

单词 暗棕色

See also:

暗色 adj

dark adj

暗色 adv

obscurely adv

棕色 n

yellow-brown n

External sources (not reviewed)

灌木;小枝开展或者近直立,粗糙; 1 年老棕色或暗棕色,很 少灰黄色,无毛; 幼年小枝白色,具柔毛。
Branchlets spreading or nearly erect, coarse; 1-year-old
[...] branchlets brown or dull brown, rarely gray-yellow, [...]
glabrous; juvenile branchlets white, pilose.
乔木给60米高; 树干直径达2米;树暗棕色,厚 的剥落; 狭的树冠圆筒状的或金字塔; [...]
小枝下垂,淡黄灰色或黄色穿1 和2年,最后深灰色,无毛或被短柔毛; 带褐色黄,圆锥状卵球形的冬芽,树脂的稍,鳞片稍小枝的开阔的的在基部。
Trees to 60 m tall; trunk to 2
[...] m d.b.h.; bark dull brown, thickly flaking; [...]
crown cylindric or narrowly pyramidal; branchlets
pendulous, yellowish gray or yellow in 1st and 2nd years, finally dark gray, glabrous or pubescent; winter buds brownish yellow, conical-ovoid, slightly resinous, scales slightly opening at base of branchlets.
[...] 叶柄7-12厘米,具柔毛到几无毛,通常具皮孔;轴适中具柔毛到几无毛,偶尔被短绒毛;小叶通常6-9(-12)对;小叶柄(2-)4-12毫米,具柔毛/具长柔毛到几无毛;小叶叶片披针形到卵状披针形, 7-14(-19.5) * 3.1-6(-7) 厘米, 经暗灰棕色,适中具柔毛到几无毛, 通常在顶部中脉上具短毛和棍状腺体,脉基部具柔毛到具长柔毛/被短绒毛,基部匀称到不对称,边缘全缘,先端渐尖到偶有锐尖。
Leaves 29-84 cm; petiole 7-12 cm, pilose to glabrescent, often lenticellate; rachis moderately pilose to glabrescent, occasionally velutinous; leaflets usually 6-9(-12) pairs; petiolules (2-)4-12 mm, pilose/villous to glabrescent; leaflet blades lanceolate to
ovate-lanceolate, 7-14(-19.5) ×
[...] 3.1-6(-7) cm, often dark grayish brown, moderately pilose [...]
to glabrescent, usually with short
trichomes and club-glands apically on midveins, veins basally pilose to villous/velutinous, base symmetrical to asymmetrical, margin entire, apex acuminate to occasionally acute.
由煙霧、臭氧、碳氫化合物、氮氧化物以及其他化學反應的化合物組成,在一定的天氣和陽光條件下,可能產生 暗 的 棕色 陰 霾 ,會造成不良健康影響。
A combination of smoke, ozone, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and other chemically reactive compounds
which, under certain conditions of weather and sunlight, may
[...] result in a murky brown haze that causes [...]
adverse health effects.
暗红色,红棕色,或灰棕色; 草质的当年小枝灰绿色,具关节; 具关节的1-4 厘米。
Old branches dark red, reddish brown, or gray-brown; [...]
herbaceous branchlets of current year gray-green, jointed; joints 1-4 cm.
乔木给20米高; 树干到1.5米直径分枝结实暗略带紫 色 的 棕色 , 稍 具角; 浓密的幼年小枝具短绒毛。
Trees to 20 m tall; trunk to 1.5 m d.b.h.
[...] Branches stout, dull purplish brown, slightly angled; juvenile [...]
branchlets densely downy.
棕色与暗褐色,密被绒毛;一年生枝多数,生于茎基,直立,单,黄绿色,通常具5-8节间; [...]
节间近圆柱状,2-3毫米直径, 平滑,有时具叶痕。
Caudex brown to dark brown, densely tomentose; [...]
annual branches numerous, borne on caudex, erect, simple, yellow-green, usually
with 5-8 internodes; internodes subterete, 2-3 mm in diam.
乔木给35米高; 树干直径达1米;树皮灰棕色,有鳞; 最初的小枝黄棕色,在2或3 年棕色或者棕色阴暗,密被短柔毛; 冬芽球状,树脂。
Trees to 35 m tall; trunk to 1 m d.b.h.; bark gray-brown, scaly;
branchlets initially yellowish brown,
[...] turning brown or brown-gray in 2nd or 3rd year, densely pubescent; [...]
winter buds globose, resinous.
把电源线连接器连接到控制板 (33)上所指示的正
[...] 确接线端子上 (120V, 黑色和白色 , 240V, 蓝色和 棕色)。
Connect the power cord connectors to
the correct terminals indicated on the control board (120V, black and white,
[...] 240V, blue and brown) on control board (33).
托叶三角形,基部并非耳形,先端锐尖,几乎黑色;叶柄 1.5-4 * 0.3-0.4 毫米;
叶片卵形到椭圆形,有时圆形或倒卵形, ( 0.2-)0.4-1.5(-2) *
[...] (0.2-)0.3-0.8(-1.5) 厘米,厚纸质,干时稍褪色或极褪色为 色 , 暗 红 或 棕色 , 背 面无毛或具稀疏长硬毛,正面无毛,基部锐尖,有时钝或圆形,先端锐尖,有时圆形。
