单词 | 暗花儿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 暗花儿 —veiled design incised in porcelain or woven in fabricSee also:暗 adj—dark adj • hidden adj • stupid adj 暗—in the dark • obscure • gloomy • ignorant • close (a door) 暗 n—darkness n • assassination n 花儿—style of folk song popular in Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia
在过去的 19 [...] 天里,以色列利用其全部的战争机 器入侵加沙,散播恐怖和破坏,暗杀 无辜 的 儿 童 , 消 灭整个家庭和捣毁房屋、学校和礼拜场所。 daccess-ods.un.org | For the past 19 days, Israel has invaded Gaza using the full potential of its [...] war machine, spreading terror and [...] destruction, assassinating innocent children, annihilating [...]entire families and destroying [...]homes, schools and places of worship. daccess-ods.un.org |
总医院的帐篷里挤满了婴儿床和装满 花 生 酱 的硬纸板箱。 unicef.org | The tents at General Hospital [...] are crowded with cribs and cardboard boxes of fortified peanut paste. unicef.org |
所有真正關心香港前途的㆟,都寄望㆗英會談 柳 暗花 明 , 最終 取得成功。 legco.gov.hk | All who really care about the future of Hong Kong hope that the deadlock will be broken and that the Sino-British talks will go on and finally succeed. legco.gov.hk |
如果這筆錢 當中,有部分是用作我們俗稱的明賞 、 暗花 , 即 用作購買線報,政府究竟有 多少錢可以用呢? legco.gov.hk | If some of such money is designated for use as open or secret rewards, that is, for buying information, how much money can the Government use on this? legco.gov.hk |
缔约国应消除在棉花收获期雇用儿童 , 并确 保 儿 童 得 到保护,免受所有形式 的童工的有害影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should eliminate the use of children for cotton harvesting and ensure that children are protected from the harmful effects of all forms of child labour. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们自己水景园的实现是您客户的一片天堂,因为您的日常业务是很 多 花 园 主 人 儿 时 的 梦想。 oase-livingwater.com | The realisation of their own water garden is a [...] piece of paradise for your customers because the everyday business [...] for you is the childhood dream of many garden owners. oase-livingwater.com |
正如过去防治小儿麻痹症、天花及艾滋病毒/艾滋病的成功运动所表明的那样,世界能够 取得成功。 daccess-ods.un.org | As successful campaigns against polio, small pox and HIV/AIDS have demonstrated in the past, the world can succeed. daccess-ods.un.org |
凑巧的是,在今天的会 [...] 议上,我可以代表我国政府和人民通知安理会,昨天 夜里,叙利亚政府逮捕了两名涉嫌暗 杀 伊 玛姆 的 儿子 的年轻人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Coincidentally, at today’s meeting, I can, on behalf of my country — both the Government and the people — inform the Council [...] that last night the Syrian authorities arrested two young men who [...] were involved in the assassination of the Imam’s son. daccess-ods.un.org |
政務司司長:主席,很多人以“山窮水盡疑無路, 柳 暗花 明 又 一村”來比 喻 2012年方案的峰迴路轉。 legco.gov.hk | CHIEF SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION (in [...] Cantonese): President, many people use the [...] saying that "when people are at the end [...]of their tethers, it may suddenly dawn on [...]them that every cloud has a silver lining" to describe the dramatic twists and turns of the 2012 package. legco.gov.hk |
鉴 于缔约国承认“妇女就 业 的 质 量 仍然比 男 性 低很 多”(第 52 段),以及如果能够在确实改变性别歧视状况的“同时进行必要的社会 和文化改革, 这种改进工作将会更加有效”(第 49 段),请解释为失业女户主提供 工作培训的主要领域为什么是“烹饪、美容 美发、照顾幼儿、 插花和 电话推销” (同上,第 76 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Please explain why the major areas of job training provided to unemployed female heads of households are predominantly “cooking, beauty salon, babysitting, flower arrangement and telemarketing” (ibid., para. 76), in view of the admission by the State party that “quality of women’s employment is much lower than that of men” (para. 52) and that practical improvements in gender discrimination “would be more effective if they were accompanied by the necessary social and cultural changes” (para. 49). daccess-ods.un.org |
