

单词 暂停营业

See also:

暂停 n

suspension n
pause n

暂停 adv

withhold v


pause (media player)
time-out (e.g. in sports)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] application form for suspension or closure of [...]
2007 年 10 月,新闻学会和行动小组的其他成员致函秘书长缅甸问题特别顾问和 缅甸人权状况特别报告员,对于在最近的镇压中发生的记者遇害事件、缅甸媒体
[...] 成员遭到逮捕和持续羁押、仰光的一家私营报纸据说 暂停营业 以 及 政府切断互 联网网路等事件,表达他们的关切。
In October 2007, in a letter to the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Myanmar and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, IPI and other members of the Burma Action Group expressed their concern over the death of journalists in the recent crackdown, arrest and continued
detention of members of the Burmese media,
[...] the reported suspension of private newspapers in [...]
Yangon, and the Government’s cutting of access to the Internet.
如果发生外部灾难导致我们无法进入 Blackstone
[...] 办公室,一般需搬到在受影响地区之外的地区租赁的办公区恢复点或 Blackstone 其他办公室,或暂停营业一段时间。
In the event of an external disaster in which we cannot access Blackstone’s offices, the firm will either move operations to the contracted work
space recovery site or to another Blackstone office outside of the
[...] affected area or suspend operations for a [...]
period of time.
大部分银行都在星期六和星期日休息,但有一些会在星期六上午 暂营业。
Most banks are closed on Saturdays and Sundays, however some institutions are opening
[...] for short periods on Saturday [...]
不结 盟运动还呼吁以色列停止阻碍用于修缮和重建近东 救济工程处受损设施及用于修建加沙难 营暂停民 用基础设施的建筑材料和用品。
It also called on Israel to cease its obstruction of construction materials and supplies for the repair and reconstruction of damaged and
destroyed Agency facilities and for the
[...] implementation of suspended civilian infrastructure projects in refugee camps in Gaza.
根据业人士说,暂停采矿 的一家卢旺达采矿企业是Semico,该企业向非洲钨砂公司出售本应用在其特许区的 标记。
According to industry sources, one of the suspended Rwandan mining companies was Semico, which had sold tags to APT that were meant to be used on its concession.
关于实际工作时间的计算,除了使用上述消减系数之外,还应扣除所有的 缺勤时间,以下情况除外:由于常见疾病及 业 病 而 休的病假,工伤或非工伤意 外;怀孕、哺乳、收养等暂停劳动 合同的行为;以及其他根据劳动法规定有权 支薪的非工作行为。
As regards calculation of time actually worked, for purposes of application of those coefficients no
account is taken of
[...] absence from work other than absences on medical grounds in respect of ordinary or occupational disease, accident - work- or non-workrelated - suspension of the employment [...]
contract for maternity,
adoption, care or risk during pregnancy; and absences authorized as qualifying for payment under the relevant labour legislation.
员额资源方面产生未用余额的原因是:征聘延误导致维持和平行动部与管理 事务部的空缺率高于预算水平(维和部 业 及 以上职类的空缺率为 22%,一般事务 职类为 12.2%;管理部业及以 上职类的空缺率为 13.6%,一般事务职类为 10.2%);由于将对监督厅的调查职能进行审查并拟议对调查司进行改组,在大会 审议秘书长关于加强调查工作的报告(A/62/582 和 Add.1)之前,监督厅暂停征 聘驻地调查员。
The unspent balance in respect of post resources was attributable to recruitment delays and the resulting higher-than-budgeted vacancy rates in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (22 per cent for the Professional and above category and 12.2 per cent for the General Service category) and in the Department of Management (13.6 per cent for the Professional and above category and 10.2 per cent for the General Service category), as well as to the suspension of recruitment of resident investigators in OIOS owing to the review of the investigations function by the Office and the proposed restructuring of the Investigations Division, pending consideration by the General Assembly of the report of the Secretary-General on strengthening investigations (A/62/582 and Add.1).
我们赞成将债务人的营业所” (这一向是一个很难定义的概念,如《阿根 廷国际私法法》草案(第 2016-D-04 号)第 6 条所示)定义为债务人使用人工以 及货物或服务从事非暂性经 济活动的任何经营地,目的是指明有关程序是否 为非主要程序。
We welcome the definition of the “establishment” of a debtor (always a difficult concept to define, as shown, for example, by article 6 of the draft Code of Private International Law of Argentina, No. 2016-D-04) as any place of operations where the debtor carries out a non-transitory economic activity with human means and goods or services, the aim being to indicate whether the proceeding at issue is a non-main proceeding.
根据该附件第 12 条,核安全局可通知
[...] 热核实验堆组织它认为必须采取哪些纠正行动,紧急情况下,甚至可以命令热 核实验堆设暂停运营。
According to article 12 of that annex, the Authority may notify the Organization of any corrective actions it
deems necessary and may even, in the event of an emergency, order that the operation of the
