单词 | 曲靖市 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 曲靖市—Qujing prefecture level city in YunnanSee also:曲靖—Qujing prefecture level city in Yunnan 曲n—songn tunen 曲—bent yeast 靖—pacify make tranquil surname Jing
国泰航空货运营业及市务总经理韦靖表示:「内地及香港出口市场农历新年前并没有如往年般畅旺,假期间内地工厂休假暂停运作,需求进一步减少。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific General Manager [...] Cargo Sales &Marketing JamesWoodrow said: "There was no pre-Chinese New Year rush to speak [...]of out of Mainland [...]China and Hong Kong, and what demand there was in the market fell away as China's factories closed. swirepacific.com |
川气东送”工程是国务院确定的“十一五”期间的重点工程,该工程建设从四川普光到上海的1700公里川气东送管道,主要供应江苏、浙江和上海地区。公司“川气东送”天然气利用一期工程是在靖安镇建设川气东送门站,沿靖安河南面至疏港大道,沿疏港大道南面向西至七乡河,沿七乡河向南至东阳坊西气东输门站建设15公里高压管线,并与现有高压管线连通,实现川气的接收并向市区管网供气,总投资额约3.89亿元。 yulongsteelpipe.com | Sichuan-east gas project is the key project designated by state council in eleventh "Five-Year" period, which transmit gas from Puguang, Sichuan to Shanghai with 1700KM length, supplying Jiangsu, Zhejiang and shanghai area mainly. 1st stage of Sichuan-east gas project set [...] gas transmission door stationat Jingan town, construct a 15 miles high pressure pipeline, starting from south of the jiangan river to the highway transportation between ports and adjacent [...] cities,andthen fromsouth of the highway transportation to the qixiang river, and finally from south of the river to west-east natural gas transmission project in dongyang lane, it will contact with exsiting high pressuee pipeline, accomplishing the natural gas reception from the west and the gas supplying to thecity. yulongsteelpipe.com |
多边办法可在不扭曲市场的情况下对现有的市场进行补充,从而为发展和平 核计划的国家提供核燃料供应安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | They would complement [...] the existingmarket withoutdistorting it, thereby providing [...]nuclear fuel supply security for States [...]developing peaceful nuclear programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
他请 Uemura 先生澄清他作为 [...] 主讲人提出的关于货币交易发展税因税率很低(0.005%)不会扭曲市场的观点,这 一税项可否仅在一个国家或以一种货币实行。 daccess-ods.un.org | He asked Mr. Uemura for clarification of the panellist’s statement that the currency [...] transactions development levy would have [...] no distortion of market owing to the low [...]tax rate (0.005 per cent) and whether that [...]tax could be introduced in just one country or currency. daccess-ods.un.org |
Stewart Rundle及多位会员,和驻奥克兰台北经济文化办事处周志坚组长,林信隆侨务秘书,曲靖家侨务顾问,纽西兰台湾华夏协会 陈天志创会理事长,纽西兰台湾妇女会 陈姿颖会长暨侨务顾问,陈春月侨务顾问,华侨协会纽西兰分会 杨庆熙理事长,林明锡侨务顾问,世界华人工商妇女企管协会 李明芬会长,黄俊卿侨务促进委员,纽西兰客家同乡会 邱云松理事长,纽西兰荣光联谊会 吴敏会长等热情参与。 hwahsia.org.nz | O.C.A.C. Advisor Ms. Nadia Chen Mr. Ming-Hsi Lin, Mr. James Huang, Overseas Chinese Association New Zealand Branch Chairman Mr. Adonis Yang, Global Sederation Chinese Business woman of NZ Chairperson Ms. Ming Fen Lee, New Zealand Hakka Society Mr. Thomas Chiou and ROC Veteran Association of NZ President Mr. Min Wu all enthusiastically participated in the day’s activities. hwahsia.org.nz |
在其报告中,驻地协调员兼人道主义协调员 强调,索马里目前的复杂人道主义紧急状况因长时间的激烈战事、治安不靖、持续流离失所和缺少雨水导致的粮食无保障问题而恶化。 daccess-ods.un.org | In his report, the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator highlighted the fact that the ongoing complex humanitarian emergency in Somalia had been exacerbated by intense and prolonged fighting, civil insecurity, continued displacement and food insecurity caused by poor rains. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们请其他国家考虑合理调整低效的化石燃料补贴, 消除扭曲市场的做法,包括调整税收,逐步取消凡是存在的有害补贴,以反映其 [...] 环境影响,并在制定此类政策时充分考虑到发展中国家的特殊需求和条件,尽可 能减少对其发展的可能不利影响,同时注意保护穷人和受影响社区。 daccess-ods.un.org | We invite others to consider rationalizing inefficient fossil fuel [...] subsidies byremoving market distortions,including restructuring [...]taxation and phasing out [...]harmful subsidies, where they exist, to reflect their environmental impacts, with such policies taking fully into account the specific needs and conditions of developing countries, with the aim of minimizing the possible adverse impacts on their development and in a manner that protects the poor and the affected communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