Stipules triangular, base not auriculate, apex acute, almost black; petiole 1.5-4 × 0.3-0.4 mm; leaf blade ovate to elliptic, sometimes orbicular or obovate, (0.2-)0.4-1.5(-2) × (0.2-)0.3-0.8(-1.5) cm, thickly
papery, drying slightly to strongly
[...] discolorous gray, dark red or brown, abaxially glabrous [...]
to sparsely hirsute, adaxially
glabrous, base acute, sometimes obtuse or rounded, apex acute, sometimes rounded; secondary veins not visible or 2 or 3 pairs.
上部传感器和和下部传感器一同用于检测在白色或透明衬垫上具有 色 或 暗色 背景的模切标签之间的衬垫间隙。
The upper sensor and lower sensor are
used together to detect liner gaps between die cut labels that have
[...] a black or dark background on white or clear liner.
果cacirca 6-9 * 约1.5厘米;
[...] 花序梗3-9毫米,具2或3小叶,; 轴具柔毛; 干燥时的苞暗略带紫色的棕色,卵 形的或倒卵形,下部的具短绒毛的在两面,先端微凹。
Fruiting catkin 6-9 × ca. 1.5 cm; peduncle 3-9 mm,
with 2 or 3 leaflets, pilose; rachis
[...] pilose; bracts dull purplish brown when dried, ovate [...]
or obovate, proximally downy on both surfaces, apex retuse.
托叶卵形到三角形,基部截形到心形或耳形,先端锐尖或渐尖,铁锈色到几乎黑色;叶柄 0.5-8 * 0.15-0.4 毫米;
叶片卵形到披针形,有时长圆形或圆形, ( 0.5-)0.8-3(-5) * (0.3-)0.4-1.5(-2.3)
[...] 厘米,膜质到纸质,干时两面同色到褪色为绿色到黄 绿 色 , 棕色 , 灰 色 或 暗 红 , 两面无毛到密被长硬毛,基部锐尖到截形,稀为心形,先端钝到渐尖,通常锐尖,有时短尖。
Stipules ovate to triangular, base truncate to cordate or auriculate, apex acute to acuminate, ferruginous to almost black; petiole 0.5-8 × 0.15-0.4 mm; leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, sometimes oblong or orbicular, (0.5-)0.8-3(-5) × (0.3-)0.4-1.5(-2.3) cm, membranous to papery, drying
concolorous to discolorous green to
[...] yellow-green, brown, gray, or dark red, both surfaces glabrous [...]
to densely hirsute, base
acute to truncate, rarely cordate, apex obtuse to acuminate, usually acute, sometimes mucronate; secondary veins 3-6 pairs.
本研究文章的目的是使用硅胶沉积、阳离子聚合物沉积理论和感官评价,探讨新型阳离子肉桂聚合物凝聚量与欧 棕色 头 发 各种相应护发情况的关系。
The purpose of this study is to correlate the amount of coacervate formation of novel cationic cassia
polymers to the corresponding conditioning
[...] profi les on European brown hair using silicone [...]
deposition, cationic polymer deposition and sensory evaluation.
Superclean系列除了白色駱駝皮製品外,還包括紅、藍 棕色 的 麋 鹿麂皮版本。
The Superclean series is
[...] composed of white camel leather, as well as red, blue and brown suede.
叶在小枝的上面边上向前指导, 传播在下部边,线形,使或变平, 宽棱形在横断面上,
[...] 1.5-3.5厘米×1.1-1.8毫米, 绿色的球果,种鳞,到棕色或暗褐 色 ,长圆形圆筒状的或圆筒状的紫色在边缘, [...]
9-11 * 3-4.5 厘米种鳞接近排列,倒卵形或厚,约1.8厘米的2×,暴露深裂平滑和有光泽,不具条纹。
Leaves directed forward on upper side of branchlets, spreading on lower side, linear, flattened or subflattened, broadly rhombic in cross
section, 1.5-3.5 cm × 1.1-1.8 mm, slightly keeled on both surfaces, stomatal lines
[...] 5-7 in each of 2 white bands adaxially, [...]
occasionally 1-3 incomplete
stomatal lines abaxially, apex acute or acuminate.
在涉及普遍管辖权适用问题的一些情况中,对管辖权的规定一般还有其他明 示暗示的 依据,这些依据来自国内刑法(例如奥地利、多民族玻利维亚国、保 加利亚、喀麦隆、哥斯达黎加、爱沙尼亚、萨尔瓦多、埃塞俄比亚、伊拉克、色列、 马来西亚、挪威、秘鲁、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、瑞士),包括军事刑法(例如 瑞士)、刑法(例如色列)、 刑法(例如亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、阿塞拜疆、白俄罗 斯、比利时、捷克共和国、塞浦路斯、丹麦、芬兰、德国、意大利、马耳他、荷 兰、葡萄牙、斯洛文尼亚、大韩民国)或刑事诉讼法(例如亚美尼亚、白俄罗斯、 比利时、喀麦隆、法国、德国、伊拉克、挪威、瑞典、突尼斯),或刑法(例如中 国)或关于司法权力的条例,包括《法院条例》(例如毛里求斯)和《司法条例》(例 如马来西亚)。
