

单词 更公平

See also:

公平 n

fairness n
equity n

External sources (not reviewed)

更公平和有 活力的 營商環境有利創業及新行業的發展,為經濟復甦注入新動力。
A fairer and vibrant business [...]
environment would be more conducive to the establishment of new businesses which could serve
as new power engine for economic recovery.
[...] 图行动纲领》是一项关键工具,可实现各成员国和 国际金融与发展机构之更公平、 更公 正 的 关系, 以便克服因地理位置造成的不对称。
The Almaty Programme of Action was a crucial tool for
[...] achieving a fairer and more equitable relationship [...]
between Member States and international
financial and development institutions, so as to overcome the asymmetry imposed by geographical situations.
總括而言,本㆟希望政府透過增加消委會的權力及消費者個㆟對權益的認識,務求令 本港可達致㆒更公平及能夠全面保障消費者的社會。
In sum, I hope that the Government will give more
power to the Consumer Council, better inform consumers of their rights and thereby
[...] make Hong Kong a fairer community where people would enjoy full [...]
consumer protection.
為有秩序更公平㆞分 派補充問題起見,我打算以議員對某項問題的興趣(以主 題或選區為準則),以及議員在該次會議提問次數和累積提問次數作為分派的準則。
For the orderly and more equitable distribution of supplementary [...]
questions I propose to be guided by the members' interest
(subject or constituency) in a particular question, and by the number of times a member has asked supplementary questions both at the sitting itself and cumulatively.
这 些改革将对根深蒂固的商业精英——裙带商人、军
[...] 队以及与执政党有关系的前重量级政治人物产生极 大影响,这些商业精英将不得不在一 更公平 的环 境中与其他人进行竞争,甚至要开始纳税。
These changes will have a big impact on the entrenched economic elite – crony businessmen, the military and former political
heavyweights linked to the government
[...] party – who will have to compete on a more level playing [...]
field and even start paying tax.
[...] 是由技术官僚基于事物本身情况来做决定,而不是 由将军们来做决定,并且很有希望出现一 更公平 的竞争环境。
Decisions are now more likely to be made by technocrats
on the basis of their merits rather than by generals, and there is
[...] the prospect of a more level playing field [...]
委員進一步察悉,該等檢 討
[...] 肯定了子女扶 養 計劃的 價值和原則 , 並 提出多項建 議,令 該等計劃更 具 效率更公平。
Members further noted that the reviews had reaffirmed the value and principles behind the child
support schemes, and a range of recommendations had been put forward to improve
[...] the efficiency and fairness of the schemes.
價單、在加推其餘的單位前才公布其餘單位的有關價單,以及首張價單 只須提供最少20個單位或可供發售的單位的20%,對於全面增加一手私
[...] 人市場的物業銷售的透明度,對於進一步保障消費者的權益,提 更公 平的交易環境,以及改善整個一手私人住宅物業的銷售文化,均是向前 [...]
When compared with the existing measures, which merely require the issuing of sales brochures and the first price list 24 hours before sale, the announcement of the price lists of the remaining flats only before their actual sale, and the sale of only 20 units or 20% of the saleable flats in the first batch, the new measures can take us a step forward in comprehensively enhancing the sales transparency of first-hand private residential
properties, further protecting
[...] consumer rights, providing a fairer transaction environment [...]
and improving the sales culture
of the entire first-hand residential property market.
这些方案可以促进妇女参加工作,在其达到一 定年龄后为其提供必要的生存手段,改善妇女受教 育的状况,但也要有社会政策作为辅助,以保障其
[...] 获得土地和生产资料,特别是贷款,以及其他专门 激发男更公平分配 家务劳动及促进妇女作为照料 者的作用的措施。
Such programmes, which could contribute to promoting women’s participation in the labour force, provide them with income security in old age and improve access to education, must be complemented by social policies to ensure that they had access, inter alia, to land, productive resources and credit; such
policies should also provide
[...] incentives for a balanced sharing of household [...]
responsibilities between men and women and promote the role of women as caregivers.
该国家机制以公报的形式制定法律和法规文件的改革建议,提交 给部委或相关机构,以确保宪法规定的权利得 更公平 的 落 实。
It draws up proposals for regulatory and legislative reforms in the form of circulars to the
relevant ministerial departments or institutions with the aim
[...] of ensuring the fairer application of [...]
constitutional rights.
