单词 | 智慧型 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 智慧型 adjective —intelligent adjSee also:智慧 n—smart n • wisdom n • intelligence n • knowledge n • ingenuity n • wit n • intellect n 智慧 adj—wisdom adj • intellectual adj • wise adj 智 adj—wisdom adj 慧—intelligent
服務架構演進過程包含二個主要階段:(1)從分散式 SSP-IP 服務架構演 進至集中式 SRP [...] 服務架構,(2)從集中式 SRP 服務架構演進至次世代智慧型服務架 構。 chttl.com.tw | In the process of service evolution, two major steps are involved: (1) from distributed [...] SSP-IP service architecture to centralized SRP service architecture, (2) from [...] traditional IN (with SRP) to NGIN (with MS). chttl.com.tw |
550 專業版智慧型網路 掃瞄站將在正常作業模式下重新啟動,也就是,準備好使用 任何定義的作業設定進行掃瞄。 graphics.kodak.com | The Scan Station 550 will reboot in normal operation mode, i.e. ready for scanning using any defined job setups. graphics.kodak.com |
例如,如果您使用智慧 型手機拍攝了一張照片並將其上載至 Facebook,Seagate [...] Dashboard 可以將該照片從 Facebook 自動下載至您家中的電腦。 seagate.com | For example, when you take a [...] picture with your smartphone and upload it [...]to Facebook, Seagate Dashboard can automatically [...]download the picture from Facebook to your computer at home. seagate.com |
Pulsar.2 [...] 硬碟機具有 針對企業環境所設計的智慧型功能 ,可自動 偵測並修正一般硬碟機作業期間所發生的大 [...] 量錯誤,提供最高階的企業級資料完整性。 seagate.com | The Pulsar.2 drive has been designed for the enterprise [...] environment with the intelligence to automatically [...]detect and correct a multitude of data [...]errors that can occur during normal drive operation to deliver the highest levels of enterprise-class data integrity. seagate.com |
我們還為行動使用者提供智慧型漫遊 代理程 式,以延伸您的防護、政策和報告,同時提供您的使用者順暢的體驗。 symanteccloud.com | We also provide an intelligent roaming agent [...] for mobile users to extend your protection, policies and reporting while providing [...]a seamless experience for your users. symanteccloud.com |
智慧型手機 的風行帶動數據營收的成長,成為電信服務營收的新藍海,電信業 也進入新的成長周期。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | The popularity of smartphones contributed to an increase [...] in wireless data revenue, offering new opportunities in an already [...]saturated telecommunications market. english.taiwanmobile.com |
附註: 對於 550 專業版智慧型網路 掃瞄站管理,按一下條碼 /OCR 螢幕上的 「掃 瞄」按鈕,將會提示管理員選取要匯入供 OCR/ 條碼選擇的影像檔案。 graphics.kodak.com | NOTE: For the Scan Station Pro 550 Administration, clicking the Scan button on the Barcode/OCR screen will result in prompting the administrator to select the image file to import for OCR/Barcode selection. graphics.kodak.com |
根據市場研究機構VDC的報告指出,序列控制端伺服器可為各種具有序列控制端連接埠的網路設備提供安全簡便 的 智慧型 存 取 機制。 aten.com.tw | According to Venture Development Corporation (VDC), a technology market research and strategy firm, [...] "serial console servers provide intelligent, secure and easy access [...] to any network equipment with a serial [...]console port. pl.aten.eu |
北京道一号的外型设计以高科技及 智慧型 而 闻 名,从维港远望犹如一艘航行中的帆船大厦,极为独特。 servcorp.com.cn | One Peking sets a benchmark in architecture and style, renowned for its unique sail-like design. servcorp.bh |
