

单词 暴跌

暴跌 ()

steep fall (in price)

See also:

show or expose
surname Bao


fall v
fell v
drop v

External sources (not reviewed)

石油价格在 2009 年出暴跌,在年底之前稳定在每桶 80 美元,比 [...]
2008 年 中期的最高价格低约 45%。
Oil prices dropped sharply in 2009 [...]
before stabilizing by the end of the year at about $80 per barrel, approximately 45 per
cent below the high of mid-2008.
我們認為政府實施的㆒系列措施是溫和及值得推行的,令樓價不 暴 升 暴跌 ,而 影響本港的物業市場及經濟。
In our views, the range of measures taken by the Government is moderate in nature and worth
implementing in that they prevent property prices
[...] from rising and falling sharply, which might [...]
affect the property market and the economy of Hong Kong.
一成员请世界银行在下一次报告中就碳市场价 暴跌 现 象提供清晰的反馈。
One member requested the World Bank to provide clear feedback on the price collapse in the carbon market in its next report.
尽管 2008 年原油价暴跌,但 是随后 2009 年价格恢复到每桶 60 美元至 80 美元的范围,这使西亚经社会石油生产国处于有利地位。
Despite the collapse of crude
[...] oil prices in 2008, the subsequent recovery of the price in the range [...]
of $60 to $80 per barrel
in the course of 2009 has placed the ESCWA oil producers in an advantageous position.
梁君彥議員: 主席,據報,近日一項國際著名防毒軟件公司發表的調查
[...] 報告指出,使用以“.hk”結尾的域名的互聯網網站容易藏有病毒和間諜程 式,是全球最高危的網站,其安全程度較去 暴跌 27 級
MR ANDREW LEUNG (in Cantonese): President, it has been reported that a survey report recently published by an internationally renowned anti-virus software company points out that web sites using domain names ending with ".hk", which are susceptible to viruses and spyware, are the most
dangerous in the world, and their
[...] security level has dropped drastically by [...]
27 ranks when compared with last year's level.
[...] 国家的宏观经济和财政压力,但这场广泛的全球性危机已经造成初级商品出口价暴跌,对 其经济倚重出口作物的国家的贸易条件、政府岁入、普遍宏观经济条 [...]
Although the recent decrease in oil prices has, to some extent, eased macroeconomic and fiscal pressure in most West African countries, the broader,
global nature of the crisis has
[...] generated a sharp fall in the price of primary commodity [...]
exports, which has had an adverse
effect on terms of trade, government revenue, broader macroeconomic conditions and household incomes in countries whose economies rely heavily on export crops.
當時,寫作需要練習儀式的姿態 暴跌 之 前 他的筆在墨池“把尖上一張紙,開始不斷。
At that time, writing requires practice a ritual gesture: plunge his pen in an inkwell before put the tip on a piece of paper and start constantly.
硤導他的父親通過任務控制中心的安全,但凶器穿著灼燒的機器人西裝,他穿他的冒險使用一個拖拉機光束停止船,但加里和灼燒跳在他身上和管理,以獲得的西裝關閉的小人,導致後者與兄 暴跌 他 們 注定。
Kip guides his father to safety via mission control, but Shanker (wearing Scorch’s robotic suit that he wears on his adventures) uses a tractor beam to stop the ship, but Gary and
Scorch jump on him and manage to get the suit off the villain, causing the latter and
[...] the brothers to plummet to their dooms.
另一方面,表示信任中央政府的亦由 59%,暴跌了 10 個百分點 至 49%;表示不信任中央政府的增加了 [...]
6 個百分點至 19%。
On the other hand, the number of respondents
expressing confidence in the Central
[...] Government has also plummeted 10 percentage points [...]
from 59% to 49%, whereas the number
of respondents not having confidence in the Chief Executive has increased six percentage points to 19%.
雖然面對多種外 來衝擊( 包括1987年 10月全球股票市暴跌、 1990年 8 月的海灣戰爭 、 1992年 9月 歐洲匯 率 機制風 暴 、 1995年 1 月的墨 西 哥 貨幣危 機,以及1997年 7 月至1998年的亞洲金融風 暴 ), 而 這些衝擊對匯 率 制度的穩 定可能構成影響,但財政儲備 的結餘仍 持續上 升 ,至1997至 98財政年度結束 時 達 4,575億元。
The balance of fiscal reserves continued to rise to HK$457.5 billion at the end of Financial Year 1997-98 although there were various external shocks (e.g. world stock market crash in October 1987, the Gulf War in August 1990, the exchange rate mechanism turmoil in Europe in September 1992, the Mexican currency crisis in January 1995, the Asian Financial crisis in the period between July 1997 and 1998) which might have affected the stability of the exchange rate system.
虛假賬目及待決的重述事件使得聯合控股公司的股票價 暴跌 , 從 而給投資者們造成損失。
