

单词 更聚焦

See also:

聚焦 n

spotlight n

聚焦 adj

confocal adj

surname Jiao

External sources (not reviewed)

她認為在該次立法會會議上,應只 就另外一項不具立法效力的議員議案進行辯 論,以便進更聚焦的討論。
She considered that there should
only be one other Member's motion without legislative effect at the Council
[...] meeting to enable more focused discussions.
[...] 在內務委員會轄下委任小組委員會,讓議 更聚 焦及集 中討論有關事宜,務求盡快回應火災災民 [...]
She expressed support for the appointment of a subcommittee under the House
[...] Committee to enable more focused and coordinated [...]
discussion on the issues concerned
with a view to expeditiously addressing the needs of the fire victims.
现在,全球停火和非暴力日比以往任何时候更聚焦于希 望在和平进程中发挥积极作用的个 人。
Now more than ever before, the day of global ceasefire and non-violence provides a focus for individuals [...]
who wish to become active in the peace process.
為進更聚焦的討 論,事務委員會同意成立 小組委員會,以研究醫保計劃。
To enable more focused discussion, [...]
the Panel agreed to set up a subcommittee to study HPS.
他建議若質詢內容有任何重疊之處, 重疊部分應只由較早提出有關質詢的議員提 問,以便進更聚焦的討論。
Should there be any overlap in the questions, he suggested that the overlapped
parts should only be asked by the Member who submitted the question earlier, so as to
[...] facilitate a more focused discussion.
這項辯論安排經內務委員會同意,目的是讓每個 環節更聚焦的辯 論,並讓有關官員在相關辯論環節中即時回應 議員的意見。
Such an arrangement, which had been agreed by the House Committee, sought to achieve a more focused debate in each session and facilitate the relevant public officers to give immediate response to Members’ views in the respective debate session.
(a) 政府當局更聚焦地收 集更多受影響業主的意見。
(a) The Administration should receive further views from affected owners in a more focused way.
按照內務委員會通過的安排,議員的發言內容應局限於指明在該環節中 辯論的政策範疇,以便辯論更聚焦 , 同 時也可以讓有關的獲委派官 員即時在該環節作出回應。
According to the arrangements endorsed by the House Committee, Members should confine their speeches in a session to the policy areas
specified for that session, so that the
[...] debate would be more focused, and the designated [...]
public officers concerned could
immediately respond to Members’ views within the session.
為進更聚焦的討 論,委員同意在事務委員會轄 下成立小組委員會,研究中成藥的註冊事宜,有關小組委員會已於6月 [...]
To enable more focused discussion, [...]
members agreed to set up a subcommittee under the Panel to study the registration of Chinese medicines.
从国家到城市的缩放,可能为代表这个展览的野兽的手脚指示了一个更有限 更聚焦 、 更 貌 似 有理的领域。
The scaling down from nation to city may
[...] indicate a more limited, focused and plausible territory [...]
for the operations of that exhibitionary beast—representation.
展 望 下 半 年,本 集 團 將 在 當 前 國 內3G市 場 份 額 初 步 奠 定 的 基 礎 上,穩 固 在 國 內 三 大 運 營 商 的 地 位, 繼 續 保 持 國 際 業 務 方 面 的 市 場 競 爭 優 勢更 聚 焦 於 具 有 發 展 潛 力 新 興 市 場 的 人 口 大 國,同 時 面 對 發 達 國 家 和 地 區 的 通 訊 技 術 升 級 以 及 全 球 供 應 商 格 局 變 化 情 況,加 強 和 西 歐、北 美 等 高 端 市 場 地 區 的 重 點 運 營 商 的 戰 略 合 作,本 集 團 與 全 球 頂 級 運 營 商 的 深 入 合 作 機 會 也 將 逐 步 展 開。
Meanwhile,theGroupwill seektomaintainitscompetitiveedgeintheinternationa lmarketandfocusonlarge,populouscountries as potential emerging markets. We will also strengthen cooperation with key strategic carriers in highendmarketssuchasWesternEuropeandNorthAmericat ounfoldfurtheropportunitiesforcooperation with top-tier global carriers, in response to upgrades of communications technologies taking place in developed countries/regions and changes in the competitive scenario for global suppliers.
我們 以精簡、修訂和重組為原則,修改學校表現指標、學校表現評量及持 分者問卷,以期協助學校進更聚焦 和 全 面的評鑑。
Efforts are being made to revise the PIs, KPM and SHS based on the principles of simplification, refinement and reorganization.
鑒於公共廣播服務的發展涉及重大承擔, 在發展的初期推動公眾的參與至為重要,這樣方可締造有利的環 境,以便更聚焦和具 備充分資料的情況下討論此議題。
In view of the heavy commitment involved in the development of PSB, it is important that the public should be engaged at an early stage, so as to create an environment conducive to more focused and well-informed discussion on the subject.