BV 200 可讓您展示各種裝置中的影片和相片,包 括 智慧型 手 機 、筆記型電腦、攝影機、數位相機、PSP、記憶卡等;BV [...] 200 內建 1GB 記憶體,可快速儲存和播放檔案,並配備充電電池,在環保 (ECO) 模式下可持續使用兩小時以上。 geniusnetusa.com | BV 200 allows you to show movies and [...] photos from your smartphone, notebook, camcorder, [...]DSC, PSP, memory card, etc. BV 200 [...]has 1GB internal memory built-in for quick storage and playback and a rechargeable battery that you can use for more than two hours in ECO mode. geniusnetusa.com |
智慧型風扇 控制電路設計不但可將散熱最佳化,亦可藉由降低不必要的扇葉旋轉來將您的系統保持在最安靜的 [...] 操作模式下 intra.taiwanexcellence.org | Smart Fan control circuitry [...] design not only optimizes heat dissipation, but also keeps the most silent operation for your [...]system by reducing unnecessary fan rotation. intra.taiwanexcellence.org |
在把地圖縮放至任何地點後,你可以建立一 個 智慧型 相 簿 ,以自動顯示任何只在該檢視狀態中的照片。 mammals.org | After zooming the map to any [...] location, create a Smart Album that will [...]automatically display only photos located in that view. mammals.org |
在 Aperture 3 中,你可以將智慧型相簿 搜尋的範圍設定為相簿所在的位置中 (例如一個計劃案),或即時將搜尋範圍擴闊到整個圖庫。 mammals.org | In Aperture 3, you can [...] set the scope of a Smart Album search to the [...]container the albums are in — for example, a project [...]— or instantly widen the scope of the search to include the entire library. mammals.org |
外接的 BeoSystem 3 模組則藉由智慧型科技 ,不僅能讓電視螢幕呈現完美影像,更可整合家中所有高解析度娛樂設備訊源與提供數位環繞音效。 bang-olufsen.com | The external BeoSystem 3 module provides the intelligent technology behind the perfect picture and integrates all your high definition entertainment sources with complete digital sound. bang-olufsen.com |
對於分流器、智慧型輸送 帶、封裝機器等位置控制應用系統,PowerFlex525交流 [...] 變頻器可用最具經濟效益與靈活彈性的套裝組合提供點對點定位功能,滿足您的 所需。 literature.rock...lautomation.com | And for position control applications [...] such as diverters, smart conveyors and packaging [...]machines, the PowerFlex 525 AC drive [...]provides point to point positioning in a cost effective and flexible package to meet your needs. emea.rockwellautomation.com |
藉由將在銷售Office中從事營業活動的團隊,以及具備豐富技術知識的技術行銷團隊,結合成為能團結一致推動營業活動的組織而進行營運的方式,提升對日益進化與高科技化之顧客系統的技術因應能力與提案能力,同時在既有的電腦用泛用型DRAM之外,強化 以 智慧型 手 機 、平板電腦、超輕薄筆電等新型態產品,以及數位消費性產品、高速繪圖產品、伺服器用大容量產品等產品為目標之非汎用型DRAM的營業活動。 elpida.com | In addition to existing commodity DRAMs, the new Office will strengthen sales and marketing of products used in smartphone, tablet devices, ultra-thin notebook PCs and other new product areas. elpida.com |
4、假使虛擬光碟的*.vcd 檔案是由智慧型運算法來壓制的,那麼還可以轉換成為 ISO 檔 案嗎? farstone.com.tw | Q4: Can I convert a VCD file, which is built by intelligent extraction, into a ISO file? farstone.com |
該公司代表Ria John希望「建立智慧型公廁網絡後,會產生公共衛生典範轉移效果」。 thisbigcity.net | Ria John of Eram Scientific hopes that “a well-connected network of intelligent toilets will bring a paradigm shift in public sanitation”. thisbigcity.net |
今日若要在城市裡步行,智慧型手機 幾乎與一雙好鞋同等重要,手機可提供行人衛星導航、最佳去處評論,甚至能計算步行的卡路里燃燒量,近期研究顯示,手機能鼓勵城市居民增加步行意願與距離。 thisbigcity.net | Our phones provide us with pedestrian sat-nav, reviews of the best places to visit and even measure how many calories we’re burning, while we walk. thisbigcity.net |
另 一方面, 我 希 望 政 府 留 心的是一些 智慧型 的犯罪手法,或 一 些 詐騙 案。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, I hope the Government can watch out for some intelligent criminal techniques or some fraud cases. legco.gov.hk |
