

单词 暗光鸟

See also:


dark adj
hidden adj
stupid adj


darkness n
assassination n

in the dark
close (a door)

External sources (not reviewed)

配備 CSS
[...] 過濾器,開發人員可製作進階的過濾器及像素效果,如模糊和漸變、不 光暗 、 調 節色調、轉化顏色或轉化色調元素至深褐色或灰階。
With CSS filters, developers can create advanced filter
and pixel effects such as blurs and
[...] gradients and vary brightness, adjust hues, [...]
invert colors, or convert elements to sepia or grayscale.
混凝土隔音屏障外有浮雕层,透明隔音屏障也涂有相同的浮雕漆-一只抽象的 鸟暗 示 着 A2高速公路是欧洲航线阿姆斯特丹至巴勒莫的一部分。
The concrete sound barriers are clad in a continuous relief, while the transparent barriers are
printed with this same pattern; an
[...] abstracted migrating bird which alludes to the identity [...]
of the A2 as a section of the European route Amsterdam – Palermo.
使用Visualizer可让您的模型自由旋转方向,也可以在不 光暗 环 境下显示效果对光线的反射情况,以及在不同的条件下的外观变化。
Using Visualizer to rotate your print model freely in any direction, and in different light and shade environments, means that you can see your design from any angle.
在过去与现在之间,迷人的光之鸟 ( Th e Charming Bird)腕表无疑是腕表制作的巅峰代表,它更表达出对品牌工艺传承不变的忠诚。
A bridge between past and present, The Charming Bird represents the [...]
apotheosis of the great watchmaker’s creativity and
the longstanding fidelity of the master craftsmen who have followed in his footsteps.
它建立 并运营容错数据中心,暗光纤交由 电信运营商处置,通过运行数据与通 [...]
LuxConnect builds and operates fault tolerant
[...] data centres, puts dark fibre at the disposal [...]
of telecom operators and provides international
connectivity to Luxembourg through a performing data and communication centre.
这两处设施通过 1,000 多种不同暗光纤链 接进行连接,使园区内的客户能轻松扩展其业务并直接交换业务信息。
The two facilities are connected by more than
[...] 1,000 diverse dark fiber links, enabling [...]
customers from across the campus to
easily grow their operations and directly exchange business information.
大理石、略带珠光的黑漆、编织橡木、黑石、原木地板,材质的 暗 、 光 泽 度 对比鲜明,完美衬托伯爵高级制表系列。
Marble, slightly pearled lacquer, plait oak, black stone, and natural wooden floor provide a contrasting atmosphere that highlights the high-jewelry collections of Piaget.
东风汽车有限公司乘用车公司是2003年东风汽车公司与日产株式会社合资成立的东风汽车有限公司旗下的轿车经营企业,其前身为广州风神汽车有限公司,目前经营NISSAN新 鸟 、 NI SS AN 阳 光 等 产 品。
DFL Passenger Vehicle Company is a subsidiary car dealer of the DFL, a joint venture between Dongfeng  and Nissan that was set up in 2003.
(四 ) 現時是否以時間或以周圍環境光暗 度 決 定開啟或關掉行 人路燈及街燈;如何避免行人路燈及街燈在光線充足的情況 下仍然亮着
(d) whether time or ambient lighting level is used to decide the switching on or off of footpath lighting and street lamps at present; how it can avoid having footpath lighting and street lamps switched on even when the lighting level is sufficient
你可以使用該筆刷來增強圖像的對比度,讓陰暗部分變得更 暗 , 光 亮 部分變得更光亮。
Use this brush to intensify contrast across
[...] an image, making dark areas darker and [...]
light areas lighter.
46萬像素3吋LCD顯示屏可作270度轉動,可以輕鬆從多角度取景及構圖,而Auto Power的LCD功能又可以根光暗情況 自動調節亮度。
Auto Power function on LCD enables auto brightness adjustments according to the surrounding.
白色光,明视场透射光与反光,暗 视 场 反射光
White light, bright field
[...] diascopic and episcopic, dark field episcopic.
迷人的光之鸟(Th e Charming Bird)腕表继续沿袭雀鸟主题,以诗情画意的当代风格、唯美表盘盛情致敬雅克德罗不朽的创意精神与工艺传承。
Both contemporary and
[...] poetic, The Charming Bird takes the theme [...]
of the songbird to form this ultimate tribute to the creativity
and historic expertise of the master craftsmen at Jaquet Droz.
2010 年,联合国收到来自民间社会团体、国家机关和安全部队以及美国驻伊拉克部队
[...] 的一致报告,伊拉克基地组织运营着一个 14 岁以下儿童的青年部,称为“天堂鸟”(也 称之为“天堂男童”或“天堂青年”),对军事、政府和平民目标发动 [...]
There have been consistent reports received in 2010 by the United Nations from civil society groups, national authorities and security forces, as well as the United States Forces in Iraq (USF-I), that Al-Qaida in Iraq
operates a youth wing for children under
[...] the age of 14 called “Birds of Paradise” (also referred [...]
to as “Paradise Boys” or “Youth
of Heaven”) to carry out suicide attacks against military, government and civilian targets.
