

单词 更易


更容易 adj

easier adj

External sources (not reviewed)

针对如何扩大本组织的影响,包括改进教科文组织的网站使用 更易 于 浏 览和更广泛 地传播纸质的《教科文组织信使》及其电子版提出了具体的建议。
Specific recommendations on how to improve the visibility of the
Organization included improving UNESCO’s
[...] website to make it easier for user navigation [...]
and widely disseminating both a printed
and an electronic version of the UNESCO Courier.
对成年人而讲,年轻女性与年 老女性相比更易有核黄素和叶酸的摄量不足的情况。
For adults, younger females are more likely to have inadequate intakes of riboflavin and folate compared with older females.
(a) 新界東南堆填區的位置伸展至清水灣郊野公園範圍內,原因是這樣做可以將堆 填區的容量增加約
[...] 20%,大幅度延長堆填區可供使用的時間,也可令堆填區的 設計更加自然,在完成更易與㆕ 週環境融合,亦可減低處理廢物的單位成本。
(a) The South East New Territories (SENT) landfill encroaches onto the Clear Water Bay Country Park for the following reasons: it increases the capacity of the landfill by about 20% and substantially extends its potential life; it permits a more natural
landfill design which, upon completion,
[...] will blend more readily with the surrounding [...]
landscape; and it will reduce the unit cost of disposal.
预期成果 1:在非洲、阿拉伯国家、亚洲和太平洋以及拉丁美洲和加勒比,统计所向选定的 重点国家提供了技术援助,目的是提高关键指标的质量和区域覆盖程度;统计所继续完善自
[...] 身的数据处理工具和信息共享工具,同时落实内部质量监测系统;正在开展工作将数据中心 并入新近改版的网站,更易于外部用户了解和获取统计所的数据。
Expected result 1: UIS provided technical assistance to selected priority countries in Africa, the Arab States, Asia and the Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean, aimed at increasing quality and coverage of regional averages for key indicators; UIS is continuing to refine its data processing tools and information sharing tools as well as implement the
internal quality monitoring system; work on
[...] making UIS data more visible and available [...]
for external users is also under way with
integrating the Data Centre into a newly redesigned website.
将第 14.4 段改为:“在 2014-2015
[...] 中放在下列六个主要领域:(a) 增强妇女在涉及其生活的所有领域的领导力 和参与,其中包括政治和经济领域;(b) 使妇更易于增 强经济权能和获得 各种机会,尤其是最受排斥的妇女,特别是处于贫困的妇女;(c) 防止并消 除暴力侵害妇女和女童行为,并扩大幸存者服务的获取渠道;(d) [...] [...]
增强妇女 在和平与安全及人道主义反应方面的领导力;(e) 在所有各级加强计划和预 算对性别平等领域的敏感度;(f) 支持拟订关于性别平等和增强妇女权能的 全球规范、政策和标准。
14.4 During the 2014-2015 period, the programme is expected to continue to concentrate its efforts on the following six focus areas: (a) increasing women’s leadership and
participation in all areas that
[...] affect their lives, including in political and economic areas; (b) increasing women’s access to economic [...]
empowerment and opportunities,
especially for those who are most excluded, particularly women living in poverty; (c) preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls and expanding access to survivor services; (d) increasing women’s leadership in peace, security and humanitarian response; (e) strengthening the responsiveness of plans and budgets in the area of gender equality at all levels; (f) supporting the development of global norms, policies and standards on gender equality and women’s empowerment.
一些方案可能比其它方案更有助于保护当地 工作,且某些生产方法可更易于适 应可持续标 准。
Some may help to secure
[...] local jobs better than others and certain production methods may be easier to adapt for [...]
sustainability standards.
