

单词 暗地



on the sly

See also:

in the dark
close (a door)


darkness n
assassination n

External sources (not reviewed)

从地球表面到比石油钻探还要深数百公里的地下,深碳观测站(DCO)正在探索光合作用不能企及的 暗地 球 深 处令人惊讶的碳的数量。
From Earth's surface to hundreds of kilometers deeper than oilmen drill, the Deep
Carbon Observatory (DCO) is investigating the surprising quantity of
[...] carbon in the deep, dark Earth beyond photosynthesis.
由於香港的政黨發展尚屬初階,大選期近,各方勢力都在明 暗地 進 行 協調。
Since the development of the political party is still in an early
stage, various camps are having coordination among their lists
[...] either openly or secretly when the election [...]
is approaching.
此外,规划工作已重新开始, 以解决西诺橡胶种植园的情况,该种植园仍 暗地 运 作 ,经营者包括一个有组织 的前战斗人员网络。
Additionally, planning has been revitalized to address the situation at Sinoe Rubber Plantation, which continued to be operated informally, including by an organized network of former combatants.
不過,最“離譜” 的是一些涉及騙取客戶簽約的不良行為,當中包括自稱收費電視職員以檢查 電視為名上門,訛稱年底推行數碼廣播,游說安裝解碼器,否則不能再收看
[...] 免費電視;又或是透過電話推銷,當推銷不遂時,便藉詞為用戶核實個人資 料暗地裏為用戶確認新服務等。
For instance, promoters who claimed to be staff of pay television company approached the residents on the pretext of conducting checks on television reception and then persuaded the residents to install the decoder by lying that the installation was to ensure compatibility with digital broadcasting to be introduced at the end of the year, or else the residents could no longer enjoy free television programmes, or when the promoters tried to sell
their service by telephone calls but in
[...] vain, they would secretly confirm the new [...]
service subscription for the residents
using the excuse that they need their personal data for verification purposes.
捍卫医疗保险基金委员会、联合国教科文组织同 仁会和《工会》对行政管理部门这一专横 暗地 操 作 和极端蔑视的态度进行了指 责,并表示了遗憾。
The MBF Defence Committee, STU and “Le Syndicat” denounce and deplore the Administration’s authoritarian, non-transparent and even disdainful attitude.
米洛然后取出垃圾桶之前,他的母亲问他 暗地 里 却 瓦解它与火星人的武器,类似于一个人的手枪大小和形状。
Milo then takes out the trash before his mother asks him to, but secretly disintegrates it with a Martian weapon, similar to a human pistol in size and shape.
它除了包含有学习进度、教材教具、方法等内容外,还明暗 地包含 了扫盲培训、学习、生活技能和社会动员等概念,并涉及到从扫盲课程的受益者到包 括国家机构和其他有关团体在内的范围广阔的具有不同作用的人们的参与。
It would be more appropriate to understand it as a literacy training model that goes beyond
processes, materials,
[...] strategies, etc., as it includes, both explicitly and implicitly, concepts [...]
of literacy training, learning,
life skills and social mobilization, and involves a wide range of actors with varied roles from the beneficiaries of the literacy training to other stakeholders such as state entities and other concerned institutions.
委員會應為員工及與本公司交接之人士(例如客戶及供應商)設立告密政 策及系統,暗地向委員會提出留意關乎本公司可能屬不當行為的事 項。
The Committee should establish a whistleblowing policy and system for employees and those who deal with the Company (e.g. customers and 9 suppliers) to raise concerns, in confidence, with the Committee about possible improprieties in any matter related to the Company.
当发生情报机构的非法行为时,政府官员可能加以纵容或甚至 暗地 里 进 行指 挥。
When unlawful conduct by intelligence agencies occurs, it may have been
[...] condoned or even secretly directed by [...]
government officials.
对全世界成千上万的儿童来 说,暴力是一个严酷的现实;暴力依然基本 暗地 里 施 行,而且为社会所接受; 它在精神和健康方面对儿童的生活造成严重和毕生的影响。
Violence is a harsh reality for millions of children around the world; it remains largely invisible and socially accepted, and it has serious, lifelong emotional and health impacts on children’s lives; it undermines child development and learning abilities, inhibits positive relationships, provokes trauma and depression and leads to risk-taking and aggressive behaviour.
到了大家都在明暗地進行 民意調查,這種論點便開始消失,以其他歪論取代。
