单词 | 暴雨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 暴雨 —rainstormless common: torrential rain 暴雨 noun —storm n暴雨 noun, plural —storms plExamples:暴风雨—rainstorm • storm • tempest 狂风暴雨—(fig.) difficult, dangerous situation • howling wind and torrential rain [idiom.] 暴风雨 adj—thundering adj 暴风骤雨—hurricane • violent wind and rainstorm • tempest See also:暴—cruel • show or expose • surname Bao 雨 n—rain n • rainwater n 雨—precipitate • (of rain, snow etc) fall 暴 adj—sudden adj
鑑於暴雨季節迫 近,議員希望能夠在本局暑期休會之前研究這項條文。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the impending rainstorm season, Members [...] hoped that the provision could be considered before the summer recess of this Council. legco.gov.hk |
与暴雨和风暴引起 的水流有关,沙门氏菌出 现在河流和海洋环境中,病原体接近水产养殖场所或在沿海水域污染鱼。 fao.org | The presence of Salmonella in rivers and the marine environment has [...] been related to torrential rains and storm-generated [...]flows, and the pathogen could [...]thus reach aquaculture sites or contaminate fish in coastal waters. fao.org |
受暴雨影响 ,少量1 脂肪醇聚乙二醇醚泡沫通过雨水排水道进入Alz运河。 reports.wacker.com | A small1 amount of fatty alcohol polyglycol ether foam escaped into the Alz Canal from the storm-water drainage system following heavy rainfall. reports.wacker.com |
为不多的人口建设和 规划的城市已成长为很大的城市,而排水系统却不 足以应对暴雨。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cities built and planned for small populations had grown into very large cities with drainage systems that were [...] not adequate for torrential rains. daccess-ods.un.org |
近年来,在迈克尔居住的摩罗.多斯.普拉泽雷斯这样的贫民窟 , 暴雨 已 经 造成数以百计的伤亡和众多房屋毁坏。 unicef.org | In recent years, heavy rains have caused hundreds [...] of causalities and destroyed houses in favelas like Morro dos Prazeres, where Michael lives. unicef.org |
规划者可将它 用于方案测试——如与暴雨流量 、空气污染控制、碳储存与吸收以及土地覆盖相关的预测。 teebweb.org | Planners can use it for scenario testing – for [...] projections related to stormwater run-off, air pollution [...]control, carbon storage and sequestration and landcover. teebweb.org |
该年的最后一个季度里,暴雨和普 遍的洪灾造成了影响到220 多万哥伦比亚 人的紧急状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the last quarter [...] of the year, intense rains and widespread flooding [...]created an emergency situation that affected over 2.2 million Colombians. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,我谨代表吉布提政府和人民,向受害家庭 [...] 以及菲律宾政府和人民表示由衷的悲哀和深切的慰 问,暴雨和严重水灾给他们的生活造成了巨大灾难和 空前破坏,并摧毁了他们的基础设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Government and the people of Djibouti, to express our heartfelt sorrow and profound condolences to the bereaved families and to the [...] Government and the people of the [...] Philippines for the torrential rains and heavy flooding [...]that caused havoc and unprecedented [...]disruption of lives and destroyed infrastructure. daccess-ods.un.org |
并且,开磷工厂总经理邓先生坚持认为鱼群的损失是由于极端的天气 状况(暴雨前的干旱)和那些渔场高密度放养造成的。 ecegp.com | Furthermore, the general manager of the Kailin plant, Mr. Deng insisted the loss of fish stock was [...] because of extreme weather conditions [...] (drought before the heavy rain) and the high density [...]of the fish population in those farms. ecegp.com |
我 認 為 政 府應該參考《 颱 風 或 暴 雨警告下的工作守 則》的 做 法, [...] 訂定相類 似 的 守 則,在保障僱員合理權 益 之 餘 , 又 不 致 於 扼 殺 服 務業的靈 活 性 。 legco.gov.hk | The Government should refer to the Code of Practice in Times of [...] Typhoons and Rainstorms and work out [...]similar codes to protect the reasonable interests [...]of employees and avoid smothering the flexibility of the services industry. legco.gov.hk |
為 免生疑問,倘指定證券交易所因颱風、黑 色 暴雨 警 告或 其他類似事件而關門且不進行證券買賣業務,則該日將 [...] 根據此等細則被視作營業日。 mainland.com.hk | For the avoidance of doubt, where the Designated Stock Exchange is closed for the [...] business of dealing in securities by reason of [...] typhoon, black rainstorm warning or other [...]similar events, such day shall for the [...]purposes of these Bye-laws be counted as a business day. mainland.com.hk |
本人,並代表每位受保人,明白於申請進行期間,倘因發出黑 色 暴雨 警 告 或懸掛8號或以上颱風訊號、機場或航空公司員工正進行罷工或工業行動,或任何受保 [...] 人已知之其他理由而導致行程將會取消或改期,則即使申請已獲接納,保單仍可視作無效。 bank.hangseng.com | I, and on behalf of each of the Insured Person(s), understand that [...] the insurance policy will be void even [...] accepted if black-rain warning or typhoon [...]signal number 8 or above is hoisted; strikes [...]or industrial actions or airport or airline staff are in progress or any other reasons known to any of the Insured Person(s) that the trip may have to be cancelled or re-scheduled during the time of application. bank.hangseng.com |