大会第六十六届会议吁请各国切实促进和保护所有移徙者特别是妇女和儿 童的人权和基本自由,不论其移民身份为何,并通过国际、区域或双边合作与对 话,以综合、平衡的方式处理国际移徙问题,同时认识到原籍国、过境国和目的 地国应发挥作用并承担责任,促进和保护所有移徙者的人权,避免采取可能使移 徙更易受伤 害的做法;请移徙者人权问题特别报告员向大会第六十七届会议提 交报告(第 66/172 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly called upon States to promote and protect effectively the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants, regardless of their migration status, especially those of women and children, and to address international migration through international, regional or bilateral cooperation and dialogue and through a comprehensive and balanced approach, recognizing the roles and responsibilities of countries of origin, transit and destination in promoting and protecting the human rights of all migrants, and avoiding approaches that might aggravate their vulnerability; invited the Chair of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families to address the Assembly at its sixty–seventh session; and invited the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants to submit his report to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session (resolution 66/172).
我们的有线和无线耳麦采用先进的音频技术,使通话更清 更易 懂。
Our corded and wireless headsets use advanced audio technology to enable calls
[...] that are clearer and more understandable.
农村贫穷以及与游牧畜牧业相关的高风险 和低收入已迫使数以千计的男子以及妇女和儿童从事非正规手工开采,这虽然提 供季节性收入,却造成很高的身心健康代价,让人 更易 于 遭受酗酒、暴力和环 境污染的影响。
Rural poverty and the high risks and low incomes associated with nomadic husbandry have driven thousands of men as well as women and children to engage in informal artisanal mining, which provides for seasonal income, but at a very high cost in terms of mental and physical health, and exacerbates people’s vulnerabilities to alcohol abuse, violence and environmental pollution.
难民署正努力确保本组织的各个层级融会贯通所建议 更易 于管 理的“全球战略优先事项”。
The Office was endeavouring to ensure ownership of the proposed, more manageable GSPs, at all levels of the organization.
如果我們的抗議稍有鬆弛,只更易 令 英 國的官員和部長暗㆞裏說:國籍㆒事在 [...]
香港已不再是甚麼大問題了,而且港㆟其實也不是有那麼強烈的感受,因此,英國實 在毋須理會其對港㆟的責任。
If we cease to protest for a moment, we
[...] merely make it easier for British civil [...]
servants and ministers to murmur that nationality
is not really an issue in Hong Kong any longer, and that Hong Kong people really do not feel that strongly about it after all, so Britain need not really care about its obligations to them.
这意味着发展中国 家的公司在发达国家竞争时更易受 到 涉及知识产权的战略性诉讼。
This means that firms from developing countries competing in developed
[...] countries are vulnerable to strategic [...]
litigation involving IP rights.
该项目将更易获得知识产权教育作出 贡献。
The project will contribute
[...] to providing easier access to IP [...]
通过了步骤 5/8 里有关即食食品中的李斯特菌微生物标准拟议草案(应用
食品卫生通用原则来控制即食食品中的李斯特菌指南附录 II(CAC/GL 61-2007),省略 了步骤 6 和 7,对第 3.1 部分快餐的第 3 个小点做了少量文字修改,其中将不会出现李斯
[...] 特菌的增长,为的是与其他能防止李斯特菌增长的组合分开冷冻,以及在脚注 8 里使措更易可读
The Commission adopted the Proposed Draft Microbiological Criteria for Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods (Annex II to the Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to the Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods (CAC/GL 61-2007)) at Step 5/8, with the omission of Steps 6 and 7, with small editorial amendments in the third bullet point of Section 3.1 Ready-toEat foods in which growth of L. monocytogenes will not occur, in order to separate freezing from other
combinations that could prevent the growth of L. monocytogenes, and in footnote 8 to
[...] make the wording more easily readable.
这样就更安全、更划算,更 易于管理”。
It is simply more secure, cost effective and easier to manage,” explained Chris.
[...] 设难民署财产办公室的协商,以使所有就流离失所者提出的不动产权利主张作出 裁决的机更易于为人们所利用。
In this regard, I welcome the renewed consultations on the opening of the UNHCR
property offices in Serbia to improve access to all
[...] adjudication mechanisms for real property claims [...]
filed by the displaced.
菜单的内容来自页面上的HTML,以便让它 更易 于 搜 索引擎搜索,并且易于编辑和部署。
Content from the menu on the page 's HTML, so
[...] they are easier to search engines and easy to edit and [...]