When all are conducting public opinion [...]
surveys either publicly or privately nowadays, these points have gradually disappeared
and are replaced by other unreasonable arguments.
研究证实,每个国家都存在暴力侵害儿童的现象,而且依然很普 遍,基本暗地里施 行,并往往得到社会的默认;暴力对儿童的生活与发展造成 长期影响,具有严重的社会代价。
The study recognizes that violence against children affects every country, remaining widespread, largely hidden and often condoned by society; violence has long-term consequences on children’s life and development, carrying with it serious social costs.
虽然《多哈文件》全面处理了冲突根源,如安理 会面前的报告第 2 段所述的那样,但有些运动的领导 人拒绝加入和平的潮流,反暗地与 一 些同达尔富尔 问题毫无关系的势力结成联盟,并表示将采取军事行 动作为推翻政府的唯一选择。
Although the Doha Document comprehensively addressed the root causes of the conflict, as stated in paragraph 2 of the report before the Council, leaders of some movements have refused to accede to the march of peace and have instead entered into conspiratorial alliances with some parties that have nothing whatsoever to do with the Darfur question.
老實說,如果政府要派這樣的帽子 ⎯⎯ 我不知道局長稍 後會否這樣說,可能暗地裏跟同事說一套,在明又不是這樣說,而且 會很有禮貌地說也說不定 ⎯⎯ 不過,如果政府真的是這樣做,我會把 所有帽子送回給它。
Moreover, he would probably put it very politely ― however, if the Government really does so, I will return all the allegations to it.
李林甫表面上装的无所谓,暗地里 却 找机会陷害李适之。
Li Lin Fu pretended not to care, but in fact was trying to find ways to damage him.
暗地裡, 他十分欣賞腕錶瑰麗的金質時標,還有錶鏈的堅硬和棱角設計。
The gold indices are a flamboyant
[...] touch that he secretly rather likes, [...]
along with the solidity and angularity of the bracelet.
若资金是以项 目种类为基础进行分配,相关的《公约》机构必须 制定优先项目,才能或明暗地解决 时空上的公平 性。
To the extent that the funds are disbursed on the basis of the project type, the relevant Convention bodies must establish priorities and so implicitly or explicitly address regional and temporal equity.
不管是在公園裡、公車上、露營中還是其他 暗地 方 , 您都不必擔心沒有燈光;Aspire S7 [...]
In the park, on the bus, out camping
[...] or wherever it's dark, you can rest assured [...]
there will be light: The Aspire S7 Series'
electroluminescent backlit keyboard illuminates automatically, optimizing its glow to suit the ambient light and keep your eyes comfortable.
事实上,现在是时候 了,应当结束以色列的有罪不罚现象和以色列自称的法律豁免,还应当坚决反对 和质问占领国一再用来证明其非法行动合理性的不合逻辑的空洞借口,包括特别 是其在包括东耶路撒冷在内的整个巴勒斯坦被占领土 暗地 进 行 的定居殖民运 动。
Indeed, it is high time to bring an end to Israel’s impunity and its self-proclaimed immunity from the law and to firmly reject and challenge the illogical and empty pretexts repeatedly used by the occupying Power to justify its illegal actions, including in particular its insidious settlement colonization campaign throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
Njamba 女士既没有声称她的丈夫暗地里为 叛乱分子工作,也没有称她 会为此而被杀。
6.4 Concerning the alleged disappearance of the complainants’ family members, the State party reiterates that before the national migration authorities, Ms. Njamba neither claimed that her husband was working undercover for the rebels nor that he would be killed for that reason.
公报还强调,占领国始终拒绝承认巴勒斯坦人的权利,并通过其在巴勒斯坦领土暗地进行 的定居活动破坏两国解决方案,这一政策将带来灾难性后果,将不仅 影响到巴勒斯坦和以色列,还将影响到该地区和整个国际社会。
The communiqué also emphasized that the occupying Power’s continued denial of Palestinian rights and policy of destruction of the two-State solution through its insidious settlement campaign in the Palestinian Territory will lead to disastrous consequences affecting not just Palestine and Israel but the region and the global community as well.
[...] 购物中心设置的音像专柜的正版音像制品占有率比较高,但也部分存 暗地 出 售 盗版音像制 品的情况。
These outlets, in many cases, deal in both licensed audiovisual products and pirated ones; they sell pirated products under the umbrella of licensed audiovisual products. Retail stores set up by large audiovisual chain enterprises, and audiovisual products counters opened in various supermarkets, hypermarkets, and shopping malls, see
