单词 | 暮霭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 暮霭 —evening mist霭霭 —cloudyless common: misty • snowing heavily • luxuriant (growth) • numerous Examples:朝露暮霭—impermanent • morning dew, evening mist (idiom); ephemeral See also:暮—sunset 暮 n—evening n 霭 n—mist n 霭—cloudy sky • haze 蝾—salamander
92 岁的纳尔逊·曼德拉已 届迟暮之年,他的一生是南非、非洲大陆乃至整个世 [...] 界和平的最完美诠释。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 92, Nelson [...] Mandela is at the twilight of his life, [...]which has been the ultimate definition of peace in South Africa, the [...]African continent and the world as a whole. daccess-ods.un.org |
暮光之 城耀被困在一个地下洞穴后,发现另一个公主Cadence的,学习,公主Cadence所穿着闪亮盔甲的,是即将结婚的其实是一个骗子。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After being trapped in an underground cavern, Twilight Sparkle finds another Princess Cadence, and learns that the Princess Cadence that Shining Armor is about to marry is actually an impostor. seekcartoon.com |
但我們仍未有㆒套全面計劃,可解決老㆟或行將步 入 暮 年 而 要退休的㆟士所面對的經 濟問題。 legco.gov.hk | But we still do not have any comprehensive way of addressing the financial insecurities which the elderly face, or which those who are soon going to be elderly and retired face. legco.gov.hk |
月亮公主,谁拯救了暮光之 耀和她的朋友从她的邪恶的另一个角色,噩梦月,决定将访问Ponyville的梦魇之夜的节日,围绕月球噩梦。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Princess Luna, who had [...] been saved by Twilight Sparkle and [...]her friends from her evil alter persona, Nightmare Moon, decides [...]to visits Ponyville on the festival of Nightmare Night, which centers around Nightmare Moon. seekcartoon.com |
我認為如果我們容許在劃定 選區分界時或多或少偏離選舉名額 25%,那麼該選區的形狀便可能類似㆒個可口可樂 汽水瓶那麼纖美,而非像蠑螈般醜陋,因為此舉可提供 GERRY 州長很遺憾㆞在㆒八 ㆒㆓年所得不到的額外彈性處事權。 legco.gov.hk | I think if we could give 25% more or 25% less than the electoral quota in drawing those lines, then the shape of that particular constituency could be as shapely as a Coca Cola bottle but is not as ugly as a salamander, because it would have given that extra flexibility which, unfortunately, Governor GERRY did not enjoy in 1812. legco.gov.hk |
然而,这会触发一个囤积在他的本能,和第二天 , 暮 光 之 城震惊地发现他变得更大。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, this triggers a hoarding instinct in him, and the next day, Twilight is shocked to have found him grown larger. seekcartoon.com |
然而,由于她包返回Canterlot,穗字母,从公主CELESTIA,均 为 暮 光 之 的老友谊报告,咳嗽起来。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, as she packs to return to Canterlot, Spike coughs up letters from Princess Celestia, all being Twilight’s old friendship reports. seekcartoon.com |
(十八) 研究資助認可動物領養團體,讓它們有足夠資源收容被 遺棄的動物,從而減少動物最終被人道毀滅的數目; (十九) 參考和研究外地保護及保育瀕危野生動物的成功經驗, 採取積極的環境保育措施,搶救本地瀕危的野生動物, 例如盧文氏樹蛙、黑臉琵鷺、裳鳳蝶、大草鶯、香港蠑 螈、中華白海豚及馬蹄蟹等,以保護本港珍貴的生態資 源;及 legco.gov.hk | (s) by making reference to and studying the successful experience of foreign places in protecting and conserving endangered wild animals, to adopt positive environmental conservation measures to salvage endangered wild animals in Hong Kong, such as Romer’s tree frogs, black-faced spoonbills, common birdwings, Chinese grassbirds, Hong Kong newts, Chinese white dolphins and horseshoe crabs, so as to protect the precious ecological resources of Hong Kong; and legco.gov.hk |
