

单词 更不



fig. be proud of one's name and stand by one's actions
I am who I am (and I'm not ashamed)

External sources (not reviewed)

人类生活总会对地球产生影响,但 我们所面临的挑战,是如何使这些影响不致破坏地 球系统的平衡更不会最 终阻碍人类发展。
While human life would always have an impact on the Earth, the challenge
was to have an impact
[...] which would not destroy the equilibrium of the Earth system and ultimately harm human development as well.
问题药物使用者往往更加边缘化 更不 可 能 对其进行人 口调查;因此,必须采用特殊方法和技巧来估计这一亚群的规模。
Problem drug users tend to be more marginalized and less likely to be captured in a population-based survey; thus, special methods and techniques are required to estimate the size of that subgroup.
把它降格为对附 件说明的注释的做法是不可接受的 更不 必 说 把它 降格为附件的附件。
It was not acceptable to downgrade it to a note to a note in an annex, let alone to an annex to an annex.
虽然中国看到内比都政府和 许多缅甸少数民族团体之间的长期对峙引发了很多
[...] 问题,但它希望能有一个强有力的中央政府在国内 稳定的基础上通过逐步实行政策调整来解决这些问 题,而不是靠实行自由民主或联邦制 更不 能 靠政 权改变。
While China sees problems with the long-term standoff between Naypyidaw and many of the country’s ethnic groups, its preferred approach to solve the situation is gradual policy adjustment by a strong
central government on the basis of internal
[...] stability, not liberal democracy or federalism and certainly not regime change.
此 外,会议还建议教科文组织提升其各项科学计划和环境计划(地质对比计划、水文计划、海
[...] 洋学委员会和人与生物圈)之间的合作和影响力,因为,某些国家指出,它们对人与生物圈 的存在和活动知之甚少更不知道 其它计划及其全国委员会了。
In addition, it was suggested that UNESCO improve the cooperation among and the visibility of its scientific and environmental programmes (IGCP, IHP, IOC and MAB), as some countries noted that they
were only aware of a limited presence and
[...] activities of MAB, but not of the other programmes [...]
and their national committees.
主席女士,我提出不要全面失去自己本位的原因,不是香港夜郎自大, 可是,我更不應妄自菲薄,覺得隨着內地經濟 20 年來的開放和改革,香 港漸漸失去優勢,以致我們只有一條出路,便是完全融入內地成為一個經濟 [...]
Madam President, my reason for saying not to lose sight of our
own position
[...] completely is not that Hong Kong is blinded by self-conceit, but that we should not improperly belittle [...]
ourselves by thinking
that Hong Kong will gradually lose its edge in the opening and reform of the mainland economy in the past 20 years and thus we only have one way out, that is, through integrating fully with the Mainland as an economic city for survival.
这对 任何人都没有好处更不说对 全体以色列人民了。 定居点活动破坏了双方之间的信任,似乎预先断定 [...]
了未来永久地位谈判的结果,也危及到“两国解决 方案”的基础。
Settlement construction violated international law
and contravened the road map, under which
[...] Israel was obliged to freeze all settlement [...]
activity, including so-called “natural
growth”; that was in no one’s interest, least of all Israel’s. Settlement activity undermined trust between the two parties, seemed to prejudge the outcome of the future permanent status negotiations, and imperilled the basis for the two-State solution.
(e) 高级别小组认为,目前的危机不能单靠机械式地应用多数取胜规则加以 解决,由于地面局势紧张,双方立场极端两极化, 更不 能 如 此解决。
(e) The Panel observes that the present crisis cannot be resolved on the
sole basis of a mechanical application of the
[...] majority rule, more especially as [...]
the situation is tense on the ground and the
positions are extremely polarized.
信託人與基金經理可經彼此同意訂立補充 信託契約,藉以修改原訂信託契約,惟須由信託人書面認可所作之修訂乃(1)有利於基金進行經
[...] 致信託人、基金經理或任何其他人對基金單位持有人之負債或責任有任何程度之解除 更不會 增 加基金支付之費用與收費,或(2)為要遵守財政或其他法定或官方提出之規定。
The Trustee and Manager may agree to modify the Trust Deeds by supplemental deed provided that the Trustee certifies that such modification (a) is expedient for the economical, simple, advantageous or profitable working or management of the Funds and is not materially detrimental to the interests of Unitholders and does not operate to release to any material extent the Trustee, the Manager, or any other person
from any liability or responsibility to
[...] Unitholders, and does not increase the [...]
costs and 28 charges payable out of the
Funds or (b) is necessary in order to comply with fiscal or other statutory or official requirements.
这一规定绝对不是据以评估正确与否的标准 更不 是 对 条约的解释是 否具有效性的条件,而是产生一种解释的手段。
This specification is in no way a criterion for assessing the correctness, and still less a condition for the validity, of the interpretations given to the treaty, but a means of deriving one interpretation.
说所有当事方有权对条约 提出保留,并不意味这个权利是无限的 更不 要 说 这样提出的一切保留,因为条 约内列入单纯的一般性条款,就在第 21 条第 1 款起首部分的意义上“成立”。
