

单词 曲直



lit. right and wrong, crooked and straight (idiom); fig. merits and demerits
pros and cons

See also:


wrong adj


External sources (not reviewed)

也有人问 起:特别报告员是否打算载述以不恰当手段抓捕的罪犯可以合法拘押(male captus bene detentus)原则的是曲直问题
The question was also raised whether the Special Rapporteur intended to deal with the merits of the principle of male captus bene detentus.
這些決 定包括 對有關決 定的當事
人的權利或利益並 無 實 質 決 定 性效力的過渡決定、隨 後 需 向法庭 提出 申 請的決 定、涉 及 整 體政策的決
[...] 定,以及受制於其他特設的是曲 直 覆核上 訴 機制(例 如根據《證監 [...]
會條例》設 立的收 購 及合併 委員會)的 決 定。
These include intermediate decisions with no substantial conclusive effect on the rights or interests of persons, decisions followed by application to the Court, decisions involving
broad policy, and decisions subject to
[...] other specialized merits review appeal [...]
mechanism such as the Takeovers and Mergers
Panel established under the SFCO.
Every serious human rights issue put before the Committee should be considered on its merits.
这种在对于上诉请求作出决定的框架内所开展的审查必须评估案情的是曲直,与此同时一方面考虑到向一审法官提交的证据,另一方面并根据适用于 相关案例的法律条款检验审理的开展方式。
Such review, in the frame of a decision regarding a leave to appeal, must be examined on its merits, taking into consideration on one the hand the evidence presented before the first instance judge, and on the other hand the conduct of the trial on the basis of the legal provisions applicable to the case in question.
法院裁定,根据第 5741-1981 号《子女收养法》,每 个案件应根据其自身的是曲直评判 ,还需要考虑所有相关情况。
The Court ruled that under the Children Adoption Law 5741-1981, each case should be examined on its own merits and all the relevant circumstances need to be taken into consideration.
在收到来文后和就是曲直作出 决定之前,委员会、工作组或报告员可酌情 [...]
参阅所有有关联合国机关、机构、专门机构、基金、方案和机制、包括国际文书 所建立的其他条约机构和联合国各项特别程序、其他国际组织、包括有关区域政 府间组织或机构以及可协助审查来文的所有有关国家机构、机关、办事处提供的
有关文件,但条件是委员会应让每一方都有机会在确定的期限内就第三方文件或 资料发表评论。
At any time after the receipt of a
communication and before a determination on
[...] the merits has been reached, the Committee, [...]
the Working Group or a Rapporteur,
may consult, as appropriate, relevant documentation emanating from all relevant United Nations organs, bodies, specialized agencies, funds, programmes and mechanisms, including the other treaty bodies instituted by international instruments and the special procedures of the United Nations, and other international organizations, including the relevant regional intergovernmental organizations or bodies as well as all relevant State institutions, agencies or offices that may assist in the examination of the communication, provided that the Committee shall afford each party an opportunity to comment on such third party documentation or information within fixed time limits.
其目標是在不拘 泥 於 技術問題或 法 律形式的情況下, 在 切 實 可行的範圍內盡 快 按 公 義 、 良 知 和案件實 質的是曲 直 來 行事。
The objectives are to act as quickly as practicable and in accordance with equity, good conscience and the substantial merits of the case without regard to technicalities or legal forms.
对于被要求仅就可否受理问题提交书面答复的缔约国,不排除它在收到要求后的 六个月内一并就来文的可否受理问题和是 曲直 再 提 交书面答复的可能。
A State party that has been requested to submit a written reply that relates only to the question of admissibility is not precluded thereby from submitting,
within six months of the request, a written reply that shall relate both to the
[...] communication’s admissibility and its merits.
Where the Committee exercises its discretion, this does not imply a determination on admissibility or on the merits of the communication.
为了实施秘书长根据大会第 61/246 号和 62/269 号决议提出的要求而制定 的采购改革措施,于 2009 年 11 月成立了授标审查委员会,试行 12 个月,以审 查未中标的供应商提出的采购质疑并根据这些质疑的是 曲直 向 主管管理事务 副秘书长提出独立的意见,以做出最后决定。
