单词 | 暴食症 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 暴食症 noun —bulimia nSee also:暴食 n—overeating n • bulimia n 暴—cruel • show or expose • surname Bao 症 n—disease n • illness n 症—abdominal tumor • bowel obstruction • (fig.) sticking point
英國國家健康和臨床醫療研究所 (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, NICE) 及美國心理學會 [...] (American Psychological Association, APA) [...] 都確定認知行為治療是最有實證的心理治療之一,對於治療抑鬱症和焦慮症,包括驚恐症、恐懼症、廣泛焦慮症、創傷後壓力症和強迫症等的成效尤其顯著,亦有助處 理 暴食症 及 精 神分裂症。 www3.ha.org.hk | It is endorsed by National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and American Psychological Association (APA) to be effective in treating various psychological disorders, including depression, anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, post [...] traumatic stress disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder, as well as helpful [...] for people with bulimia and schizophrenia. www3.ha.org.hk |
即使根据膳食暴 露估 计,肺部的兽药残留水平高于其它组织,它们也不表明一个健康问题。 codexalimentarius.org | Even if residue levels in lung were higher than in the other tissues, based on the estimated dietary exposure, they did not indicate a health concern. codexalimentarius.org |
如果为对膳食暴露作 用极少的食品确定标准,将要求开展对健康 结果无重大贡献的执法活动。 codexalimentarius.org | Setting standards for foods that contribute little to dietary exposure would [...] mandate enforcement activities that do not [...]contribute significantly to health outcomes. codexalimentarius.org |
部长重申巴西对打击同性恋恐惧症犯 罪 和 暴 力 的承诺,同时承认挑战仍然是巨大 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Minister, while reaffirming the [...] commitment of Brazil to combating [...] homophobic crimes and violence, acknowledged that [...]the challenges are still significant. daccess-ods.un.org |
贫穷、粮食无保障和营养不良的相互影 响、普遍存在的干旱和水灾等自然灾害、人口增长、流行病(疟疾、霍乱、脑(脊) 膜炎、麻疹和小儿麻痹症)和暴力冲突,加之获取基本社会服务机会有限、国家 体制薄弱,这一切已经加重了萨赫勒各社区的脆弱性,增加了对人道主义援助的 依赖性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The compounded [...] effects of poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition, the prevalence of such natural disasters as droughts and floods, demographic growth, epidemics (malaria, cholera, meningitis, measles and polio) and violent conflict, coupled [...]with limited access [...]to basic social services and weak State institutions, have already exacerbated the vulnerability of communities in the Sahel and increased dependence on humanitarian assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
BCAA补充剂可能会提高癌症患者的食欲 , 并抑制慢肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS)的发展。 cn.iherb.com | BCAA supplements may improve appetite in cancer patients and [...] slow the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). iherb.com |
當局第一件要做的事是,汲取亞洲金融 風 暴 及 SARS 疫 症 的 經 驗, 呼籲港人救港人。 legco.gov.hk | The first and foremost task of the Administration, learnt a lesson from the Asian financial turmoil and SARS outbreak, is to call upon Hong Kong people to save one another. legco.gov.hk |
如果 CCFAC 请求,JECFA 利用成为膳食暴露量 重大成因的食品/食品组中污染 [...] 物或毒素含量的现有分析数据,生成各种食品的污染物浓度分布曲线。 codexalimentarius.org | If requested by CCFAC, JECFA uses [...] available analytical data on contaminant or [...] toxin levels in foods/food groups identified [...]as significant contributors to dietary [...]exposure to generate distribution curves of contaminant concentrations in individual foods. codexalimentarius.org |
不過,有某些癌症,例如工作時暴露 於 某些化學品而引致 的皮膚癌或泌尿道癌、從事製造或修理木製成品工作而引致的鼻腔癌,已有 明確醫學證據顯示它們與特定工作的關係,因此這些癌症已被列為職業病。 legco.gov.hk | Nevertheless, in some cases [...] such as skin cancer or cancer of the urinary tract caused by exposure to certain [...]chemicals at work and [...]cancer of nasal cavity caused by working in the manufacture or repair of wooden goods, there is definite medical evidence showing a relationship between such cancers and working in the specific occupations. legco.gov.hk |