[...] 获取水产养殖和产业守则带来的惠益,特别是对于最被边缘化和最贫困男性和女 性而言,可赋予人们权能,使其成 更公平 的 利 益相关方。
Providing policies that create the opportunities for ensuring equitable resource access rights, access to markets, benefits from aquaculture and codes of conduct for the industry – especially
for the most marginalized and poorest categories of men and women – can empower
[...] people to become more equal stakeholders.
Management believes that their inclusion in
[...] ‘other gains’ is a fairer representation of [...]
the Group’s activities.
[...] 兩性平等,消除同職不同酬的不公義現象,間接令以婦女為家長的單親 家庭子女,在成長時能得更公平的 對 待,可以間接消除跨代貧窮。
If there is a statutory minimum wage, not only can we promote gender equality and eliminate the injustice of different pay for the same work, but we
can also assure the children in
[...] single-mother families of fairer treatment in their [...]
childhood so as to eradicate the problem
of inter-generational poverty.
这 不是一个概念问题,而是一个改变思想的问题;按照这种思想,首先要考虑的是 海地人民的需要和愿望,即:在一个更分散的发展范围内努力重建一个旨在保护 人们免受自然风险之害的可持续环境,确保重建是公平的,实现最富有地区和较 落后地区之间的平等,创造一 更公平 的 社 会。
It is not a matter of concepts, but rather of a change of philosophy, whereby account is taken first and foremost of the needs and aspirations of Haitians in efforts to re-establish a sustainable environment, within a more decentralized development framework that is designed to protect people from natural hazards, ensure that
reconstruction is equitable and
[...] establish equality between the richest and less prosperous regions with a view to creating a fairer society.
[...] 政府當局會採取適當措施,確保等額補助金 更公平地 分配予規模較小的院校。
Dr YEUNG Sum remarked that the Democratic Party anticipated that the
Administration would adopt appropriate
[...] measures to ensure a fairer distribution of [...]
the matching grant fund to smaller institutions.
吉尔吉斯斯坦代表感谢儿童基金会在 2010 年冲突期间给予人道主义援助, 并指出,2012-2016 年拟议方案将支持政府和民间社会的努力让贫困儿童、需要 保护的儿童和可能遭受种族暴力的儿童获 更公平 待 遇 ,让他们能融入社会,让 儿童可以行使自己的权利。
The representative of Kyrgyzstan thanked UNICEF for its humanitarian assistance during the conflict of 2010 and noted that the proposed programme for 2012-2016 would support government and civil society efforts to increase equity and social inclusion for children who live in poverty, need protection and are at risk of ethnic violence, so that children can exercise their rights.
第 三 , 應 否 規定每個票 站 都 應 有 一定比 例 具 經 驗 的工作 人員,特別是票 站
[...] 主任,以便在現場 處 理 各種突 發 情 況 , 令 選 舉更公平的保障。
Thirdly, should we specify the percentage of experienced polling officials, especially Presiding Officers, for each
polling station, so that unexpected circumstances can be handled properly on the
[...] spot to ensure the fairness of elections?
我建議若能增加特惠津貼或搬遷費, 使住在已有大多數單位售出的樓宇租戶搬出,這才 更公平。
I suggest that if the removal or special allowance can be raised to encourage the remaining tenants to move out
[...] then it would be fairer to everybody.
此外, 为满足危机后复苏需要而重建发达国家和新兴经济体之间的全球平衡,将构成该 区域的重大宏观经济挑战,其表现形式为:出口价格、外部需求和实际货币平价
[...] 波动,以及存在出现更加专门化生产模式的危险,这种模式未必有利于经济高速 增长更公平地分配惠益。
Moreover, rebuilding global balances between the developed and emerging economies as needed for postcrisis recovery will pose substantial macroeconomic challenges for the region, in the form of fluctuating export prices, external demand and real currency parities, along with the danger of even more specialized
productive patterns that are not necessarily conducive to high
[...] economic growth and a more equitable distribution of the [...]
阿根廷自 1983 年以来遵循的路线,特别是从 2003 年起,内斯托尔·基什内 尔总统和克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·德基什内尔总统的政府果断推动打击有罪不
[...] 罚和努力保障和保护人权,使我国在建 更公平 的 国 际秩序方面处于全球领先地 位,这是我国在世界上的政治地位所具有的重大比较优势之一。
The path followed by Argentina since 1983, and especially the decided impetus given beginning in 2003 with the Governments of Presidents Nestor Kirchner and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in combating impunity and the struggle to guarantee and protect human rights has placed our
