘Class B’ fires) and energized electrical equipment (‘Class C’ fires) and special circumstances (e.g. very cold conditions). ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch |
冲突后或局势不稳国家的人民很难负担得起旱灾和类似事件后全球 [...] 不断上涨的粮食价格;这一挑战以及只能获得极少替代品的情况,使这些国家的 人民更易受到气候变化的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Populations in countries in a post-conflict situation or suffering from instability can rarely afford escalating global food prices following droughts and similar events; this [...] challenge and the fact that they have [...] access to only a fewsubstitutes makes themeven [...]more vulnerable to climate change impacts. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中包括对复印纸销售实行纸 [...] 张税”;向当地一个非政府组织提供支持,提供切碎的办公用纸,供回收制造可 燃煤球用;执行秘书长将办公室空调设定在摄氏 24 度的倡议;与军人服务社承 包商合作,以纸制替代品或可重复使用的购物袋替代塑料袋和发泡胶饭盒。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include a paper tax on photocopier paper distribution, support to a local non-governmental organization by providing shredded office paper to be recycled into burnable briquettes, following the Secretary-General’s initiative in setting office air conditioners at 24 degrees Celsius, and working with [...] the post exchange [...] contractor inreplacing plastic bags and styrofoam food containers with paper alternatives orreusable [...]shopping bags. daccess-ods.un.org |
在部分国家,作为40瓦白炽灯替代品的LED灯价格已低于10.00美元的界限,”爱思强首席运营官与执行 [...] 委员会成员Bernd Schulte博士在研讨会上发言时指出,“这是一个好消息,因为这将促进LED照明市场大幅增长。 aixtron.com | Prices for [...] LED bulbs asreplacements for 40Wincandescent [...]bulbs in some countries are below the USD 10.00 mark", remarks [...]Dr. Bernd Schulte, COO & Member of the AIXTRON Executive Board (pictured left), in his presentation. aixtron.com |