开展了为青年提供工作机会的旅游活动,诸如 徒步旅行导游和当地特鸟观看活动,这些活动有可能被私营部门的旅游计划所接受。
Tourism activities to provide work for young people include development of hiking trails and local birdwatching groups, which are likely to be accepted in the tourism programme of the private sector.
[...] [...] Style干洗店和北京健康用品的地区购物街;正驶向路缘的沃尔斯利汽车,上方挂着电缆和布满乌云的天空;一座西班牙布道院风格的房屋,屋前垂悬着一株鸡蛋花树;一个商店主正检查一个堆满了塑料容器的柜台, 画面中他鼻子以下的部分全被裁掉;天空泛白 鸟 瞰 树 丛; 光 透 过 铁路天桥;花边似的影子落在画满涂鸦的行人道;空荡的铁路月台期盼着到达或离开。
There are nine photographs all up: two lacquered Chinese chairs in a leaf-littered front garden; the local shopping strip with its Nu Style dry cleaners and Peking Health Supplies; a sky swollen with clouds and power lines above an old Wolseley car that is hugging the curb; a Spanish mission-style house overhung with a frangipani tree; a shopkeeper cropped from the nose down surveying a
counter stacked with
[...] plastic containers; a bird’s-eye view over trees as the sky brightens; the sun breaking [...]
through a railway
overpass; the lacy shadows along a graffiti-strewn walkway; a railway platform empty but for the pregnant promise of arrival or departure.
研究人员、行业专家和政府机构确认,可再生能源技术最常见的环境影响 能包括:海流速度减缓,利用海浪能或潮汐能使海浪高度降低;建造活动以及海
[...] 磁场导致鱼类和哺乳动物死亡或行为发生变化;鱼类、哺乳动物 鸟 类 的行动、 摄食、产卵和迁移路线受干扰,使其可能受伤、被缠绕或可能受引诱或离开水面; [...]
Researchers, industry experts and government agencies recognize that the most common environmental impacts of renewable energy technologies may include reduction of the velocity of marine currents and decrease in the heights of waves resulting from extraction of wave or tidal energy; alteration of benthic habitats and sediment transport or deposition by the construction activities and the continuous presence of marine renewable energy devices; killings or change in the behaviour of fish and mammals from noise and electromagnetic fields; interference with the movement,
feeding, spawning and migration paths
[...] of fish, mammals and birds, which may get hurt [...]
or entangled or may be attracted or hauled
out; and release of toxic chemicals as a result of accidental spills and leaks or the accumulation of metals or organic compounds.
也与那些在这个充满灾难时代仍然经常与巴勒斯坦人合作的人们举行了重要会谈,参 加会谈的组织有:佩雷斯和平中心(特拉维夫);犹太人和阿拉伯人和平中心(Givat Haviva),该中心是 2001
年教科文组织和平教育奖的得主;哈大沙医学中心的儿科病房学 校(耶路撒冷),该学校为以色列的犹太人及阿拉伯人和巴勒斯坦的孩子提供医疗和住院期
[...] 间的学习;耶路撒冷以色列研究学院,该学院与也设在耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦和平和合作中心 (IPCC)建立了姊妹学校的关系鸟类 迁 移研究国际中心(莱特龙)。
As for those cooperating regularly with Palestinians in spite of the inauspicious times, key meetings were held with: the Peres Center for Peace (Tel Aviv); the Jewish-Arab Centre for Peace (Givat Haviva), winner of the 2001 UNESCO Prize for Peace Education; the School of Pediatric Wards at the Hadassah Medical Center (Jerusalem) which provides medical and inhospital schooling to Israeli Jews and Arabs, as well as to Palestinian children; the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, twinned with the Palestinian International Peace and
Cooperation Centre (IPCC), also based in Jerusalem; and the International Centre
[...] for the Study of Bird Migration (Latrun).
暗光束"这 就是几乎看不见在云内可以定期航空公司乘客有很多的伽玛射线,爆炸的科学家发现。
Dark beam" that is almost [...]
invisible within clouds can regularly airline passengers of explosion with a lot of gamma rays, scientists found.
此外,手術房設有感應式數碼控制系統,可於手術房內外的護士室進行監察,包括手術房 光暗 、 濕度、溫度、氣壓和電力供應等。
Touch activated controls are used to monitor the environmental conditions of the operating room – including lighting, humidity, temperature, air pressure and power – from within and outside at the nurse station.
手术前,老鼠被安置在一个12:12的 光/暗 周 期,可免费使用水和啮齿动物州城。
Prior to surgery, the rats are housed
[...] under a 12:12 light/dark cycle with free [...]
access to water and rodent chow.
在涉及普遍管辖权适用问题的一些情况中,对管辖权的规定一般还有其他明 示暗示的 依据,这些依据来自国内刑法(例如奥地利、多民族玻利维亚国、保 [...]
