

单词 更迭

更迭 ()


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在这方面,安理会还必须尊重国际司法机构,而不 是出于政更迭等政 治目的利用这些机构。
In that connection, the Council must also respect international legal institutions, and not make use of them for political purposes such as regime change.
[...] 反对派的政党中任命了政府首脑,实现了民主和政 更迭。
As a result, a new House of Representatives was elected and a new Head of
Government appointed from a political party which used to be in the opposition, in a democratic
[...] and political alternation.
出口禁令在 2000 年再度实施,而且在不更迭的过 渡行政当局执政期间一直有效,但执行不力。
The export ban was reimposed in 2000 and has been in effect albeit poorly enforced, under changing transitional administrations.
尽管中国看到了缅甸目前存 在的重大问题,尤其是在经济政策和少数民族方面,
[...] 然而,中国青睐的解决方案是由强有力的中央政府 逐步调整相关政策,而不是求助于联邦制、自由民 主制政府,甚至是政更迭。
While China sees major problems with the status quo, particularly with regards to Myanmar’s economic policy and ethnic relations, its preferred solution is gradual
adjustment of policy by a strong central government, not federalism or liberal
[...] democracy and certainly not regime change.
他在风险评估申请表中称,伊拉克政 更迭 后 , 他重返伊拉克面临 生命危险和残忍或不寻常待遇,将不再因为他的逃兵身份,而因为他是曾在萨达 姆·侯赛因手下的共和国卫队服役的逊尼派穆斯林。
In his PRRA application form, he claimed that after the change of regime in Iraq, he was no longer at risk of life and cruel or unusual treatment upon return to Iraq because he had deserted the military, but because he was a Sunni Muslim who had served in the Republican Guards under Saddam Hussein.
我们代表美洲玻利瓦尔联盟-贸易协定重申支持卢戈总统的民主政府;该届 政府是巴拉圭人民选出的,必须由巴拉圭人民投票,才能进行政 更迭。
On behalf of ALBA-TCP, we reiterate our support for
the democratic Government of President Lugo,
[...] which can be replaced only by vote [...]
of the Paraguayan people who elected him.
仍需要充分探讨但不属于联合国教科文组织秘书处的主管领域的其它一些问题有:全 国委员会的高级官更迭太快 ;全国委员会在政府机构中的地位不够高;它们缺少工作人员 [...]
Other issues still need to be fully addressed but are not
within the UNESCO Secretariat’s
[...] competence: there is too much turnover of senior [...]
officials in Commissions; Commissions have
less than optimal status within their governmental structures; they lack staff and financial resources.
2011 年 10 月 20 日对利比亚领导人穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲实施的罪行,是殖民主 义国家近些月来对利比亚人民所犯罪行的象征,显示出违反最基本的国际法原则 在该非洲国家实施的暴更迭政权 政策。
The crime committed on 20 October 2011 against the Libyan leader, Muammar al-Qadhafi, is emblematic of the crimes perpetrated against the Libyan people by the colonial powers over the past few months and shows that a violent policy of regime change has been conducted in this African nation, in violation of the most basic principles of international law.
谴责北约假借预防性战争理论在利比亚进 更迭 政 权 的军事行动,从自身地 缘政治和经济利益出发操纵联合国,违反安全理事会第 1973(2011)号决议
They denounce the NATO military operation for regime change in Libya, conducted under the doctrine of preventive war, and the manipulation of the United Nations to suit its geopolitical and economic interests in violation of Security Council resolution 1973 (2011).
以保护平民为幌子,安全理事会通过了第1973 (2011)号决议,从而为北约提供一个借口,用来
[...] 摧毁利比亚大量民用基础设施,从而造成数千名平 民死亡,其中包括妇女和儿童,并导致政 更迭和 国家元首惨遭暗杀。
Under the guise of protecting civilians, the Security Council adopted resolution 1973 (2011), which provided NATO with a pretext to destroy much of Libya’s civilian infrastructure, causing the deaths of thousands of
civilians, including women and children, and
[...] leading to regime change and the brutal [...]
assassination of the head of State.
因此,维持和平行动应严格执行安全理事会的 授权,尊重当事国主权,避免其维持和平人员成为 冲突一方,警惕搞政更迭的企 图,并确保打着保 护平民的旗号而开展的活动实际上不能造成更多平 民伤亡。
Accordingly, peacekeeping operations should comply strictly with the mandate conferred upon them by the Security Council, respect the sovereignty of the parties, guard against their own members becoming involved in conflicts, desist from attempts at regime change and ensure that activities conducted ostensibly to protect civilians did not in fact cause more civilian casualties.
