

单词 更喜爱

See also:

喜爱 adj

favourite adj
fond adj


like v
delight v

be happy
be fond of
feel pleased

External sources (not reviewed)

于70年代,化学家Adolphus 先生跟妻子Lizeth 住在瑞士的小村庄,他们相信屋前野生的一大片紫色锦葵是上天送给他们的礼物,Lizeth更相信锦葵是有药用价值的植物,她以花瓣冲泡花茶外,沐浴 更喜爱 加 上 一片片的花瓣,相信能保持肌肤细滑。
During the 1970’s, there was a chemist by the name of Mr. Adolphus who lived with his wife Lizeth in a hamlet in Switzerland. They were grateful for the wild purple mallow grown in front of their house and thought of them as a unique gift from heaven.
现在喜爱的新闻,甚更好的 应用程序与用户生成内容的增加。
Now your favorite news application is even better with the addition [...]
of User Generated Content.
DMIAC技术受更喜欢通过计算寻找全部因果效应关系模型的数学家 喜爱。
DMIAC techniques are favored by mathematicians who are more comfortable with calculations and who seek complete models of cause effect relationships.
随着您在澳大利亚待的时间越久,您会发现自己越来越熟悉 喜爱 澳 大 利亚文化中最初可能让您不解的各个方面。
As your time in Australia continues, you’ll find yourself becoming more familiar and comfortable with aspects of Australian culture that may have initially confused you.
调查已经指明导致减少的不同原因:父更 喜欢特 殊学校,因为主流学校不提供充分的支助学习环境和受过必要培训的教师 (爱沙尼 亚残疾人理事会 2004-2005 年日内做子女有特殊需要家庭的调查摘要)。
Surveys have indicated different reasons for
[...] this: parents prefer special schools because mainstream schools do not provide a sufficiently supportive study environment and teachers with necessary training (summary of a survey of families with children with special needs, conducted by the Estonian Chamber of [...]
Disabled People in 2004–2005).
如果喜爱沐浴在阳光下但是又不想遭受因晒伤引起的疼痛,那么建议您按时使用防晒指数为SPF 15或更高指 数的广谱防晒品,并结合应用其他防晒方法。
If you enjoy sunshine but don’t want to deal with the pain caused by sunburn, regular use of a broad spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) [...]
value of 15 or higher,
in combination with other protective measures, is recommended.
为了在受危机影响的情况下改善教育质量, 在重建方案中采用爱幼学校的办法,实施培养生活技能的方案,以及构 更 安全 的爱幼学校。
Improving quality in crisisaffected contexts was addressed through the application of the
child-friendly schools approach, life-skills
[...] programmes and safer child-friendly schools designs in reconstruction programmes.
尽管 逝世近百年,J.凡尔纳仍然受到全世界人民 喜爱。
Almost a
[...] century after his death Jules [...]
Verne is still popular throughout the world.
他主张,文化多样性国际基金的运作方式要反映出发展中国家对这一多边机制 喜爱 , 为 此,有 效、互助和分担责任要求需要经常动员必要的资金。
The procedures relating to the operation of the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (hereinafter “the Fund”) should reflect the commitment of developing countries to that multilateral mechanism, for which the dictates of effectiveness, solidarity and shared responsibility implied an ongoing harnessing of the necessary resources.
它们专为那喜爱运 动并寻求轻巧舒适,没有冗长结 构的耳机的用户而设计。
They are designed for active users who seek a lightweight and comfortable headset with no extra bulk.
本會促請政府肯定紡織及製衣業對香港整體經濟的貢獻,並就紡織品 配額制度即將在 2005 年取消,以及即將推行“內地與香港更緊密經 貿關係安排"而可能帶來的嶄新商機或在各方面造成的影響,及早作 出部署,同時亦應積極研究及制訂策略,包括盡快成立“邊境工業 區"和“時裝及設計中心",以協助香港發展成為“亞太區時裝中 心",提升業界整體競爭力,推動行業增長,並為本港提 更 多 就業 機會,尤其是年青喜愛的就業機會。
That this Council urges the Government to affirm the contributions of the textile and clothing industry to Hong Kong's overall economy, and to make early preparations in anticipation of the impending abolition of the textile quota system in 2005 and the forthcoming implementation of the "Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" which may bring about new business opportunities or have impact in various respects; at the same time, the Government should also actively explore and formulate strategies, including setting up expeditiously a "border industrial zone" and a "fashion and design centre" to help Hong Kong develop into the "Fashion centre of Asia Pacific", enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry and promote its growth, as well as to provide more employment opportunities, in particular those popular with young people, in Hong Kong.