许多情况都能引发洪涝,如暴雨、海 水、涨潮、河水泛滥以及水坝决堤或城市排水系统溢流等。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Flooding can be caused by a range of situations [...] that include heavy rainfall, seawater, high [...]tides, run-off from rivers and dams or urban drainage. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在高分辨率卫星图像的支持下及时地和系统地提供气候预测数据,以及古 [...] 巴民防部门在预防性疏散方面采取的组织措施,使得热带风暴“Noel”在国家 东部引起的暴雨期间 大大减少人命损失成为了可能,只有一起死亡事故,原因 [...]是在发大水时死者轻率地想要过河。 oosa.unvienna.org | Timely and systematic provision of weather prediction data, supported by high-resolution satellite images, and organizational measures implemented by the Cuban Civil Defence in the area of preventive evacuation made it possible [...] to significantly limit loss of human [...] life during the heavy rains brought by tropical [...]storm Noel to the eastern part of the [...]country, with the occurrence of just one fatality, resulting from a rash attempt to cross a river in full spate. oosa.unvienna.org |
定期检查存放的货物,在风暴、暴雨 、 大 雪之后进行附加检查并采取适当的措 施。 highvolt.de | Check stored goods at regular intervals. Also take appropriate [...] action after storms, heavy rain or snow and so on. highvolt.de |
除了赵三的不在所带来的额外工作之外, 他们 [...] 的冰箱也坏了,并且在最近的一场 暴雨 中 , 房顶漏水把卧室的一些墙纸弄坏了。 sallee.info | Besides the extra work that his absence brought about, their [...] refrigerator had broken down and a leak in the roof had damaged some of the living room [...] wall paper during a recent rainstorm. sallee.info |
於大量落葉的季節內,所有居民都將受益於庭院廢物道邊堆放"Cla w"收運服務,以保持本市街道清潔,並 使 暴雨 排 水 道保持暢通。 elections.saccounty.net | During the heavy leaf season, all residents will have the benefit of the loose-in-the-street “Claw” service to keep [...] our streets and storm drains clean. elections.saccounty.net |
如何生活兩個世界的不同,振動嚴謹的瑞士製表技術和如果如此嚴格準確的,疾 風 暴雨 般 的 時尚,輕盈的材料嗎? zh.horloger-paris.com | How to live both worlds as different, vibrating rigor Swiss watchmaking technique and if so strictly accurate, with the frenetic pace of fashion, and the lightness of the material? en.horloger-paris.com |
这些观 [...] 察所引起的高层次行动锁定了实施各种水敏感性城市设计类型行动的城区——从地方政府的能力建设 到正在进行的地区暴雨质量 湿地的建设。 acedp-partnership.org | High-level actions resulting from these observations were around targeting urban area for implementation of various Water Sensitive Urban Design [...] type actions - from capacity building local government to ongoing [...] construction of regional stormwater quality wetlands. acedp-partnership.org |
这是不透水表面 (如道路和屋顶)致使暴雨径流 大量增加的结果。 acedp-partnership.org | This is a result of the [...] large increases in stormwater runoff coming [...]from impervious surfaces, such as roads and roofs. acedp-partnership.org |
危及城市历史景观的气候变化带来的直接影响包括:海平面上升,雨季和旱季循环发 生变化,暴雨和极 端天气更加频繁,水文和植被模式变更。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The direct impacts of climate change endangering historic urban landscape may include: rising sea levels, alterations of [...] the cycles of wet and dry seasons, more [...] frequent intense rainfall and extreme weather, [...]and changes in hydrology and vegetation patterns. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(1) 如在比賽當日,開賽前三小時內天文台已發出八號熱帶氣旋警告信號預警或八號 或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號或黑色暴雨 警 告 信號仍然生效,該日賽事即告取消;如 [...] 賽事進行中天氣惡劣,主辦機構會因應情況暫停賽事進行,參賽者必須留意現場 廣播。 hongkonggames.hk | (1) If a Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement has been issued, or [...] Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or [...] above or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal [...]is still in force 3 hours before the commencement [...]of the matches on the competition day, all matches on that day will be cancelled. hongkonggames.hk |
在洪水泛滥或下暴雨时, 进入市场的道路可 能发生变化。 fao.org | There are also likely to be changes in terms of road access to markets where [...] unusual flooding or heavy rains occur. fao.org |
它集中于提供重要服务的生 态系统,如暴雨保护 、水和空气质量改善以及 当地气候调节。 teebweb.org | It focuses on ecosystems that provide important [...] services such as storm water protection, [...]water and air quality improvement as well [...]as regulation of local climate. teebweb.org |
除此之外,若然連場暴雨,其 他水塘出現滿溢的情況也會在所難 免。 devb.gov.hk | Furthermore, in case of intensive, heavy [...] and consecutive rainstorms, overflow from [...]some other reservoirs may be unavoidable. devb.gov.hk |
这种情 况由于 2001 [...] 年未发生特别强烈的飓风和洪水以及 2002 年春季的暴雨而雪上加霜。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This situation has been compounded by an exceptionally active hurricane season and flooding in late 2001 and [...] exceptional heavy spring rains in 2002. unesdoc.unesco.org |
它还将有助于监测和预报热带气旋和季 风暴 雨等危险事件。 oosa.unvienna.org | It will also be useful for monitoring and forecasting dangerous events, such as tropical [...] cyclones and violent monsoon rains. oosa.unvienna.org |
它们都具有成本效率并且常常非常简单,例 [...] 如确保下一所学校或医院建在一个安全的场所,而 非在一个洪泛平原;或是在下暴雨时 保 持城市排水 系统运转。 daccess-ods.un.org | They were cost-effective and often very simple, such as making sure that the next school or hospital [...] was built in a safe place, not on a flood plain; or keeping city drainage systems [...] functioning when heavy rain occurred. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此同时, 前所未有的季风暴雨导致了空前的洪灾,使泰国全 国陷于瘫痪,而无暇应对各种国际问题。 crisisgroup.org | As the new administration of Yingluck Shinawatra was finding its way on this policy issue and others, the country was inundated by record monsoonal rains that caused unprecedented floods and put all international issues to the side. crisisgroup.org |