To say that all the parties have the right to formulate reservations to the treaty cannot imply that this right is unlimited, still less that all reservations so formulated are, by virtue of the simple general clause included in the treaty, “established” within the meaning of the chapeau to article 21, paragraph 1.
因 此,省高等法院裁定,无需要求警方提供参与逮捕和拘留申诉人的人员身份,特 别是鉴于可能危害警察官员的安全 更不 能 这 么做。
As a result, the Provincial High Court ruled that there was no need to request from the police the identity of the persons involved in the arrest and custody of the complainant, even more so given that the safety of the officers themselves could be compromised.
所有国家都应尊重并实际奉行《宪章》原由和宗旨,与所有其他国家 开展关系,不论他国的政治、经济或社会体制如何,也不论他国的幅员大小、 地理位置或经济发展水平,尤其不得威胁使用或使用武力,或以任何其它不符 合联合国宗旨的方式,侵犯任何国家的领土完整,或政治独立,而 更不 得干 预根本隶属任何国家本国司法管辖权内的事务
All States shall respect and put into practice the Principles and Purposes of the Charter in their relations with all other States, irrespective of their political, economic or social systems or of their size, geographical location or level of economic development, particularly refraining from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations and further refraining from intervening in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any State
自那以来,并没有起诉或审判任何嫌疑人 更不 用说 定罪,而且提交人在痛失儿子后没有得到任何赔偿。
Since that date, no suspect was prosecuted, or tried, let alone convicted, and
[...] the authors were not compensated for [...]
the tragic loss of their son.
主席先生,如果英國決意發展代議政制,正如在㆒九八㆕年就憲制改革發表的綠皮書及 白皮書所承諾,並且沒有因為㆗國的批評而改變立場;如果六㆕㆝安門事件沒有發生;如 果英國真正在香港推行兩局共識方案,而不只是「空口講白話」;如果英國對香港㆟所許㆘ 加快民主步伐的承諾貫徹始終,而不是猶 不 決 , 更不 是 傾 向爭取像外相韓達德㆒貫所認 為的頭獎,即尋求與㆗國達成共識(結果現在要為經濟理由而取悅㆗國);如果英國與㆗國 之間沒有秘密函件,把香港㆟蒙在鼓裏,使香港㆟的信心像「搖搖」般起落不定,那麼香 港㆟現時便會處於更佳的境況,並有條件活得更好及有更光明的前景。
Mr President, if Britain were determined to move on a course of development of representative government as promised by their 1984 Green and White Papers on constitutional reform and not changed its stance because of China’s criticism; if the June 4 Tiananmen incident had not happened; if Britain truly pushed the OMELCO consensus for Hong Kong and not just providing lip service; if Britain had been consistent and not wavering from promising Hong Kong people to push for a faster pace of democracy and yet moving towards achieving what the Foreign Secretary Douglas HURD has consistently considered as a first prize, which is to strive for a consensus with China and finally now, to appease China for economic reasons; if Britain did not have any secret letters with China, which has kept Hong Kong people in the dark and suspended Hong Kong people’s confidence like a yo-yo, then Hong Kong would be in a better position now, a better position to live in and prosper for the future.
但如果 维持或增加燃料补贴将使其继续,这可能引起公众和非政府组织(NGO) 更不利 的回应。
However, if fuel subsidies are maintained or increased to permit their continuation, this is likely to attract more adverse response from the public and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
[...] 环境中的贫困农民的生活水平,那么很显然由私营部门领导的生物技术相关研 更不 可能 达到这个目的。
But if the Green Revolution which was developed and applied with public sector funding failed to reach effectively poor farmers living in agro-ecologically diverse rainfed
environments, it is apparent that biotechnology-related research led by the private sector
[...] will be even less likely to do so.
主席先生,你无疑会同意我们的看法,即中东局 势的主要特征是以色列不断企图阻碍美利坚合众国 领导的和平努力,继续其非法做法,尤其是开展定居 活动,摧毁住房和驱逐住房内的居民 更不 要 说 通过 目前的封锁来集体惩罚加沙地带的人民。
We have no doubt, Sir, that you share our view that the major feature of the situation in the Middle East is Israel’s ongoing attempts to block the peace efforts led by the United States of America by continuing its illegal practices, notably settlement activity, the demolition of homes and the expulsion of their inhabitants, not to mention the collective punishment of the people of the Gaza Strip through the ongoing blockade.
在 发展中国家最亟需的时候,官方发展援助可能变 更不 稳 定
Official development
[...] assistance may become more volatile at [...]
a time when developing countries are most in need.
但是, 令人关注的是大会尚未审议这一案件 更不 用 说 在 波多黎各案和马提尼克岛等其他殖民地案例得到解 决之前解散特别委员会。
However, it was a matter of concern that the case had not been taken up by the General Assembly, not to mention that the Special Committee could be dissolved before the case of Puerto Rico and those of other colonies such as Martinique had been resolved.