deploy .
极为关切某些妇女群体,诸如移民妇女、难民妇女、被拘留妇女、武装冲突 局势中的妇女或被占领土上的妇女,可 更易 遭 到 暴力侵害
Greatly concerned that some groups of women, such as migrant women, refugees and
women in detention, in situations of armed conflict or in territories under
[...] occupation, might be more vulnerable to violence
與前一代的行矩陣卷軸印表機相比,P7000卡匣式印表機系列配備有一種更持久的新型卡匣式色帶,速度更快 更易 於 安 裝,能夠節省IT時間,提高勞動生產率。
Compared to the previous generation of line matrix spool printers, the P7000 Cartridge Printer Series features a new longer-lasting cartridge ribbon that is faster and easier to install, saving IT time and improving labor productivity.
這些特殊規定亦有助於控制整體藥物費用,使您的藥物承更 易負擔
These special rules also help control overall drug costs, which keeps your drug coverage more affordable.
[...] 对有关世贸组织卫生及植物检疫的文献进行索引和管理,同时 更易 于 粮农组织的食品 安全、动物和植物卫生国际门户网站获取世贸组织的信息。
The Commission noted that the system allowed for easier tracking and management
of WTO SPS related documentation and that it
[...] also made it easier for the FAO's [...]
International Portal on Food Safety, Animal
and Plant Health (IPFSAPH) to access WTO information.
[...] 它们的反应的效力的审议,就应探讨有无可能简化 本套准则草案的结构和削减其长度以使 更易 于理 解。
Once consideration of the effects of reservations, of interpretative declarations and of reactions to them had been completed, the possibility of
simplifying the structure of the set of draft guidelines and reducing its
[...] length to make it more accessible should [...]
be explored.
经济困难和缺乏就业机会也意 味着妇更易受害于贩卖。
Economic hardship and lack of jobs can also mean
[...] that women are more vulnerable to trafficking.
[...] 得一些妇女,特别是发展中国家妇女,尤其是最不发达国家的妇女 更易 遭 受 经 济波动加剧,包括农业部门经济波动加剧所造成的问题的影响,并意识到必须特 [...]
别是向女性小农提供特别支持,增强她们的力量,使她们能够利用农业市场自由 化带来的机会
Aware that, while globalization and liberalization processes have created employment opportunities for women in many countries, they have also made some women, especially in developing countries
and in particular in the least
[...] developed countries, more vulnerable to problems caused [...]
by increased economic volatility,
including in the agricultural sector, and that special support, particularly for women who are small-scale farmers, and empowerment are necessary to enable them to take advantage of the opportunities arising from agricultural market liberalization
由于 女童面临特殊挑战,因为她更易接 触 和遭遇各种 形式的歧视和暴力,故而敦促会员国支持大会宣布 [...]
一个女童国际日,尤其是有证据显示,投资女童取 得的发展成果优于投资其他人口群体。
Since girls faced particular
[...] challenges, as they were at greater risk of being exposed [...]
to and encountering various forms
of discrimination and violence, Member States were urged to support the proclamation of an international day of the girl child by the General Assembly, especially as evidence had shown that investing in girls yielded better development results than investing in any other demographic group.
在4.1版中,以SSL VPN功能为基础,已经增强了BAS和开放标准,可通过BAS
[...] Web用户界面进行管理,无需再改变复杂的最终用户配置,如证书操作或在第三方路由器转发端口,从而使远程部 更易 于 管 理。
In release 4.1, the BAS has been augmented with an Open Standards based SSL VPN capability that can be administered via the BAS Web user interface without the need for complicated end user configuration changes
such as dealing with certificates or forwarding ports on a third party router, making
[...] remote deployments easy to manage.
此外,目前审议的文件没有提议建立一个实际跟踪系统,而是查明了仍需处理的问题, 其目的是使第 61/47 号决定更加具体更易于执行。
Furthermore, the document under consideration did not propose an actual tracking system, but rather identified issues still to be addressed and aimed to render decision 61/47 more specific and operational.




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