

单词 暗箱



do something secretly
earmark (politics)

See also:

in the dark
close (a door)


darkness n
assassination n


box n
chest n


External sources (not reviewed)

亚里士多德提出了最初 的照相暗箱原理 ——当光线穿过墙上的小孔后,会在黑暗 的房间对面墙上透射出倒立的影像。
Aristotle supplied the earliest reference to the camera obscura—sunlight, passing through a small hole, projected an inverted image on the wall of a darkened room.
这个情绪一直影响着她的创作,直到某一天她在自家阁楼上发现了一台照相 暗箱 , 这 一发现让她重拾相机,在美丽如画的乡村进行摄影创作。
Blackmon discovered a camera obscura [...]
in the cellar of her new house and began taking photographs again, with the picturesque suburb as her setting.
由于拒绝让教科文组织工作人员工会(STU)充分发挥其调节作用,总是责怪有关同事来 找我们,而行政管理部门执行的又是一套按照当事人的国籍和个人关系来处理个人问题暗 箱操作 政策,所以秘书处出现普遍不满的情绪也就没有什么可值得意外的了。
Given that STU is not allowed to play fully its role of mediation, that colleagues are constantly being rebuked for approaching us and that the Administration has an opaque policy for dealing with individual matters, according to the nationality and personal relations of the person concerned, the widespread discontent in the Secretariat should come as no surprise.
前任专家组报告,石油收入管暗箱操作 ,每年可能有 3 800 万美元(即国家年度军费开支)遭到挪用,包括用于 违反禁运措施采购武器及相关材料(见 S/2011/271,第 144 至 154 段)。
Previous Groups of Experts reported how the management of oil revenues had been opaque to the point that a sum of approximately $380 million dollars per year, an amount equal to that of Côte d’Ivoire’s annual military budget, presents a serious risk of misappropriation, including the diversion of oil revenues for the purchase of arms and related materiel in violation of the embargo (see paras. 144-154 of S/2011/271).
此外,陳冠中先生的《我這一代香港人》提到:(我引述)“政府的 認受性來自北京和財團主導的一小撮人,自然向北京治港官僚和財團 傾斜,現在香港的高級官員,我同代的聰明人,也就不會去擋住北京 治港官僚和財團對政府暗箱操作
In additional, in My Generation of Hong Kongers written by Mr CHEN Guanzhong, it is mentioned that (I quote): "The recognition of the government comes from Beijing and a small group of people dominated by major consortia.
从“航母Style”、选美比暗箱操作 、恶搞iPhone5,到更为严肃的问题,如香港和中国大陆间的紧张关系(臭名昭著的“蝗虫”广告被反复地修改和恶搞),或是关于社会不平等现象的争论。2012年里,人们只有在网络上才能紧跟各种使整个社会产生动荡的热点话题(参见我们的相关文章,查看“2012微博热门话题”完整榜单)。
From the “aircraft carrier style” meme to rigged beauty contests and iPhone 5 parodies to more serious matters such as tense relationships between Hong Kong and mainland China (with the infamous “locust” ad that was abundantly edited and parodied) or debate about social inequalities, 2012 has been a year where one had to be online to stay on top of the topics that agitated society as a whole (see our article for the complete list of most discussed topics on Sina Weibo in 2012).
i) 人力资源管理方面的授权是在没有对相关人员进行必要培训的情况下进行,而且
[...] [...] 授权没有伴随执行问责制(问责制); ii) 人力资源管理职能分散且多个机构职能重叠,致使其责任弱化; iii) 高级管理人员的任命是出于政治因素考量 暗箱 操 作 完成,因此可能会选择没有 过多在复杂的多元文化环境中从事领导和管理工作经验,甚至完全没有此方面工 作经验的候选人; [...] [...]
iv) 相关的政策和指导方针即使有也并不总是明确和连贯的; v) 而且,这些政策和指导方针的执行也总有变动; vi) 匿名举报制造了恐惧氛围,加剧了工作环境的恶化和对行政管理部门的不信任; vii) 最后,内部司法制度没有制衡职权的机制,而工作人员代表则正受到牵制。
(vi) anonymous accusations propagate fear, exacerbating deteriorating social conditions and mistrust towards the administration
他们还进一步的表明,开放性的文化以及持续地意识到其潜在的好处调和了 “人们传统的看法,这种看法认为公司应该通过把它们最隐秘的资源锁 暗箱 里 来 和别人竞 争。
They further contend that the culture of openness and continued recognition of its potential benefits has compromised the “conventional wisdom that says companies compete by holding their most coveted resources close to the chest” (Tapscott & Williams, 2010).
2006年,太石村村民试图提名独立候选人为地方人大代表的努力没有获得成功,据称失败原因 暗箱 操 作 和非法禁止代理投票。
In 2006 Taishi villagers failed in their attempt to nominate an independent candidate for local people's congress representative, allegedly because of ballot tampering and an illegal refusal to allow proxy votes.
沿青麟路的現有明渠 會改建為地區性排水渠,以便鄰近地方的雨水徑流經由青麟路的擬箱形暗渠和兆康路的現箱形暗渠排放到屯門河道。
The existing nullah alongside Tsing Lun Road will be converted to a local drainage channel for discharging runoffs from the adjacent areas
to Tuen Mun River Channel via the
[...] proposed box culverts at Tsing Lun Road and the existing box culverts at Siu Hong Road.