country in a position of global
[...] leadership in building a more just international [...]
order, which is one of the major comparative
advantages of its political position in the world.
还需更公平地监 督所有主要金融中心,并需要有鼓励措 施,鼓励有系统性重要性的国家对政策咨询意见作出 [...]
There was
[...] also a need for more even-handed surveillance [...]
of all major financial centres as well as for incentives to encourage
countries of systemic importance to be responsive to policy advice.
在下文中,我们将就如何实现一 更公平 的 平衡 讨论一些可能的方法。
We address possible ways of
[...] providing a more equitable balance in such cases below.
[...] 发达国家的特殊需求,提供了用于规 更公平 的 全 球化以及更可持续的发展道路 的框架,这是使摆脱危机之后的境况好于危机之前所必需的。
It recognizes the special needs of developing countries, especially the
least developed, and provides a framework
[...] for developing a fairer globalization and [...]
more sustainable development path needed
to emerge from the crisis better off than before.
预期成果:制定和通过促进用不同语 更公平 使 用 信息的 原则。
Expected result: Principles for
[...] promoting a more equitable access to information [...]
in different languages developed and adopted.
由 於條例草案第 5部 的目的是減 去 無 理
[...] 纏擾 的訴訟,從 而 使 法院資更公 平分配並用於真正須要解 決的爭 議上, [...]
政府當 局 的小組曾 建議提出修正 案,引入 受影響的 人 在提出申請前須 取 得 許 可 的規定。
Since the object of Part 5 of the Bill is to screen out
vexatious litigation,
[...] thereby enabling fairer distribution of [...]
the court's resources for genuine disputes, the Administration's
team has proposed to make CSAs to introduce a leave requirement for applications from affected persons.
為減去無理纏擾的訴訟,從而使法院資 更公平 分 配 並用於 真正須要解決的爭議上,此部建議修訂《高等法院條例》,不但 容許律政司司長提出此類申請,亦容許任何是或曾是無理纏擾法 [...]
律程序中的一方當事人,或曾直接受該等法律程序所導致的不利 影响的人提出申請。
To help screen out vexatious litigation,
[...] thereby enabling fairer distribution of the court’s resources for genuine disputes, [...]
amendments are proposed
under the HCO to allow a vexatious litigant order to be made not only on the application of the Secretary for Justice, but also on the application of any person who is or has been a party to vexatious proceedings instituted by a vexatious party, or who has directly suffered adverse consequences resulting from such proceedings.
大会决议 30 C/72 特别强调必须在充分考虑竞争、专业特长、工作效率及普遍性等问题
[...] 的基础上对人事政策重新进行审查,并重点考虑各类人员的结构合理 更公平 的 地理分布与 男女比例适当以及工作人员年轻化等优先目标。
In 30 C/Resolution 72, the General Conference stressed inter alia the need to review personnel policy taking fully into account the need for competitiveness, expertise, efficiency and universality and to focus on priority objectives such as a
balanced structure for different
[...] categories of staff, a more equitable geographical [...]
and gender balance, and the rejuvenation of staff.
[...] 益攸关方参与进来,这样可以为辩论注入新的想法,推动在长期建立一 更公 平、更具可持续性的治理体系。
Ministers and high-level delegates said that the current process of international environmental governance reform should include broad stakeholder participation, which
could bring fresh ideas to the debate and
[...] facilitate a more equitable and sustainable governance [...]
system in the long term.
强调在应对跨国有组织犯罪时必须充分尊重国家主权原则,并遵循法治,以 此作为综合对策的一部分,通过增进人权 更公平 的 社 会经济条件,促进持久解 决办法
Emphasizing that transnational organized crime must be addressed in full respect for the principle of the sovereignty of States and in accordance with the rule of law as part of a comprehensive
response to promote durable solutions through the promotion of
[...] human rights and more equitable socio-economic [...]
今年,行 政首长理事会在执行《联合国系统统一业务做法行动计划》方面,在 更公平的 可 持续全球化采用协调的系统方法方面取得了显著进展(见 A/66/1,第 110 段)。
This year, CEB made noteworthy progress in the implementation of the Plan of Action for the Harmonization of Business Practices in the United Nations System and adoption of a coordinated system approach for a fairer, sustainable globalization (see A/66/1, para. 110).




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