

单词 暑天

See also:


day n
sky n
heaven n

External sources (not reviewed)

Summer Day
洪水、 干旱、暑和不规律天气模 式导致粮食产量下降,能源价格上涨,世界粮食供需 不稳定。
Floods, droughts,
[...] heat waves, and unusual weather patterns reduce food [...]
output, raise energy prices, and destabilize the
supply and demand of the world’s food.
一般而 言,夏季的故障事故會較多,因暑 熱 而 潮濕 天 氣會 造成一定的不良影響,令空調系統較容易損壞。
Generally speaking, there were more
[...] incidents of breakdown in the summer time, owing to the adverse [...]
effect of the heat and humidity,
which made the air-conditioners more prone to damage.
暑假我外 遊了5天,當 中我到訪了峨嵋山,發現峨嵋山上的猴子是“有頭有尾” 的,而並非像我去年所說那些“有頭無尾”的直布羅陀猴子。
I found that on Mount Emei, the monkeys have a head and a tail, unlike the Gibraltar monkeys that have a head but not a tail, as I spoke of last year.
陳婉嫻議員: 今年有多名工人在工作期間天氣酷 熱而 暑。
MISS CHAN YUEN-HAN (in Cantonese): This year, a number of workers suffered heat
[...] stroke while working in very hot weather.
雖然他說有法例......這次高爾夫球場有工人在酷熱 天氣 下中暑,而 他說工人的死因與此無關,我對於這點有很大的保留。
Although he said that there is legislation…… He said that the death of the worker who
died of heat stroke when working at a
[...] golf course in hot weather has nothing to do [...]
with this, and yet, I have strong reservation about it.
(a) 對於在教 育 統
[...] 籌 局 轄 下特殊 學 校寄宿的 高 額 傷 殘津貼受 助兒童, 當局不應即 時 將 其每月津貼 改 為 普 通 傷殘津貼,原因是該等兒童通 常 每 星 期 只留在 學 校 4天,而暑 假期間會 留 在 家 中達90 天。
(a) children HDA recipients boarding in special schools under the Education and Manpower Bureau should not have their monthly allowance automatically changed to Normal Disability Allowance (NDA), having regard to the fact that these children normally
stayed in these schools for
[...] only four days in a week and had to stay at home for a stretch of up to 90 days during the summer school break.
因此,天容易产生暑、烦 躁、焦虑、脱水、消化问题、皮炎、失眠、食欲不振和疲惫。
As a result, summer can lead to heat stroke, restlessness, [...]
anxiety, dehydration, digestion problems, dermatitis, insomnia,
loss of appetite, and exhaustion.
它们已被证实可 以用于最为艰困的摄影环境天气: 高湿度, 暑 , 雪地,沙尘与沙漠。
(2.4 kg). They’re proven in the toughest shooting
[...] environments and weather: in high humidity, burning sun, snow, dust, [...]
and sand.
經濟發展及勞工局局長:我們所說的死亡,例如是老人家在 天 是 因 為 天氣 過熱,暑致死,至於在天,老 人家則通常是因為寒冷或溫度過低致死, 這些正正便是要統計的事情,但所統計的並非年齡,而是死亡原因,即我剛 才說是因天氣熱中暑,或 因為寒冷而死亡等。
SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR (in Cantonese): The mortality under discussion is caused by, for instance, elderly dying of heatstroke in extremely hot weather in summer, or in winter, of the cold weather or hypothermia.
位于熊本县北端的菊鹿町,是一座自然景色秀丽、民风淳朴、历史悠久的城市,尤其是在 天 , 来 避 暑 的 人 特别多。
Kikuka-machi, located at the north end of Kumamoto Prefecture, has abundant
nature, a mild climate, and precious history remaining, and is thronged with
[...] people seeking cool air in the summertime.
除了須獲 得父母的書面同意和提供在學的證明文件外,這些兒童亦須遵守 各項嚴謹的工作安排限制,包括不可在上課時間工作、在學期內暑假期間的天工作 時數,以及不可受僱從事在《僱用兒童規 例》附表所列明的職業,包括在任何酒店、公寓、熟食店、咖啡 室、酒樓或任何類似場所的廚房工作等。
They are also prohibited from working in occupations specified in the Schedule to the Employment of Children Regulations, including work in the kitchen of any hotel, boarding house, cooked food shop, cafe, restaurant or any establishment of a similar kind.
創意香港將會配合「動漫基地」的開幕,於2013年天呈獻「動暑假」 ﹙暫名﹚,資助舉辦多項以動畫和漫畫為 主題的活動,並在灣仔區廣泛宣傳。
CreateHK will present
[...] the "Ani-Com Summer" (tentative title) in the summer of 2013 to tie [...]
in with the opening of the CHB,
fund a series of animation and comics-related activities, and launch a promotional campaign in the Wan Chai District.
其他倡议继续推进,例如社会科暑期学 校,重点关注发展公职人员、决策者、学生和教员的能力。
Other initiatives were carried forward, such as
[...] social science summer schools to focus [...]
on developing capacities among public officials,
decision-makers, students and trainers.
今年有多名工人在工作期間天氣酷 熱而 暑。