在太子道東地底加建擬箱形暗渠期 間,為盡量減少對交通流量 的影響,我們會維持這條主要道路的現有行車線數目。
To minimise disturbance to the
traffic flow during construction of the
[...] proposed additional box culvert across PERE, [...]
we will maintain the existing number of
traffic lanes along this major road.
因此,我們須要在現有鋪面渠旁加建一 箱 形 暗 渠 , 以增加 明渠的整體排水量,從而減低水浸風險。
Therefore, we propose to
[...] construct an additional box culvert alongside [...]
the existing decked nullah to increase the overall
drainage capacity of the nullah thereby alleviating the flooding risk.
由於兆康箱形暗渠的排水量不足,以 致紫田村和松山的低窪地區在暴雨期間不時出現水浸。
Due to insufficient
[...] capacity of the box culverts at Siu Hong [...]
Road, the low-lying areas of Tsz Tin Tsuen and Chung Shan have
suffered flooding periodically during heavy rainstorms.
他請當局進一步解箱 形暗渠及 延展掉車隧道造成的技術限制。
He sought further explanation on the technical
[...] constraints imposed by the box culvert and EOT.
由於水質的原因,暗 渠 N 必須在因縮短海堤而形成的內灣以外排放(污水不應
[...] 排放入內灣以免污染物積聚,從而使水質變壞及產生異 味),因此,海堤的轉向位置需要向東延伸,以容 箱形 暗渠排水口結構。
For water quality reasons, the drainage culvert N must discharge outside the embayment that is created by this cutting back of the seawall (outfalls should not discharge into embayed areas to avoid entrapment of pollutants and consequent deterioration of water quality and odour problems),
therefore the seawall is extended eastwards to
[...] accommodate the box culvert outfall structure, [...]
before the return seawall is introduced.
房屋及規劃地政局副秘書長( 規劃及地政)1表 示,現有天星碼頭將需要拆卸,以便騰出地方興建中環 填海計劃第三期範圍內已規劃的P2路網絡,以及進行一
[...] 些地底工程,包括機場鐵路香港站延展掉車隧道的擴建 工程和民耀街現箱形排水暗渠擴 建工程。
The Deputy Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands) 1 (DS/P&L1) said that the existing Star Ferry Pier would have to be demolished to make way for the planned Road P2 network in the Central Reclamation Phase III (CRIII) area and some underground works including the extension of the Airport Railway
Hong Kong Station Extended Overrun Tunnel (EOT) and the extension of
[...] an existing drainage box culvert at Man Yiu Street.
我們亦須為 平整後的土地提供基礎設施,包箱 形 暗 渠 和相關的排水渠。
[...] infrastructure including box culverts and associated [...]
drainage will also be required to serve the formed site.
房屋及規劃地政局局長在回應時表示,政府 當局在2007 年 3 月提交事務委員會的文件( 立法會
[...] CB(1)1184/06-07(04)號文件)已清楚解釋政府當局的建議 的基礎,包括箱形暗渠、 延展掉車隧道和P2路有關的工 程對保留皇后碼頭造成的限制。
In response, SHPL said that the Administration's paper (LC Paper No. CB(1)1184/06-07(04)) submitted to the Panel in March 2007 had clearly explained the bases of the Administration's proposal,
including the constraints imposed by the works
[...] relating to the box culvert, EOT and [...]
Road P2 on the preservation of the Queen's Pier.
除了P2路的走線外,機場鐵路延展掉車隧道(下稱"延 展掉車隧道")及民耀街箱形雨水暗 渠 亦 對保留皇后碼 頭造成限制。
Apart from the alignment of Road P2, the Airport Railway
Extended Overrun Tunnel (EOT) and the
[...] stormwater drainage box culvert at Man Yiu [...]
Street were also constraints in preserving the Queen's Pier.
房屋及規劃地政局重申,不 論 P2
[...] 路重新定線與否,亦未能解決興建機鐵延展掉車隧道及擴 建現有箱形排水暗渠所遇到的制肘。
HPLB repeated that whether Road P2 was re-aligned or
not, it could not resolve the constraints imposed by the AR EOT and the
[...] extension of the existing drainage box culvert.
根據 D9 公路工程的合約,這箱形暗渠的設計與構造其實足以應付㆒場 200 年㆒次的豪雨,而 我們相信今次的豪雨約等於㆒場 50 年㆒次的豪雨,所以如不是因為草木枝葉淤塞水道, D9 公路工程的新設施原應可以應付今次的雨量。
The storm in question, we believe, was equivalent to about a 1:50 year rainstorm; so the new works under the D9 construction should be adequate to cope with the rainfall intensity and would have so coped had this blockage due to vegetation and branches not occurred.
同时,妇女每天夜 晚要走过一长段暗的公 共场所返回家中,公共领域没有防范犯罪活动的保护。
Also, women
[...] walk through dark public spaces [...]
as they return home late in the day, with no protection against criminal activities in the public sphere.
渠務署署長建議把 140CD 號工程計劃的一部分提升為甲級;按付 款當日價格計算,估計所需費用為 1 億 5,940 萬元,以便局部擴闊近黃
[...] 大仙警署啟德明渠旁的一段彩虹道,並在太子道東地底現有鋪面渠旁 加建一箱形暗渠。
The Director of Drainage Services, with the support of the Secretary for Development, proposes to upgrade part of 140CD to Category A at an estimated cost of $159.4 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices for carrying out local road widening works at Choi Hung Road adjacent to the section of Kai Tak Nullah near