内销车今年已新款自行车为主,提高了我们整车的质量和档次,展会期间也深受国美外客户的问津 喜爱 , 外 销以菜篮车和木箱车为主,在为期4天的展会期间,客户的人流量因国际经济形势的影响大不如前,但是我们的外销车仍旧吸引了众多国外客户,他们对我们的CARGO [...] [...]
Domestic car this year has been the new bike, improve our truckload quality and grades, during the exhibition but also
by the United States and foreign
[...] customers attention and love, for export to the [...]
features and wooden cars, over a period
of 4 days, the customer flow is due to the influence of international economic situation as before, but we export the car still attracted a large number of foreign customers, to our CARGO BIKE, features and kiddie car are very interested, with customers directly in the exhibition place an order, there are a lot of customers to negotiate very pleasant, leaving detailed contact, we show that immediately after the pricing, and to the company site visits after place an order; at the same time, this exhibition we also visited peer learning advanced technology and culture connotation, this exhibition to our all the exhibitors and the company's development has the very vital role.
这种办法在许多情况下显示出令人鼓 舞的结果,捕鱼业往喜好转 到完全新的网具类型和捕鱼方式,这种替代有许多 不确定性更高经济风险。
This approach has shown promising results
in many cases and is
[...] often preferred by the fishing industry over transitioning to a completely new gear type and fishing practice, which is an alternative that has many more uncertainties [...]
and higher economic risks.
他还明言, COPACI 更喜欢获 得新的气溶胶设备,而不愿用提供给前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国的设 备。
He also indicated
[...] that COPACI would prefer to get new aerosol [...]
equipment, rather than the equipment supplied to the FYR Macedonia.
2010 年 6 月 3 日,委员会第 27 次会议在审议科斯莫斯伙伴的申请时注意到,
[...] 其上级组织心理学和社会变化中心本来自 1998 年起具有特别咨商地位,可能于 2004 年更名为翰·爱德华·麦克研究所。
At its 27th meeting, on 3 June 2010, during its consideration of the application of Kosmos Associates, it was brought to the attention of the Committee that its parent organization, the Center for Psychology and Social Change,
which has enjoyed special consultative status since 1998, may
[...] have changed its name in 2004 to John Edward Mack Institute.
在恢复环境执 行备份时许多用更喜欢完 整备份,尽管您可以根据需求选择其他的备份方法。
When performing backups in the recovery environment many users prefer full backups, though you may choose another method depending on your needs.
虽然答复数目有限,但国际财政文献局的陈述人 Arcotia Hatsimiditris 认为,答复表明,尽管发展中国家感谢为其单独举办零 散的培训活动,但这些国更偏爱辅 导和内部现场培训。
Even though the number of responses was limited, the presenter, Arcotia Hatsimiditris of IBFD, was of the view that the responses showed that although developing countries appreciated individual, discrete training events, their preference was for mentoring and in-house, on-site training.
讲座和学校会让更加了解爱尔兰 的文学传统。
Lectures and
[...] schools will give you a greater insight into the [...]
literary tradition.
Her lovers may prefer the version of [...]
the factory "Hampton Chronograph".
地中海邮轮将在地中海巡游途中停靠历史悠久的港口城市阿尔戈斯托利, 喜爱 这 部 电影和小说的游客们一定会乐意对这座远近闻名的岛屿进行一番探索。
MSC’s luxury cruise ships stop at the historic port town of Argostoli along our Mediterranean cruise itinerary and fans of the book and film will surely welcome the chance to visit this renowned island.