[...] ITER facilities be suspended.
专家组在业会议 同卢旺达当局进行了协商,据他们说,除非洲钨砂公司和 Semico 外,卢旺达还有两家采矿公司也 暂停 采 矿,原因是他们参与为在吉塞尼省 收缴的 500 公斤锡矿非法加标记。
Apart from APT and Semico, two Rwandan mining companies had been suspended because of their involvement in illegal tagging of 500 kg of tin ore seized in Gisenyi, according [...]
to Rwandan authorities
with whom the Group consulted during industry conferences.
[...] 或像一个雇员根据雇用合同或在公共服务中奉派从爱沙尼亚前往国外;根据 雇用合同,服务合同,授权协议或义务法规定提供其他服务的合同,在爱沙 尼亚从事的工作;作为独业主人 爱沙尼亚开展的活动;如果本人的学暂 停或已 经结束,则指在教育机构的白天或全日制学习;履行应征服役义务。
The employment and activity equal to work means work performed in Estonia or as an employee sent from Estonia on assignment abroad on the basis of an employment contract or in public service; work performed in Estonia based on a contract of employment, contract for services, authorisation agreement or contract under the law of obligations for the provision of other services; activity
in Estonia as a sole
[...] proprietor; daytime or full-time study in an educational institution if the person’s studies are suspended or concluded; [...]
and performance of conscript service obligation.
几个代表团呼暂停停定新的准则性文件,以便使本组织通过政策、立法、研究和 业 活 动, 更有效地处理现有文件的实施问题。
Several delegations called for a pause in the formulation of new normative instruments in order for the Organization to address more effectively the implementation of existing instruments through policy, legislation, research and professional activities.
第四个采矿公司卢旺达暂停业务是 因为它未 在特许区内进行开采。
A fourth Rwandan
[...] mining company was suspended because it was [...]
not operating in its concession.
12 尽管来自援助捐赠机构的资金处停 滞 状 态,但 营 部 门是 农 业 研发 活动中的动态因素,但它们付出的努力与发展中国家的贫困农民几乎没什么直接关系。
Indeed the FAO and CGIAR have launched an endowment specifically to ensure that these genetic materials across the world can be properly maintained.12 While funding from the aid donor community is stagnating, the private sector is the dynamic element in agricultural R&D, but little of its effort is of direct relevance to poor farmers in developing countries.
安全状况和对挪用援助物资的担忧限制了在索马里南部和中部的人道主义 行动,使世界粮食计划署(粮食署) 暂停 作 业。
Security conditions and concerns about the diversion of aid restricted
humanitarian operations in southern and central Somalia, leading the World Food
[...] Programme (WFP) to temporarily suspend operations.
除此之外,这些权力包括以任何形式 获取任何文件并有权收到副本;要 求包括管理公司或托管银行在内的 任何人员提供信息,必要时召唤并质 问相关人员以获取信息;要求停止违 背UCITS指令的任何行为;要暂时 禁业活动及全面撤销对UCITS、 管理公司或托管银行的授权;为了单 元持有人或股东或公众利益暂停单 元/股份的发行、回购或赎回,并处以 罚款。
These powers include, inter alia, the access to any document in any form and the right to receive a copy; to require any person including management companies or depositaries, to provide information and if necessary to summon and question a person with view to obtaining information; to require the cessation of any practice that is contrary
to the UCITS regime; to request temporary
[...] prohibition of professional activity as well as full withdrawal of the authorisation granted to the UCITS, management company or a depositary; to impose the suspension of the issue, [...]
repurchase or redemption
of unit/shares in the interest of unit or shareholders or the public, to impose fines.
电台的设备等。这些行动的根据是第 016-2009 号政令以及国家电信委 员会所暂停运营的命 令,该命令包括由国家警察和武装部队切断系统和没收设 备。
This was based on decree 016-2009, and part of a CONATEL order to suspend operations, including the unplugging of systems and confiscation of equipment by the national police and armed forces, although the constitution prohibits the confiscation of media equipment and the interruption or closing down of media activities even during a state of emergency.17 During the period preceding the presidential election, interruptions by the authorities of TV Channel 36 broadcasts were also registered.
执行多页打印业时,可分别用 暂停 ” 和 “取消”按 暂停 打 印 或取消所有打印作业。
During multiple-page
[...] print jobs, the Pause and Cancel button can be used to temporarily cease printing and cancel [...]
the print job altogether, respectively.
大奥兰多航空管理局仅为航空管理局招聘人才,Orlando International Airport的其他机构,如航空公司、清洁公司、特许 营 机 构 、 停 车 场 等的招聘工作由各机构自行承担,您必须直接联系这些机构以咨询招聘信息(请查看 业 指 南 以获取更多详细信息)。
The Greater Orlando Aviation Authority only recruits for the Aviation Authority, employment opportunities with
the other
[...] organizations at Orlando International Airport, such as airlines, cleaners, concessions, parking, etc. are handled by each separate organization that must be contacted directly [...]