有學者認為,「政治蜜月期」的反面就是「跛腳管治期」,就是指有關領袖在卸任前往往英雄 遲 暮 , 無 人理睬。 hkupop.hku.hk | Some scholars also believed that the other side of the "honeymoon period" is the "lame-duck period", during which nobody seems to bother the outgoing leaders during their final days in office. hkupop.hku.hk |
一张照片中,迷蒙的雾霭将伦敦的街道蒙上一层面纱,街道的中间散着工人常用的自行车与木梯,无产阶级的孩子们把扶梯当做玩具爬上爬下,而镜头则从扶梯的缝隙中穿过捕捉到一位在艰难生活中挣扎也努力保持时尚光鲜的女性,她身穿白衬衣与黑色连身套装,头戴一顶镶蕾丝的白色小礼帽,面对镜头不自然地微笑着。 welltar.com | A photograph, the misty [...] streets of London mist will cast a veil, [...]in the middle of the street workers used bicycles and exudes [...]a wooden ladder, the children of the proletariat as a toy to climb the ladder, while the lens from the escalator through the gap in living in difficult to capture a struggling fashion also strive to maintain the bright woman, she was wearing a white shirt and black one-piece suit, wore a white lace inserts a small hat, the face of the lens is not natural smile. welltar.com |
政 府 如果在體育 推 廣上依然口 惠 而實不至,政府 依然軟 弱無力、暮 氣 沉沉,則香港這 個 動 感 之 都 , 恐 怕 會 淪 為一個“財 多身子弱” 的 城 市。 legco.gov.hk | If the Government only pays lip service to the promotion of sports but remains weak and lifeless, I am afraid that the dynamic Hong Kong will degenerate into a wealthy but weak city. legco.gov.hk |
猫头鹰,携带P太太暮光之琵琶,被引导到一个神社运行的神谕针鼹(巴里·奥托),他的五重奏和指导,他们追求的对象提供漫画,但准确的描述。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The owls, carrying Mrs. P in Twilight’s lute, are guided to a shrine run by an oracular echidna (Barry Otto), who provides comic, but accurate, descriptions of the quintet and guidance to the object of their quest. seekcartoon.com |
這個安排有助減低交易的印花稅(透過購入 持有該單位的公司的所有股份,而非直接購入該單位)。此舉亦同時有助日 後的稅務計劃,原因是將來當我年屆 遲 暮 , 便可以選擇指示受託人將該公司 的股份轉歸我的家庭成員並支付當中的印花稅,或可選擇由我遺留下來的家 庭成員支付有關的遺產稅。 legco.gov.hk | The structure is also effective in minimizing stamp duty for the transaction (through buying the entire shares of the company holding the flat rather than buying the flat itself); and facilitating future tax planning, given the choice, as old age approaches, of either instructing the trustees to transfer the shares of the company to my family members and incurring stamp duty or letting my surviving family members incur the applicable estate duty. legco.gov.hk |
索伦,Gylfie,暮光之城和挖掘机很荣幸的最新监护人的Ga'Hoole,索伦总结,并指出这是一个守护者的永恒的责任“补破了,强的弱,战胜一切邪恶的故事。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Soren, Gylfie, Twilight and Digger [...] are honored as the latest Guardians of Ga’Hoole, with Soren concluding the story by noting [...]that it is a Guardian’s everlasting duty to “Mend the broken, make strong the weak, and vanquish all evil. seekcartoon.com |
巧夺天工的悉尼歌剧院、薄暮中闪着光辉的乌奴奴(艾尔斯岩)、彩色珊瑚上卷起的浪花 —— 所有这些,只是您踏上这个美丽的国度和大陆时,展现在您面前的一部分景致而已。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The stunning architecture of the Sydney Opera House, the glow of Uluru (Ayers Rock) at dusk, a wave curled above a colourful reef – these are only part of the experience that unfolds once your feet touch the soil of this awesome country-continent. studyinaustralia.gov.au |