

单词 曾荫权

See also:

(past tense marker used before verb or clause)
ever (in the past)
great-grand (father, child etc)
surname Zeng

External sources (not reviewed)

香港环保卓越计划颁奖礼」已于2011年4月8日举行,并由香港特别行政区首 曾荫权 颁 发 奖项予「界别卓越奖」各个界别的金奖得主。
The Chief
[...] Executive, Mr. Donald Tsang, presented the [...]
award to Gold winners of different sectors on April 8, 2011.
[...] 日进行投票。 在所投的有效票数中曾荫权先生 取得过半票数,获宣布在选举中当选。
Mr Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, who obtained [...]
more than half of the total number of valid votes cast, was declared as returned at the election.
对于这一问题,书记官长回顾说,会议过 曾 经 授 权 类 似 的转移款项 提议,注意到提出此类提议的文件。
In response to a question, the Registrar recalled that in the past
[...] the Meeting had authorized similar proposals [...]
for the transfer of funds by taking
note of the documents in which they had been described.
然而,据称受到侵犯权利曾经并仍然受到保护,完全可以在国内法 院援引这些权利。
Yet, the rights supposedly disregarded [...]
were and are protected, and thus fully justiciable in the domestic courts.
No international human rights document condoned this violation of human rights principles.
作为缅甸的经济之都,仰光气候凉爽宜人,生长着茂盛的热带树木,有绿树 荫 的 公 园和风景如画的湖泊。
The economic hub and gateway to Burma, Yangon is cool and green with lush tropical trees, shady parks and picturesque lakes.
颜盎镇坐落在一座小山上,有一小簇破旧的平顶石屋,四周绿树 荫 , 其间点缀着以色列定居者的建筑。
Nestled on a hill, the town of Yanoun is a small cluster of old flat-roofed stone houses, surrounded on all sides by a leafy landscape dotted with the buildings of an Israeli settlement.
然而,一种存在以下是一个半英寸材​​料鬼,或 荫 , 或 双(ekimmu)的一种认为,生存在死亡的身体,当身体被埋葬(或较少见,火化)鬼下降到加入黑社会的离开公司。
A kind of semi-material ghost, or shade, or double (ekimmu), survives the death of the body, and when the body is buried (or, less commonly, cremated) the ghost descends to the underworld to join the company of the departed.
Relax in the city’s leafy parks such and don’t miss the famous Potemkin steps, the formal entrance to the city, accessed from the port.
美利坚合众国、法国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联 合王国、德国、加拿大和欧洲国家作为决议草案的 提案国,因巴勒斯坦人在民主选举过程中行使选权,以前曾经、 而且现在依然在惩罚他们;这些国 家默许和支持以色列占领阿拉伯领土和屠杀阿拉伯 人民,共同犯下反人类罪。
The United States of America, France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Germany, Canada and the European countries sponsoring the draft
resolution had punished
[...] and were still punishing the Palestinian people for exercising their choice in a democratic electoral process, and were complicit in crimes [...]
against humanity through
their silence on and support of Israeli occupation of Arab territories and massacres of Arab peoples.
经济、社会、文化权利国际公 约》以及 其他权文件曾 确 切 规 定国家提供援助的水平。
Neither the International Covenant on Economic, Social and
[...] Cultural Rights, nor other human rights instruments, [...]
define precise levels at which States should provide aid.
为了开展 2002 年 12
[...] 月举行的关于受教育权利作为一项基本人权的宪法/法律 依据的圆桌会议的后续活动曾在 受教 育 权 利 方 面与促进非洲教育发展协会(ADEA)开展 了合作。
Cooperation was developed with ADEA in the field of the right to education in the context of follow-up to
the December 2002 Round Table on the Constitutional/Legal
[...] Bases of the Right to Education as a Fundamental Human Right.
科林峡谷坐落在贝尔法斯特市中心西南处,作为贝尔法斯特市的“绿肺”,谷内风光秀美,绿树 荫。