In order to implement the Secretary-General’s measures on procurement reform as requested by the General Assembly in its resolutions 61/246 and 62/269, the Award Review Board was established in November 2009 on a 12-month pilot basis to review procurement challenges from unsuccessful bidders and to render independent advice on the merits of those challenges to the Under-Secretary-General for Management, for final decision.
第三委员会有权利和 职责根据是曲直审议人权问题,并抵制那些企图阻 碍辩论的人。
The Third Committee had the right and the duty to consider human rights issues on their merits and to stand up to those who would stifle debate.
换言之, 该高级法院是在请求宪法法院作出关于该法律规范的是 曲直 的 判 决,而这不 是宪法法院负责的事项。
In other words, the High Court was asking the Constitutional Court to pass judgement on the merits of the legal regulations, which were not a matter for the Constitutional Court.
在就是曲直发表意见后结案的 41 个事项中, 人权咨询小组认为科索沃特派团应对 39 个事项中侵犯人权的行为负责,并根据 其授权,向特别代表提出了适当建议。
Of the 41 matters closed through an opinion on the merits, the Panel opined that UNMIK had been responsible for a violation of human rights in 39 matters and made appropriate recommendations to the Special Representative in accordance with its mandate.
包括制裁委员会成员国在内的一些国家在指认之前会就有关案件的是曲 直征求法律意见,以此在国家一级测试制裁的适当性。
Some States, including Committee members, test the appropriateness of sanctions at the national level before designation by seeking a legal opinion of the merits of the case.
与此同时,我们 不应忽视从针对具体国家的做法中所汲取的经验教 训,那就是,虽然存在某些共性,但不能采取“一刀 切”的办法,应透彻地讨论每一个国家的情况,并根 据其是曲直和需要采取行动。
At the same time, we should not overlook the lessons learned from the country-specific approach: that, while some commonality exists, no one size fits all and that each and every country situation should be thoroughly discussed and acted upon according to its own merits and needs.
8.1 2009年5月19 日,缔约国针对委员会在其关于可否受理问题的决定中所提 出的问题,对案情的是曲直作出了进一步的评论。
8.1 On 19 May 2009, the State party provided further comments on the merits in response to the questions posed by the Committee in its admissibility decision.
根据本条规则第1 款提出任何要求时,应说明这种要求并不意味着已经就来 文可否受理问题或就来文的是曲直 作 出 任何决定。
Any request made in accordance with paragraph 1 of the present rule shall include a statement indicating that such a request does not imply that any decision has been reached on the question of admissibility or the merits of the communication.
委员 会注意到缔约国和申诉人已经就该案案情的是 曲直 提 交 了意见书,委员会在就 案情作出决定以前希望得到进一步资料,了解刚果民主共和国境内目前情况的发 展对将申诉人递解出缔约国的决定有何种影响。
While noting that the State party and the complainants had already provided submissions on the merits of this case, prior to making a decision on the merits, the Committee wished to receive further information on how the current developments in the Democratic Republic of the Congo bear upon the decision to deport the complainants from the State party.
本 席 認 為 助 訟 的 原 則 …… 與 其 說 是 建 立 於 一 般 的 是曲 直 或 自 然 公 正 原 則 , 不 如 說 是 基 於 公 共 政 策 的 考 慮 因 素 。
The doctrine of maintenance … does not appear to me to be founded so much on general principles of right and wrong or of natural justice as on considerations of public policy.
但是,专利是否已被侵权这一问题可能 非常复杂,所以判决只能在根据是曲 直断案的诉讼程序中作出。
However, the question of whether a patent has been infringed may be very complex and a decision may, therefore, only be taken in proceedings on the merits of the case.
Castello 先生(美利坚合众国)说,他认为第 6
[...] 款并没有谈到裁决的执行问题,而是涉及审查进程 的实质性范围,因此不应就此判定是 曲直。
(United States of America) said that his understanding was that paragraph 6 did not speak to the
