




call by the glorified name of [idiom.]


a poem goes:


Confucius says:


be named

External sources (not reviewed)

教科文组织与“日本信托基金”(JFIT) 合作,正在制定一个特别项目, 富汗的扫盲和非正规教育发展(LAND AFGHAN)。
UNESCO in cooperation with the “Japan Funds-in-Trust” (JFIT) is working on a special project called Literacy and Non-Formal Education Development in Afghanistan, or LAND AFGHAN.
据二零一三年一月十布之合并时间表更新资料,合并之最後完 零一三年三月十
As indicated in the merger timing update dated 18 January 2013, the long stop date for the merger is now 15 March 2013.
在委员会看来,不必提及,因为《实践指南》整个第五部分的基本原则做法是假设 1978 年公约的有关规则适用。
(a) Any reservation to that treaty made by the predecessor State in regard to the territory to which the succession of States relates
董事欣然宣布於二零一零年一月公司之间接非全资附属公司永联基地产与永泰订立租赁协 议,内容有关租赁额外空间及续租裕美工业中心多个单位,为期两年,以及订立特许使用协议,内 容有关租赁裕美工业中心内三个停车位,为期二十二个月。
The Directors are pleased to announce that on 6 January 2010 the Company’s indirect non wholly-owned subsidiary, Unimix Properties, entered into the Tenancy Agreements for leasing of additional spaces and renewal of the tenancy in respect of the various units in Unimix Industrial Centre for a term of two years and entered into the License Agreements in respect of three car parking spaces within Unimix Industrial Centre for a term of 22 months with Wing Tai.
电子招 聘,e-招聘”通过采用筛选标准和质量标准的自动预选,将有助于迅速处理寄至教科 文组织的众多的应聘信息(2008 年 1 月至 2010 年 10 月期间人数达到 67 349 人)。
E-recruitment, a system of personnel recruitment using electronic resources, could have sped up the processing of the large number of applications addressed to UNESCO (67,349 between January 2008 and October 2010) through the use of automated pre-selection based on selection and quality criteria.
权力分散的标 志之一,便是全国政府同各州 分享权力。
One feature of that fragmentation is that the national, or federal, government shares power with the states.
Dr. Connie Zhang is a member of Canadian Medical Association and Canadian College of Family Practice.
此年历的优秀质量皆源 自(SAROS)的精巧装置。
This annual calendar’s qualities are attributable to an ingenious mechanism named SAROS, patented by Rolex.
特许使用协议」 指 永联基地产与永泰於二零一零年一月之特许使用协议,内 容有关租赁裕美工业中心内三个停车位
License Agreements” the license agreements dated 6 January 2010 entered into between Unimix Properties and Wing Tai in relation to the rental of three car parking spaces within Unimix Industrial Centre
在荷兰阿纳姆(Arnhem),有二十位圣徒最近 在一个青年基督徒的活了 844 套雷玛小 册子包。
In Arnhem, The Netherlands, twenty saints recently handed out 844 Rhema Set One packs at a Christian young people’s day.
Transparent agate, ink, and watercolours; with a concave lip and a concave foot surrounded by a flat footrim; painted on one main side with three scholars in a boat being paddled by a boat-boy to view a pine growing from an overhanging cliff, the other main side with four scholars seated on a rocky plateau at
the foot of a cliff,
[...] inscribed in draftscript,‘Executed by [...]
Ye Zhongsan in the second month of the year wuyin,’ with one seal of the artist, yin (‘seal’), in negative seal script
Pale brown crystal, ink, and watercolours; with a slightly concave lip and a concave foot; painted on one main side with a young woman in a red gown talking with a young man in a garden setting, the other main side with two women in a study, one seated at a desk with an inkstone on it, applying a brush to a sheet of paper, while the other stands in front of the desk and looks on, a garden visible through
two large square windows behind them,
[...] inscribed indraft script, ‘Executed by [...]
Ye Zhongsan in a summer month of the year
dingmao,’ with one seal of the artist, yin (‘seal’), in negative seal script
玻璃,墨,水彩; 平唇, 微凸敛底,
[...] 突出圈足,圈足底为一圆棱;内画通体十六童子於庭园中嬉戏, 时在丙申重阳月,写於都门,叶仲三”,後署白文“画印”篆印
Glass, ink, and watercolours; with a flat lip and recessed, slightly convex foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; painted with a continuous scene of sixteen children playing in a
garden near a wutong (paulownia) tree,
[...] inscribed in draft script ‘Painted by [...]
Ye Zhongsan at the capital in the ninth month
of the year bingshen’, with one seal of the artist, huayin (‘painting seal’), in negative seal script
请按以款 项 存 入 账 户 : 在 发 出 沽 售 指 令 前 , 请 确 定 您 拟 出 售 的 证 券 或 股 票 证 书 已 存 入 您 的 道 明 宏 达 理 财 优 惠 投 资 经纪账户内。
Please make sure that the funds are in your account by the following dates – Important information for sellers
玻璃、墨、水彩;凹唇,凸敛底、突出圈足,圈足底呈方圆形 ; 一正面内画丹顶鹤芍药图,仿元人一品富贵图,已(原文如此)亥春二月,二仲写”,以白文“丁”一章结尾,另一正面内画福禄寿图, 已(原文如此)亥仿新罗山人法二仲作”後加白文“中二”一章
Glass, ink, and watercolours; with a concave lip and a recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; painted on one main side with a flying crane holding a branch of flowering peony in its beak above the reflection of the sun in
turbulent water,
[...] inscribed in draft script ‘A Painting [symbolizing the attainment] of a first-rank official title and wealth, executed in imitation of a Yuan work by Erzhong in the second month of the year jihai,’ withone seal ofthe artist, Ding, in negative regularscript,the other [...]
main side with two deer
beneath a mature cypress tree beside a rock, with five bats flying overhead, inscribed in draft script ‘Executed by Erzhong in the year jihai
於二零一一年十月十 公司之全资附属公司 MMG Malachite Limited 以现金 8.00 加元建议收购要约,以收购 Anvil(一间於加拿大注册成立之公司,且其普通股於多伦多证券交易所上市)之所有普通股(按全面摊薄基准) (「要约」)。
On 19 October 2011, MMG Malachite Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, made an all-cash recommended takeover offer to acquire all of the Common Shares in Anvil, a company incorporated in Canada with its Common Shares listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, at a price of C$8.00 on a fully-diluted basis (the Offer).
玻璃、墨、水彩; 凹唇,凸敛底、突出圈足,圈足底呈方圆形
[...] ;一正面内画春风得意图,另一正面内画美人窥园图,乙未孟秋写於都门,叶仲三”,後加白文“画印”篆印
Glass, ink, and watercolours; with a concave lip and a recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; painted on one main side with a herdboy riding a water buffalo in the shallows of a river, reaching for his straw hat, which has just been blown away by the wind, the other main side with a young woman at a circular window, drawing apart the
curtains to look out on a young cypress tree,
[...] inscribed in draft script ‘Painted by [...]
Ye Zhongsan at the capital in the first month
of autumn in the year yiwei,’ with one seal of the artist, huayin (‘painting seal’), in negative seal script




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