There were cases where issues concerning the application of universal jurisdiction, usually along side other bases of
jurisdiction, were
[...] provided for, either expressly or impliedly, in their domestic penal codes (e.g., Austria, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Estonia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Malaysia, Norway, Peru, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland), including the military penal codes (e.g., Switzerland), the Penal Law (e.g., Israel), criminal codes (e.g., Armenia, [...]
Australia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, the Republic of Korea) or codes of criminal procedure (e.g., Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Cameroon, France, Germany, Iraq, Norway, Sweden, Tunisia), or the criminal law (e.g., China) or acts on powers of judiciary, such as courts acts (e.g., Mauritius) or Courts of Judicature Act (e.g., Malaysia).
这就意味着元素将会使用相同颜色的不同色调,用小数字表示亮色调,大数字表 暗色 调。
This means that cells will use shades of the same color
[...] - lighter shades for smaller numbers and darker shades for higher [...]
这些结果表明:(1)熟悉性棕色田鼠 择偶行为的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(2)嗅舔时间差异可反映不同田鼠的配偶识别能力,熟悉性 棕色 田 鼠 配偶识别能力的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(3)2种田鼠配偶识别的性别差异的一致性,提示这2种田鼠的雌性配偶识别能力均强于雄性田鼠,而雌鼠的配偶识别能力可能取决于雌鼠受交配或分娩刺激的生理状态; (4)棕色田鼠 室内所表现的择偶行为的两性熟悉性特征与其单配制有关,根田鼠所表现的择偶行为的雌性熟悉性特征与其一雄多雌制有关。
Our results demonstrate: (1) mate choice and mate recognition based on familiarity is more intensive in mandarin voles than in root voles; (2) sniff variant can be regarded as an indication of mate recognition, and the intensity of mate recognition is related to familiarity degree; (3) differential sniff between female and male of two vole species indicates the sexual dimorphism that mate recognition of females is more sensitive than that of males in both vole species, [...]
based on familiarity; (4) mate recognition
of female voles may be dependent on their physiological state stimulated by copulation and parturition.
较低的设置可以 降低图暗色部分的密度。
Lower settings decrease
[...] the density of the dark portion of the image.
通过开花期早落的基生叶; 0.7张-6厘米的基部和下部茎生叶具叶柄,背面和稍 棕色 具 长 柔毛或具腺具长柔毛; 叶片心形心形到卵形, 1.6-4.5 * 1.1-3.2 厘米,背面和稍微具腺具长柔毛 棕色 具 长柔毛或,基部心形,先端锐尖; 上部茎生叶具叶柄1-10毫米棕色腺体具长柔毛,叶片卵形到披针形, 1.3-3.2 * 0.5-1.7 厘米,背面和稍微具腺柔毛,正面无毛或具腺柔毛,基部楔形或圆形,先端锐尖或近渐尖; 大多数上部茎生叶具腺的具长柔毛和短腺毛在边缘。
Basal leaves caducous by anthesis; basal and proximal cauline leaves with
petiole 0.7-6 cm,
[...] abaxially and marginally brown villous or glandular villous; leaf blade cordate to ovate-cordate, 1.6-4.5 × 1.1-3.2 cm, abaxially and marginally brown villous or glandular villous, base cordate, apex acute; distal cauline leaves with petiole 1-10 mm, brown glandular villous, [...]
leaf blade ovate
to lanceolate, 1.3-3.2 × 0.5-1.7 cm, abaxially and marginally glandular pilose, adaxially glabrous or glandular pilose, base cuneate or rounded, apex acute or subacuminate; most distal cauline leaf glandular villous and shortly glandular hairy at margin.
精鋼款式則可選棕色鱷魚 皮錶帶及摺疊式錶扣,或搭配2012年全新研製的微調式精鋼錶鏈,配備微調錶扣,可自由調校錶鏈長度。
The stainless-steel model is
[...] available either with a brown alligator leather [...]
strap with a folding clasp or with the stainless-steel