也有部分证据表明,与高剂量和高剂 量率相比,低剂量和低剂量率特定暴 露 产 生的 癌 症 风 险 的下降至少部分与细胞 在辐照之后处理 DNA [...] 损伤的能力有关。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is also some evidence that the reduction in [...] cancer risk for a given exposure at low doses and low [...]dose rates as compared with that at [...]high doses and high dose rates is associated, at least in part, with cellular capacities in dealing with DNA damage after radiation exposure. daccess-ods.un.org |
神经性厌食症的治 疗通常包括:个体心理治疗和家庭心理治疗、抗抑郁药物和饮食建议,以及应对生理疾病所需的治疗。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Treatment will commonly include personal or family therapy, [...] antidepressants and dietary advice, alongside [...]any treatment required for physical problems. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
在2009年至2010年期间,NARI还进行了研究项目的评估,以评述生理活动、心理活动及饮 食对老年痴呆症的发 展的影响,以及是否有明确证据表明,生活方式的选择与老年痴呆症的发展存在特定联系。 australiachina.com.au | From 2009 to 2010, NARI also conducted a review of studies into the [...] effects of physical and [...] mental activity and diet on the development of Alzheimer’s disease, and whether [...]there is concrete evidence [...]of a link between such lifestyle choices and the progression of Alzheimer’s in the elderly. australiachina.com.au |
由於沒有 醫學證據顯示非癌症間皮瘤與暴露於 石棉之間存有因果關係,所以不會將非 癌症間皮瘤納入條例草案的涵蓋範圍內。 legco.gov.hk | As there is no medical evidence to support a causal relationship between non-cancerous mesothelioma and exposure to asbestos, the Bill will not cover non-cancerous mesothelioma. legco.gov.hk |
审议大会欢迎原子能机构总干事承诺确保原子能机构的工作继续满足人类 [...] 的基本需求,特别是在下列领域的需求:人类健康,包括应用核技术治疗 癌 症; 水资源;工业;食品; 营养和农业,特别是欢迎原子能机构总干事提出倡议,强 调将癌症控制作为原子能机构 [...]2010 年的一个优先事项。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Conference welcomes the commitment of the IAEA Director General to ensuring that the work of IAEA continues to meet the basic needs of human beings in the fields of, inter alia, human health, including the [...] application of nuclear [...] technology in cancer therapy, water resources, industry, food, nutrition and agriculture, [...]and especially [...]the initiative of the IAEA Director General to highlight cancer control as a priority for IAEA during 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,心脏病和食管疾病的症状可 能重叠;例如,在冠心病患者中,胃食管逆流可能导致 ECG 上的 ST 节段发生改变,还可引起胸痛 [29]。 iasp-pain.org | Furthermore, [...] cardiac and esophageal disease may overlap; for instance in patients with coronary artery disease, gastroesophageal [...]reflux may trigger ST [...]segment changes on ECG and chest pain [29]. iasp-pain.org |
在一些情形下,JECFA 可能使用国家污染物和/或个别食品现有消费数据,对膳 食暴露总 量,尤其是对弱势群体如儿童的 膳 食暴 露 总 量提供比较精确的估计数。 codexalimentarius.org | In some cases, available national contaminant [...] and/or individual food consumption data may be used by JECFA to provide more accurate estimates of total dietary exposure, particularly [...]for vulnerable groups such as children. codexalimentarius.org |
为了解决与食品添加剂膳食暴露有 关的问题,食品添加剂法典委员会可要求 JECFA根据食品添加剂法典委员会审议的最大允许用量对添加剂进行暴露评估。 codexalimentarius.org | To resolve questions related [...] to dietary exposure of food additives, [...]the Codex Committee on Food Additives may request JECFA [...]to perform exposure assessments for the additives based on the acceptable maximum use levels under consideration by the Codex Committee on Food Additives. codexalimentarius.org |
的判决时考虑到安全风险,包括受害人的脆弱性,尤其是在处理累犯和危险犯罪 人时; (k) 在调查、起诉和判决系暴力行为受害人的妇女时,考虑她们所称的自卫 行为,尤其是在患有被殴打妇女综合 症 情 况 下;23 (l) 受暴力侵害的妇女可以利用所有程序和申诉机制而不必担心遭到报复 或歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | (j) Safety risks, including the vulnerability of victims, are taken into account in decisions concerning non-custodial or quasi-custodial sentences, the granting of bail, conditional release, parole or probation, especially when dealing with repeat and dangerous offenders daccess-ods.un.org |
目前欧洲食品 安全局正在审议 3-氯丙醇最大限量,考虑膳食暴露 3-氯丙醇与所有含有 3-氯丙醇的 食品之间的关系。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation considered it important to review the maximum level for 3-MCPD in the light of the forthcoming JECFA [...] evaluation, currently under review [...] by the European Food Safety Authority in relation to the dietary exposure [...]to 3-MCPD associated [...]with all food products containing 3-MCPD. codexalimentarius.org |