应对危机的最好方式是减少市场扭曲、促进区域和全球一体化,以及增加发展中国 家的贸易机会和市场准入,而不是提倡保护主义, [...] 尤其是对较大经济体来说。 daccess-ods.un.org | Instead of calls for protectionism, especially by the larger [...] economies, the best response to the crisis was [...] to reducemarket distortionsandto promote [...]regional and global integration, trade [...]opportunities and market access for developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
70 图3-38 客人来到湖 南省武陵山区保靖县的陇木洞村时, 当地居民用音乐和 舞 龙 表 演 表 示 欢 迎。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | When guests arrive the inhabitants of longmudong in the Wuling Mountains of Hunan Province like to greet them with music and a dragon dance. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
联刚特派团的任务根据安理会第 1445(2002)号、第 1468(2003)号和第 1484(2003)号决议进一步扩大,增加帮助 设立伊图里绥靖委员会和支持该委员会的工作等内容,这项任务于 2004 年完成。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mandate was further expanded under Council resolutions 1445 (2002), 1468 (2003) and 1484 (2003) to include facilitating the establishment of the Ituri Pacification Commission and supporting the Commission’s work, which was successfully completed in 2004. daccess-ods.un.org |
各位部长强调,发达国家的补贴和其他扭曲市场的做法严重损害了发展中 国家的农业部门,从而制约了这一重要部门对消除贫穷、持续、包容和平等的 [...] 经济增长、可持续发展、粮食安全和农村发展做出有意义贡献的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers underscored that [...] subsidiesand othermarket distortions by developed [...]countries have severely harmed the agricultural [...]sector in developing countries, thereby limiting the ability of this key sector to contribute meaningfully to poverty eradication and sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, sustainable development, food security and rural development. daccess-ods.un.org |
发达国家继续通过条例、标准以及检验和核证程序等扭曲市场的非关税措施,支持国内生产。 daccess-ods.un.org | Developed countries continue to support domestic [...] production through distortionary non-tariff [...]measures, such as regulations, standards and [...]testing and certification procedures. daccess-ods.un.org |
於本公告日期,本公司董事会包括于汝民先生、吴学民先生、戴延先生、郑道全先生、 王建东博士、白智生先生、张文利先生、孙增印先生、宫靖博士、王志勇先生、张永锐 先生*、陈清霞博士*、郑汉钧博士**、麦贵荣先生**及伍绮琴女士**。 cre8ir.com | As at the date of this announcement, the Board of the Company consists of Mr. Yu Rumin, Mr. Wu Xuemin, Mr. Dai Yan, Mr. Zheng Daoquan, Dr. Wang Jiandong, Mr. Bai Zhisheng, Mr. Zhang Wenli, Mr. Sun Zengyin, Dr. Gong Jing, Mr. Wang Zhiyong, Mr. Cheung Wing Yui*, Dr. Eliza Chan Ching Har*, Dr. Cheng Hon Kwan**, Mr. Mak Kwai Wing**, and Ms. Ng Yi Kum, Estella**. cre8ir.com |
海地人民依然面临根本性的结构贫困、治安不靖、政治动荡、以及 自然灾害连年发生等严峻挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Underlying structural poverty, insecurity, political instability and recurrent natural disasters faced by the Haitian people remain serious challenges. daccess-ods.un.org |
荷兰王国驻中国大使裴靖康(Rudolf Bekink) 先生 本册子向荷兰企业及其在华供应商提供关于如何在中国实行负责任的商业行为 的实用指引。 bencham.org | Rudolf Bekink Ambassador This manual of responsible business practices in China is intended as a practical and useable guide for Chinese suppliers and Dutch companies. bencham.org |
日本历届政府官员,包括其首相都继续 [...] 参拜供奉在战争中,尤其是在第二次世界大战期间阵 亡士兵的靖国神社,无一例外。 daccess-ods.un.org | Officials of successive Japanese Governments, including its [...] Prime Ministers, continue, without exception, [...] to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, dedicated [...]to soldiers who died in wartime, particularly [...]those killed in the Second World War. daccess-ods.un.org |
此次展览会的举办时间和地点分别是:2月26-27日,深圳市的深圳会展中心;3月2-3日,西安市的西安曲江国际会展中心;3月9-10日,上海市的上海世贸商城,展会开放时间为:上午9:30至下午5:00,麦瑞半导体的展区将位于:深圳,第2L19号;西安,第7D10号;上海,第8G14号。 tipschina.gov.cn | The show will be held: Shenzhen, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition [...] Center, Feb. 26-27; [...] Xi'an, Xi'an Qujiang International Conference & Exhibition Center, March 2-3; and Shanghai, Shanghai Mart, March 9-10 [...]with show hours as follows: [...](9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) Micrel's booth locations will be: Shenzhen No. 2L19; Xi'an No. 7D10 and Shanghai No. 8G14. tipschina.gov.cn |
10 月 16 日,澳门】香港着名 Hip Hop 饶舌歌手 MC Jin (欧阳靖)及人气主持人 Bob (林盛斌) 於 10 月 16 日现身澳门美高梅德国啤酒节担任表演嘉宾,为是次城中最大型德国啤酒节添加创新元素,让大家尽兴而回。 mgmmacau.com | Macau, October 16, 2011] – Hong Kong Hip Hop rapper MC Jin and talk show host Bob joined guests at MGM MACAU Oktoberfest 2011 on October 16 and brought with them a different element that fueled the energy and intensity of the biggest beerfest in town! mgmmacau.com |