但是,随着美国政府的一次更迭, 美 国不但没有遵守反而肆意违背了上述 各项承诺。
However, all these commitments were not honoured, but were broken off overnight with the change of each United States administration.
1980 年代,同样是那些国家主张政更迭 , 要求 发起战争而非进行对话和谈判时,本组织、我们地区 [...]
各国和国际社会其他国家坚决表示强烈反对,呼吁停止 战争机器、武器流动和恐怖主义行动。
During the 1980s, when the same protagonists we have today were
[...] promoting regime change and calling for [...]
war instead of dialogue and negotiation,
the Organization, the countries of our region and the rest of the international community raised their voices in a strong, firm and resolute manner to call for a halt to the war machinery, to the flow of weapons and to terrorist actions.
自2007年提出该项目以来,安全理事会讨论了该项目下的各种专题,如(一)自然资源与冲突之间的联系,(二)安全理事会在预防和解决冲突、特别是非洲冲突方面的作用,(三)联合国和区域组织、特别是非洲联盟的合作,重点是维持和平方面的合作,(四)贩毒,以及(五)非洲再度出现以违宪手 更迭 政 府 的行为。
Since the introduction of the item in 2007, the Security Council discussed a variety of topics under it such as (i) the linkage between natural resources and conflict, (ii) the role of the Security Council in conflict prevention and resolution, in particular in Africa, (iii) cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations, specially the African Union, with
a focus on peacekeeping, (iv) drug trafficking, and (v) resurgence of
[...] unconstitutional changes of government in Africa.
尤其重要的 是,非洲联盟大会于 2010 年通过了关于防止以违宪手段实现政 更迭 以 及 加强 非洲联盟管理此种局势的能力的决定(Assemly/AU/4(XVI)),使大会有权中止有 关国家参加非洲联盟机构,以及对该国进行制裁和采取其他措施。
Of particular significance is the adoption in 2010 by the Assembly of the African Union of the Decision on the Prevention of Unconstitutional Changes of Government and Strengthening the Capacity of the African Union to Manage Such Situations (Assembly/AU/4(XVI)), which grants powers to the Assembly to suspend the country concerned from participating in the organs of the African Union and, among other measures, to impose sanctions against that country.
任何方面均不能以 保护平民的名义,从事“政更迭” 或卷入一国内战。
There must be no attempt at regime change or involvement in civil war by any party under the guise of protecting civilians.
上述法律第 1 条规定,那些企图在本国领土以外产生法律效力、通过实施经 济封锁或者限制在某个特定国家进行投资以促使某个国家政府发 更迭 或 者 损 害其国家自主权的外国法律绝对不能适用并且没有法律效力。
Article 1 of that Act provides that foreign legislation which, through the imposition of an economic embargo or limits on investment in a given country, seeks to have extraterritorial legal effects in order to bring about a change of Government in a country or to affect its right to self-determination, shall be absolutely inapplicable and devoid of legal effect.
我们也注意到,大会第六十三 届会议根据《宪章》的授权,对涉及国际和平与安全 的问题采取行动;根据“联合一致共策和平”(第 377(V)
[...] 号决议),恢复举行第十届紧急特别会议,讨论加沙 严重的事态发展;迅速采取行动,解决洪都拉斯违更迭政府的问题。
We have also noted that the Assembly took action on matters relating to international peace and security, as mandated by the Charter, at its sixty-third session; when it resumed its tenth emergency special session, pursuant to “Uniting for Peace” (resolution 377 (V)), to discuss the
grave developments in Gaza; and when it took swift action to address the
[...] unconstitutional change of government in [...]
之后的历届政府仍然是频更迭,政 治局势处于动荡之中,直到 1954 年阿 尔弗雷多·斯特罗斯纳将军执政,开始采取行政集权制。
The political situation then produced a further succession of governments which, in terms of their duration, can only be described as unstable until General Alfredo Stroessner came to power in 1954.
我们还感到满意的是,最后的决议草案 (S/2012/77)的目标不是在利比亚强推政 更迭 ,这 会违反《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。
We are also satisfied that the final draft resolution (S/2012/77) was not aimed at imposing regime change on Syria, which would be against the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter.
