

单词 曾国藩

See also:

(past tense marker used before verb or clause)
ever (in the past)
great-grand (father, child etc)
surname Zeng

vassal state
a fence (for defense)
a pale
a border
han, a province under a feudal overlord in premodern Japan

External sources (not reviewed)

另外,教科文组织还应动员所有有关各方进行协作,加强 国 内 部 以及跨 国 界 和 跨越文 藩 篱 的 对话。
UNESCO should also engage all its stakeholders and
[...] intensify dialogue within countries and across frontiers and cultural divides.
我本人曾在加州三藩市駕 駛過數 輛,它有足夠的馬力,而且污染可減至零。
I found that the vehicles have sufficient horsepower with near-zero pollution.
第二项假设是在第 2 款里所设想的,涉及这样 的情况:在国家继承之日,条约对于两个或更多的被继承国有效:在这种情况 下,由于两个或多个保留制度可能相互冲突或不兼容,应该可以假定,任何保留 不得扩展到条约领土范围扩大而涉及的领土,除非条约已对之生效的被继 国曾 提出 了相同的保留((a)分项),或继承国要么明确地表示((b)分项)或隐含的表示((c) 分项)表示的不同的意图。
The second hypothesis, contemplated in paragraph 2, involved a situation in which the treaty was in force for two or more predecessor States on the date of the succession: in such cases, owing to the risk that two or more reservation regimes might conflict or be incompatible, it should be presumed that no reservation extended to the territory concerned by the territorial extension of the treaty unless an identical reservation had been formulated by the predecessor States for which the treaty had been in force (subpara.
曾致函 三藩市警察部,並獲 該部門 告 知,大部分活動 的籌辦者均 會事先作 出 通知、申 領 所需的許可證,並與他們合作 [...]
以 便 順 利舉行有關活動。
We have written to the San Francisco Police Department, which says that [...]
most event organizers notify them in advance, apply
for the required permits, and work co-operatively with them to have a successful event.
議員可能注 意 到 , 十多日前報曾 報 道 三 藩 市和矽 谷 因為加 州 的 電 力 系 統 不能配 合 需 求 , 以 致 停 電 及 須 輪 流 供 電 , 雖 然 兩 者 的 情況可能不盡 相同, 但我相信無人 希望 香 港 出現大停電 , 或須輪 流 供 電 的 情況。
Members may note the press reports some 10 days ago about the failure of the electric system in California to cope with the demands in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, which have resulted in power outages and rotation supply.
然而,这一目的没有达到,因为联合王国继续拒绝讨论主权问题,同时采取 影响到有争议地区的单方面行动,不仅违反了上述谅解的精神和文字,而且违反 了联合国的呼吁,联国曾呼吁 ,在各岛屿正在历经有关决议建议的进程时,不 得作出意味单方面改变局势的决定。
However, it has not been possible to achieve this objective because the United Kingdom continues to refuse to address the question of sovereignty and has repeatedly taken unilateral actions with regard to the area in dispute which not only violate the spirit and the letter of those understandings but are also contrary to the call by the United Nations to refrain from taking decisions that would imply introducing unilateral modifications in the situation while the islands are going through the process recommended in the relevant resolutions.
下 面的學校一覽表列出哪些藩市聯合校區學校在 2013-2014學年提供特別 日班。
The lists below identify the SFUSD school sites that will offer Special Day Classes in 2013-2014 school year.
生命科学与医学奖 - 颁予国加州大学藩市分校生理学系主任及教授大卫‧朱利雅斯(David Julius),以表彰他对人类皮肤感知疼痛、刺激和温度以至产生疼痛、过敏现象背后的分子机制的开创性发现。
Professor David Julius, Professor and Chairman of Department of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco, USA for his seminal discoveries of molecular mechanisms by which the skin senses painful stimuli and temperature and produces pain hypersensitivity.
在克林顿政府期间举行的朝鲜民主主义人民共和国美国双边谈判之初,国 曾作出保证,“不以武力相威胁,也不使用武力,包括核武器”(1993 年 6 月 11 日《朝鲜民主主义人民共和国美国联合声明》)。
At the beginning of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea-United States bilateral talks held during the Clinton administration, the United States pledged “assurances against the threat and use of force, including nuclear weapons” (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea-United States Joint Statement, 11 June 1993).
