单词 | 曲奇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 曲奇noun, plural—cookiespl曲奇—cookie (loanword)See also:曲n—songn tunen 曲—bent yeast 曲adj—wrongadj 奇—wonderful weird unusually odd (number) 奇adj—oddadj
在曲奇和梳打饼等以小麦面团制成的硬制品中添加天门冬酰胺酶。 cfs.gov.hk | Add asparaginase in hard, wheat-dough based products such as cookies and crackers. cfs.gov.hk |
例子包括樱桃批馅料 及燕麦曲奇饼的提子乾馅料。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: cherry pie filling and raisin filling for oatmeal cookies. cfs.gov.hk |
试试吃一片甜瓜或新鲜浆果加低脂酸乳酪而不吃曲奇作为 下午茶。 cancer-asian.com | Try having a slice of melon or fresh berries with a low-fat yogurt instead of cookies for a mid-afternoon snack. cancer-asian.com |
谷歌Analytics使用“曲奇”的文本文件,这些文件存储在您的计算机上,分析使用本网站。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Google Analytics uses "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer, to analyze the use of the website. en.developmentscout.com |
Deli全新推出的八月限定巨型雪糕曲奇,两块巨大的巧克力曲奇夹着8球Häagen-Dazs雪糕,令您在炎炎夏日中感受不一样的凉快。 hongkong.langhamhotels.com.hk | Visit Main St. Deli for the month of August and take on the Cookie Monster, two giant chocolate chipcookies with eight scoops of Häagen-Dazs ice-cream in the middle. hongkong.langhamhotels.com |
曲奇饼形状的安心夹子可用作幼儿毛毡上。 combi.com.hk | Cookie shaped stroller clip attach the baby blanket to the stroller. combi.com.hk |
发展到2012年初,尚礼坊已经是香港同类花礼店规模最大之一,根据数个本店长年合作品牌包括 1.法国最大香槟供应商/ 2.朱古力专门店/3.酒店Boutique(月饼,食品等)/4.着名香港曲奇饼专门店/5.国际服饰品牌cafe供应商等 非官方营销经理个别分享, 尚礼坊在高峰节日已经 是上列品牌 各自在全港最大花果礼店类别客户,对於我们数年重点进取发展的各项礼篮系列是一大优势,我们以上千数量订购,把全港最好的质量和价格带给更多客户。 givegift.com.hk | In early 2012, Give Gift Boutique is already amongst the industry's largest in scale in Hong Kong. According to many brands we work with for many years including 1. largest Champagne direct distributor / 2. chocolate specialty store / 3. hotel boutique (mooncake and other gourmets) / 4. famous HK cookies store / 5. international clothing brand cafe and others' sales managers non-official sharing, Hong Kong GGB is already THE largest fresh-gift-shop client of these companies at holiday seasons. givegift.com.hk |
2)由于安全因素,喷雾剂项目不适用于“一刀切”或“曲奇模”的解决办 法。 multilateralfund.org | (2) Because of safety factors, aerosol projects were not subject to “one size fits all” or “cookiecutte” solutions. multilateralfund.org |
Counter Premium售卖来自世界各地的高级糖果饼乾,所有产品都是国际知名品牌,种类之广包括巧克力、曲奇饼及法式薄脆等。 sogo.com.hk | With the dedication to sell high quality confectionary products, Counter Premium [...] carries international famous brands. Wide variety of products include different kinds [...] of chocolate, cookies andFrench crepes. sogo.com.hk |
有机天然彩棉」婴儿用品专门店 natures purest 举行「爱心曲奇圣诞慈善义卖」,所有收益将不扣除任何开支,全数拨捐协康会,令更多有特殊需要的孩子及其家庭受惠。 heephong.org | The specialty store of organic baby products, natures purest, will launch a Cookies Charity Sale this Christmas with all proceeds donated to Heep Hong in support of our service for children with special needs and their families. heephong.org |