此种磋 商的绝对数量难以确保一致性更不 用 说 确保采用 全面的做法来执行可持续发展。
The sheer number of such resolutions, made it difficult to ensure coherence, let alone adopt a holistic approach to implement sustainable development.
如果我们把海军行动的额外 开支、区域国家旅游业的收入损失、港口被封和贸易 受阻的损失计入海盗行径的费用 更不 用 说原材料及 工业和其他货物的运输费的增加,那么总的费用确实 可观,并且在今后几年中将不可避免地继续上升。
If we factor into those costs of piracy the additional costs for naval operations and the revenue losses to the countries of the region associated with tourism, blocked ports and impediments to trade, to say nothing of the increase in the cost of transporting raw materials and industrial and other goods, then the total costs are significant indeed — and will inevitably continue to rise in the coming years.
[...] 劃作出推介或認許,亦不是對該計劃的商業利弊或表現作出 保證更不代表 該計劃適合所有投資者,或認許該計劃適合任 [...]
It does not mean the scheme is suitable [...]
for all investors nor is it an endorsement of its suitability for any particular
investor or class of investors.
如果没有这些领域的专门人才以及一个终身学习和教育系统,发展中国家 更不 能吸收新的技术,创新并参与全球知识经济的竞争。
Without people skilled in these professions and a system of life-long learning and education, developing countries will be less able to absorb new technologies, generate innovation, and compete in the global knowledge economy.
代表团引述2009 年欧洲安 全与合作组织关于前南奥塞梯自治区之外格鲁吉亚境内奥塞梯人情况的报告说, “格鲁吉亚人和奥塞梯人之间的族裔关系没有什么值得关切的”,“欧洲安全与
[...] 合作组织不知道最近有任何基于族裔的暴力或歧视事件 更不 用 说 歧视性的国家 政策了”。
The delegation cited the 2009 OSCE report on the situation of Ossetians in Georgia outside the former Autonomous District of South Ossetia, stating that “Inter-ethnic relations between Georgians and Ossetians
… do not give reason for concern” and
[...] that “the OSCE is not aware of any recent [...]
individual cases of ethnically motivated
violence or discrimination, let alone a state policy of discrimination”.
98 93. 从这些事例可以看出若干国家对“国家安全概念”的定义要素;这方面的法 学家放弃系统地研究每个法律制度如何试图界定这一概念的范围,并写道:“目前 只需看到:(a) 这个词语既包括外部也包括内部威胁似已得到普遍接受;(b) 各国 政府似不急于对这个词作出准确的定 义 ( 更不 必 说 非限制性的定义),可能是为保 留其行动自由;(c) 这个概念不确切带来的风险经常受到民间社会、甚至有时受 到各国法院的诟病”。
Some elements for a definition of the “notion of national security” in a few countries have been found here and there; and, refraining from examining systematically how each legal system has attempted to fix the limits of this notion, the author of that exercise writes: “For the time being, it suffices to note that: (a) it seems generally accepted that the term covers both external as well as internal threats; (b) Governments seem to be in no hurry to give a precise definition (or a non-restrictive definition) of this term in order, probably, to maintain their freedom of action; and (c) the risks arising from the imprecise nature of the notion have often been denounced by civil society and at times even by national courts”.99 94.
一个正面的例子是,现在全球许多城市都正在草拟或通过人权宪章,形成一个以 在城市级地方政府对经社文权利负责的新形式的国际都市网络。56 类似的改革需要在所有的地方和区域层面进行,以保证对国际人权规范和价值的透明 度和负责任,并且为听取申诉和提供救济提 更不 那 么正式的、更以社区为本的方法。
One positive example is that a number of cities around the world are now drafting and adopting human rights charters, establishing a cosmopolitan framework for new forms of local accountability to ESC rights at the municipal level.56 Similar reforms are needed at all levels of local and regional decision-making, to ensure transparency and accountability to the norms and values of international human rights and to provide less formal and more community-based methods for hearing complaints and providing remedies.
此外,蘇鑰機亦指出,大部分市民對立法的意見都很一致,並呼籲政府及其執政聯盟認真地聽取民意:「不要再搞『請吃飯看戲』等小動作…製造『二分』、「有人反對、也有很多人支持」的假象 更不 要 再說市民被人「誤導」,這只是在侮辱人民的智慧。
Besides, So pointed out that most of the people did indeed share a common view regarding the legislation, he called for the government and its coalition to listen to public opinion carefully, and "not try stupid acts like offering free meals and movie tickets to the citizens on July 1… to create false impression that the public is divided… They should never say again the public is "misled" as this only insults the intelligence of the people.
[...] 盟示威者仍驻扎在政府大楼外面,阿披 更不 可能在此时同意任何受到民族主义者强烈反对的政策决 [...]
With the vocal PAD demonstrators still [...]
camping outside Government House, Abhisit was even less likely to advance any policy
that might attract nationalist backlash and undermine his Democrat Party’s popularity.




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