News of the accounting fraud and the pending restatement caused UCBH's
[...] stock price to fall significantly, [...]
damaging investors.
此外, 證券分析 師 米克在今年 4 月 中 發 表了長 達15 頁 的 報告中 , 指 出 經 歷 最 近 納 斯 達 克 指數暴 跌 後 , 半 數以上 網 絡 公 司的股 價 將 無 法 收 復 失 地。
In April this year, the securities analyst MEEKER published a 15-page report, pointing out that the share prices of more than half of the Internet companies would not be able to recover after the recent crash of the Nasdaq Index.
发展中国家受到金融和房地产资产价 暴跌 以 及 能源、金属和食品等商 品价格崩溃的影响。
Developing countries were impacted by the
plunge of financial and real estate asset prices and the collapse of
[...] commodity prices, including energy, metal [...]
and food.
這兩次都引致股暴跌,影響了香 港經濟的穩定。
Both incidents led to plunges in the stock market and undermine the territory's economy.
(三 ) 鑒於有報道指出,香港交易及結算所有限公司(“港交所”)
將於未來3年動用10億元設立極速數據及處理中心,以增加 市場的流通量,政府是否知悉,港交所會否採取措施紓緩 如此高速自動化交易可能引致的市場波動,使類似去年在
[...] 美國曾導致杜瓊斯工業平均指數在短短數分鐘 暴跌 7 00 點的閃電崩盤事件不會在香港發生?
(c) as it was reported that the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) would spend $1 billion to build a lightning-fast data and processing centre over the next three years to increase the liquidity in the market, whether it knows if any measure will be taken to lessen market volatility which may be caused by such high-speed automated trading, so that incidents similar to the "Flash Crash" in the United States last year,
which had resulted in the Dow Jones
[...] Industrial Average plunging 700 points in [...]
a matter of minutes, will not occur in Hong Kong?
证券交易暴跌:出 售或购买的时间吗?
Stock exchange plummeting: time to sell [...]
or time to buy?
私人住宅單位價格因1997年樓暴跌而 出現大幅 下調,當局認為居者有其屋計劃("居屋計劃")和私人住宅物業市 場出現了重疊的情況。
As a result of the major downward price adjustment in private residential flats following the property slump in 1997, the Administration considered that there had been an overlap between the Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) and private residential market.
當傳出在 2012 年不會實行普選,甚至會否在 2017 年實行普選,也欠缺
[...] 一種較明確的說法時,中央在香港人心目中的支持度 暴跌。
When rumours spread that there would be no universal suffrage in 2012 and even universal
suffrage in 2017 remains an uncertainty, the support for the Central Authorities among Hong Kong
[...] people drastically dropped.
調查發現,市民對董建華的評分於「七一遊行」後從六月中的43 .7 分 暴跌 8 . 7 分至35.0分,創下歷史新低。
Results showed that, people's rating of CE Tung Chee-hwa after the "July 1 Demonstration" has dramatically dropped by 8.7 marks, from 43.7 marks in mid-June to 35.0 marks, setting a record low.
例如,《星战》盗版出来之后票房收入锐减为原来的 1/5,《恋爱中的宝贝》 首映票房收入是 600
[...] 万元,当日晚上在河北地区发现盗版光盘后,第二日的票房收 暴跌至 200 万元以下,锐减为原来的 1/3。
For example, the box office revenues of “Star Wars” dropped to one-fifth of the original figure after pirated versions showed up in the market; box office revenues
of “Baober in Love” were RMB6 million on
[...] opening day but fell steeply to less [...]
than RMB2 million the next day when pirated optical discs hit the market.
51(d)( 宏观经济政策问题:初级商品) 下审议。该文件审查了初级商 品市场的发展动态,着重强调在国际金融危机和经济衰退之后初级商品价 暴跌 结束了5
The paper reviewed developments on commodities’ markets highlighting the sharp fall of commodity prices ending a five-year boom in the wake of the international financial crisis and economic recession.
与低流动性的股票可以触发或没有任何新的事实,即在几分钟 暴跌 的 机会,一个大的投资者强烈改变的作用是巨大的,因为它并不需要太多的资金来完成这样的操作。
Stocks with low liquidity
[...] can trigger or plummet in minutes without [...]
any new facts, ie, the chance of a large investor strongly
alter the role is huge, since it does not need much capital to accomplish such manipulation.
但 是,過去 5 年 內 ,政府在刺 激 經濟方面的 開支只 有數百億 元 , 即 使 把這些開支的 摃捍作 用 計 算 在 內 , 相對於 樓 市 大 跌 及 股暴跌造 成的 5 萬 億 元 的 損 失 , 亦 只算是 九 牛 一 毛 。
But the amount of money used by the Government over the past five years in boosting the economy is only some tens of billion dollars. Even if the leverage effect of
