单词 | 暮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 暮—sunset暮noun—eveningnExamples:暮年—old age one's declining years 朝朝暮暮—all the time from dawn dusk 朝秦暮楚—serve Qin in the morning Chu in the evening (idiom); quick switch sides
但我们仍未有㆒套全面计划,可解决老㆟或行将步入暮年而要退休的㆟士所面对的经 济问题。 legco.gov.hk | But we still do not have any comprehensive way of addressing the financial insecurities which the elderly face, or which those who are soon going to be elderly and retired face. legco.gov.hk |
然而,这会触发一个囤积在他的本能,和第二天,暮光之城震惊地发现他变得更大。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, this triggers a hoarding instinct in him, and the next day, Twilight is shocked to have found him grown larger. seekcartoon.com |
暮光之城和她的朋友问到是在假日的原则演员发挥炉膛的警告除夕的来历。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Twilight and her friends [...] as asked to be the principle actors in a holiday play on the origins of Hearth’s Warning Eve. seekcartoon.com |
然而,由于她包返回Canterlot,穗字母,从公主CELESTIA,均为暮光之的老友谊报告,咳嗽起来。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, as she packs to return to Canterlot, Spike coughs up letters from Princess Celestia, all being Twilight’s old friendship reports. seekcartoon.com |
还是我们这一届特区政府已经是日暮西山,完全没有意欲作金融改革? legco.gov.hk | Or, is our current-term SAR Government at the end of its tether, so it has no desire whatsoever to carry out financial reform? legco.gov.hk |
92 岁的纳尔逊·曼德拉已 届迟暮之年,他的一生是南非、非洲大陆乃至整个世 [...] 界和平的最完美诠释。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 92, Nelson [...] Mandela is at the twilight of his life, [...]which has been the ultimate definition of peace in South Africa, the [...]African continent and the world as a whole. daccess-ods.un.org |
暮光之城和她的朋友打听到的主要演员在炉膛的警告夏娃的起源度假播放。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Twilight andher friends [...] as asked to be the principle actors in a holiday play on the origins of Hearth's Warning Eve. seekcartoon.com |
猫头鹰,携带P太太暮光之琵琶,被引导到一个神社运行的神谕针鼹(巴里·奥托),他的五重奏和指导,他们追求的对象提供漫画,但准确的描述。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The owls, carrying Mrs. P inTwilight’s lute, are guided to a shrine run by an oracular echidna (Barry Otto), who provides comic, but accurate, descriptions of the quintet and guidance to the object of their quest. seekcartoon.com |
暮光之城耀被困在一个地下洞穴后,发现另一个公主Cadence的,学习,公主Cadence所穿着闪亮盔甲的,是即将结婚的其实是一个骗子。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After being trapped in an underground cavern,Twilight Sparkle finds another Princess Cadence, and learns that the Princess Cadence that Shining Armor is about to marry is actually an impostor. seekcartoon.com |
有学者认为,「政治蜜月期」的反面就是「跛脚管治期」,就是指有关领袖在卸任前往往英雄迟暮,无人理睬。 hkupop.hku.hk | Some scholars also believed that the other side of the "honeymoon period" is the "lame-duck period", during which nobody seems to bother the outgoing leaders during their final days in office. hkupop.hku.hk |
月亮公主,谁拯救了暮光之 耀和她的朋友从她的邪恶的另一个角色,噩梦月,决定将访问Ponyville的梦魇之夜的节日,围绕月球噩梦。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Princess Luna, who had [...] been saved by Twilight Sparkle and [...]her friends from her evil alter persona, Nightmare Moon, decides [...]to visits Ponyville on the festival of Nightmare Night, which centers around Nightmare Moon. seekcartoon.com |
这个安排有助减低交易的印花税(透过购入 持有该单位的公司的所有股份,而非直接购入该单位)。此举亦同时有助日 後的税务计划,原因是将来当我年届迟暮,便可以选择指示受托人将该公司 的股份转归我的家庭成员并支付当中的印花税,或可选择由我遗留下来的家 庭成员支付有关的遗产税。 legco.gov.hk | The structure is also effective in minimizing stamp duty for the transaction (through buying the entire shares of the company holding the flat rather than buying the flat itself); and facilitating future tax planning, given the choice, as oldage approaches, of either instructing the trustees to transfer the shares of the company to my family members and incurring stamp duty or letting my surviving family members incur the applicable estate duty. legco.gov.hk |
索伦,Gylfie,暮光之城和挖掘机很荣幸的最新监护人的Ga'Hoole,索伦总结,并指出这是一个守护者的永恒的责任“补破了,强的弱,战胜一切邪恶的故事。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Soren, Gylfie, Twilight andDigger [...] are honored as the latest Guardians of Ga’Hoole, with Soren concluding the story by noting [...]that it is a Guardian’s everlasting duty to “Mend the broken, make strong the weak, and vanquish all evil. seekcartoon.com |
她能打败公主CELESTIA,她的Changelings的部落防止暮光之城和她的朋友们得到和谐的元素。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | She is able to defeat Princess Celestia, and her horde of Changelings prevent Twilightand her friends from getting the Elements of Harmony. seekcartoon.com |