Described as Belfast's 'Green Lung', Colin’s Glen is a beautiful wooded glen located to the southwest of Belfast City Centre.
马来西亚拉哈达图,2012年3月12日——在马来西亚婆罗洲的东部边缘,协成种植园大片油棕榈树的 荫 下 , 玛丽亚.拉斐尔(Maria Rafael)手持砍刀砍下枯树枝,同时监督其他几个外来女工的工作。
LAHAD DATU, Malaysia, 12 March 2012 – Under the vast oil palm canopy of the Hap Seng plantation, on the eastern edge of Malaysian Borneo, Maria Rafael hacks away dead branches with her machete while supervising the progress of several other female migrant workers.
板块之间的缝隙,为从沿街的主入口或从河堤通向 荫 映 衬 的下沉庭院提供了路径。
The gaps between the plates provide access from the main entrance facing the road or from the river embankment to the screened and shaded lower courtyard.
然而,市场荫生咖 啡的需求正在不断增长。
The market for shade grown coffee, however, is the market that is growing.
[...] 19 C/12.1 号决 议承认总干事享有的说权范围内, 曾 亲 自从人道主义出发为一些个人奔走,因这些人是所 [...]
In accordance with well-established
practice, the Director-General has had
[...] occasion through the right of intercession vested [...]
in him by the General Conference,
in particular in 19 C/Resolution 12.1, personally to make various humanitarian representations on behalf of persons who have allegedly been victims of human rights violations in UNESCO’s fields of competence and whose cases have called for urgent consideration.
北海是一座热情友好、绿树荫的城 市,位于广西南宁地区以南229公里。
Beihai is a friendly, tree-lined community 229 kilometres south of Nanning in the Guangxi region.
陈律师曾担任香港电视节目《百法百众》的演讲嘉宾,讲述香港法律下各方 权 利 和 义务; 曾 接 受 新城广播有限公司以及香港律师会的邀请,在新城财经台(FM102.5)的广播节目中讨论有关香港对网上共享音乐档案和下载音乐的人士采取法律行动、点对点音乐档案共享以及唱片行业和互联网服务供应商的权利等法律问题。
At the invitation of the Metro Broadcast Corporation and The Law Society of Hong Kong, he discussed legal proceedings targeting individual music file-sharers in Hong Kong, peer-to-peer sharing and rights of the recording industry and Internet service providers on a radio broadcast.
例如在我国 阿富汗,厌恶女人的塔利班一度权 , 妇 女 曾 被 剥夺 其最为基本的人权,而如今宪法规定,议会中所有席 位的 27%必须由妇女担任。
For example, in my country of Afghanistan, where the
misogynistic Taliban once ruled
[...] and women were deprived of their very basic human rights, constitutional [...]
law now stipulates that
27 per cent of all seats in Parliament must be filled by women.
(4) 有关是否需要设立及维持认购
[...] 权储备及如有需 要时所须设立及维持的金 额、有关认权储备所曾使用的用途、有关其曾用作弥补本公司亏损的程度、有关将 [...]
须向行使认股权证持有人配发的入账列为缴足额外股份的面额以及有关认购权储备任 何其他事宜的本公司当其时由核数师编制的证书或报告,在没有明显错误下,对本公
(4) A certificate or report by the auditors for the time
being of the Company as to whether or
[...] not the Subscription Rights Reserve is required [...]
to be established and maintained and
if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the Subscription Rights Reserve has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of shares required to be allotted to exercising warrantholders credited as fully paid, and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Rights Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders.
在依照第 131 条行使最高法院管权时,曾在印度政府与一个或多个邦之 间、印度政府和任何一个或多个邦与另外一个或多个邦之间、或者两个或多个邦 之间发布大量判决。
He has delivered a large number of judgements while exercising the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction under article 131 between the Government of India and one or more States; between the Government of India and any State or States on one side and one or more other States on the other; or between two or more States.