SP-900BT [...] 建鋰電池,可搭配任何支援藍牙的裝置使用,所以您可以將 SP-900BT 與支援藍牙的智慧型手機搭配使用,以無線方式在您行動時播放音樂。 geniusnetusa.com | The SP-900BT features a built-in lithium battery and works with any [...] Bluetooth-enabled device, so you can use your [...] Bluetooth-enabled smart phone with the SP-900BT [...]to wirelessly play music wherever you go. geniusnetusa.com |
而近期新發展的綠色能源產品線提供了完善的節能解決方案,包 括 智慧型 電 源 分配器與節能感測軟體等產品,針對數據中心提供近端與遠端即時的能源管理與效能指標。 aten.com.tw | The recently developed Green Energy line offers energy-saving solutions for the data center with a range of intelligent PDUs that provide real-time energy management and performance indicators locally and remotely. eng.aten.eu |
我們的智慧型手機相機運用與一流 Sony 相機相同的專業技術與元件,隨時隨地給您超級清晰的照片和影片。 sonymobile.com | Our smartphone cameras are built [...] with the same expertise and components as leading Sony cameras, to bring you ultra-sharp [...]photos and videos, wherever and whenever. sonymobile.com |
Spotify 是智慧型手機 、平板電腦或電腦的終極音樂播放機,讓您能夠管理與播放音樂,有了這套飛利浦設備,您可以將音樂串流到家裡的每一個房間,還可透過社群網路進行分享,無論您身在何處,您的音樂永遠緊緊跟隨。 philips.com.tw | Spotify is the ultimate music player for your smartphone, tablet or computer, [...] allowing you to organize and play music, stream [...]it to any room in your house with this Philips unit, and share it over social networks. philips.ca |
他們參訪了消化道與癌症手術的新HD訓練系統,國際''IRCAD''網絡之設計(史特拉斯堡、台灣、布宜諾斯艾利斯與杜拜),還有新 的 ' ' 智慧型 O R 1 ''手術室,虛擬實境部門展示病患解剖的自動3D重建,以及參訪WeBSurg,致力於腹腔鏡手術的網路大學。 websurg.com | They were shown the new HD system for training in digestive and cancer surgery, the set-up of the international ''IRCAD'' network (Strasbourg, Taiwan, Buenos Aires and Dubai), and of course the new ''intelligent OR1'' operating room, the department of Virtual Reality dedicated to automatic 3D reconstructions of patient anatomy, and a tour of WeBSurg, the Internet's very own university dedicated to laparoscopic surgery. websurg.com |
智慧型的 M OTS 功能可「聽見」您播放的歌曲,分析曲目的聲音、旋律與節奏等多項層面,找出曲風類似的音樂,自動提供一份播放列表,帶您聆賞也許早已被您遺忘的一些曲目,重拾您的音樂檔案收藏。 bang-olufsen.com | If you like, the intelligent MOTS feature actually ‘listens’ to the song you are playing – analyses the sound, dynamics, and rhythmic aspects. bang-olufsen.com |
研究發展/專業組概念設計”的 作品無需符合上述要求;實驗性與概念性設 計,未上市或不在2014年之前上市之產品原 型,調查與研究專案以及材質/智慧型 材 質均 可參賽。 ifdesign.de | An exception to this rule applies to the category “16. research+development / professional” concepts where experimental and conceptual designs, prototypes that are not yet on the market and [...] their market launch is not before 2014, [...] studies and research projects as well as material / smart material can be [...]submitted. ifdesign.de |
廣積科技(IBASE):攤位號碼二二三七,以工業電腦OEM/ODM、單板電腦主機板、工業電腦主機板、嵌入式電腦主機板及系統、網路通訊系統以及安全監控系統 與 智慧型 影 像 監控軟體作為主要展示重心,今年攤位上聚集不少買家。 taiwanslot.com.tw | IBASE: At Booth No. 2237, IBASE strongly promoted its industrial computer OEM/ODM services, single board computer motherboards, industrial PC motherboards, embedded PC motherboards and systems, network communication systems, security surveillance systems and intelligent video surveillance software, and attracted a good number of buyers this year. taiwanslot.com.tw |