bracelet with a fine-adjustment clasp that was developed in 2012 and permits the length to be changed as required.
政府 在 2007年
[...] 7月時發表了《政制發展綠皮書》,接着,在該年年底前,行 政長官向中央提交了這份棕色的《 報告》,向全國人民代表大會常務 委員會(“人大常委會”)提出希望可以處理普選的問題。
Subsequently, at the end of the same
year, the Chief Executive submitted this
[...] report with a light brown cover to the Standing [...]
Committee of the National People's
Congress (NPCSC), requesting it to handle the issue of universal suffrage.
[智能动态范围] 当背景和主体中的色和暗色之间 存在明显的差异时,将自动调整对比 度和曝光以产生更接近实际色彩的图像。
This function automatically adjusts contrast and exposure to produce pictures with a more balanced and detailed rendition of the brighter and the darker parts of the picture.
然后,绿色棕榈基 于网络的贸易平台出售证书,供生产商 或零售员购买,进而支持可持续棕榈油生产。
The certificates are then
[...] sold on the Green Palm web-based [...]
trading platform, where manufacturers or retailers buy certificates
and thus support sustainable palm oil production.
因為壺腹三羊開泰圖已經出現緇色的太陽,頸部的荼白色半圓形的斑紋肯定不是代表太陽的;大概不過是石頭裏 暗色 岩 脈 支配了切除餘料的角度以後,主要圖案以上的斑紋就自然而然地露出,而頸部的曲率也不容許多少調整。
The sun here is very clearly represented by a circular brown disk in the stone, suggesting that the white-on-brown half-circle at the neck is not meant to represent
the sun, or indeed anything else; once
[...] the plane of darker colour across the main face [...]
of the bottle dictated the angle at
which the stone would be cut, whatever areas of colour were present above the main design would be exposed in a pattern determined by the curvature of the neck, not amenable to much editing.
层压纸/聚酯薄膜,多层高化学纯度,平滑的表面, 绿 色 和 棕色。
Presspaper / Pet film. multilayer paper of high chemical purity, smoothened surface.
[...] 燃油泄漏事件的一个共同特征就是会迅速形成水 混油乳状液,这些乳状液的特点常常是呈现棕 色 / 橙色并粘着在一起的漂浮层状(图 12)。
A common feature of spills of crude oil and some heavy fuel oils is the rapid
formation of water-in-oil emulsions which are often
[...] characterised by a brown/orange colour and cohesive [...]
slicks (Figure 12).
叶柄淡棕色,5- 7毫米; 不同季节叶片二型;春天叶小的,叶片椭圆形到长圆形, 1-4 * 0.8-2 厘米,薄纸质的或膜质,基部钝,边缘全缘,先端圆形的或钝;秋天叶更大,叶片长圆状倒卵形或者宽椭圆形, 6-10 * 3-5 厘米, 背面色具棕色的小圆点,鳞片重叠, 多数色, 少数棕色, 边缘流苏状撕裂到多少星状,背面幼时具绒毛,毛被为星状毛,不贴伏,侧脉在中脉每边8-10,老叶正面深凹陷。
Petiole yellowish brown, 5-7 mm; leaf blade dimorphic by season; spring leaves small, leaf blade elliptic to oblong, 1-4 × 0.8-2 cm, thinly papery or membranous, base obtuse, margin entire, apex rounded or obtuse; autumn leaves larger, leaf blade oblong-obovate or broadly elliptic, 6-10 × 3-5 cm, abaxially white with brown dots, scales overlapping, mostly white, a few brown, margin fimbriate-lacerate [...]
to ± stellate,
adaxially tomentose when young, indumentum of stellate hairs, not appressed, lateral veins 8-10 per side of midrib, deeply impressed adaxially in old leaves.
[...] 将推动项目并指定下列的定量措施: 删除卷 的污染物质棕色清理决定备忘录、 EPA Quartly 报告、 [...]
亩数据条目、 外联会议 & 活动报告、 Quartly 劳动利用率报告、 里程碑监测报告和利用监测报告。
As an initial output, the Remedial Action Workplan, will drive the project and specify quantitative measures for
the following: Volume of contaminated
[...] materials removed, Brownfield Cleanup Decision [...]
Memos, EPA Quartly Reports, ACRES Data
entry, Outreach Meetings & Activities Reports, Quartly Labor Utilization Reports, Milestone Monitor Reports, and Leveraging Monitor Reports.




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