膳食暴露評 估顯示,一般市民(每天 約飲用半瓶600毫升運動飲品)和消費量高的市民(每天約飲用一瓶上 述運動飲品)從上述樣本攝取DEHP的分量超出安全參考值,即世衞在 [...] 飲用水水質準則下訂定的每天可容忍攝取量每公斤體重0.025毫克(對 於消費量高的市民亦超出歐洲食物安全局訂定的每天可容忍攝取量 [...] 每公斤體重0.05毫克),可能對人體健康構成風險。 legco.gov.hk | Dietary exposure estimation revealed that the exposure of DEHP from [...] the consumption of the above samples by average consumers [...](daily consumption of about half bottle of 600 ml sports drink) and high consumers (daily consumption of about one bottle of 600 ml sports drink) would exceed the safety reference value, that is, the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 0.025 mg/kg of body weight under the WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality (also exceed the TDI of 0.05 mg/kg of body weight established by the European Food Safety Authority regarding high consumers), which may pose a risk to human health. legco.gov.hk |
粮农组织和世卫组织将计划 召开食品中兽药残留的膳食暴露评 估专家咨询会议,考虑动物源食品的消费模式。 codexalimentarius.org | FAO and WHO will plan to hold an expert consultation on dietary exposure [...] assessment of residues of veterinary drugs in food, taking into consideration [...] consumption patterns of foods of animal origin. codexalimentarius.org |
报告所述期间,每年举行辩论和绘画/写信/标语竞赛,竞赛主题包括:消除贫穷; [...] 拯救女童;为把世界建设成更有利于青年的场所而做贡献;快乐祖父母和幸福家 庭;治愈癌症;摒弃垃圾食品, 促进健康生活;青年有力量让世界摆脱烟草。 daccess-ods.un.org | Debates and painting/letter-writing/slogan contests were held every year during the reporting period on subjects such as ending poverty; saving the girl child; contributions to make the world a better place for youth; [...] happy grandparents and happy [...] families; curing cancer; eliminating junk food for healthy living; [...]and the power of youth to rid the world of tobacco. daccess-ods.un.org |
在怀孕和分娩时发生 的并发症、基于性别的暴力和艾滋病是造成年轻人死亡的一些主要原因。6产妇 死亡率和发病率占所有残疾调整寿命年数的 16%,即在发展中国家中年龄在 15 [...] 岁至 29 岁之间的妇女由于过早死亡而失去的潜在寿命年数和由于残疾而失去的 [...]有生产力的寿命年数的总和。 daccess-ods.un.org | Complications during pregnancy and childbirth, gender-based violence and AIDS are among [...] the leading causes of mortality [...]for young people.6 Maternal mortality and morbidity account for 16 per cent of all disability-adjusted life years, the sum of years of potential life lost owing to premature mortality and the years of productive life lost owing to disability, among women aged 15 to 29 in developing countries.7 8. daccess-ods.un.org |
除非政府覺得香港會有 很大機會遭受金融風暴或疫症的沖 擊,否則,政府為何這麼焦急,急不及待 地把這項物業發展權出讓呢? legco.gov.hk | Unless the Government thinks that there is a great likelihood of Hong Kong being battered by a financial crisis or epidemic, otherwise, why is the Government so anxious and eager to sell the property development rights? legco.gov.hk |
就定量健康危害端点 [...] (如 PMTDI,PTWI)而言,特定 食品或食品组对一种污染物的膳食暴 露 总量的估计作用,为确定特定食品/食品组 的危险管理重点提供了所需的进一步的资料。 codexalimentarius.org | The estimated contribution of [...] specific foods or food groups to the total dietary exposure to a [...]contaminant as it relates to [...]a quantitative health hazard endpoint (e.g., PMTDI, PTWI) provides further information needed for the setting of priorities for the risk management of specific foods/food groups. codexalimentarius.org |
这些标准依据特定食品/食品组造成的耐受摄入量(或类似健康危害端点) 的百分比,以及膳食暴露量 超过该百分比的地理区域(由 GEMS//食品区域确定) [...] 的数量。 codexalimentarius.org | These criteria are based upon the percentage of the tolerable intake (or similar [...] health hazard endpoint) that is contributed [...] by a given food/food group and the number [...]of geographic regions (as defined by [...]the GEMS/Food Regional diets) for which dietary exposures exceed that percentage. codexalimentarius.org |
JECFA 在收到 CCFAC 的请求时,利用 GEMS/食品区域膳食和如果需要,利用 [...] 可获得的国家消费数据进行暴露评估,估计拟议的替代性最高限量对 膳 食暴露 的影响,以便 CCFAC 了解这些危险管理备选方案的情况。 codexalimentarius.org | JECFA performs exposure assessments if requested by CCFAC using the GEMS/Food Regional Diets and, if needed, [...] available national consumption data to estimate [...] the impact on dietary exposure of proposed [...]alternative maximum levels to inform CCFAC [...]about these risk management options. codexalimentarius.org |