这一天,Ally和我,各自点了一杯香浓美味的咖啡及一个曲奇饼(cookie )。 4tern.com | On this day, Ally and I ordered cups of coffee and a cookie. 4tern.com |
使用涂布Bicor™ [...] 和OPPalyte™ OPP膜制造的包装保护的饼干(曲奇)可以在更长的时间内保持松脆、新鲜度和酥脆,原因是涂布层可以提供气味、湿气和氧气的防护。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Biscuits (cookies) protected by packaging [...] made with coated Bicor™ and OPPalyte™ oriented polypropylene (OPP) films stay [...]crispy, fresh and brittle longer because of coatings that provide protection from odors, moisture and oxygen. exxonmobilchemical.com |
在以下食物里可找到大量丙烯酰 胺:炸薯条、薯片、曲奇、咖啡、加工麦片和面包。 cancer-asian.com | High levels of acrylamide have been found in French fries, potato chips,cookies,coffee, processed cereals and bread. cancer-asian.com |
限量版爱心曲奇礼包每份售价为港币$50,内含六块曲奇、圣诞感谢卡、natures purest 九折优惠卡及精美小熊袋,由11月17日至11月27日期间可於协康会网页下载订购表格预订。 heephong.org | Valued at [...] HK$50 each, the charity cookies gift pack consists of 6 pieces of cookies, a Christmas card [...]from Heep Hong children, [...]a natures purest 10% off discount card and a little bear bag. heephong.org |
曲奇科技股份有限公司成立於1988年从事音响代理销售, 1995年开始接触第六元素相关的量子产品应用於音响,量子的效果改变了电源线、讯号线.喇叭线的传导状态大幅提升系统的3D效能, 音质变的更细腻透明细节表现更出色。 sixth-element.com | Starting from 1995, Sixth Element products using the Quantum Physical Technology have been used in audio systems, upgraded electrical conductivity in power lines, signal lines, speaker wires, etc so that the 3D sound becomes more delicate and clear. sixth-element.com |
Fields曲奇饼刨冰以及有机茶、100% 水果冰沙、新鲜的酥皮糕点、面食和沙拉。 zh.marinabaysands.com | Java Detour now offers [...] Mrs. Fields cookies and new Mrs. [...]Fields cookie frappes, along with organic teas, 100% fruit smoothies, [...]fresh pastries, pastas and salads. marinabaysands.com |
期内,「海通国际爱心大使」义工小组及集团员工举办或 参与多项社会服务活动,惠及多个慈善团体,活动包括 香港公益金举办的「公益慈善马拉松」、「公益月饼」、「公 益 爱 牙 日」和「公 益 金 便 服 日」; 国 际 扶 轮 社3450区 的 「扶轮十公里挑战赛」;集团与香港红十字会合办的「捐血 表关怀」行动;伸手助人协会的「曲奇义卖运动」及与集 团合办的「送暖关怀长者行动」;香港乐施会的「乐施米 义卖大行动」;香港奥比斯的「世界视觉日」;香港基督教 青年会的「赤脚勤学慈善行」;香港社区组织协会及和富 社会企业联合举办的「踢走贫穷 - 无家者世界盃」足球慈 善赛等。 htisec.com | During the period, the volunteer team “Haitong International Caring Ambassadors” and fellow colleagues of the Group organized and participated in a variety of community services that benefited many charitable organizations, including fund-raising events such as Corporate Challenge, Charity Mooncake, Love Teeth Day and Dress Special Day organized by the Community Chest of Hong Kong; Rotary 10K Race organized by Rotary International District 3450; Blood Donation Day coorganized by the Group and Hong Kong Red Cross; Helping Hand Cookie Campaign and elderly visits co-organized by the Group and Helping Hand; Oxfam Hong Kong’s Oxfam Rice Selling; ORBIS Hong Kong’s World Sight Day; YMCA of Hong Kong’s Bare Foot Walkathon; Homeless World Cup co-organized by Society for Community Organization and Wofoo Social Enterprises. htisec.com |