各位議員也曾到過世界各地,不論是倫敦、紐約,或是更差的洛杉磯,還是 情況略好的藩市,如果你曾坐過 那些火車,便看到不論在質素、準時及 清潔方面,以至整個管理上,本港兩鐵的服務在全球是數一數二的。
Honourable Members have been to different parts of the world, be it London, New York,
the more inferior Los Angeles or
[...] the better San Francisco, and those who had travelled on [...]
their trains should have noticed
that Hong Kong's railway service provided by the two corporations is among the top ones in the world in terms of quality, punctuality, cleanliness and overall management.
According to the latest homeless
[...] survey in San Francisco, the Bay [...]
View district has the fastest growing homeless population in the city.
有效执行关于妇女与和平与安全的第 1325(2000) 号决议是法国的一项优先任务, 国曾 积 极 推动通过 这项决议,正如法国在欧洲联盟中努力增强对该问题 的认识,特别是在 2008 年法国担任欧盟主席期间。
The effective implementation of resolution 1325 (2000), on women and peace and security, is a priority for France, which actively worked for its adoption, just as we have worked to strengthen awareness of this issue at the European Union, especially during our 2008 presidency of the Union.
此外,牙买加指出,牙买加妇女担任着最高一级的政治职务和公职,国 曾有一 名女总理,并且大量高级公务员是女性。
Jamaica noted, moreover, that Jamaican women had occupied positions at the highest political and public levels, and recalled that the country had had a female Prime Minister and that numerous high-ranking public officials were women.
他在原国曾加入 一个反叛集团,家属曾数度遭到攻击。
In his country he belonged to a rebel group and his family was attacked several times.
国曾通过 中间人询问全 国民主联盟,昂山素姬是否能够做出变通,是否能够接受一个 [...]
低于国家元首的职务,这样,她既可以施展影响力,又可与军 政权达成和解。
At one point, the Chinese asked the NLD [...]
through a go-between if Aung San Suu Kyi could be flexible and whether she might
be able to accept a role less than head of state, in which she could exercise influence but could also be reconciled with the army’s position.
大家还记得,在《不扩散核武器条约》及其审议大会的框架内, 国曾 作为 独立缔约国,也作为新议程联盟成员,提议制定一项议定书或协议,以填补这一 空白,并从法律上确定核武器国家的政治承诺。
As you will recall, within the framework of the NPT and its Review Conferences, my country submitted, both as an individual State party and as a member of the New Agenda Coalition, proposals for a protocol or agreement that would bridge this gap and would give legal certainty to the political commitments of the nuclear-weapon States.
国曾向我 的父亲开放,实现美国梦的小小诉求,开一家小杂货店,他和我的母亲一年365天,一周7天都在杂货店工作,以供养我们的家庭。
America was open to my father staking his small claim to the American dream, a small grocery store that he and my mother worked in seven days a week, 365 days a year to support our family.
在联合国改革进程初期,莫桑比克和葡萄牙国 曾联合提议在联合国系统内建立一个框架帮助弥补 安全需求和重建稳定机构需要之间的缺口,使冲突后 局势中的政府能够有效地执行其主要任务。
In the early stages of the United Nations reform process, Mozambique and Portugal jointly proposed the creation of a framework within the United Nations system that would help to bridge the gap between security needs and the need to rebuild stable institutions that would allow Governments in postconflict situations to effectively pursue their main tasks.
正 如 費 正 清 指 出 , 豐 厚 的 財 富 或 稅
收 是 他 們 最 後 取 得 成 功 的 必 要 條 件 , 因 為 若 沒 有 廣 大 的 經 濟 基 礎 , 他
[...] 們 不 會 有 高 昂藩 鎮 士 氣 或 能 使 他 [...]
們 取 得 軍 事 勝 利 的 新 型 西 方 武 器 。
As Fairbank points out, this wealth or high tax yield of them was a prerequisite for their eventual success for without their broad economic bases which provided
adequate financial resources, they would not
[...] have that high han morale or the [...]
new Western arms which later made possible their victory.