叶柄1-2厘米; 托叶线形,cadu cous; 叶片通常卵形的卵形或圆形,有时长圆形或椭圆状卵形的的,(4.6-)8.6-12.5(-18.4) * (3.1-)5.7- 8.9(-12.3)厘米,纸质,草质(在荫凉或低光)到革质(在直射阳光或极干燥时),无毛或疏生具鳞屑被绒毛具红棕毛,背面的多少被粉,基部宽楔形,或圆形到心形,边缘全缘或较少通常细圆齿,先端短到长渐尖或锐尖,顶通常钝。
Petiole 1-2 cm; stipules linear, cadu cous; leaf blade usually ovate or rounded-ovate, sometimes oblong or elliptic-ovate, (4.6-)8.6-12.5(-18.4) × (3.1-)5.7- 8.9(-12.3) cm, papery, herbaceous (in shade or low light) to leathery (in direct sunlight or very dry conditions), glabrous or sparsely scurfy tomentose with reddish brown hairs, abaxially ± farinose, base broadly cuneate, or rounded to cordate, margin entire or less often crenulate, apex short to long acuminate or acute, tip often blunt.
心理的生存 - 而不是后来的希腊和基督教思想纯粹的精神灵魂,而是一种减毒,半导体材料鬼,或 荫 , 或 世俗人的形象,以及该在黑道阴影的生活是沉闷的,贫困几乎无功能的存在。
The psyche survives - not the purely spiritual soul of later Greek and Christian thought, but an attenuated, semi-material ghost, or shade, or image, of the earthly man; and the life of this shade in the underworld is a dull, impoverished, almost functionless existence.
(a) 如果可能,涉及已和解个人的除名请求应附上高级和平委员会通过阿富 汗政府递交的一项公函,确定所涉个人根据和解准则具备和解身份,如果是按照 加强和平方案进行的和解,则需提供文件,证明其已根据以前的方案进行和解; 并应提供当前地址和联系方法; (b) 除名请求所涉个人如果于 2002 年之曾在塔利班权任职 ,且不再符 合本决议第 3 段所述列名标准,应在可能情况下附上阿富汗政府的一项公函,确 认所涉个人不再活跃支持或参与威胁阿富汗的和平、稳定与安全的行为;并应提 供当前地址和联系方法
(b) Delisting requests concerning individuals who formerly held positions in the Taliban regime prior to 2002 who no longer meet the listing criteria outlined in paragraph 3 of this resolution should, if possible, include a communication from the Government of Afghanistan confirming that the individual is not an active supporter of, or participant in, acts that threaten the peace, stability and security of Afghanistan, as well as current address and contact information
1976年随着工人权力工会联合会的成立开始参加工会运动 曾 任 工 人 权 力 工 会联合会主席和食品行业工会主席,土耳其心肺移植基金会创始人大会成员、秘书长,欧盟——土耳其经济与社会理事会混合磋商委员会成员和联席主席,世界工会联合会和欧洲工会联合会执行局成员,国际劳工组织日内瓦代表团、国际工业关系协会、土耳其工业关系协会、土耳其经济和社会研究基金会、战略思想研究所高级咨询会议和贝希克塔什足球俱乐部全体会议成员,土耳其自愿者组织基金会创始成员,阿拉贾教育基金会受托人代表团董事会成员。
He worked as the Chairperson of Hak-İş Confederation and Öz Gıda Work Union; as founding member and General Secretary of Turkish Transplantation of Heart and Lung Foundation; as member and Co-Chairperson of EU-Turkey Economic and Social Council Joint Consultation Committee; CEO of  International Unions Confederation and European Unions Confederation;as General Membership of  ILO Geneva Delegation, International Industrial Relations Association, Turkish Industrial Relations Association, Turkish Economic and Social Etudes Foundation, High Consultation Board of Strategic Thoughts Institute and Beşiktaş Football Club; founding member of Türkiye Gönüllü Teşekkülleri Vakfı and member of Directorate of Board of Trustees of Alaca Eğitim Vakfı .
(4) 国际组织对一国行为的责任问题已经在国际法庭或其他机关审理若干案件 过程中讨论过,但由于缺乏属人管 权 , 还 不 曾 由 这 些法庭或机关正式审理过。
(4) The question of an international organization’s international responsibility in connection with the act of a State has been discussed in several cases before international tribunals or other bodies, but has not been examined by those tribunals or bodies because of lack of jurisdiction ratione personae.




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