

单词 曲阜孔庙

See also:


Temple of Confucius

External sources (not reviewed)

接着,陈保琼校监和叶国华教授上台 曲阜 学 校 校长及两位同学递交一张款项为人民币500,250元的大支票,象征去年成功筹 曲阜 市 耀中耀华希望小学。
Present at the concert were the
[...] Principal and two students from Qufu School to accept a symbolic check of RMB 500,250 yuan that helped establish the Qufu Yew Chung and Yew Wah Hope Primary School.
建于山东曲阜的第 一所“希望种子学校”,目前已为超过500名学生提新的校舍及优越的图书馆设施。
The first Seeds of Hope
[...] School, built in Qufu, Shandong Province, [...]
has gone a long way to provide education to over 500 rural
students and has excellent library facilities.
释放夹具: 插入螺丝刀时,请将螺丝刀前端沿着孔内侧的弯曲表面倾斜。
When pushing the screwdriver, tilt
[...] it along the curving surface inside the square hole.
埃马克集团展示的HL1000型机床曲轴 深 油 孔 加 工设备,它的最大特点是既可以软加工,又可以对硬化处理后的曲轴进行硬加工。
With its HL 1000 EMAG
[...] presents an oil hole drilling machine that allows for both soft and hardened crankshafts to be machined.
通常孩子腹部松弛,两腿可曲到腹 部, 孔 呈 深紫 色,脚可能会冰冷和双手紧握。
The face is purple, the feet can be cold and the hands closed tight.
有具有一千多年历史的龙华古寺,有建于三国时期的静安古寺和国内外知名的玉佛寺,有号称江南名园之秀的豫园,有嘉定 孔庙 , 松 江的方塔、醉白池等。
There are the more-than-1000-years-old Longhua Temple, old peaceful temples built during the Three Kingdoms period, the
internationally famous Jade Buddha Temple, the scenic Yu
[...] Gardens, the Jiading Confucian Temple, the Songjiang [...]
Square Pagoda, Zuibaichi, etc.
今天,我国再一次通过 我明确强调:各国必须在房屋庙宇 、 教堂、清真寺、 寺院和修道院,总之,在所有顶礼膜拜的场所散播和 平的种子,使我们的世界摆脱宗教战争,让人民不再 成为基于宗教的恐怖主义行为的受害者。
Again today, my country, through me, states loud and clear that all nations must sow the seeds of peace in houses, temples, churches, mosques, pagodas and convents, in short in all places of worship, in order to free our world of religious wars and so that people are no longer victims of acts of terrorism based on religion.
[...] 其他相关部门和机构合作组织了一些活动,包括对藏品,尤其是朝拜圣地的藏品造册登记; 对博物馆和庙建筑 的安全系统进行升级改造;建立被盗艺术品数据库,并与内务部、文化 [...]
部和国际刑警组织合作,在全球范围内寻找被盗艺术品;以及加强国际合作,打击非法贩运 文化财产活动。
The Administration for Cultural Property, in cooperation with other relevant services and institutions, organizes activities including: the documenting and registering of collections, particularly those in places
of worship; upgrading of security systems in
[...] museums and sacral buildings; establishing [...]
a database for stolen works of art
and conducting international searches for stolen art in cooperation with the Ministries of the Interior and Culture and INTERPOL; and advancing international cooperation to combat illicit trafficking of cultural property.
两孔口和单块阀体配有两个阀孔;三孔口和弯曲流动路径 阀体配有一个阀体孔。
Hole size: 1/8 in through holes for two-port, three-port, and elbow bodies; 1/8 by 1 in deep holes for monoblock bodies
[...] Hackman牧师和另一位同事刘克辉先生,代表耀华及耀中前赴位于山东 曲阜 市 的 “希望种子学校”,进行为期两天的访问。
In November 2011, Mr. Steve Hackman and Mr. Davy Lau from Christian and Moral Education Division of Yew Chung paid a two-day visit, on behalf of Yew Chung and Yew Wah, to
the new Seeds of Hope School under
[...] construction in Qufu, Shangdong Province which is the [...]
focus of our current Seeds of Hope
fundraising initiative of Yew Chung and Yew Wah.
The chassis
[...] was made of bent, welded sheet metal that was drilled to make it [...]
more lightweight.
优于铸造、锻造和机加工的 一 次成形方式 金属粉末注射成形具有独特 的成形能力,可通过一次成 形获得复杂的曲表面、凹 槽孔洞等
One shot beats casting, forging and machining Metal Injection
Moulding offers unique shaping opportunities for achieving