不少用更喜欢将Setup Factory工程文件保存在源程序控制系统中,针对这些用户,我们在工程文件中不再记录文件时间、统计数据和版本信息。
For those of you who prefer to keep your [...]
Setup Factory project files in a source control system, we’ve made it possible
to turn off the recording of file time, statistical data, and version information inside the project file.
与非爱沙尼亚族的人相比,爱沙尼亚族的人去剧院,参观博物馆,上图 书更频繁,而爱沙尼 亚族的人通常去影院更多,看书多,购买艺术品更多。
Compared to ethnic non-Estonians, ethnic
[...] Estonians go more often to the theatre, visit museums and libraries, whilst ethnic non-Estonians go more often [...]
to the cinema, read more books and buy more art.
除在行动总的安全性,他更喜欢的 “海天梭触摸或新的”耶马潜水浮潜,这两件令人难以置信的功能与专用电脑或多或少相当于什么'提供的专用计算机。
Except for total security
[...] in action, they prefer a dedicated computer [...]
as the "Sea-Touch Tissot or the new" Yema Diving Snorkeling,
these two pieces with incredible features more or less equivalent to what 'offer dedicated computers.
也是著名的Paris-Plage的绰号,勒图凯的一直是巴黎 喜爱 的 目 的地,因为在20世纪的活动,如网球,骑马和高尔夫可用。
Also famous and having the nickname of Paris-Plage, le
[...] Touquet has been a favourite destination for the [...]
Parisians since the 20th century with
activities such as tennis, riding and golf available.
这不是一件容易的事情;人们对游戏的态度不同,有人把游戏 视为浪费时间或不重要而不予理会,把它当做危险或有害的事情加以限制;有人则把游戏当 做学习和社会化的机制加喜爱。
This is no small task; attitudes towards children’s play range from dismissing it as a waste of time or something trivial, through restricting it as something dangerous or subversive, to appropriating it as a mechanism for learning or socialisation.
桑娅对目前在澳大利亚学习园艺专业是全身心 喜爱。
Susila is an advocate of postgraduate study in Australia.
该代表团指 出,中国和欧洲共同体是世界上最大的猪肉生产国和消费国,在中国和亚洲其他国家, 消费者通喜爱食用包括肺和肝脏在内的动物内脏。
The Delegation pointed out that China and the European Community were the largest producers and consumers of pig meat in the world and that, in China and other Asian countries, animal internal organs, including lungs and liver, were also regularly consumed.
喜爱使用 各类材料创作,包括塑料、皮革、莲叶、纸伞、木框和布料等等。
He like to use a variety [...]
of materials like plastic, leather, lotus leaves, paper umbrellas, wood frame, cloths etc. As always,
this assemblage is a social landscape of the combined arts.
不过请注意,如果更喜欢在 一件舒适的酒吧里喝一罐健力士黑麦啤酒(Guinness),你可以尝试一次围绕贝尔法斯特老酒馆(Belfast's [...]
old pubs)的短途旅行;著名的黑出租之旅(Black Taxi Tour)可以让你与这座城市动荡的过去更为接近;或者稍稍向南前进,在都柏林市的最好的酒吧(Dublin
city's finest bars)中进行一次酒吧旅行。
Mind you, if you’re more comfortable with a [...]
jar of Guinness and a cosy pub, then you could try a jaunt around  Belfast’s
old pubs  ; get close to the city’s turbulent past with a famous  Black Taxi Tour  ; or head a little further south and go all literary with a pub crawl around  Dublin city’s finest bars .
赞赏地注意到世界各地越来越多的政府、组织、主要群体和个人认识到 山区可持续发展对消除贫穷的重要性,并确认山区对全球的重要性,因为山区是 地球大部分淡水的来源,是丰富生物多样性以及木材和矿物等其他自然资源的储 存地,是一些可再生能源的提供者,是民 喜爱 的 休 闲和旅游地,也是重要的文 化多样性、知识和遗产区,所有这些都带来积极的未计经济利益
Notes with appreciation that a growing network of Governments, organizations, major groups and individuals around the world recognize the importance of the sustainable development of mountain regions for poverty eradication, and recognizes the global importance of mountains as the source of most of the Earth’s freshwater, as repositories of rich biological diversity and other natural resources, including timber and minerals, as providers of some sources of renewable energy, as popular destinations for recreation and tourism and as areas of important cultural diversity, knowledge and heritage, all of which generate positive, unaccounted economic benefits




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