副主席先生,在目前香港邁向更開放的政府和標誌醫院管理局「醫院 藩 籬」 (Hospital without walls)這座右銘的時代,我呼籲醫院管理局要虛心聆聽及採納局㆗㆟ 和局外㆟的意見及批評,因為很多時候,不論批評是對是錯,這些都忠實㆞反映到「沉 默大多數」對醫管局的不滿,而批評者所以肯花費唇舌,其用心是希望醫管局改正, 精益求精。
Mr Deputy President, at a time when the Hong Kong Government is becoming more open and there is a motto of "Hospital without walls" for the Hospital Authority, I urge the Hospital Authority to listen and accept with an open mind the views and criticisms of people within and outside the Authority.
弘前城藩政时代曾作为 津轻氏的居城,如今已重建成为弘前公园,深受广大市民和游客的喜爱。
Hirosaki Castle, once the seat of the Tsugaru family during the feudal era, has now become Hirosaki Park which is enjoyed by local citizens and visitors alike.
会议回顾,伊朗伊斯兰共国曾向第 六次审查会议正式提出修正《公约》 第一条及其标题的建议,明确列入禁止使用生物武器。
The Conference recalls that the Islamic Republic of Iran has formally presented at the Sixth Review Conference a proposal to amend Article I and the title of the Convention to include explicitly the prohibition of the use of biological weapons.
然 而, 在藩市、紐約及倫敦均 無須作 出此方面的通知。
However, in San Francisco, New York and London, such notice is not required.
她还进一步 解释说,国曾经与 开发计划署作过接触,请求帮助收集和分析数据以说明需要有国家计 量吸入器战略,而如果没有编制项目的资金,开发计划署就不能协助国家臭氧办公室提供 证明国家计量吸入器战略的必要性的那些信息(见第 51/34 号决定)。
She went on to explain that the countries had approached UNDP for assistance in collecting and analysing data in order to demonstrate that an MDI transition strategy was needed and that, without project preparation funds, UNDP could not assist the national ozone units (NOUs) in providing the information requested to justify the need for national MDI strategies (see decision 51/34).
数据库也列入了其他曾参与双边合作国家的以往各项进度报告的其他数据(包括 奥地利、比利时、捷克共和国、丹麦、匈牙利、以色列、波兰、新加坡、斯洛伐克共和 国、南非和联合国曾报告已完成的项目的数据)。
Additional data from previous progress reports for other countries previously involved in bilateral cooperation are also included in the database (covering data for the projects already reported as completed by Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Africa and United Kingdom).
奥斯曼国曾在15 世纪时着手模仿中国制瓷工艺,为帝国的宫殿、浴室、清真寺以及资产阶级家庭生产磁砖,这一传统持续到17世纪时一度销声匿迹,直到20世纪末才被再度发现。
Uras has become known for her re-treatments of the Ottoman tradition of Iznik Çinithat started in the 15th century—with the desire to imitate Chinese porcelain to create tiles and objects for the Ottoman palaces, hamams, mosques and homes of the bourgeoisie—and died after the 17th century, only to be rediscovered in late 20th century.
因此, 马尔代夫共国曾要求 对其进行培训,帮助其建立 防范酷刑国家机制,而斯里兰卡也希望能受益于一 项警察培训计划,但这需要更多的资金,才能确保 这些行动取得成功。
Thus, the Republic of Moldova had asked for training with a view to creating a national mechanism for the prevention of torture, and Sri Lanka had asked for a police training programme, but more resources would be needed in order to achieve success in those endeavours.
鑒於在三藩市舉行的公眾活動數 目 眾多,有關過 去 5 年在藩市曾舉行的巡遊或公眾活動的數 目 ,並沒 有 完 整 的 統計資料24。
The total number of parades or public events held in San Francisco in the past five years is not available as there are numerous public events taking place in San Francisco.24 Views from Parade Organizers in Obtaining Permits for Parades
例如,藩市 地 區一家軟體公司的創始人,早在1997年就通 過向朋友和同事發電子郵件的方式,敦促人們 [...]
向自己所在地區的民選官員呼籲,制止對當時 總統克林頓的彈劾程序,向前推進(move on) 其他政治議程。
For example, the
[...] founders of a San Francisco-area software [...]
company began e-mailing friends and colleagues in 1997, asking
them to urge their elected officials to end the impeachment process against then President Bill Clinton and to “move on” to other policy issues.




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