

单词 智育

See also:


knowledge n


intellectually adv

have children
raise or bring up

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,本校的教學課程強調健全 智育 和 美 育價值觀念,同時提供學生機會,學習自律和作出個 人決策。
The emphasis requires an instructional program that promotes sound intellectual and aesthetic values while providing opportunities for self-discipline and individual decision-making.
在教育过程中加强文化层面,以避免教育变成只 智育 的 教 育。
Strengthen the culture component of the education process so that education is not limited to instruction.
按照學校創始人的崇高理 想和傳統,學校為莘莘學子提供優質教育和全面發展在 育 , 智育 , 體 育 , 群育和 美學領域的潛力,並以校訓「謙、恭、謹、慎」裁培學生的正面人生態度,以及對 學校、家庭、社區和國家的歸屬感。
In accordance with the high ideals and traditions of founders of the school, it is committed to providing students with education of high quality and developing
their full potential
[...] in moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic domains so that students are prepared to stretch their abilities to the full; to cultivate a positive attitude [...]
towards their life;
to develop a sense of belonging to their school, family, community and nation and to contribute to their further well-being with the guidance of the school motto: “Be modest, be courteous, be diligent and be prudent”.
本校在教職員、家長和學生共同協助下,為學生營造一個安全的培育環境,促進他們 智育 和情 育成長,擴展他們的環球視野,使他們成為慎思明辨、獨立思考、思想開放、終生學習、充滿自 信、均衡發展、喜歡探究、善於表達自己的人,從而曉得自己所肩負的全球責任,和透過教育, 發揮一己所長。
Longfellow's teachers, staff, parents and students equally share the responsibility of creating a safe, nurturing environment that promotes academically successful, emotionally intelligent, globablly aware, life-long learners who think critically and express themselves artistically.
在医院服务时,她看见一些儿童因脑部发炎而造成严重 智 力 发 育 迟 缓
While she was in the hospital, she saw children with brain inflammation who eventually developed severe mental retardation.
传播尊重理念,拒绝歧视用语”活动由一群学生于 2009 年创立,这群学生中智力和发育障 碍 人士,也有健全人士。
The Spread the Word to End the Word campaign, created by students with and without IDD in 2009, continues to make great strides in the fight to eliminate use of the R-word.
印度尼西亚三分之一的儿童育迟缓 ,长期影 智 力 和 身体 育。
One third
[...] of Indonesian children are stunted, a condition that can permanently [...]
impede mental and physical development.
認定迫切需要去給予大眾的婦女們在道德 智 力 , 和職業 育 的 認識,以便她們能 為大眾的男性當道德的榜樣。
Recognition of the urgent necessity of giving moral,
[...] intellectual, and vocational education to the women of the masses [...]
so that they can become the
moral agents for the men of the masses.
以下专题小组成员发 了言:乌拉圭国家教育主任 Luis Garibaldi 介绍了信息和通信技术在教育领域 的应用、Ceibal
计划及相关公共政策和评价;美洲开发银行教育部高级专家 Eugenio Severín
[...] 讨论了教学过程是信通技术的移动目标;智利大学计算机科学 土木工程师智利教育部技 术和教育中心链接方案前主任 Didier [...]
De Saint Pierre 介绍了在实现 21 世纪优质教育方面的进展情况;拉加经委会社会发展司
社会事务干事 Daniela Trucco 以“利用信通技术促进拉丁美洲的教育:风险和 机遇”为题作了发言。
The panellists were: Luis Garibaldi, National Director of Education of Uruguay, who gave a presentation on the use of information and communications technology in education, the Ceibal plan and related public policies and evaluation; Eugenio Severín, Senior Specialist, Education Division of the Inter-American Development Bank, who discussed the teaching and learning process as a moving target towards ICTs; Didier De Saint
Pierre, Civil Engineer in Computer Science at
[...] the University of Chile and former Director [...]
of the Links Programme at the Technology
and Education Centre of the Ministry of Education of Chile, gave a presentation on progress towards a quality education for the 21st century; and Daniela Trucco, Social Affairs Officer, Social Development Division, ECLAC, who gave a presentation on “ICTs for education in Latin America: risks and opportunities”.
2008 年西班牙国际发展合作署批准执行
[...] 名为“深化古巴圣地亚哥全纳教育模式”的项目,该项目投资为 100 000 欧元,其 目的是为了使更多有特殊教育需要的中小学生(身体、视力和听力受限以 智力 发育迟缓 的学生)能够接受学校教育,有 310 名儿童和青少年可以从中受益。
The specific purpose of the project for strengthening the Cuban school inclusion model in Santiago de Cuba, to which the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) allocated €100,000 in 2008, was to improve the educational inclusion of primary and basic
secondary school students
[...] with special educational needs (physical, visual or hearing limitations or mental retardation) to the direct [...]
benefit of 310 children