a higher percentage of licensed audiovisual products being sold, but some do sell
[...] pirated audiovisual products covertly.
虽然美联航采取合理步骤保护和预防您的私人信息遭到未经授权的访问,但是,对于未经授权访问的行为,美联航概不负责;美联航不担保(明 地 、 暗 示 地 ) 我 们将杜绝您的私人信息遭到未经授权访问。
Although United takes reasonable steps to safeguard and to prevent unauthorized access to your private information, it cannot be responsible for the acts of those who gain
unauthorized access, and United makes no
[...] warranty, express, implied, or otherwise, that [...]
we will prevent unauthorized access to your private information.
vs 23-26
[...] 虽然至此为止耶稣没有明确地告诉他们他就是基督,但他的教训和他所行的神迹都清 地暗 示 了 这一点。
vs 23-26 Though Jesus had not told them
explicitly up to this point that he was the Christ, yet
[...] it was clearly implied in both his teachings [...]
and through his miracles.
如果圣灵是神,但一旦隐地暗示在 黑马来,但必须记住,教会是反三位一体的异端邪说尚未不受干扰。
If the Divinity of the Holy Ghost is but
[...] once obscurely alluded to in Hermas, [...]
it must be remembered that the Church was
as yet undisturbed by anti-Trinitarian heresies.
同时,妇女每天夜 晚要走过一长段暗的公 共场所返回家中,公共领域没有防范犯罪活动的保护。
Also, women
[...] walk through dark public spaces [...]
as they return home late in the day, with no protection against criminal activities in the public sphere.
香港的全球化监察机构(Globalisation Monitor)明地暗示,外商公司 直接地从中国出口扩张里受益的事实,因为他们纺织品的收入是所有出口收入的四分 之一。
The Hong Kong-based Globalisation Monitor rightly hints at the fact that foreign companies directly benefit from the Chinese expansion of exports because they account for one-quarter of all export earnings from textile products.
在涉及普遍管辖权适用问题的一些情况中,对管辖权的规定一般还有其他明 示暗示的 依据,这些依据来自国内刑法(例如 地 利 、多民族玻利维亚国、保 加利亚、喀麦隆、哥斯达黎加、爱沙尼亚、萨尔瓦多、埃塞俄比亚、伊拉克、以 [...]
瑞士)、刑法(例如以色列)、刑法(例如亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、阿塞拜疆、白俄罗 斯、比利时、捷克共和国、塞浦路斯、丹麦、芬兰、德国、意大利、马耳他、荷 兰、葡萄牙、斯洛文尼亚、大韩民国)或刑事诉讼法(例如亚美尼亚、白俄罗斯、 比利时、喀麦隆、法国、德国、伊拉克、挪威、瑞典、突尼斯),或刑法(例如中 国)或关于司法权力的条例,包括《法院条例》(例如毛里求斯)和《司法条例》(例 如马来西亚)。
There were cases where issues concerning the application of universal jurisdiction, usually along side other
bases of jurisdiction,
[...] were provided for, either expressly or impliedly, in their domestic penal codes (e.g., Austria, [...]
the Plurinational
State of Bolivia, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Estonia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Malaysia, Norway, Peru, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland), including the military penal codes (e.g., Switzerland), the Penal Law (e.g., Israel), criminal codes (e.g., Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, the Republic of Korea) or codes of criminal procedure (e.g., Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Cameroon, France, Germany, Iraq, Norway, Sweden, Tunisia), or the criminal law (e.g., China) or acts on powers of judiciary, such as courts acts (e.g., Mauritius) or Courts of Judicature Act (e.g., Malaysia).
在这方面,一些委员都认为普遍存在着不愿接受根据接受某一协议 暗示 放 弃,但还有一些委员则对特别报告员在报告中的声称表示怀疑,特别报告员声 [...]
称说,国家同意受国际协议的约束,规定对严重国际罪行的普遍管辖,或者将豁 免排除在外并不意味着同意对其官员行使外国刑事管辖,从而放弃豁免。
In this regard, while some members
agreed that there was a general reluctance
[...] to accept an implied waiver based [...]
on the acceptance of an agreement, some doubts
were expressed by others regarding the assertion by the Special Rapporteur in his report that State’s consent to be bound by an international agreement establishing universal jurisdiction for grave international crimes or precluding immunity did not imply consent to the exercise of foreign criminal jurisdiction in respect of its officials, and therefore waiver of immunity.




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