This year, a number of workers suffered heat
[...] stroke while working in very hot weather.
如何讓青少年過㆒個 充實暑假,政府自然責任重大。
It is naturally the Government's duty to provide the youngster
[...] with a meaningful summer vacation.
關於前者,職業病的涵蓋範圍必須與時並進,例如在酷天氣下中暑、經常戴着耳機工作的傳呼台僱員聽覺受損,以至長時間 [...]
要站立工作的僱員引發的靜脈曲張等,均應包括在職業病的補償的範圍 內。
As for the former, the coverage of occupational diseases must be made
to keep abreast of the times, such as
[...] heat stroke in hot weather, hearing impairment [...]
of paging company employees who often
need to use headphones at work, as well as employees suffering from varicosity due to long hours of standing at work, and so on.
今個天要消暑,可以到威尼斯人的「冰Fun 世界」走一轉,避開炎炎夏日之餘更趣味滿fun! 今年的冰雕展共分為十個展區,包括夢幻如仙境般的「童話森林」、趣味十足的「魔幻冰雕宮」和幾可亂真的「極地之旅」等,所有冰雕均造工精細、美輪美奐,包保一家大小樂而忘返!「冰Fun 世界」現已隆重開幕,展期至本年9月16日。
This year, magnificent ice artisans fill the 10 exhibition zones, including the beautiful ‘Fairy Tale Forest’, exciting ‘Magic Ice Maze’ and realistic ‘Journey to the North and South Poles’.
世界应异口同声地谴责在保加利亚的这种野蛮袭击——以 暑 假 的 家庭、家 长和儿童为袭击目标,并立即制止伊朗的恐怖运动。
The world should speak with one voice against this barbaric attack in
Bulgaria, targeting families, parents and
[...] children on their summer vacation — and bring [...]
an immediate halt to Iran’s campaign of terror.
公私伙伴 关系在联盟工作中发挥日益重要的作用,是制订有全球影响力的具体项目的基 础,例如与思科、卡洛斯特·古尔本金安基金会和若干其他伙伴发起的“对话咖
[...] 发现和推广在不同文化之间搭桥的最有创新性的基层举措;不同文明联 暑 期学 校;与威望迪公司共同设立的联合工作队,以确定不同文化间对话和文化多样性 [...]
20 家公司(雅虎、Intuit、英特尔和其他公司等)合作开展的。
They form the basis for the development of concrete projects with a global dimension, such as the “Dialogue Café” with Cisco, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and a number of other partners; the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation with the BMW Group to help identify and replicate the most innovative grass-roots initiatives for
cross-cultural bridge-building; the Alliance
[...] of Civilizations summer schools; a joint [...]
task force with Vivendi on measuring the
impact of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity; and the “Do one thing for diversity and inclusion” campaign made possible through a partnership with 20 of the largest firms in Silicon Valley (Yahoo, Intuit, Intel and others).
我 們會繼續加强對非華語學生的教育支援,包括與少數族裔團體及非政府機構 加強協作,以鼓勵非華語家長與孩子一起參與多元模式的中文活動,讓家長 與孩子可多接觸及運用中文;擴大為升讀小一至小四的非華語學生提供暑 期銜接課程的範疇,讓家長陪伴兒童學習中文;籌備資助計劃,以優化中文 科教師教授非華語學童學習中文的專業能力;為非華語學生制訂適切的中文 學習目標,配合追踪研究,進一步檢視支援非華語學生學習中文的措施的成 效,從而優化中國語文的學與教。
We will continue to step up education support to the NCS students which includes, among others, our collaboration with ethnic minority communities and NGOs to encourage the NCS parents’ participation in diversified Chinese activities together with their children to enhance their children’s exposure to and use of Chinese, summer bridging programmes specifically for the NCS students progressing to Primary 1 and Primary 4 to be expanded to allow the NCS parents to accompany their children to learn Chinese, an incentive grant scheme to be launched to enhance the professional competencies of Chinese Language teachers in teaching the NCS students with setting of appropriate targets for the NCS students’ acquisition of Chinese and a longitudinal study to be conducted to further evaluate the effectiveness of measures to support the NCS students’ learning of Chinese, with a view to improving the learning and teaching of the Chinese Language.
在基 础设施和机构建设或参加政策制定或评估的社会变革
管理计划网络方面的影响具体体现在以下方面:109 多个国家参与了社会变革管理项目,建立了各种机 构,例如:50 多个社会变革管理计划联络委员会、澳
[...] 大利亚亚太地区社会变革研究中心、各种关于社会变 革问题的大学教席和东欧的社会变革管理计 暑 期学 校。
The impact in terms of infrastructure and institution-building, or in terms of MOST networks participating in policyformulation or evaluation can be shown concretely by pointing to more than 109 countries participating in MOST projects, and by referring to the different institutions that have been established, such as the over 50 MOST Liaison Committees, the Centre for Asia Pacific Social Transformation Studies in