[...] intricate curved surfaces, undercuts, holes etc. in a single shot.
1993 年 10 月至 2000 年 6 月,中华人民共和国财政部人事教育司工作人员、
[...] 副处长(1997 年 4 月至 1998 年 4 月,任河北阜城副县长)。
October 1993 to June 2000: Staff and Deputy Director, Department of Personnel and Education, Ministry of
Finance, People’s Republic of China (April 1997 to April 1998, serving as the
[...] vice mayor of Fucheng city, Hebei Province).
宗教间国际说,大量外国工人的涌入和经济权利方面的某些目标的达到 造 成了人与人之 间 更 大 程度的容忍,开设庙宇、 教 堂 和其他宗 教 礼 拜 场 所。
Interfaith International said the large influx of foreign workers and the achievement of certain goals related to economic rights, favoured a degree of tolerance among the population, the opening of temples, churches and other places of religious veneration.
在亚洲及太平洋地区,总干事出访了下列会员国:在庆祝婆罗浮图 庙 保 护运动结束 二十周年而召开的第四届婆罗浮图问题国际专家会议(2003 [...]
年 7 月 4-8 日)之际访问了印度 尼西亚(2003 年 7 月 2--6 日);最近加入本组织的第
189 个会员国,赢得独立(2002 年 5 月 20 日)后刚好一年多的东帝汶(2003 年 7 月 6--7 日);两次访问印度,首先是 2003 年 7 月 9--11 日在举行国际部长级会议“文明对话:探索新前景”之际,其次是 2003 年 11 月 9-13 日在新德里召开的教科文组织全民教育高层工作组第三次会议时;孟加拉国(2003 年 11 月 13--17 日),在此期间,他签订了促进技术和职业教育项目的业务运作计划;不丹(2003 年 11 月 17--20 日)---这是总干事自该国于 1982 年加入本组织以来的首次访问。
In the Asia and the Pacific region, the Director-General paid official visits to: Indonesia (2-6 July 2003) on the
occasion of the Fourth International Experts’
[...] Meeting on Borobudur (4-8 July [...]
2003) which marked the twentieth anniversary of
the closing of the Borobudur Safeguarding Campaign; Timor-Leste (6-7 July 2003) the Organization’s 189th and newest Member State, just over one year after it attained independence (20 May 2002); India, first, from 9 to 11 July 2003, on the occasion of the International Ministerial Conference “Dialogue among Civilizations: Quest for New Perspectives” and, from 9 to 13 November 2003, on the occasion of UNESCO’s Third Meeting of the High-Level Group on Education for All hosted in New Delhi; Bangladesh (13-17 November 2003) where he signed a Plan of Operations for a Technical and Vocational Training project; Bhutan (17-20 November 2003) – this being the first visit by a Director-General since the country joined the Organization in 1982.
文化艺 术部 领导层 对文化遗
产保护的学习研究进 行管理 和 监督, 具体做 法是执行三项 措
[...] 施,包括在有能力的团队领导下就古寺区开 展法律教育和直接管 理 , 以 鉴 定庙 的破损 情况,旨 在提出 修 复和发展计划建议,以 及 促 进 教育每 个 公民对保护国家文化遗产责任的认识。
The leadership of the Ministry has implemented the management and control over study and research on the preservation of cultural heritages by using 3 measures including legal education and direct operation led by every competent
team to the sites
[...] of ancient temples in the purpose to study the damage condition of the temples in order [...]
to propose the repairing
and development plan as well as to promote, educate every citizen about their obligation in preservation of the cultural heritage of the nation.
中意学院王锐光教授、建筑与城市规划学院阮仪三教授、意大利非洲与亚洲研究院Giorgio Casacchia教授、B&T国际律师事务所Giampaolo
[...] Naronte教授、意大利博洛尼亚大学Giampiero Cuppini教授曲阜市规 划局领导等出席会议并发言。
Professor WANG Ruiguang from Sino-Italian Campus, Professor RUAN Yisan from College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, Professor Giorgio CASACCHIA from Istituto Italiano per l,Africa e l,Oriente ( IsIAO), Professor Giampaolo NARONTE from B&T LLP, Professor
Giampiero CUPPINI from Bologna University
[...] and officials from Qufu Urban Planning Bureau [...]
attended the meeting and made speeches.
Spray Pattern Dirty or distorted air horn holes.