如果你选择不接受「曲奇」,你将无法在GoHour.com网站购物,但你仍可以浏览我们网站的部份网页。 gohour.com | If you disable cookies, you will not be able to shop at GoHour.com but will still be able to visit selected areas of the site. gohour.com |
接着,我们紧随Todd到了顶级咖啡店,他喝了一杯甜Kyoto冰咖啡和一块曲奇。 ba-repsasia.com | Next, we tag along with Todd to his topcoffee spot where he grabs a sweet Kyoto ice coffee and a cookie. ba-repsasia.com |
德国领先的巧克力软性发泡蛋白酥皮、发泡华夫饼、曲奇和薄脆饼干制造商 Grabower Süsswaren Holding 决定采用工业打印业排名第一的普印力 RFID 和行矩阵打印机。 printronix.cn | Grabower Süsswaren Holding, oneof Germany's leading makers of chocolate soft whip meringue, whipped waffles, cookies and crispbread, has decided to use Printronix RFID and line matrix printers, the number one in industrial printing. printronix.com |
生产百威牌高中档食品,以饼干、曲奇为主导产品。 business-china.com | Produces pak wai medicine co sign high middle-grade food, [...] taking biscuit, tune wonderfully as [...]leads product. business-china.com |
Grabower 集团公司分布在德国的四个地点,包括位于梅克伦堡 Grabow 的总部、图林根州的阿恩施塔特、巴伐尼亚的 Altenschönbach 以及萨克森的乌尔岑,制造各式各样的糖果、发泡华夫饼、曲奇、华夫饼和薄脆饼干。 printronix.cn | The Grabower group of companies has four locations in Germany, including the headquarters in Grabow, Mecklenburg, Arnstadt, Thuringia, Altenschönbach in Bavaria, and Wurzen in Saxony, that make a variety of sweets, whipped waffles, cookies, waffles and crispbread. printronix.com |
以100% Valrhona巧克力制作而成,口味超过50种的Hotchocspoon包括专属成人的干邑酒黑巧克力和云尼拿酒白巧克力、女孩子喜爱的布朗尼蛋糕和曲奇抹茶,还有「Kids Only」的聪明豆或牛奶香橙等,包装简约可爱。 think-silly.com | Made with 100% Valrhona chocolate, there are over fifty flavours of Hotchocspoon available — including grown up varieties such as Dark Chocolate with Cognac by Grand Manier and White Chocolate with Navan Vanilla by Grand Manier; [...] girlie flavours such as Dark Chocolate Brownie and [...] Dark Chocolate Cookie Matcha Tea; there [...]are also ‘kids only’ choices such [...]as Dark Chocolate with Smarties and Milk Chocolate Cappuccino Orange. think-silly.com |
为了便利使用者,「雅施购物网」可能会使用曲奇(cookie)技术,以便於提供更适合使用者个人需要的服务;曲奇(cookie)是网站主机用来和使用者浏览器进行沟通的一种技术,它可能在使用者的电脑中储存某些资讯,但使用者可以经由浏览器的设定,取消、或限制此项功能。 aster.com.hk | If you do not wish to enable cookies, please change your browser setting. aster.com.hk |
隧道的内层舖上曲奇的包装锡纸,以此作镜子,将参观者的影像反射於墙上,多角度的结构会令他们产生错觉,从而体验到残疾人士在日常生活上面对的困难。 hkstp.org | The multi-angle structure produces an effect of optical-illusion for the visitors as they see themselves reflected on the wall and as a result, they will experience the difficulties disabled people go through in their daily life. hkstp.org |
圣诞市场上遍布小木屋里的小商铺,点亮着蜡烛,曲奇饼干散发着香味,窗户上贴着白色的雪花窗花,圣诞节的音乐背景,在非常寒冷的但是浪漫的夜里,人们站在圆木燃烧着的火焰旁,喝着加了香料的温红酒(Glühwein)和圣诞蛋糕。 blog.rubinarealestate.com | Landscapes full of little shops in wooden houses, with lighted candles, scented cookies, frost patterns on the windows, Christmas music on the background, romantic nights in the freezing cold with the log fires accompanied by a Glühwein and a Christmas Cake. blog.rubinarealestate.com |