Australia, the various University Chairs on Social Transformations
[...] issues, and the MOST Summer School in Eastern Europe.
(c) 行动手段,要考虑到最传统的媒介,包括出版物和翻译成国语和当地 语言、培训周期暑期课程、青年运动等,以及新技术所带来的各种 [...]
(c) The means to employ, taking account of time-honoured vectors - including publications and translations
into national and local languages,
[...] training schemes and summer courses, youth movements [...]
and so forth - and of the opportunities
afforded by new technology, with distance learning, the development of computerized databases and e-learning.
暑期学 习班将把以下各方面的广泛活动结合在一起:与历史、政治、法律、 [...]
国际事务、科学、媒体扫盲和宗教有关的各种主题的课程;有关文明联盟倡议和 项目以及旨在促进文化间和宗教间对话与合作的其他举措的各类方案;项目管理 讲习班;建设能力研讨会;各种文化、烹饪和体育活动。
The summer school will combine [...]
a wide array of activities, ranging from courses on various subjects related to history,
politics, law, international affairs, science, media literacy and religion; programmes on the Alliance of Civilizations initiative and projects, and on other initiatives aimed at promoting intercultural and interreligious dialogue and cooperation; project management workshops; seminars on capacity-building; to a number of cultural, gastronomic and athletic activities.
这个项目着眼于那些科学、技术、工程和数学专业的学生;巴尔 的摩县马里兰大学
(UMBC) 的麦耶霍夫学者项目旨在帮助那些 有前途的本科学生取得成功,为他们能够进入研究生院的科学和
[...] 工程专业就读做好准备;院校合作委员会(涉及十大高校和芝加 哥大学)通过暑期研究机会项目 (SROP) 为学生和教职员工提 供很多研究机会。
For example, the University of California’s Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees (UC LEADS) program focuses on students in the STEM disciplines; the Meyerhoff Scholars Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) works to help promising undergraduates thrive and prepare themselves for graduate school in the fields of science and engineering; and the Committee for Institutional Cooperation (involving the Big Ten schools and the University of
Chicago), has provided opportunities for both students and
[...] faculty as part of the Summer Research Opportunity [...]
Program (SROP).
通过第一次非正式思考,得出了三位作家之间的五大共性主题:(i)教学在其作品中的 地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约 天 性 ; (iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区
的 11
[...] 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地 天 提 供 八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support
is proposed to be provided eight
[...] hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
該 條例第6(2)條訂明,某人如沒有在第3(1)條提述的限期內繳付該條 所指的通知書內指明的表列罪行的定額罰款,或拒絕接受該通知
書,指明的主管當局須向該人送達一份採用訂明格式的通知書, (a)要求他繳付有關表列罪行的定額罰款;(b)告知該人如他意欲就 該罪行的法律責任提出抗辯,則須以書面通知主管當局;以及(c)
[...] 述明該項繳款或通知,均須在自如此送達的通知書日期起計的 10 天內作出。
Section 6(2) of the Ordinance provides that where a person fails to pay the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence specified in the notice given under section 3(1) within the time specified or refuses to accept the notice, the specified Authority shall serve on the person a notice in the prescribed form (a) demanding payment of the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence; (b) informing the person that if he wishes to dispute liability for the offence he should notify the Authority in
writing; and (c) stating that the payment or notification shall be
[...] made within 10 days from the date of [...]
the notice so served.
此 外,现有一个 P-5 员额的职能经修改后将包天基信 息平台方案的协调工作,现 有一个 P-4 员额将调至主任办公室协助管理方案。
In addition, the functions of an existing P-5 post will be revised to include coordination of the UN-SPIDER programme, and an existing P-4 post will be redeployed to the Office of the Director to assist in the management of the programme.




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