加利亚、喀麦隆、哥斯达黎加、爱沙尼亚、萨尔瓦多、埃塞俄比亚、伊拉克、以 色列、马来西亚、挪威、秘鲁、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、瑞士),包括军事刑法(例如
瑞士)、刑法(例如以色列)、刑法(例如亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、阿塞拜疆、白俄罗 斯、比利时、捷克共和国、塞浦路斯、丹麦、芬兰、德国、意大利、马耳他、荷 兰、葡萄牙、斯洛文尼亚、大韩民国)或刑事诉讼法(例如亚美尼亚、白俄罗斯、 比利时、喀麦隆、法国、德国、伊拉克、挪威、瑞典、突尼斯),或刑法(例如中 国)或关于司法权力的条例,包括《法院条例》(例如毛里求斯)和《司法条例》(例 如马来西亚)。
There were cases where issues concerning the application of universal jurisdiction, usually along side other bases
of jurisdiction, were provided for,
[...] either expressly or impliedly, in their domestic [...]
penal codes (e.g., Austria, the Plurinational
State of Bolivia, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Estonia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Malaysia, Norway, Peru, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland), including the military penal codes (e.g., Switzerland), the Penal Law (e.g., Israel), criminal codes (e.g., Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, the Republic of Korea) or codes of criminal procedure (e.g., Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Cameroon, France, Germany, Iraq, Norway, Sweden, Tunisia), or the criminal law (e.g., China) or acts on powers of judiciary, such as courts acts (e.g., Mauritius) or Courts of Judicature Act (e.g., Malaysia).
同时,妇女每天夜 晚要走过一长段暗的公 共场所返回家中,公共领域没有防范犯罪活动的保护。
Also, women
[...] walk through dark public spaces [...]
as they return home late in the day, with no protection against criminal activities in the public sphere.
历经数年的研发,突破技术屏障而取得高端技术成果,凝练成2013年新款报时鸟腕表,它将蜚声18世纪的自动玩偶机械与高级制表完美地融合,造就这迷人的 光 之 鸟。
In 2013, after years of research in order to succeed in an exploit requiring great technical and mechanical prowess, Jaquet Droz has now
combined the automata that first made
[...] its reputation in the 18th century with Haute Horlogerie to present The Charming Bird.
南 部金枪鱼养护委通过了一项内容广泛的建议,以减轻捕捞南部蓝鳍金枪鱼对生态
[...] 相关物种的影响,包括建议实施保护 鸟 和 鲨鱼的国际行动计划和《粮农组织关 [...]
于在捕鱼作业中减少海龟死亡率的准则》,收集和报告数据,并遵守印度洋金枪 鱼委和中西太平洋渔委具有约束力的和建议的保护措施。
CCSBT had adopted a wide-ranging recommendation to mitigate the impact of fishing for southern bluefin tuna on ecologically related species, including
recommendations to implement the international plans
[...] of action for seabirds and sharks and [...]
the FAO Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle
Mortality in Fishing Operations, collect and report data, and comply with the IOTC and WCPFC binding and recommended conservation measures.
在亮光情况下,人类的瞳孔收缩使得物体更多的细节被察觉到,同时景深和被察觉到的光亮度也相应地增加;而 暗光 情 况下,人类的瞳孔放大使得更多的光线进入眼睛。
In bright situation, the human pupil shrinks to visualize more object details and relatively increases depth of focus and visualized light brightness.
在这方面,一些委员都认为普遍存在着不愿接受根据接受某一协议 暗示 放 弃,但还有一些委员则对特别报告员在报告中的声称表示怀疑,特别报告员声 [...]
称说,国家同意受国际协议的约束,规定对严重国际罪行的普遍管辖,或者将豁 免排除在外并不意味着同意对其官员行使外国刑事管辖,从而放弃豁免。
In this regard, while some members
agreed that there was a general reluctance
[...] to accept an implied waiver based [...]
on the acceptance of an agreement, some doubts
were expressed by others regarding the assertion by the Special Rapporteur in his report that State’s consent to be bound by an international agreement establishing universal jurisdiction for grave international crimes or precluding immunity did not imply consent to the exercise of foreign criminal jurisdiction in respect of its officials, and therefore waiver of immunity.
[...] 項;員工在結束夜間輪值工作後,應營造有助睡眠的環境,盡快 在暗及安 靜的環境中睡眠,以及僱員應避免睡眠前飲用咖啡、 [...]
These include, for instance, measures to which employers should pay attention in
arranging work; the advice that employees
[...] should sleep in a dark and quiet environment [...]
as soon as possible after night shift
work to create a favourable environment for sleeping; and that employees should avoid drinking coffee, tea or alcoholic beverages before sleep.




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