this spending is
[...] factored into the equation, it is trivial compared to the $5,000 billion lost in the property market crash and the stock [...]
market meltdown.
由于收暴跌,几 乎所有遇到困难的零售商都已大量关店,大多数将其困境归咎于中国经济疲软和它们没能正确预测消费趋势。
Near all the stumbling retailers have embarked on massive store-closing campaigns as sales tumble, with most blaming their woes on China’s weakening economy and their inability to correctly forecast consumer trends.
以 2004 年由紫禁城公司发行《恋爱中的宝贝》的票 房收入为例,2 月 14 日首映的票房收入是 600 万元,当日 19 时 30 分在河北地区发现了盗 版光盘后,第二日的票暴跌至 200 万元以下。
As an example. “Baober in Love”, distributed by the Beijing Forbidden City Film Company in 2004, scored box office revenue on Feb. 14 of 6 million yuan, but less than 2 million the next day when pirated optical discs were found in Hebei.
(一) 有沒有瞭解上述網站的安全程暴跌 的 原 因;如果有,安全程暴跌的原 因是甚麼(包括是不是與負責管理“.hk”互聯網域名的 香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司(“該公司”)的內部營運有關); 如果沒有瞭解,原因是甚麼;有沒有評估該等網站出現安全問題 對本港各界的影響;如果有,結果是甚麼;如果沒有,原因是甚 麼;以及政府會採取甚麼行動減低有關的風險; (二) 怎樣確保該公司對“.hk”互聯網域名的管理達到國際水平,是否 知悉該公司有沒有就該等域名的安全性向使用者作出保證;如果 有,保證的詳情;如果沒有,當局會不會要求該公司作出具體保 證,以及當局有沒有定期監察該公司的工作;及
(a) whether it has ascertained the reasons for the drastic drop in the security level of such web sites, if it has, of the reasons for the drastic drop in the security level (including whether the drop is related to the internal operation of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) which is responsible for the administration of the ".hk" Internet domain names); if it has not, the reasons for that; whether it has assessed the impact of the security problem of such web sites on various sectors of the Hong Kong community; if it has, of the assessment outcome; if not, the reasons for that; and the actions to be taken by the Government to reduce the risks concerned
要在社會各階層㆟士互相對立 的利益之間,以及在各方對必要措施的互相衝突的觀點之間求取平衡、決定既能調 節物業價格而又不會導致樓暴跌的 適 當措施,同時預測主要受心理因素影響而又 容易波動的市場的反應,確實是㆒件困難的事。
Finding the right balance between competing interests and conflicting views of the imperatives in the community, determining the dosage which will moderate prices but not cause a drastic downturn, and predicting the reactions of a largely sentiment-driven and volatile market is a tall order.
综观日圆总会在经济大幅衰退暴跌 ( 贬 值),且极易受到亚洲地区和世界其它地区金融动荡的影响,但日圆的升值却往往与经济基本面关联性不高,通常日圆升值的时候,日本经济并不理想,往往刚走出谷底,而且日圆升值幅度大,通常一次连续攀升10%以上,这与日本经济特性与国际汇市关系密切。
Looking at the Federation of Japanese economic
[...] recession, a substantial fall (depreciation), [...]
and extremely vulnerable to the Asian region
and other parts of the world financial turbulence, but the yen's appreciation is often associated with the fundamentals of the economy is not high, usually the yen's appreciation, Japan's economy is not satisfactory, often just turning the corner, and appreciation of the yen range, generally a 10% rise in a row, which is characteristic of the Japanese economy and international foreign exchange markets closely.
管理国称,近年来,特克斯和凯科斯群岛受到严重冲击,包括:全球金融危 机导致该领土主要收入来源(旅游贸易和相关财产投 资 ) 暴跌 ; 20 08 年发生飓风; 领土政府内部若干腐败报告。
According to the administering Power, in recent years, the Turks and Caicos Islands had suffered a number of severe shocks, including a slump in its primary revenue generator (the tourist trade and associated property investment) caused by the global financial crisis; a hurricane in 2008; and reports of corruption within the territorial Government.
民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀分析:「以5分為一級計,問責官員的整體民望在『七一遊行』後急跌了一級半,當中葉劉淑儀的評分更插水式下跌18.4分,而董建華在同期的評分 暴跌 1 0 . 7分,遠甚於其他官員,證明他們是民憤的焦點,拖累整個領導班子。
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, made the following analysis: "Using a difference of 5 marks to represent one grade, the popularity of the principal officials has dropped by 1.5 grades after the 'July 1st Demonstration'.




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