她 認為,若議員同意該項要求,在2012年 1月 18日
[...] 的立法會會議上,應只就另外一項不具立法效力 的議員議案進行辯論,以便進 更聚焦 的 討 論。
She opined that should Members accede to the request, there should be only one other
Members' motion without legislative effect at the Council meeting of 18 January
[...] 2012 to enable more focused discussions.
李卓人議員建議在2012年 2 月
[...] 15日而非 2月 8日的立法會會議上就報告進行議案辯論,以 便更聚焦的討論。
Mr LEE Cheuk-yan suggested that the motion debate on
the Report be held at the Council meeting of 15 February instead of 8 February
[...] 2012, to enable more focused discussions.
自評和外評在推行後所作出的修訂並非純粹為了紓解教師的疑慮 和壓力( 雖然這方面十分重要) ,而是為了使制度更有力、更強調以實 證為本,以更聚焦於真 正重要的工作。
Subsequent changes that were implemented were not simply to allay the anxiety and pressure on teachers (important though that was) but to make the system more incisive, more evidence-based and more focused on what really matters.
為 了讓香港社 會 對 政制發展 的 原 則 和程序問題有 更 深 入 的 討論, 專 責 小 組 會 把有關問題以 提 問 的 方 式 表 達 , 透 過 專 責
[...] 小組在 下星期 設 立的網 頁 , 讓 市 民 和團更聚焦和 廣泛地 討論。
In order to facilitate more in-depth discussion by the Hong Kong community on issues on principles and legislative process relating to constitutional development, the Task Force would put these issues, in the form of questions, onto the
website to be set up by the Task Force next
[...] week, to enable a more focused and widespread [...]
discussion by the public and different organizations.
[...] 該環節已指定的政策範疇發言,這是本會和行政當局同意了的安排, 目的是讓每個環節的辯論更聚焦, 同 時亦讓負責有關政策範疇的官 員,可以在該環節中立即就議員的意見作出回應。
It seeks to make the debate in
[...] each session more focused and enable the [...]
public officers responsible for the relevant policy
area to immediately respond to Members' views in that session.
在这些敏感的历史情况下,全世界的目光比以往 任何时候更聚焦于努 力担负起对巴勒斯坦人民的 政治和道义责任并重启直接谈判的联合国和国际以 [...]
In these sensitive historical circumstances, the eyes of the
[...] world are focused more than ever on the [...]
United Nations and the international and
regional forces working to uphold their political and moral responsibilities towards the Palestinian people and to restart direct negotiations.
諮詢文件》所提出的一些可以考慮的方向,是在符合上述原則的 情況下,以合法、合理及切實可行為出發點的,以提供一套比較具體的 框架,讓市民和各界人士在討論時有所依據,能 更聚焦。
The starting point for the directions which may be considered, as set out in the consultation document, is that such directions comply with the abovementioned principles, and that they are legal, reasonable and practicable.
在 2012-13年度,社會福利署(社署)將會延續「加强感化服務 先導計劃」一年,透更加聚焦、更 有 系 統和更深入的戒毒 治療計劃,繼續協助21歲以下干犯與毒品有關罪案被判入罪 的青少年改過自新。
In 2012-13, the Social Welfare Department (SWD) will extend the pilot scheme on enhanced probation service for one year. Through more focused, intensive and structured treatment programmes, the Pilot Scheme will continue to help young offenders under the age of 21 convicted of drug-related offences to turn a new leaf.
对此,秘书处代表向专家小组再次保证,就建议 的削减而言,秘书处正在精减培训计划 更 加 聚焦 于 计 划工作人员,以便充分满足本组织更 加有效地执行计划的需要。
To this, the representative of the Secretariat reassured the Group that in tandem in the proposed cuts, the Secretariat
was streamlining the training programme
[...] to provide a greater focus on programme staff [...]
in order to fulfil the Organization’s
needs for better programme delivery.
为给各成员国之间的 共同努力、合作和经验交流提供一 聚焦 点 , 现提出下列若干主要模式。
To provide a focus for collaborative [...]
efforts, cooperation and exchange of experiences among member countries, the key modalities
described below are suggested.
2010 年,专家聚焦大量中国制 56 式突击步枪(不同年代和不同类型)及数 [...]
量虽小但仍然很可观的波兰制 AKMS 型突击步枪。
During 2010, the Group focused its attention [...]
on large numbers of Chinesemanufactured Type 56 assault rifles, of various
ages and varieties, and small, albeit significant, numbers of Polish AKMS-pattern assault rifles.