and adolescents with the aforementioned disabilities.
挚友国际® 是一个非盈利性 501(c)(3) 组织,它致力于建立全球性的志愿者运动, 智 力 和 发 育 障 碍人士提供一对一友情援助、一体化就业与领导能力拓展等服务。
Best Buddies® is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
促请会员国以及私人部门、有关非政府组织和专业协会制定和酌情改进预 防犯罪和刑事司法对策,打击特别是通过新信息技术包括互联网制作、拥有和 传播描述或宣扬对妇女和儿童的暴力行为的游戏、图像和其他各种材料的现 象,并减轻这些游戏、图像和材料在公众对妇女和儿童的态度以及儿 智 力和 情感育方面造成的影响。
Member States and the private sector, relevant non-governmental organizations and professional associations are urged to develop and improve, where appropriate, crime prevention and criminal justice responses to the production, possession and dissemination of games, images and all other materials that depict or glorify acts of violence against women and children, and their impact on the general public’s attitude towards women and children, as well as the mental and emotional development of children, particularly through new information technologies, including the Internet.
BSA藉由它在全球大約90個市場的政府關係智 慧財產執法與育活動,來保智慧 財 產並鼓 勵創新;努力開放市場並確保公平競爭;建立 消費者、企業與政府對於資訊科技的信賴與信 心。
Through government relations,
[...] intellectual property enforcement and educational activities in approximately 90 markets [...]
around the world,
BSA protects intellectual property and fosters innovation; works to open markets and ensure fair competition; and builds trust and confidence in information technology for consumers, businesses and governments alike.
BSA在世界各地與政策制定者合作、帶領執法行 動、執行公共育計劃,讓尊智慧 財 產權的 觀念普及到全球經濟與社會。
By working with policymakers, leading enforcement actions and conducting
publiceducation initiatives around the world, BSA ensures
[...] that respect for IPR pervades the global economy and [...]
在加强合作以强化治安能力的同时,我们也致力 于通过两个幼儿中心来改善该国的初等 育 。 智 利的 志愿人员和海地教育工作者努力在这两个中心提供 最好的教育条件和平等受教育的机会,帮助幼儿发展 [...]
技能和能力,培养其良好心态,从而为海地家庭提供 帮助。
Along with strengthening cooperation in building policing capacity, we are
also committed to
[...] improving primary education, through two early childhood centres where Chilean volunteers and [...]
Haitian educators work
to provide the best educational conditions, with equal access, to develop skills, abilities and attitudes, to support Haitian families.
k. 与企业、媒体和非盈利组织结成合作伙伴,设立奖学金、加强连通性, 提供其他形式的支持,育儿童的才 智。
k. Partner with businesses, media and non-profit organizations to establish scholarships, connectivity and other forms of support for children to develop their talents.
它很受鼓舞的是智利愿 意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童,例如难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受 育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from marginalized communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas or below [...]
the poverty line.
认识到从根本上拓展这个新概念及成员的需要,他和他的同事,结合 起他们的的育、经验和智,创 立了Ormita国际。
Recognizing the need to developed this new concept and membership from
the ground up, he with his
[...] colleagues, their combined educations, experience and resources; [...]
thus began Ormita International.
[...] 包括任命了一名儿童相关问题检察官,但还需要做出进一步努力,解决与保护儿 童和其他脆弱群体有关的问题,例如通过少年司法立法;为妇女和青少年设立单 独的监狱和拘留设施;为少年提供 育 服 务; 为 智 障 人 员提供服务。
Although some progress was made towards strengthening child protection mechanisms, including the appointment of a prosecutor for child-related issues, further efforts are needed to address issues relating to the protection of children and other vulnerable groups, such as the adoption of juvenile justice legislation and the establishment of separate prison and
detention facilities for women
[...] and juveniles, educational services for juveniles and services for the mentally challenged.
30.8 在「共同課程架構」的原則下,殘疾學生得到平等
[...] 的機會透過廣泛而均衡的課程及獲取五種重要的學習經 驗,包括品德和公民育、智力發 展、社區服務、體能及 藝術發展,以及高中課程三大原素中的其中一項—其他學 [...]
30.8 Under the principle of “One Curriculum Framework for All”, students with disabilities are provided with equal
opportunities to have all-round
[...] development in ethics, intellect, physique, social [...]
skills and aesthetics through a broad
and balanced curriculum and gain the five essential learning experiences, including moral and civic education, intellectual development, community service, physical and aesthetics development, and career-related experiences under Other Learning Experience which is one of the three essential components of senior secondary education.