(see the Employment Guide for more details).
针对2008年09月修订后重新发布营业 税 暂 行 条 例,财政部与国家税务总局于2008年12月15日发布了修订版的 营业 税 暂 行 条例实施细则》。
The Ministry of Finance and the State
[...] Administration of Taxation issued the revised “Implementation Rules for Provisional Business Tax Regulations” on 15 December 2008 for the amended Business Tax Regulations [...]
which were issued in November 2008.
这次事件后,西撒特派团的安保防护措施限制了联合国人员的行动,难民署暂停派人到难营执行 任务,并推迟了原定 10 月 28 日至 11 月 4 日的探亲航 班。
Following the incident, MINURSO security mitigation measures restricted the movement
of United Nations
[...] personnel, and UNHCR suspended missions to the refugee camps and postponed [...]
family visit flights scheduled
between 28 October and 4 November.
一些其他机构,包括 联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会),正试 暂 时 填 补 营 养 支 助缺口。
Other agencies, including the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), are attempting to cover
[...] some of the nutrition support shortfall for the time being.
基金会提供资助发展重点体育项目;为暂时 因辞去工作暂停学业以便 在运动方面争取卓越成绩的残疾运动员提供生活津 贴,以及为退役残疾运动员提供就业促进资助金,协助他们发展事业。
Grants are disbursed for development of target sports, provision of subsistence
grant to athletes with
[...] disabilities who temporarily resign from work or suspend their study [...]
to pursue sporting excellence
and provision of employment facilitating grant for retired athletes to develop a career.
虽然该部队的原定目标 兵力为 500
[...] 名警察,但根据评估,应急部队在现发展阶段的当前兵力足以有效地 进行战术性干预和处理突发事件,计划在下届学员 业 之 后 暂停 增 加 兵力。
Although the original target strength of the Unit was 500 officers, it has been assessed that, at this stage in the Unit’s development, its present strength is sufficient to effectively respond to
tactical interventions and critical incidents and further
[...] increases will be suspended after the graduation of the next class.
它对阿富汗拒绝关暂停实施死刑的建议表示遗憾,指出法律专家和人权 组织长期以来一直对此类案件普遍不遵守国际适当程序和公正审理标准表示关注。
It expressed regret about the rejection
by Afghanistan of the recommendation
[...] that called for a moratorium on the use of [...]
the death penalty, noting that legal experts
and human rights organizations had long expressed concern that international due process and fair trial standards were generally not met in such cases.
其次,尽管近年来公共部门,至少是国际 业 研 究 咨询团 体,对公共研究的投资已趋停滞 ,但 私 营 部 门 的投资却有快速增长。
Secondly, while public investment in public research, at least through the CGIAR, has tended to stagnate in recent years, investment by the private sector has gone up rapidly.3 Market forces have increasingly guided the direction and purpose of additional research spending.
这包括把重点放在快速的经济 发展和创造业、营造有 利的投资环境以便吸引外国 直接投资、改革养恤金制度以及为养恤金领取人和其 [...]
That has included focusing on rapid economic
[...] development and job creation, creating a favourable [...]
investment climate to attract foreign
direct investment, reforming the pension system and expanding the social network for pensioners and other socially vulnerable groups.
一些代表团呼吁将东耶路撒冷重新融入巴勒斯坦被占领土的经济,消除对 贸易和流通的所有障碍,解决东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦人与犹太人以色列公民之间 的不平等问题,停止改变该城市地理和特性的占领政策 停 止 营 建 定 居点和隔离 障碍。
Some delegations called for reintegrating East Jerusalem into the economy of the OPT by removing all barriers to trade and movement, addressing the inequality between Palestinians of East Jerusalem and Jewish Israelis citizens, putting
an end to the
[...] occupation policies that change the geography and characteristic of the city, and stopping the construction of [...]
settlements and the Separation Barrier.
大会第 37/75 号决议规定信用社是粮农组织的一个组成部分,并规定:(a) 信 用社的资金和净资产应存入一个与粮农组织管理的所有其他资金和资产分开管理 的特别帐户;(b) 信用营业中出现的所有费用和信用社活动中出现的任何财务负 债应从信用社的资金和资产中收取;(c) 信用社规章中含有保护本组织地位的条款。
Conference Resolution 37/75 stipulated that the Credit Union is an integral part of FAO and provided that (a) the Credit Union funds and net assets be placed in a special account administered separately from all other funds and assets administered by FAO; (b) all costs incurred in the operation of the Credit Union and any financial liabilities arising out of the Credit Union activities are chargeable to the Credit Union funds and assets and (c) the statutes of the Credit Union contain provisions safeguarding the position of the Organization.




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