更广泛 而言,作为中心核心跨领域活动一部分,中心通过其持续的推广和宣 传战略,加强了对公众的人权和民主知识宣传,其中包括编制和散发各种公共信 息材料(海报、人权条约袖珍本、T 恤衫、《残疾人权利公约》光盘、文件夹、日 历、笔记本、笔)、新闻稿、通过电子人权网络分发给全球 6 000 多名联系人的 题为《人权与民聚焦》的通讯。
More generally, as part of the Centre’s core cross-cutting activities, popular awareness and knowledge of human rights and democracy were strengthened through the Centre’s ongoing outreach and advocacy strategy, which included the development and dissemination of various public information materials (posters, pocket-size human rights treaties, T-shirts, an accessible CD-ROM version of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, folders, calendars, notebooks, pens), press releases and a newsletter entitled “Rights and Democracy Focus”, which is distributed [...]
to over 6,000 global
contacts through an electronic human rights network.
DevExpress ASPxGridView和编辑器套件支持许多其他功能,包括通过ASP.NET模板实现定制、Outlook®风格分组和排序、全面的用户界面主题、数据汇总、自定义列窗口、列大小调整 聚焦 行 、行预览部分、多行选择、固定列 更 新 面 板集成、遵守可访问性、从右向左布局等等。
The DevExpress ASPxGridView and Editors Suite supports numerous other features, including Customization via ASP.NET Templates, Outlook® Style Grouping and Sorting, Comprehensive UI Themes,
Data Summaries, Column
[...] Customization Window, Column Resizing, Focused Row, Row Preview Sections, Multiple Row Selection, Fixed Columns, UpdatePanel Integration, Accessibility Compliance, Right-to-Left Layout and more.
非洲部:(1) 通过与非洲联盟和非洲地区经济共同体(RECs)等地区行动和有相
[...] 促进海外非洲移民的 艺术、文学和文化产品的传播与定价; ( 3) 聚焦非洲 移民史,倡导预防性外交,在 非洲冲突后国家复兴和平文化,从而解决非洲的移民问题;(4) [...]
贯彻落实第一和第 二次非洲和海外知识分子会议的精神;(5)
就如何在教科文组织主管领域内实施即 将召开的全球移民问题论坛(定于 2007 年 7 月在比利时布鲁塞尔举行)提出的建 议进行研究。
Africa Department: (1) promoting research on African migration and development through partnerships with regional initiatives and actors, including the African Union and the African Regional Economic Communities (RECs); (2) contributing to the dissemination and valorization of the artistic, literary and cultural production by the
African Diasporas; (3) addressing
[...] African migration through a focus on migration history [...]
in the region, the advocacy of preventive
diplomacy and the restoration of a culture of peace in African postconflict countries; (4) following up on the first and second CIAD meetings; (5) following up on the implementation, in UNESCO’s fields of competence, of the recommendations that will be issued by the forthcoming Global Forum on Migration, scheduled in Brussels, Belgium, in July 2007.
會商定,關於文化政策及文化軟件的發展的事宜,以及可能會 與西九文化區發展計劃有關或無關,但需從較廣闊角度處理的
[...] 文化設施的一般管理事宜,應由該事務委員會跟進,而小組委 員會則會聚焦研究 在政府當局就西九文化區硬件內容作出 決定的過程,而該等決定會對該發展計劃的財務要求及公帑運 [...]
In late 2007, the Subcommittee agreed with HA Panel that issues on cultural policy, cultural software development and general management of cultural facilities which might or might not be related to the WKCD project but need to be tackled from a broader perspective should
be followed up by the Panel, while the
[...] Subcommittee would focus more on the process [...]
taken up by the Administration in deciding
on the hardware contents of WKCD that would have great impact on the financial implications of the project and the use of public funds.
它重申对《德班宣言和行动纲领》所载的协议不会 进行重新谈判,并建议人权理事会不要计划在两届 会议之间召聚焦于世 界会议后续行动和《德班宣 言和行动纲领》执行情况的会议,以避免与大会的 相关会议相重叠。
It reaffirmed that there would be no renegotiation of the agreements contained in the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, and recommended that intersessional meetings of the Human Rights Council focusing on follow-up to the World Conference and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action should not be scheduled so as to overlap with relevant General Assembly meetings.




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