enforcement of the award but rather to the substantive scope of the review process, which should not
[...] reach the merits of the case.
在收到来文后,但在确定是曲直之 前 ,委员会可随时向有关缔约国提出请 求,请该国紧急考虑采取必要的临时措施,以避免对指称侵权行为的受害人造成 不可弥补的损害。
At any time after the receipt of a communication and before a determination on the merits has been reached, the Committee may transmit to the State party concerned for its urgent consideration a request that the State party will take such interim measures as may be necessary to avoid possible irreparable damage to the victims of the alleged violation.
当然,我们知道有各种困难,但是,我们不能接 受的是,有人不顾巴勒斯坦申请的是 曲直 , 也不顾 巴勒斯坦早就该名正言顺地融入国际大家庭的事实, 企图无限期地延长或推迟这项工作。
Of course, we are aware of the difficulties, but we cannot accept attempts to extend or postpone this exercise indefinitely at the expense of the merits of Palestine’s application and its long overdue and rightful inclusion in the community of nations.
Die Zauberflöte(《魔笛》)是奥地利作曲家沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,1756–1791 年)最著名的 22 部歌剧之一,大部分内容完成于 1791
[...] 年的春天和夏天,只有序曲和第二幕开头的《牧师的进 曲 》 直 到 这 一年的 9 月 30 日,歌剧首次公演的前几天才完成。
Die Zauberflöte (The magic flute) is among the best known of the 22 operas written
[...] by the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus [...]
Mozart (1756–91).
[...] Australia Fair)是澳大利亞聯邦的國歌,由澳籍蘇格蘭裔作曲人彼得·多茲·邁克康米克(Peter Dodds McCormick)創作,於1878年被首次演奏,1970年成為「 曲 」 , 直 至 19 84年才被定為國歌。
Advance Australia Fair" is the official national anthem of Australia. Created by the Scottish-born
composer Peter Dodds
[...] McCormick, the song was first performed in 1878 but did not gain its status as the official anthem until 1984.
我 們 總 結 認 為 , 只 有 一 種 有 用 的 分 類 方 法 , 尌 是 將 該 等 裁 決 分 為 兩 類 ﹕ 一 類 是 以 明 示 或 隱 含 的 方 式 堅 持 商 業 上 的 確 定 性 是 最 為 重 要 的 ; 另 一 類 則 是 按 照 個 別 案 件 的 主 要 是曲 直 , 謀 求 對 各 方 當 事 人 施 行 公 義 。
We have concluded that the only useful classification is twofold: on the one hand, those judgments which have asserted, expressly or by implication, the paramount importance of commercial certainty; on the other hand, those which have sought to mete out justice to the parties according to the substantial merits of the particular case.
当此过程用 H&D 曲线 表示时,在曝光轴上它落曲线上趋 近 直 线 的 部分,这一部分近似的直线为拍摄目的所允许的范围 内。
When the process is represented by an H & D curve, the latitude is the projection on the
exposure axis of that part of the curve
[...] that approximates a straight line within the tolerance [...]
permitted for the purpose at hand.
设计指南还包含各类驱动器和电机 / 执行器组合中推荐使用的电机电缆、性能技术参数以及转矩 / 速度 ( 旋转 ) 和力 / 速度 ( 直线 ) 曲线。
The design guides also include the recommended motor cables, performance
specifications, and torque/speed (rotary) and
[...] force/velocity (linear) curves for each drive and motor/actuator combination.
咨询委员会指出,特别政治任务所需资源的规模及 其波动性,曲了整个经常预算在各个两年期之间的趋势,并使经常预 [...]
The Advisory Committee points out that the scale of the resource
requirements for special political missions, and
[...] their volatility, distort the picture of [...]
trends in the regular budget as a whole from
biennium to biennium and render analysis of developments in the rest of the regular budget difficult.
一開始的清純花果香,在飄散的瞬間撲鼻而來的是由洋梨、香橘與甜桃皮組成的前調,如同搖滾樂瞬間節奏的開場;漸入香調的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉與荷花,帶來清新與誘惑的味道,就像旋律由內心釋放出來,引領聽者到更高的境界;而在香調的一連串音符譜出搖滾的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所組成,雪松木、琥珀與香草,讓這首搖滾旋律散發能量,並以最溫暖的味道結尾,讓香味自己譜出 曲 搖 滾 樂,讓聆聽者隨著 曲 的 律動,感受ANNA SUI搖滾天后的搖滾魅力。
At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.




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