[...] 則是腸 道 病毒 EV71 自 3 月在安阜陽流 傳,疫 情 迅速蔓 延, [...]
引 致 多 名 兒童死 亡 , 而當地 政 府 卻 一 直 否 認 , 至 4 月 才作出公布 。
The latest incident is the spread of the
[...] enterovirus EV71 in Fuyang, Anhui since March. [...]
The rapid spread of the epidemic has
caused a number of deaths in children.
拧得太紧会 使撞孔变形 并导致喷枪的开启速度降低。
Overtightening can
[...] deform impingement holes and cause slow gun [...]
巨邦香料凭借薄荷产区之优势,在安徽 阜 阳 市 投资组建了专业薄荷加工厂,年产薄荷脑1200吨,薄荷素油600吨,其中80%用于出口,远销欧美、东南亚、香港、韩国、日本等国家和地区。
With this location advantage, our factory is specialized in manufacturing Menthol Crystals and Peppermint Oil Dementholized, with annual processing capability of 1200MTS Menthol Crystals and 600MTS Peppermint Oil. 80% of the products are exported to Europe, U.S.A., Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and other overseas market, enjoying popularities of customers.
鹿儿岛大学、东北大学、茨城大学、首都大学东京、日本原子力研究开发机构的研究小组,针对从 阜 县 坂祝(Sakahogi)町的木曾川河床采集的岩石试验材料,使用ICP质量分析装置或者多重伽玛线检测装置等进行了分析。
The research group consisting of Kagoshima University, Tohoku University, Ibaraki University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, and Japan Atomic Energy Agency collected rock samples
from the bottom of the Kisogawa riverbed in
[...] Sakahogi-machi, Gifu Prefecture and [...]
analyzed them using Inductive Coupled Plasma
(ICP) Mass Spectrometers and Multiplex Gamma Ray Sensing devices.
目前人们有很多认识上的误区:一是消费者 要求零风险,其实零风险的食品是不存在的;二是过于重视化学污染而忽视食源性疾病;三 是笼统地把假冒伪劣与食品安全划等号,例如安 阜 阳 假奶粉事件就不是一个食品安全事件 四是将致癌物污染的食品等同于致癌食品,含苏丹红的食品不会引发癌症;五是将不合格食 品等同于有毒食品,例如碘含量超标的雀巢奶粉就不是有毒食品。
Third, poor quality counterfeit products are often taken as proof of a lack of food safety, an example of this being the “fake milk powder” incident in Fuyang, Anhui province, which was not really a food safety problem.
该研究所将在2008年初阜新蒙 古勒津地区展开调查,首先在互联网上面向社会各界征集有关瑞应寺及蒙古勒津地区特别是曼巴扎仓历史的文献材料,也希望能有人提供现仍然健在的对这一历史有了解的知情人,他们将以研究所的名义在著作出版时向线索提供者表示感谢并赠送研究成果。
As a first step, a notice will be issued on the Internet calling all circles of the society to collect literature material regarding Ruiying Monastery and Mongolia Lejin district of Fuxin especially about the history of Man Ba Zha Cang.
凡能用减磨合金补偿同轴度误差的,以气缸体两 曲 轴 轴承 承 孔 公 共轴线为基准,所 曲 轴 轴承 承 孔 的 同轴度公差为0.15mm,以气缸体两端凸轮轴轴承承孔公共轴线为基准,所有凸轮轴轴承承孔的同轴度公差为ф0.15mm。
Whoever can reduce integration of the coaxial tolerance of error
compensation gold, with
[...] gas cylinder pile hole at the crankshaft bearings for benchmark, all public axis pile hole of crankshaft bearing the [...]
coaxial tolerance of
tolerance for gas cylinder to 0.15 mm ends pile hole axis camshaft bearings for public, all the camshaft bearing the coaxial tolerance of pile hole tolerances of ф 0.15 mm.
育活动,亲族关系与亲族关系的仪式,定居模式,烹调技术,确定身份和长 幼尊卑的仪式,有关四季的仪式,不同性别的社会习俗,打猎、捕鱼和收获 习俗,源于地名的姓名和源于父名的姓名,丝绸文化和工艺(生产 [纺织 ]、
[...] 缝纫、染色、图案设计),木雕,纺织品,人体艺术(纹身、 穿 孔 、 人 体绘 画)。
Life-cycle rituals – birth; rites of passage; wedding, divorce and funerary rituals; games and sports; kinship and ritual kinship ceremonies; settlement patterns; culinary arts; designation of status and prestige ceremonies; seasonal ceremonies; gender-specific social practices; practices relating to hunting, fishing and gathering; geonymic and patronymic nomenclature; silk culture and crafts
(production [fabrication], sewing, dyeing, cloth designs); wood carving; textiles; body-art
[...] (tattooing, piercing, painting).




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