巧夺天工的悉尼歌剧院、薄暮中闪 着光辉的乌奴奴(艾尔斯岩)、彩色珊瑚上卷起的浪花 —— 所有这些,只是您踏上这个美丽的国度和大陆时,展现在您面前的一部分景致而已。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The stunning architecture of the Sydney Opera House, the glow of Uluru (Ayers Rock) at dusk, a wave curled above a colourful reef – these are only part of the experience that unfolds once your feet touch the soil of this awesome country-continent. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
根据“虚浮世界”这一短语的寓意,并且以佛教朝生暮死的世界观为根源,浮世绘表现了当时城市生活瞬息万变的动态。 wdl.org | As the phrase “floating world” suggests, with its roots in the ephemeral worldview of Buddhism, ukiyo-e captured the fleeting dynamics of contemporary urban life. wdl.org |
此外,在表背狭小的空间中融合了星图、地平线及地理座标显示、太阳时、恒星时、日出及日落时间,以及昼夜及曙暮光显示。 iwc.com | But squeezed into very little room on the back of the watch is a star chart together with displays for the horizon and geographical [...] coordinates, solar time, sidereal time, sunrise and sunset times, as well as a display that shows [...] daytime, nighttimeand twilight. iwc.com |
但在无能的管治下,不是暮气沉沉,便是潜龙勿用。 hkupop.hku.hk | Alas, under such incompetent governance, they are either crawling like slugs, or hibernating in a stagnant pond with their many gifts and talents restricted from giving full play. hkupop.hku.hk |
相比之下,葡萄牙Sidérale [...] Scafusia腕表结合星空图,以及地平线、恒星时、日出日落和曙暮光显示。 iwc.com | By contrast, the Portuguese Sidérale Scafusia combines a star chart with displays for the horizon, sidereal time, [...] sunrise, sunset and twilight. iwc.com |
编号:5812、东京证券交易所・大阪证券交易所第一部) 咨询 事业支援本部 人事总务部门总务部长木暮正一(TEL. hitachi-cable.com.cn | You should be aware that the issuer may purchase securities otherwise than under the exchange offer, such as in the open market or privately negotiated purchases. hitachi-cable.com |
在Lucy Rose纯真的歌声和掏心掏肺之言的背后,她所取得的成功,是其他签约主流唱片公司的音乐人都朝思暮想的。 spli-t.com | On the back of her pure voice and heartfelt songwriting, Lucy Rose has met with success that major label-backed musicians only dream about, while sticking to a fully DIY ethos. spli-t.com |
政 府 如果在体育 推 广上依然口 惠 而实不至,政府 依然软 弱无力、暮气沉沉,则香港这 个 动 感 之 都 , 恐 怕 会 沦 为一个“财 多身子弱” 的 城 市。 legco.gov.hk | If the Government only pays lip service to the promotion of sports but remains weak and lifeless, I am afraid that the dynamic Hong Kong will degenerate into a wealthy but weak city. legco.gov.hk |
文暮良先生现职为玛泽香港执行董事。 chi.mazars.cn | ML is currently Executive Chairman of Mazars Hong Kong. mazars.cn |
该委员会现时由本公司3位独立非执行董事,即文暮良先生 (委员会主席)、徐庆全先生及刘伟彪先生与1位本公司非执 行董事,即吉宇光先生组成。 htisec.com | The Committee currently comprises 3 independent nonexecutive directors of the Company, namely Messrs. htisec.com |
民国时期,书画有市场时,他迎合市场,那些从画谱中讨生活的青绿山水,尽管远离现实,显得暮气沉沉,然而因为画得缜密工整,亮丽明快,所以非常抢手;1949年以后,书画没了市场,他迎合政治,画了诸如《原子弹爆炸》这样政治色彩浓厚的“宣传画”,也很成功。 xhwcn.com | During the period of the republic of China, calligraphy and painting there is a market, hecaters to the market, those who work from Chinese painting of the green landscape, though far from reality, appear a demoralised, however, because the painting had meticulous neat, bright and lively, so very hot; 1949 years later, the calligraphy and painting not the market, he catered to political, such as "atomic bomb" drew political keen "propaganda", is also very successful. xhwcn.com |
2006年暮春,NRDC全球环境与健康项目主任Linda [...] Greer博士准备接待一群特殊的访客,他们是中国环保部派到美国的访问学者,琳达在为他们感兴趣的主题和项目背景准备材料的时候,注意到有一位来自江苏省环保厅的王华博士。 greenlawchina.org | In the early spring of 2006, [...] Dr. Linda Greer, the NRDC Health Program Director, was preparing to receive a special group [...]of visiting scholars sent to the US by the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection. greenlawchina.org |
大都会人寿的市场研究院进行的一项研究表明了当前的房产市场和老人院对于老年人居家养老的偏向,并且发现了在一些能够给50-70岁左右的老年人居住选址指标和建议,使他们在进入暮年的时候可以不必离开家庭到其他地方去养老。 homehealth.ufh.com.cn | The future of aging in place with respect to the current housing market and senior housing preferences are spelled out in a study from MetLife Market Institute, finding indicators for the best places where boomers can live into their older years without moving. homehealth.ufh.com.cn |
这PRO版本包括从日落日出标准版本的一切: - 日出 - 日落 - 公务员暮色开始(黎明) - 孙过境(太阳正午) - 公务员晚年结束(黄昏) 自定义位置支持 - [...] 定义您自己的位置还包括新的专业特色:“商业登记/“ - 新... cn.moba-app.com | This PRO version includes everything from the standard version of Sunrise Sunset:. moba-app.com |