何醫生認為,坊間暗瘡治療五花百門,市民對各種治 療 暗 瘡 方 法的利弊缺乏充份掌握,往往選擇不適當的方法,對身心帶來負面影響。 hkupop.hku.hk | Dr Ho warned that acne patients who are not aware of the pros and cons of different treatment options available in the market might choose the inappropriate treatment which will bring negative impacts. hkupop.hku.hk |
花一点儿时间研究一下公司背景,能够展示您对求职的认真态度,从而让您从其他候选人中脱颖而出。 robertwalters.cn | Taking the time to do a little [...] more research will show you are serious about the job and make you stand out from all the other candidates. robertwalters.co.kr |
在進入立法會就政改方案表決的關鍵時刻,形勢跌宕 起伏,可謂“山重水複疑無路,柳 暗花 明 又 一村”。 legco.gov.hk | At this critical moment when we in this Council are about to vote on the constitutional reform package, the situation has taken on a volatile and unpredictable turn. legco.gov.hk |
Jacob Ballas儿童花园拥 有娱乐区、戏水区、蜿蜒曲折的迷宫以及带滑梯的树屋,业已成为孩子们最钟爱的景点。 shangri-la.com | With play area, water play area, mazes and tree houses with slides, Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden is a favourite attraction among kids. shangri-la.com |
儿童死亡率 的前景仍然暗淡:2007 年 5 岁以下儿童的 死亡率为每千名活产婴儿有 54 人死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | For child mortality, the prospects remain gloomy: the under-five mortality rate in 2007 was 54 deaths per 1,000 live births, and the situation [...] was similar for [...]maternal mortality, with the number of deaths per 100,000 live births as high as 490 in South Asia. daccess-ods.un.org |
因為心不死,才有可能堅持那份對 民主的執着;因為心不死,才能夠在漫漫長路上下求索,才有可能在山 窮水盡中找到柳暗花明的桃花源。 legco.gov.hk | It is only because their hearts are not dead that makes it possible for them to hold on to their insistence on democracy. It is only because their hearts are not dead that makes it possible for them to continue with their quest on the long, long road and eventually find the silver lining at the end of their tethers. legco.gov.hk |
我已說了很多遍,既然政府說這 8,000 萬元是明賞暗花,究竟有沒有提 供明賞暗花呢? legco.gov.hk | Since the Government said that this $80 million was for the provision of open and secret rewards, actually have any open or secret rewards been offered? legco.gov.hk |
有時山窮水盡疑無路,柳暗花明又 一村;機關算盡,但算來算去都算不 到公民社會如何覺醒,香港人團結的力量是不能估算的。 legco.gov.hk | Sometimes, when people are at the end of their tethers, it may suddenly dawn [...] on them that every cloud has a silver lining. [...]Even by exhausting all intrigues, they may not be able to predict the awakening of a civic society, and the power of solidarity of the people of Hong Kong cannot be predicted. legco.gov.hk |
早年香港經濟蓬勃,政府 財政充裕,我得以提供多項稅務優惠,藏富於民;我們昂然踏進 1997,見證 香港回歸祖國;我們經歷 1998 年的經濟急劇衰退;又在 1999 年喜見柳暗花 明,重拾心情邁向千禧。 legco.gov.hk | As Financial Secretary, I have had to help chart a course through these. In my early Budgets, I was able to offer generous tax concessions up to the level allowed by our economic growth and buoyant public finances at the time. legco.gov.hk |
副花冠在2轮里的;外轮1-1.6厘米,棕色在基部,在中间白色,在尖紫色; 内轮1-3毫米,带褐色; 盖弯曲,带褐色色,折扇状的,1.5-2毫米高,膜质 ; 暗 褐 色 的 花 盘 , 高的长约0.5毫米; 雌雄蕊柄5-10毫米高。 flora.ac.cn | Corona in 2 series; outer series 1-1.6 cm, brown at base, white at middle, purple at apices; inner series 1-3 [...] mm, brownish; [...] operculum incurved, brownish, plicate, 1.5-2 mm tall, membranous; disk dark brown, ca. 0.5 mm [...]high; androgynophore 5-10 mm tall. flora.ac.cn |
雌花7团伞状,通常1-3发育,无梗,内藏于侧面折叠的3浅裂苞片内的 ; 花 被 阴 暗 , 丝 状; 子房椭圆形,凹陷和被背面压缩;胚珠无梗; 花柱极短;柱头2,发状。 flora.ac.cn | Female flowers 7-glomerulate, usually 1-3 developed, sessile, enclosed within a 3-lobed bract by folding of lateral lobes; perianth obscure, filiform; [...] ovary ellipsoid, [...]depressed and dorsiventrally compressed; ovule sessile; style very short; stigmas 2, capillary. flora.ac.cn |