Wong Tai Sin Police Station, and
[...] constructing an additional box culvert alongside [...]
the existing decked nullah across PERE.
現有天星碼頭將會受若干項目所影響,包括中環填海計劃 第三期工程下已規劃的 P2
[...] 路網絡,以及一些地底工程包括機 場鐵路香港站延展掉車隧道和民耀街現 箱 形 排 水 暗 渠 擴建 工程。
The existing Star Ferry Pier will be affected by the planned Road P2 network in the Central Reclamation Phase III (CRIII) area and some underground works including the Airport Railway (AR)
Hong Kong Station Extended Overrun Tunnel (EOT) and the extension of an
[...] existing drainage box culvert at Man Yiu Street.
(ii) 由於工程在交通十分繁忙的道路進行,而且地底公用設施密 集,因此需要修改一箱型暗渠及 沙井的設計,以適應實際 環境的限制,費用因而增加 [...]
1,670 萬元。
(ii) the increase of $16.7 million is due to design
[...] revisions of some box culvert and manholes [...]
to suit the site constraints arising from
very congested underground utilities in roads of heavy traffic.
關於拆卸 鐘樓,土木工程拓展署港島及離島拓展處處長解釋,興 建
[...] P2路、機場鐵路香港站延展掉車隧道及民耀街現箱 形排水暗渠的 擴建部分,均需要拆卸舊天星碼頭。
As regards the demolition of the clock tower, the Project Manager (Hong Kong Island & Islands) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department (PM/CEDD) explained that the construction of Road P2, Airport Railway Hong Kong Station Extended
Overrrun Tunnel and the extension of
[...] an existing drainage box culvert at Man Yiu Street [...]
required the demolition of the old Star Ferry Pier.
[...] 頭及皇后碼頭必須拆卸,以便興建P2路、機場鐵路延展 掉車隧道,以及位於現有天星碼頭及皇后碼頭下面箱 形排水暗渠的擴建部分。
The Deputy Commissioner for Transport/Planning and Technical Services (DC/PTS) replied that it was necessary to demolish the Star Ferry Pier and Queen's Pier
to build Road P2, the EOT and an
[...] extension of a drainage box culvert underneath the [...]
existing Star Ferry Pier and Queen's Pier.
在这方面,一些委员都认为普遍存在着不愿接受根据接受某一协议 暗示 放 弃,但还有一些委员则对特别报告员在报告中的声称表示怀疑,特别报告员声 [...]
称说,国家同意受国际协议的约束,规定对严重国际罪行的普遍管辖,或者将豁 免排除在外并不意味着同意对其官员行使外国刑事管辖,从而放弃豁免。
In this regard, while some members
agreed that there was a general reluctance
[...] to accept an implied waiver based [...]
on the acceptance of an agreement, some doubts
were expressed by others regarding the assertion by the Special Rapporteur in his report that State’s consent to be bound by an international agreement establishing universal jurisdiction for grave international crimes or precluding immunity did not imply consent to the exercise of foreign criminal jurisdiction in respect of its officials, and therefore waiver of immunity.
[...] 項;員工在結束夜間輪值工作後,應營造有助睡眠的環境,盡快 在暗及安 靜的環境中睡眠,以及僱員應避免睡眠前飲用咖啡、 [...]
These include, for instance, measures to which employers should pay attention in
arranging work; the advice that employees
[...] should sleep in a dark and quiet environment [...]
as soon as possible after night shift
work to create a favourable environment for sleeping; and that employees should avoid drinking coffee, tea or alcoholic beverages before sleep.
[...] 小组将应全体委员会的要求,审查并寻找有关这些项目的共同立场:(i)有关两个或多个 全体委员会工作的决议,或者应总干事的请求 暗 示对 C/5 或 C/6 文件草案做出重大变向或 预算转移的决议;(ii)应有关委员会主席请求(须经全体委员会的批准)的其他决议; [...]
Should a controversial issue arise, an in order to afford increased time for policy debate at the commission level, this group would, upon the request of the General Committee examine and find consensual positions on items such as: (i) DRs relating to the work of two or more
commissions of the General
[...] Conference or implying heavy orientation changes or budgetary shifts in draft C/5 or C/6 documents, at the request of the Director-General; [...]
(ii) other
DRs, at the request of the Chairperson of the concerned commission (subject to the endorsement of the General Committee); (iii) “difficult to handle” items of the agenda, at the request of the Chairperson of the concerned commission (subject to the endorsement of the General Committee); and (iv) any other item referred to it by the General Committee.




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