各種共同研發項目的刊物,如「透過科學 育 培 養 明 智 判 斷」、「以評估促 進科學學習」、「在科學課堂中發展學生的科學思維和過程技能」,以 [...]
及「協 作發展評估活動及其評估準則,以促進高中科學課程的學與教」均能為教 師提供豐富的資料來源。
Publications from various collaborative research and
development projects such as Informed
[...] Decisions in Science Education, Assessment for [...]
Learning in Science, Infusing Process and
Thinking Skills and Collaborative Development of Assessment Tasks and Assessment Criteria to Enhance Learning and Teaching in Science Curriculum are also good sources of information for teachers.
阿尔及利亚智利和刚果 民主共和国均接受分析小组的邀请,参加了这些讨论。
Algeria, Chile and the Democratic [...]
Republic of the Congo each accepted the analysing group’s invitation to take part in such discussions.
(j) 在教科文组织不同文明间对话亲善大使 Ara A. Abramian 先生的支持下,与俄罗斯一 家育智力游 戏公司“尤里卡”一起,正在制作一些与教科文组织有关的宣传材 料,如“世界遗产智力游戏”和“教科文组织史游戏”。
(j) Supported by the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Dialogue among Civilizations, Mr Ara A. Abramian, promotional materials relative to UNESCO, such as the “World Heritage Quiz Game” and the “History of UNESCO Game” are being produced with an educational quiz game company in Russia, Eureka.
[...] 够得到更多更好的工作和学习进修机会;在这一点上一个突出的问题就是,在秘 鲁当前推行的《包容性育十年 》框架内 智 障 人 口将面临何种情况以及其毕业 后将要面临怎样的处境。
The question that the State should then ask is whether, once these pupils finish school, this greater educational coverage will translate into better and more numerous employment and learning opportunities. A particularly pertinent
issue, within the framework of
[...] the Decade of Inclusive Education in Peru, is the situation [...]
faced by persons with learning
difficulties after leaving school.
在“共同课程架构”的原则下,残疾学生得到平等的机会透过广泛而均衡 的课程及获取五种重要的学习经验,包括品德和公民 育 、 智 力 发 展、社区服 务、体能及艺术发展,以及高中课程三大原素中的其中一项-其他学习经验中有 关职业的经验,以全面发展包括德行、智力、体能、社交技巧和艺术等多个范 畴。
30.8 Under the principle of “One Curriculum Framework for All,” students with disabilities are provided with equal opportunities to
have all-round
[...] development in ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics through a broad and balanced curriculum [...]
and gain the five essential
learning experiences, including moral and civic education, intellectual development, community service, physical and aesthetics development, and career-related experiences under Other Learning Experience which is one of the three essential components of senior secondary education.
天主教教育的主要使命是:以基督为整个教育事业的根基,致力介绍福音启示的基督博爱精神和中华文化的瑰丽精髓,藉以指导生活取向和协助青少年及学生 育智 慧 、 修身养性、追求真理、印证价值,并发展成为崇尚人文价值、身心与灵性健康、富同情心、能履行公民责任、能独立思考、明辨是非、有道德勇气及自力创新的人。
The major mission of Catholic education is as follows: with Christ as the foundation of the whole educational enterprise, to endeavour to present the Christian concept of life according to the Gospel and the invaluable core of Chinese culture, so as to
generate human attitudes and help youth
[...] and students to cultivate wisdom and virtues, pursue [...]
the truth, verify merits and develop
into persons who cherish human values and who are sound in body and mind, persons of compassion, and persons with civic responsibility, a discerning mind, moral courage and creativity.
[...] 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得育、 公 共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 [...]
和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin;
the existence of a circle of poverty,
[...] unequal access to education, public services, [...]
employment, as well as discrimination
in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
[...] 域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据仓储和商智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中央事务、外勤业务和后勤、薪金、预算 [...]
编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系统集成商提 供的项目管理服务。
The provision would provide for specialized expertise not available in the Organization, outside the scope of the systems integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, report
design and implementation, data
[...] warehousing and business intelligence, and in functional [...]
areas, including travel, central services,
field operations and logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning, as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main contractor/systems integrator.




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