安全理事会的决定应当是公正的,但从叙利亚 危机一开始,国际社会一些具有影响力的成员,其中
[...] 包括某些在安理会议席就座的成员,就破坏了政治解 决的一切可能性,要求政更迭、鼓动反对派夺权, 纵容挑衅行为,以及助长武装斗争。
The decision of the Security Council should be just that, but from the very beginning of the Syrian crisis some influential members of the international community, including some sitting at this table, have undermined any possibility of
a political settlement,
[...] calling for regime change, encouraging the opposition towards power, [...]
indulging in provocation and nurturing the armed struggle.
目前,该司正着重于违宪的政更迭、 跨 国贩毒和稀缺自然资源的管理等问题。
Currently, the Division is focusing on issues such as unconstitutional changes of government, transnational drug trafficking and management of scarce natural resources.
这一工作部分是通过约谈有 关非政府组织、可靠的利比亚海外公民和组织以及秘密消息来源进行,部分是通
[...] 过访问相关会员国和国际组织以及利比亚中央银行和利比亚海外银行进行,其中 对两家银行在政更迭之前 和之后都作了访问。
In part, this was achieved by interviewing concerned non-governmental organizations; credible expatriate Libyan citizens and organizations, and confidential sources, and in part by visiting relevant Member States and international organizations,
as well as the Central Bank of Libya and the Libyan Foreign Bank, the latter two both
[...] before and after the regime change.
令人遗憾的是,某些国家违反《联合国宪章》, 谋求利比亚的政更迭。
It is regrettable that certain countries are seeking regime change in Libya, in violation of the Charter of the United Nations.
更迭后, 专家小组走访了国家海运总公司在的黎波里的总经理,总经 [...]
理出示了文件,证明该公司现在完全由利比亚政府拥有和控制,此外,汉尼拔·卡 扎菲现在显然与该公司没有任何关系(附件三)。
After the change of regime, [...]
the Panel visited the General Manager of the Company in Tripoli, who produced documents proving
that it is now wholly owned and controlled by the Government of Libya, and furthermore that Hannibal Qadhafi is now explicitly not in any way connected with the company (annex III).
中方不赞成对叙利亚实 施武力干预或强行推动所谓“政 更迭 ” , 认为制裁或威胁使用制裁无助于问题 的妥善解决。
China does not approve of armed interference or pushing for “regime change” in Syria, and believes that use or threat of sanctions does not help to resolve this issue appropriately.
他会见了卷入危机中的主要利益攸 关方并根据我在 8 月 6 日发表的声明和 8 月 19 日的安全理事会主席声明 (S/PRST/2008/30),强调联合国对这一局势的立场,谴责政变并再次强调安理会 强烈反对任何违宪的政更迭。
He met with the major stakeholders involved in the crisis and reiterated the United Nations position on the situation, as expressed in the statement that I issued on 6 August and the Security Council’s presidential statement of 19 August (S/PRST/2008/30) condemning the coup and reiterating the Council’s strong opposition to any unconstitutional change of government.
透過他溫和但堅定的聲音和簡單明瞭如四 更迭 的 比 喻,吉米‧隆讓全球的賀寶芙直銷商了解他們可以如何找到成功之路,並且超越自己為個人設下的限制。
With his soft but direct voice and simple examples, such as
[...] the four seasons, Jim showed distributors [...]
around the globe how they too could find
success and move beyond their self-imposed limits.
据媒体报道,安圭拉于 2010 年 2 月 15 日举行大选,结果是由安圭拉民主党
[...] 和安圭拉民族联盟结成联盟组成的联合阵线政 更迭 为 于 贝尔·休斯领导的安圭 拉统一运动,赢得四个席位。
According to reports in the media, general elections were held in Anguilla
on 15 February 2010 and resulted in a change
[...] of government from the Anguilla United [...]
Front (AUF), an alliance of the Anguilla
Democratic Party and the Anguilla National Alliance, to the Anguilla United Movement under Hubert B. Hughes, with four seats.
在突尼斯、埃及和 利比亚等国最近发生的事件就是这方面的证明;此类事件导致无辜平民死亡、政更迭和国际武装干预(以保护人口和确保尊重人权)。
Proof of this are the recent events in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, which have brought about the deaths of innocent civilians, changes of government and international armed interventions aimed at protecting the population and ensuring that human rights are respected.




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