如果一个存有争议的问题出现,为了给予更多的时间进行委员会一级的政策辩论,该 [...] 小组将应全体委员会的要求,审查并寻找有关这些项目的共同立场:(i)有关两个或多个 全体委员会工作的决议,或者应总干事的请求 , 暗 示对 C/5 或 C/6 文件草案做出重大变向或 预算转移的决议;(ii)应有关委员会主席请求(须经全体委员会的批准)的其他决议; [...] (iii)应有关委员会主席请求(须经全体委员会的批准)的“难以处理的”议程项目;以 [...] 及(iv)全体委员会交付的其它任何项目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Should a controversial issue arise, an in order to afford increased time for policy debate at the commission level, this group would, upon the request of the General Committee examine and find consensual positions on items such as: (i) DRs relating to the work of two or more [...] commissions of the General [...] Conference or implying heavy orientation changes or budgetary shifts in draft C/5 or C/6 documents, at the request of the Director-General; [...](ii) other [...]DRs, at the request of the Chairperson of the concerned commission (subject to the endorsement of the General Committee); (iii) “difficult to handle” items of the agenda, at the request of the Chairperson of the concerned commission (subject to the endorsement of the General Committee); and (iv) any other item referred to it by the General Committee. unesdoc.unesco.org |
即日起,LEXUS雷克萨斯中国敬请您莅临位于全国65个城市的99家LEXUS雷克萨斯授权经销商处,进一步了解C T2 0 0 h 花 语 花 忆 版 和 暗 夜 骑士版相关详情,翘首以待这令人怦然心动的都市新生代专属座驾。 lexus.com.cn | Lexus cordially invites you to visit any Lexus authorized dealership at each of the 99 Lexus dealerships in 65 cities across China to learn more about CT200h L’amour EDITION and MIDNIGHT EDITION and to await the unveiling of these wakudoki models tailored for new and young generation. lexus.com.cn |
新闻部及经济和社会事务部制作了一部 [...] DVD,内容包括联合国秘书长关于“生 命之水”十年的致辞;一个 8 分钟的录像片“水:生命之泉”;一 个 儿 童 录 像片 “水花飞溅 ”;以及“生命之水”十年宣传手册。 daccess-ods.un.org | A DVD was produced by the Department of Public Information and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs containing: the message of the Secretary-General for the Decade; an eight-minute [...] video entitled “Water: the [...] Drop of Life”; a children’s video entitled “Splish and Splash”; and [...]the promotional booklet for the Decade. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 普遍存在偷运和贩运儿童以供棉花农 场 剥削的做法 ; 儿 童 在 这些农场 中使用有害的杀虫剂; (c) 儿童继续在极为危险的条件下( 特别是在金矿中) 劳动;儿童仍然充当家 庭佣工,在这种情况下女童往往遭到多种形式的虐待 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Migration and trafficking of children for economic exploitation on the cotton farms, where they are exposed to harmful pesticides, is widespread daccess-ods.un.org |
从很小的年龄,儿童······就花很 多 时间在户外与他们的同伴、附近的成人、以及包 含了历史文化、地方气质的物理环境互动······我们看到附近地区是支持儿童文化微妙发 [...] 展的工具,这是由儿童内在的游戏动机驱动的(Cosco and Moore 2002: 53)。 ipaworld.org | From an early age, children … spend much time outdoors [...] interacting with their peers, neighbourhood adults, and the physical [...]surroundings that embody the history, culture and ethos of the place … We saw the neighbourhood as a vessel that supported the subtle process of childhood culture, driven by children’s intrinsic motivation to play (Cosco and Moore 2002: 53). ipaworld.org |
42. 世卫组织的代表强调,检测并不能保证没有阪崎肠杆菌,阪崎肠杆菌的特定检测 并不比常规微生物学检测的花费高 ,保证 婴 儿 配 方 粉安全的主要责任在于企业。 codexalimentarius.org | The Representative of WHO emphasized that testing did not ensure absence of E. sakazakii, that testing specifically for E. sakazakii was not necessarily more expensive than ordinary [...] microbiological testing and that the primary responsibility for ensuring [...] the safety of powdered infant formula lay with the industry. codexalimentarius.org |